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Everything posted by GuardianSing

  1. I don't know who Julia is but Lyn stops being relevant after the male lords take center stage, Zelda stops being relevant as soon as she learns she's a princess in Wind Waker, and in OoT almost frame perfect gets kidnapped the moment she reveals she's a princess. I don't even remember what Eirika's mission was but either way it was Ephraim who did the main quest and stopped the war while Eirika frolicked with L'arachel for 5 chapters. Even if you disagree, the examples you gave are still small in comparison to the amount of times princesses just don't do things. The major difference is that while Greek mythology is massively popularly in pop-culture in and outside of the west, the Ainu peoples myths are hanging by a thread as their autonomy and culture is dying, and portrayals like Kanna certainly don't help. I also don't see it being mere inspiration when as far as I'm concerned, these dragons are meant to be the real deal in the show's universe if Quetzalcoatl is anything to off of. Unless of course the show wanted to shit on us specifically when making their version of Quetzalcoatl with everyone else just being mere "inspirations" I believe Depp is partly indigenous though to which tribe is unknown to me. That movie is interesting by the way since they try and break the stoic Indian stereotype by saying "Tonto's not weird because he's Indian, he's weird because he's weird" which you know, good on them for trying, but stereotypes are stereotypes and a leading Indian with a more dynamic personality would've been preferred. Which reminds me, there's a good Indian made film called Smoke Signals which does a lot to poke fun at Indian portrayals in media
  2. Honestly you can have both. Take inspiration from my tribe in the south, put some Mayan spice and color into that outfit, and you got an authentic outfit and tiddies, it's a win win for everybody. I actually have thought of doing art where I take an indigenous (Inspired or otherwise) character and make their outfit more authentic. Characters like Felicia, Ratonhnhaké:ton, and Petra have crossed my mind for such a project, so I guess I'll add Bravely Default Indian character with white person Halloween costume to that list.
  3. To be fair I've never sat down and watched it either, but from clips I've seen it doesn't seem all too flattering. It's just the previous image of the ""Indian"" girl. If you couldn't see that then well here it is hopefully.
  4. Kanna Kamui is apparently supposed to be based off of the Kamuy spirits of Ainu mythology. But pretty much in name only. It was (mostly) a joke about how syrup is quite famously a Canadian export. It was actually the natives that taught the settlers how to make syrup which made it sting all the more when the natives were removed from their land so settlers could make more syrup and sell it. I don't know why, but this image gives huge Canadian syrup company logo vibes. If I was any good at photoshop I'd do something like that. Less whiny Smash fans? Yes please!
  5. I knew there had to be some manga out there for it. What's that Miyazaki quote? "Anime was a mistake, but some manga are pretty good"
  6. Well I'm glad someone did. Local FE fan discovers how to have a nuanced opinion. Yes, good. That's another thing. FE spends a lot of energy on talking about the affairs of higher class society with more or less a hand wave to the working class, even if the game in question is more about class. We'll see tiny villages with a romanticized idea of peasantry life, and get shown large cities yet aren't shown the folks that keep them moving outside of a few unimportant servants. Yikes... Exceptions don't break stereotypes, and the amount of Princesses that do things at the time PoR was original released was dwarfed by the many princesses in Nintendo games that didn't do things. Ah, so it's a flat out dictatorship. Hollywood usually ain't aware either. But I suppose they deserve more shit for it since they are based in the land of the culture that they are portraying and really have no excuse while all IS has is those Hollywood movies. But it's not like much Japan media acknowledges Japan's own indigenous groups all that often, I mean the closest I can think of is Kanna from Dragon maid which is even more offensive than the shit Hollywood usually pulls off. Like an attempt was definitely made here Meanwhile... What the fuck I can forgive IS for doing something like Tiburn since as you say, they probably just didn't know and it's not like his native influences are all that prominent. Japanese media as a whole though? Yeah they got shit to work on. This is the kind of recklessness I like to see. Often when FE portrays a character being reckless they usually just mean in the sense that they rush into battle without thinking much. Here Ike's passion on the subject nearly gets him killed which while a flaw is an admirable one. "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house" Fighting to liberate your people from the systematic issues of the world is one thing, killing a bunch of people with revenge in mind rather than liberation? That's just Neo-Colonialism 🤢 Terrible outfit aside, the fact that she's eating syrup is a big fucking yikes from me, chief. Poundmaker didn't die for this. Jesus Christ, just hire some native arists, maker her look like an actual tribe member instead of some twisted Halloween costume.
