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Everything posted by Arcphoenix

  1. I'm expecting a new setting rather than a continuation of any past game or a prequel. The Lord character will have blue hair... Probably. If an avatar is added, there will be more customization options. Hopefully. Eye color would be nice, and skin color choice is a bit overdue. Assuming all goes well, the story is going to be very interesting and deviate from the norm. Regardless, I'm imagining the story and adventure will be grand or it will be dramatic and interesting. There will probably be new game mechanics and perhaps gimmicks, some exclusive to the title. There will probably be some new options or the like to make playing the game a bit easier as well as GUI and menu rearrangements. We might have some changes to the weapon triangle. I'm hoping that Nosferatu Dark Magic will be handled much better in FE Switch than it was in Fates.
  2. Does all the integration and authentication stuff work with the Discord mobile app or Web Browser version?
  3. I have to admit. You got me XD Forgot this was even a thing
  4. Laddles, logs, pans, and the like as obtainable weapons. Sometimes in war, you get to a point where you have to work with what you have as weapons. (Just no more Speed Thunder or Xander's Primer as weapons. Those were terrible)
  5. Avatars. Just done properly and as an occasional thing. Not as a thing that has to be in every game. Bows, Magic, and Pegasus Knights as they were treated in Echoes. My Castle and other online vs modes. Dungeons like in SoV. World Building. I feel Echoes and Awakening did it much better than Fates. Item stealing like thieves can do in Blazing Blade. Full Voice Acting. Dialogue from the non-lords (like in SoV)
  6. L? I don't really know. He'd probably kick or something for attacks, have a super complicated gimmicky map, and have a lot of people guarding him I guess. He'd also have that illusion mechanic the KItsunes from Fates have and have an outstanding weakness to damage from Tomes. I really don't know XD. He'd also have a lot of candy in his inventory to restore health. Would he be evil? No idea. Would I play the game? Again no idea because I can't even wrap my head around L being the final boss of a Fire Emblem Game XD
  7. Librarian: Uses Daggers and Tomes. I really don't have much to add. It's just something I thought would be cool. I once heard something about how, for old books you have to cut the corners to open them the first time. I felt it made sense. ???: Weapons: Lance, Dragon Stone, Bow This is more a variation off the Nohrian/Hoshidan Noble classes I thought up while playing Fates I would have liked to use. Nothing more than that. (Granted it wouldn't have made much sense without the Yato)
  8. For today, for here and now, I agree. In 10-20 years, however, I see it as a possibility and look forward to it, as long a time it may be. Just looking far ahead. In terms of what would be a good right now, I’d like a Geneology remake. I’ve always wanted to play it. I also hear it has some outdated systems, so it could really use one. Unlike others, I don't really want FE to go into M ratings as I like the series as it is now and tend to have aversions to M games. Granted, I also really wouldn’t want the story to be modified too much
  9. Tiki. Honestly I was expecting her to be the legendary Hero of Fire, if not poor old Marth.
  10. I feel patricide may be a bit overused as a plot element. Granted I still have a number of games in the series to play. Nope. I actually enjoyed SoV’s maps for the most part. (Though I have to say the swamps were somewhat less). I especially liked Nuiba’s abode as it required a different strategy to clear than other maps
  11. Definitely. With all the different groups- nations, tribes, beast-shifter villages, a whole hidden world, and ninja-clans alike - there’s really quite a lot of different places in the Fates world which just got overshadowed by Nohr and Hoshido. I’d like Fates sequel to have a lord from neither superpower if a sequel comes, and the larger countries actually being irrelevant to the plot, save potential cameos
  12. I’d also really like to see a story on that. In my thoughts I see a Plegian lord being possible, though Chrom’s father having good intentions but a bad legacy could make an interesting story. There’d also be a chance to see Valm pre-Walhart, which could be interesting, as well as perhaps seeing Gangrel pre-Awakening (and by extent Plegia before Gangrel if he became king during or after Chrom’s father’s rule).
