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Posts posted by Solum

  1. I don't know I took that from Arch and MarioBro3828's tutorials. Though I didn't notice 0x00 isn't a correct value for the last parameter of the REMSPRITE code:

    REMSPRITE ID value

    values are : 0x20, 0x78, 0xE8 and 0x1EC

    I'll try both _0xBE and REMSPRITE I guess

  2. Map zooming: What do you mean the camera glitches a little? Have you tried fading out, throwing up a black background, changing the map, and fading in?

    You can use usual Codes in the world map events? Like FADI FADU and BACG?

    I didn't se any in Arch's Guide specific to WorldMap so..

    About the REMOVETEXTBOX, I tried to double it too. As I saw you already adviced someone to do that but... THis code really hates me I guess xD

    I'll try that for the Dots.

    Thank you Prime! You really are of great help =)

  3. I'm having little troubles about the removing codes in Worldmap events.

    PLACEDOT 0x01 [x,y] BlueDot

    Not disappearing when i use the REMSPRITE 0x01 time (I don't know what to put in the "time" parameter. So I put 0x00)
    Same with REMOVETEXTBOX.

    I tried playing around the LoadOverworldFace and SCROs but nothing went better.

    Is there a way to make the currently displayed Zoomed in map fade into another coordinate without having to use the command that pans the camera to the desired loaction?

    I'm actually trying to introduce the different countries across the WorldMap, so I tried to make dots appear and disappear in the FullWorldMap
    But as I said i can't make the dots go away after their use.

    I also tried to do this in the zoomed in parts :
    (from the fullworldmap)
    FADETOWM [0,0] LyciaBernSacaeMap 0x00 0x00

    It fades successfully the the zoomed in map part i wanted.


    FADETOWM [664,256] LyciaBernSacaeMap 0x00 0x00

    I works too, but the camera glitches a little.

    So yeah, the most annoying thing is the not disppearing dots.

  4. Okay. Maybe there's a problem with my Rom. I've been learning since a really long time on the same file, and it's quite messy to be honest. I will try on a fresh Rom too then. It was necessary anyway x)
    Thank you again!

    It's working now, thank you! Guess that was the price to pay for having the rom all messed up ahah. Thank you very much!


  5. DAMN That's the nightmare thing i forgot. I knew I was being idiot again. Thank you Prime! <3 And merry christmas !

    Yeah.. well it still doesn't work out. I've had that chapter using the right worldmap events.. The game keeps reading the opening event and just skips the world map. Nothing happens =/
    I also checked the worldmap event references and EA repointed the prologue's WMevent correctly. So.. Idon't know.

  6. Hi there, I'm learning worldmap events, but i can't even make it appear in the first place in my prologue. I'm pretty sure it's again an obvious thing i forgot to write down but.. Can't find it.
    Could you help me?


    //Made by markyjoe1990 of Youtube
    //Modified by Nintenlord
    #include EAstdlib.event
    #include MyDefinitions.txt
    ORG 0xD80000 // end at 0xD80539
    POIN Turn_events
    POIN Character_events
    POIN Location_events
    POIN Misc_events
    POIN TrapData TrapData
    POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
    POIN Good Good Good Good
    POIN Opening_event Ending_event
    POIN WorldMapEvents
    ENDA // Won't put th whole thing to make it more readable. The whole chapter is working fine aside of worldmap's events not loading at all
    MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
    ALIGN 4
    StartWorldMap(FullWorldMap, 0, 0, 0x5C)
    STAL 0x10
    TEXTWM 0x0816
    STAL 0x10
    MESSAGE World map events end at offset currentOffset
    //The map for this chapter is at offset: DA0000
  7. Hi there everybody!

    I'll be posting things more often now, since I'll be working non-stop until... I don't even know how long.

    This is the very first attempt to what my future will be made of : Illustration. Or Digital painting as you want.

    Our professor started the year with this theme : Pirates!

    We had to make a picture made of at least 4 objects that we choose, except for the the bottle, we had to include it into our picture no matter what.

    Here's the WIP of the thing :

    Want some Rhum?

    I have yet to finish the pistol, but it's already Yohoooo yohooo

  8. I started with a little ball and extending tools. Ahah.

    It was the purpose to make us create this all by ourselves. In our 3D lessons. The bests are meant to be printed by the school's 3D printer

    Wanted to have it as a figurine. Ahah

  9. Kinda the wrong forum for this? Like, don't we have an actual art forum where people'll give critique for non-pixel stuff.

    Seriously, though, post this stuff in the art forum. I guarantee you'll get better feedback than from spriting threads.

    I didn't even know about the art forum XD. I will make sure I post there from now on.

    I was just so used to post any image in this thread that I didn't notice.

    @Loki: Ah maybe you're right, but the colour has way too much yellow in it. It should be more natural to look like Targa's.


    lad to hear this motivates you into spriting again ^^

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