  7. Please don't tell me she's 500 years old. Oh god it really is Chinese court culture. That's probably why Daein and Crimea left. So, are we gonna learn how the lower class live or are we just gonna face off more faceless brigands? "This is a Nintendo game and Elincia is a female character who has been passively observing and not doing anything for the entire game so she must be a princess" Gee I wonder who's fault that is. The aesthetic may be Orthodox Christian, but the culture is most certainly based off of Chinese ancient dynasties. ...Desaix? It's this kind of passion that I've been starving for in an FE lord. The wise elders gave me this word of wisdom long ago Culture is not an excuse to be a dick. Well given that the Laguz have their own kings and not a council of community members or even just elected presidents or prime ministers, I don't think they are all that different either. I have respect for this game not trying to make Elincia Ike's love interest ...Though that respect falters when considering the fact that Elincia might as well be a walking macguffin. ...Is it too soon to say that Ike has become my favorite lord in the series? I love it when text in games types out in a way that tries to convey a sense of line delivery. I don't know why but this got me laughing out loud. Hmm... Nah, too easy. ...Huh. #JustBrigandThings. Ike did an oopsy-doopsy and accidently participated in the slave trade. Hmm... A darker skinned character with black hair and feathers on his body launching small raids on lighter skinned people's settlements as a push back to them enslaving their people and taking their land... My what wacky and crazy ideas this fictional story is telling! So like, do I just bow down to this guy or something. Say it a bit louder for the FE lords in the back.
  8. Oh boy, can't wait to annoy everybody with this one. Clearly it's based off of East Asians scripts though.
  9. Oh there is endless amounts of inspiration to take from Brazil, it is well within the realms of reality. I'll add that one to the backlogs. Judging by the signs I want to say southeast Asia. Good, because it took needlessly long to actual get that picture and post it on here. I don't know why, but pretty much all of Nah's artwork outside of Awakening portrays her as this generic loli when her ingame portrait is the only art that actually reflects her mild-mannered mature personality. It's also very condescending looking so I'm surprised it never became a meme. Okay. That was a long cutscene that I couldn't skip. I think there's some issues with the controls and the emulator. Already this game has Awakening beat with having the evil empire's name be even more on the nose than Plegia. Sorry, I don't speak exposition. So...Kaga did it first?
  10. Is there really no button to press to skip a battle? I swear it was in Sacred Stones. Ooh, I like that design. It was always curious to me that promoted Pegasus knights weren't called Valkyries. Feels like it would've been the perfect name to give to the units who are basically angels of death coming from the sky. This girl suspiciously looks like Ike's dead mom. Talk about Chinese court culture. We shall see... I'll hold off using any strength boosters in the meantime. Radiant Dawn transfers data from PoR? I wonder if I could do that on an emulator... ...Smite? Hey I'd love a Brazilian inspired FE nation, but only if it commits to it on the same level as Hoshido to Japan.
  11. ...Neat. I like Ike. I was gonna make a joke about Ike's low strength and how he could never do something like that but Ike did crit and insta-killed at least two Laguz that battle so this checks out. He's gay, ma'am. Congratulations Ike, you are now 2 points lower than average rather than 3. L'arachel? A rare male Teehee. Maybe I just need to position my fliers closer but damn, having a recruitable green unit get killed on the first enemy turn is brutal. She's dead, Gatrie. Well now that all the Boarc are dead and I just have the fairly easy Laguz to deal with, the rest of this chapter should be smooth. ...But there are those chests that I didn't notice with no thief to grab them. ...And I got a recruitable unit killed which also loses the other recruitable unit... Sigh alright time to reroll.