  13. As the title says. Are there any games of the series you'd like to see a prequel or sequel to? What would it be about and in what medium? Personally, I'd like to see a story following the First Exalt of Ylisse accounting the details of his battle against Grima, the origins of the Grimleal, the end of Alm's dynasty and perhaps an explanation why his Falchion is absent in Awakening. Perhaps an explanation in regards to the changes in the function of the dragon table? Also, there is the Schism that Basilio mentions in which Ferox and many other "modern nations" of Awakening's time were founded. I'm partial to it being an anime original myself, as I feel if FE ever got an anime, an original story would be best rather than an adaptation. Granted it could be a game alternatively. Also on Awakening, I feel a short story on Robin's childhood and time with his/her mother leading up to how he/she wound up in the field at the start of Awakening would be nice. For Fates, I'd like some more background on Garon and perhaps even information on how he came to be Anankos's pawn. What background information would you be interested in hearing more of for any of the games?
  14. Best luck on a banner: Tempest Trial banner for the last Tempest Trial. I got the only character from the banner on my free summon (Cherche). Worst Luck: Countering Skills Banner, LA Banner: Both Sucked me dry of Orbs and I didn't get any focus Heroes. Usually I manage to pull 1-2 focuses off a seasonal banner if I really make an effort.
  15. Well, so far I don't have much I'm "sick of" per se, but as for general complaints? Avatar-support exclusive characters shouldn't have been a thing. They really should have had more options I'd also like to hear the voices of allied units a bit more. Especially in Fates, they sort of just slip into the shadows once recruited, save for support conversations. In SoV and Blazing Blade, the other characters are much more vocal. Sure they aren't the main focus, but it doesn't hurt recognizing their presence in some way that's not very disruptive/distracting to the plot. Kaze in Birthright. Enough said. Avatars I do like but feel it should vary from game to game on whether or not to include them and what role they should play. Also customization options... Why isn't skin color a choice? Males could also use more hairstyles. As someone part black I sort of wish my Avatar could look a bit more like me in the game but am stuck with the options given. Fates has an excuse though. Also, I feel if the player doesn't have some way of making choices which affect their personality and actions, they're best off without one as an extra unit or just a named hero rather than an outright avatar. Sure there are a few choices in Fates and Awakening, but most aren't really very influential (save Fate's one main decision). The "lovesick stalker" archetype could also use better writing IMO. Faye was pretty poor. I'd also like to hear a bit more history for some places. Ylissean Archanea and nameless-Fatesland seem to have interesting backgrounds but neither really get covered. Especially in the case of the latter (really, why was the Yato in that statue of all places and what was the continent's name?).
  16. Looks like the "Shield Skills" just got powercreeped. Personally I'd been hoping Dragon Skin would act as a "Neutralizes effectiveness against dragon bonuses" but oh well. I'm definitely pulling for the new Grima. I wonder what her stats will be like though.
  17. You can make a team in Heroes of 3 possessed Takumis and one Corrin. He/She will still come back in one piece. Healers in the main series don't attempt to use Staves as clubs to defend themselves, inefficient as it may be
  18. If Fates is ever remade, I'd really love to be able to walk around in the My Castle in 3rd person view like in the SoV dungeons. Also, if Awakening is remade, Anna should have a child that's also named Anna. Missed opportunity in my opinion
  19. Fates: VS Xander Birthright Azura's ending in Birthright. VS Ryoma Takumi's VS scene- Gets a bad case of allergies, sneezing, coughing, and hacking in this scene Leo's vs cutscene
  20. Fates. The game was missed potential embodied. IMO the whole story and much characterization/character development could use a major overhaul. For one example, much of the background information should be moved into the story itself Balancing? Maybe just add a Lunatic plus like in Awakening for the seriously hardcore people. Lunatic+ Classic Conquest. Should be fun. Also, certain levels could maybe use some reworking. Certain annoying levels with even more annoying gimmicks. World building could also be an option as well as more hair styles for Male Corrin Awakening: Skin tone options for the avatar (Fates had a passable excuse but Robin's father is literally grey) and paired up enemies
  21. They weren't dead yet, just fatally injured. Between the injury and death only one time did the healers do anything.Gunther stabbed himself in Revelations and was healed back. No one thought to do the same for other characters in Fates. This also applies to some of the near-death-but-still-alive deaths in Echoes where it really didn't make much sense either
  22. Some of these are serious, some are jokes, some...both? I’ll leave that to figure out. A few Fates headcanons: Awakening:
  23. Not so much out of character, but as a role, if Azura’s a singer, why does she seem to only know one song?
  24. I'm not even sure where to begin. There were so many annoying gimmicks XD Void curse, the shockwaves from the final chapter, and the wind tribe gimmick come to mind as some of the most frustrating things I remember from Conquest specifically
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