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Everything posted by Arcphoenix

  1. Thread update: I added a new piece for the result of the Sigurd vs Arvis Voting Gauntlet battle. My friend calls it "Charvis"
  2. I'd like to hear one between Peri and Henry if anyone wants to write one
  3. Never watched whatever he's from, but the first pun that comes to mind with the new legendary Hero is "Hannibal L'Hector," or just Hannibal'Hector
  4. Go with the guy who literally has "Win" in his name. From my experience, he completely outshone Wallace in every way
  5. That's because in FE4 they do physical damage at range 1 and magical damage at range 2, something I'd like to see on Eyvel if she gets into Heroes with her fire sword As for real life, I dunno. There are two swords in FE I can think of that are actually thrown though: Kodachi from Fates and Awakening Ragnell.
  6. If it's a tie-in with Warriors, I'd definitely love it. Anna and Celica's support in that game has to be one of my favorites if not my one favorite.
  7. One of the Blazing three. Heck, maybe even Hector just so axes could get a use beyond just being sold off. I like their voice actors in Heroes and like the characters themselves a lot.
  8. Does anyone have gamble? Edit: For Corrin
  9. What’s your castle address? Edit: Nevermind. I just remembered that Castle Catalog was a thing and got it from there
  10. Off the Shoredelia idea, I think Shorrin is a nice nickname for Summer Corrin. Also, maybe Dihardt for Magic Reinhardt (Dire Thunder + Reinhardt, the phrase “Die hard”)
  11. I sometimes call Legendary Ryoma “Kinshyoma”
  12. Reinhardt definitely deserves a badge as well being the meme he is, lol. I was surprised not seeing him as an option when I first joined
  13. Sword Reinhardt: Swordhardt Online (Sword Art Online), Thracia Reinhardt (the banner he was released on) Swords Are Everything (SAE Reinhardt), Linkhardt (A friend’s idea because, you know, Master Sword), Redhardt, The Other Reinhardt Magic Reinhardt: Sibling Reinhardt or Sibling Bonds Reinhardt (The banner he was released on), Magic is Everything (MiE Reinhardt), Magehardt, The Reinhardt (Memes) Legendary Lyn: Blade Lord Lyn, Bladelyn (Promoted Bow-Weilding class from her source game) Christmas Lissa: Lissmas
  14. Fortnite's free on the Switch. Other than that, BoTW. I wanted to try a Zelda game and I have no regrets. I actually spent most of my time on my Switch with that one game.
  15. I have stories to tell. Especially given that I’ve played Sonic 06. Recently I used Stasis on a decayed guardian in BoTW from a distance in somewhere snowy, approached it, and it fell through the ground. In Sonic 06 in Crisis city, I was able to stand on the side of a rock- not to mention being able to stand anywhere in a loop. I once had a graphical glitch in Minecraft where only a few pieces of the horses’ models in a stable were showing (it was weird as heck) and another time in Heroes where I somehow changed to and out of a menu so fast the menu buttons remained in the castle behind the castle units’ sprites. Also in Sonic Adventure, in Knuckles’ route, I somehow triggered some glitch where, when I went to Angel Island, another Knuckles and Eggman were lying on the ground with glitched out models. I’ve also stood still near an enemy with a laser in a game, and it constantly missed me. I also once saw an NPC walking into a wall in Sonic 06. All in all, I’ve seen some weird stuff.
  16. I chose Nils. His animation and tune when playing are something precious
  17. Please tell me I’m not the only person who first read Innes’s epithet as “Flawless Fjorm”
  18. When Chrom joins the battle, Alfonzo is in charge of the Robin's final Smash. Alfonzo: "Leave it to me!" In all seriousness, I'm expecting it to be Chrom -> Another Awakening character if Chrom is already in the fight. I'm specifically imagining someone from the early game might get picked. Who knows, it may even be Virion AxeLissa
  19. Assuming IS sticks to the model of the first year of Heroes for seasonals, this banner probably has Blazing characters. The guy on the right reminds me of Pent or Eliwood. The problem with each of these is that Pent's hair is longer and Eliwood's hair isn't that messy, even if it's damaged art, which the torn cloth leads me to believe EDIT: Just saw some of the comments around page 2-5. Another mixed banner. Wasn't expecting another so soon
  20. Falcondorf exists, so I'd say there's a definite possibility. If Alm becomes a Roy clone, where would his sword's sweetspot be? Marth's is at the tip, Roy's is at the base, and Lucina's goes along the whole blade. Dead center I'm thinking?
  21. It may have not been, but I recall a skill with a similar effect in Fates or Awakening Edit: I read the wiki. Not sure what went wrong with my memory. The closest skills are All Stats +2, Defender, and Bloodthirst - none of which cause damage to the user.
  22. Dancing Blade is Amiibo Marth's and the lodestar class's skill in Fates, right?
  23. IMO if Fury returns it should be more like Heroes'. Fates' measley +1 to each stat at the cost of health really wasn't worth it, even if the mainline games have more stats to distribute bonuses across
  24. I haven't played that much FE so far, but I'm going to have to go with Elbert from Blazing Blade
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