  12. I can't believe they added shove as a learned skill in later games and it's just as useless. Place your bets folks, will Ike gain at least 2 str level up before hitting 20? I should just make Titania the main character at this point. That would be incredibly funny. I don't know if I fully agree with that, the Corrin in Birthright and Revelations is all and all the same Corrin in Conquest, and those are much better stories, but it's a fair point to make. ...So yeah, the Laguz were dicks. In my many debates with nazis on twitter, I don't think I've ever convinced someone they were wrong right then and there but I like to think my words seeped into them as they grew older, especially since most nazis on twitter are just 13 year olds who want to feel like they're apart of something. That could be me just coping but hell, it's nice to believe your words mean something.
  13. I totally get this idea, but it has soured on my mind a bunch lately with how much bigotry gets excused because of it. I never liked when stories tried to "two side" racism by creating a story where they're like "Hey! It makes sense that these people are racist because the people they were racist against did horrible things to them in the olden days!" when in reality racism is a cruel and unfair mindset. The game also hasn't told me why the Laguz enslaved humans in the old days in the first place making it seem like the game is trying to tell me that while humans have a justifiable reason to be racist, the Laguz were just straight up dicks. What the hell does that even mean? Not that's it's any surprise but I really like activist characters like this guy. Ya earned a chuckle from me game, congratulations. "We seem to have hit a reef somewhere!" *Runs the ship into a damn cliffside* Seriously, sailing a rigged ship into a rocky area such as that is a terrible idea. Eki Do you understand how cool it is that this game has a Fire Emblem protagonist with actual ideals about the world he lives in. Most other lords I can remember always just have the very general want of peace from whatever evil nation they are up against. Ike's ideals about the world he lives in and how they are rejected by both the "evil" and "good" nations is such a nice sense of fresh air. Granted they aren't all that deep as Ike only learned that Laguz existed a few days ago, but still, it's something. So far Path of Radiance hasn't had any music that really stood out to me in any sense but the song that plays during this scene is very nice, really gives a similar energy to Tiki's theme. FE lord discovers racism is up there as one of my favorite moments in this series. Again, words I've heard too many people say before arguing that Hitler wasn't that bad. I'd argue that's more because the leading ladies of FE tend to follow stereotypes of being the fragile, dumber, more helpless one compared to the strong leading male, and that is just lazy writing. It shall be the final boss of this adventure. These are really coming around. I love seeing them.
  14. Mm, I wouldn't say that. Corrin, depending on the route you pick, is always going to be fighting against one of his family members. Even if you pick Rev, it still takes Corrin a long ass time to actually earn the trust of Ryoma and Xander, they clearly don't just follow him willy-nilly. And while Corrin may always stay an idiot dork, they do grow good deal. Corrin in Birthright spares the life of Zola who ends up betraying them and because of that nearly getting Corrin and all of their party killed in the Opera House, and it's not a mistake he repeats again when facing Hans or Iago, and similarly in Conquest Corrin holds no sympathy for the two even after going through most of that entire game sparing the lives of all enemies they encounter. Aside from the kitsune genocide which Corrin never wanted to do. Quetzal of Radiance... Radiant Quetzal... Shadow Quetzal... New Mystery of Quetzal... Genealogy of The Holy Quetzal... Quetzal 776... Blazing Quetzal... Sacred Quetzal... Quetzals of Valentia... Three Quetzals... ...Okay I'm done. It mostly came as a thought experiment after reading some folks' opinions on Corrin in other FE circles. These aren't my opinions as I think I'd have to replay the Fates games to seal the Corrin deal, but I thought they were worth sharing here. Leif is up there as one of the top lords I'm most excited to see what they're about. Sigurd is on the lower side of that list but I'm still decently curious. Yeah this is the main deal that ultimately makes me skeptical of the idea. I've heard the thought that just because a character doesn't make the most logical choice doesn't mean it's bad writing, it's means the character made the very emotional choice that lead to their downfall. Corrin siding with the only family and siblings he's ever known makes sense, and Corrin does go through several mental breakdowns of guilt knowing how much he's killed, but it's all for a greater good which we know from other routes didn't need to happen, and ultimately the story tries to make those countless deaths more about Corrin than the actual people that died. However, i have to wonder if that's less Corrin's fault and more just the general storyline of Conquest. Basically Corrin needed a better story, not a better character.
