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Posts posted by Solum

  1. Hi guys! Here's an up from the previous portrait.

    And! A brand new one.

    819735Meredy.png (Did I just turned the gem to red? Eh... )

    Here's the new portrait :

    424208Linaeld.png ~Linaeld~

    I didn't finished the locked part of his hair. And he needs a chibi portrait

  2. Hello everyone I am new to this forum and need some help. Im trying to install FE Midnight sun But i'm having trouble with the patching process. Can anyone give me step by step instructions? Thanks in advance

    I'm almost sure he had this "not patching" problem. Because you have to check something else than "abort" in NUPS to patch correctly. (I do it myself since even clean roms don't seem to be ... well clean ).

    I checked the first text. And my bad it's indeed princess. I don't know why my eyes put " Prince" last time instead. I maybe just dreamed xD

    Shiroi likes to show her teeth. Lel

  3. I'm currently playing Chapter 3

    Just a little though of mine : DAT statsheet background. It is clean, beautiful, not too fancy and still pretty nice.

    You can add me in Pheobe's fanclub.

    Puledra... Is not senile at all. He's exorcist but more in the Scary Movie's way 8D

    But he has lower stats than Jeigan.

    Fa is pretty cool as protagonist. I can't wait to see what awaits her in the future. (She'll be able to chane herself into Demon king and crush everything blahblha... Maybe not. )

    I really enjoy musics and portraits, they're mostly pretty well done. ( I noticed a bunch of character waiting to have their own portraits like Moonie or few boss since they are only re-colorated mugs. )

    Maps are nice but maybe a bit too large. ( In the chapters 1-2-3 I only used like 1/4 of the map )

    Now about ... Fa's stats.

    High Magic - ok

    Medium Skill/Speed - ok

    High Luck - ok


    High def - uh..

    Low MagDef - uh...

    Like at level 7 she has these stats :

    HP 22

    Mag 13

    Tech 8

    Vit 7


    Def 9

    Res 4

    Soon as tanky as Hellios . Iguessit'sbecauseshe'safatass

    Pretty unusual defensive stats for a young girl character. Even more for a mage!

    But that's only my point of view xD

    The difficulty is pretty nice too. Not too hard not too easy. Just enough to have fun with you big and nice work !

    ( oh i remember that in the very first Text, Moonie is informed the " Prince " has arrived instead of Princess. )

    I only played till chapter 3 so I'll be posting again about what I think of this beautiful work of yours! Keep it up!

  4. I planned to do a topic for it yeah. But The hack only contains 3 chapter at the moment. (Because I didn't work on it since ... mid april xD )

    I think I'll wait the 4th or 5th chapter to do that.

  5. Before any looong explanation. I'd like to link you the precedent page of this thread.

    Tiled Map Changes

    We've been doing a "live tuto" Shamison about this 124th page.

    Maybe it could help you.

    Just remember that you can't have a Map changes ID in tiled to be the same as an event in your chapter ( like a character event ID for example)

    Make sure you don't have something like Map Ch ID event : 0x02 and char event 0x02. Because it wont work.

  6. Yeah I know that it's a lot of work. But it's maybe the reason I requested this xD

    Because I already have the whole hack to manage myself ( and I'm pretty bad at animating things )

    Well. If I start the process, it won't be before long. Anyway I'm glad to hear you'd be happy to participate on it then! =)

  7. I do have plans for T2. But it's quite difficult.

    The class name will be Templar. The protagonist wields a 2 handed spear.

    Pretty much like this.

    575696T2style.png(I don't remember who did this. But it's really nice.)

    I don't say it will be like this. But it would look the same way.

    About your proposition. I'd prefer not to get Ephraim's animation.

    I'm looking for a custom animation.

  8. Heya everybody!

    I'm currently working on a FE Hack and imagined a standing battle sprite for my protagonist. But I am a real crap when it comes to animate it.

    Here's the protagonist (some of you may have seen it in my sprite thread.)


    Here's the Standing frame :


    Basically a Spear girl.

    I'm too busy with portraits, chapter building and script to do everything alone so. I'm asking a little bit of help to you guys.

    You can animate it the way you like of course. You can even switch the spear of hand/side.
    Just don't do it too fancy since it's a T1 Class.

    You have all the time you want to do it. I hate putting pressure on something like spriting since we're doing this for fun.

    You can work with other people too. Any help will always be credited.

    Thank you very much! I'll start a topic on this little project soon! =)

  9. I already did that with the DISABLE_TUTORIALS thing. Unless there's something else I need to do....

    Well... I don't know then. I don't have this issue since I built a new chapter over the prologue. Try CT's proposition.

  10. Disable the tutorial using Event Assembler. But you'll have to follow some tutorials like The Ultimate Tutorial or Arch's Events hacking for dummies. ( Actually you won't have to learn much to just remove the tutorial )

  11. [spoiler=Cap Editing]

    HP Cap

    0x080181EE - Change to 1C11 (11 1C) to allow HP over 60 during transitions of unit data

    0x0802BF4C - Byte of max HP allowed during level ups (changing doesn't work?)

    Ctrl + G the Yellow part in HxD then Past the offset >>Follow the instruction.

    In FEditor Adv > doc > Game Documentation > 8 - Sacred Stones > Stats > Cap Editing.txt

    I did exactly what this tells you to do. Setting the Byte of HP max at 50 ( 80 in Hex ) Then Modified the angelic robe's bonus up to 50 HP

    I used it in game and it works perfectly. Kept playing few chapter and everything still works.


    Hope It helps.

  12. The shape of her head looks like a Monkey's.

    And her hear is a bit strange too.

    I like the portrait anyway ^^

  13. Yeah I figured out it might be the reason. But I was finding it a little strange. No 4th portrait then. I'll try with a BG as you said, since a 4 person conversation deserves a proper environment.

    Thank you very much =)

  14. The map sprite is currently located at a DX0000 freespace so. About the overwriting I think it's okay.

    Its size is 16x32for the moving frames ( Moving frames are the ones showing up here)

    Here's the character event :


    MUS1 0x0041



  15. So I was building my chapter and, when it came to a specific CHAR event between two guys, during the convo here's what i get :


    See the FarLeft Portrait is spoiled by the convo initiator's mapsprite with a strange palette + Transparence

    It happens only when the portrait loads in. ( note that it only spoils the farleft one since the box size should cover the right hair of the 3rd mug)

    [spoiler=FEditor Text at this moment :][OpenMidRight][MoveRight] ( Moving the 3rd mug for midright )


    Hi back... Ombe right?[.][A]

    If some of you have any idea!

  16. I used to participate in some rounds and even won one with a only spliced mug(without any reshading etc.). I just don't participate much since few months because I don't have the time.

    About splicing techniques like micro splicing, I'd say it's not a problem if you don't make a splice full of 2x2 pixels pieces. And even this wouldn't bother me anyway. And if this technique may win most of the rounds, entries like Vamp's would get way more votes. IIRC he wasn't micro splicing at all. So micro splicing isn't a problem since you can absolutely do better without it.

    If you don't like micro splicing just don't vote for concerned entries and let it go... I mean it's a friendly game we're playing at.

    Maybe a little proposition : Why not try to build next sets by asking only one portrait to the top 3 of the precedent round?

    It would make the set more random and we could get some really fun splices.

  17. A new full custom portrait. I putting it before I complete it. Because I know my proportions suck often x)

    So if you find some disproportions, here's the mug :


    About the Helmet, I tried to make it more flat. But it was... really not good.

    BUT since I'm not patient, I finished the V.1 :


  18. Actually. It fit with those two Imo.

    [spoiler=Halberdier (Bonestorm)]
    No Permission needed
    Credit: Bonestorm/April and Jubby
    Description: The soldiers have something to promote to. (Based on Ephraim's animation)
    Extra: Ask MageKnight404 to use his class card for this. Jubby has a map sprite for this, and you don't need to ask for it.

    Especially the second one since my MapSprite doesn't have a mantle.

    [spoiler=Halberdier 2.0 (The Blind Archer)]


    No Permission needed

    Credit: The Blind Archer

    Description: New and improved version to his previous animation.


  19. A bit different this time. I'm getting lazy at portraits for the moment, and make fun with something else :


    This is my version of the Halberdier's mapsprite.

    I wanted it to be more close to the GBAFE promoted Mapsprites, because I obviously used the soldier's base to make it.

    It's entirely free to use, you can insert it in your hack without asking me permission.

    This sprites are to be improved so any comment is welcomed =)

  20. I can't give you anything about world map events, because I never used them.

    But if you just want to skip them in a chapter, go in Chapter data editor with Nightmare.

    Then move down till musics of the chapter and set 0xFFFF not applicable for the worldmap musics ( EM and HM too )

    Finally move down again till the " Worldmap Chapter Prologue " and set 0x00 None.

  21. .Which should I use for prologue door and chest tile changes?

    ... The first pointer for Tile changes?

    The Sword of Spirits C9CA00

    And you put Sword of spirits as Triggerable map changes in nightmare module for the prologue.

    What I just detailed you is in the tutorial. Oh well.

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