  15. Think about it. Corrin is like the most unique and interesting lords the series has to offer. They aren't a stoic badass hero who knows how to do everything, they are empathetic, emotional, and incredibly flawed. They make mistakes that come back to bite them in the ass, Corrin may make dumb decisions at times but a character being Naive like Corrin doesn't mean they are poorly written, they have several moments of vulnerability with the other characters that many other FE lords don't get the luxury of. Corrin's reaction to Ryoma's death is a much more raw and emotional reaction than what many lords get from their familial deaths, Corrin both male and female, actually gets the permission to cry.
  16. I was thinking... Is Corrin really that bad? Man...the Japanese side of the FE fandom is an entirely different world that I would love to see but never will be able to unless I learn Japanese... I can only imagine how the little change of "having 7 of the games always have been there" makes a big difference in the community. I was about to say "Wait, I'm on hard" but then I remembered that this game calls hard mode "normal mode"
  17. Revolt Mm, well if it is what I assume it to be, then I do have my own criticisms about that but we'll see when we get there. I appreciate the restraint in saying spoilers though, it must be insane watching someone experience and comment on these things for the first time. He came out after I killed the boss but he didn't seem to do anything.
  18. I was more talking about how this guy believed that they'd be fine under Diean rule but under Gallian rule suddenly things would be awful and they'd be oppressed. Not an uncommon mindset among many racists. I wasn't talking to the peasants, I was expressing the point that conversation was trying to convey. The game tried to tell that he was condemning that behavior, not admitting it and participating in it. Soren is an empathetic man by Titania's words and was upset with the villagers.
  19. I was also tempted to just post this meme under it Hey I agree with you, but to reach Equity we need to reach equality. I was about to joke about that too actually. Actually I think it's the best passage I've read in this entire goddamn franchise, there's just something ironic about Soren being the one to say. Mordacai with 15 strength. I know it's a meme that Azura haves a higher strength growth rate than Ike but this is just ridiculous!
  20. See the problem with Soren being the racist one is that I can't also imagine him saying stuff like this and genuinely believing it. Engage in the politics of your country folks, stuff not effecting you directly is no excuse not to participate, especially when such apathy is what lets harmful actions pass. When you are used to privilege, equality can feel like oppression. Volke being tied with Titania as the second strongest unit in the group is extremely funny to me. Teehee. Damn DMPCs. And here I thought Awakening was the first game to give Anna a personality. Teehee Must be Minerva's long lost cousin. I...forgot the boss had a melee weapon. Don't let this distract you from the fact that Ike still has only 8 strength. ...That's Ike's real dad, isn't it?
  21. Oh I'm aware, my critique stands to history, not the game.
  22. As yes, the generic "Indian Territory" Eh, I guess I'll take it. It was always something I heard but never witnessed other than Wraith's occasional tongue and cheek quips. Less of a hoarding problem (I tend to use statboosters as soon as I get them) and more of a me vastly underestimating the usefulness of certain things and forgetting they existed.
  23. looking at the map, it seems they've been put under the title of a "decentralized nation" which I don't know if that makes them playable or not but the whiteness of their borders certainly makes it feel like so.
  24. Vicky definitely seems like the ideal choice for me in that regard, even if I can't pick a Native American nation like I can in EU4. I love this video for two reasons. One because it's funny, and two because it's seriously well done and true to it's message. Hopefully I'll remember that by then. Heh. That reminds me, my brother is a huge fan of board games and also a huge fan of history. It's nearing his birthday soon, maybe I'll get him that game. If there's one thing that makes me bad at Fire Emblem (Well there are several things but that's besides the point) It's that I don't use all the tools the game gives me.
  25. It hasn't bothered me much so far but we'll see how I feel. I was talking about Grand Strategy games or Four X games. Games like EU4 and Civilization. They have elements of other aspects of ruling an empire but ultimately it's the expansion and invasion of other territories that gets the most focus in those games. I'd love something that focuses on the urban planning and internal politics of a state. I hear Victoria III has a lot of that but it's quite new and knowing the genre (and especially paradox) it's going to need one or two expansions to feel complete.
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