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Everything posted by GuardianSing

  1. You had your chance, Kaga. Can't swoon me back again with another hot lady knight after what you did to Minerva. The blue bar haunts. Oh I love me some 4% criticals. I do feel bad knowing now that I could recruited these two if I spared the Gra soldiers specifically. ...But fuck you, I'm not doing that map again. Eh, video games aren't supposed to be stressful. It's not like it was a paper I had to get done that day or something.
  2. I was going to go ahead and beat Mystery today but seeing as how I got distracted by others things as well as joined in a DND game earlier, I'm far too exhausted to do anymore than maybe one map. Tomorrow perhaps.
  3. Do you ever had plans to finish a video game one day but then get distracted by a bunch of silly animal videos?
  4. Oh I love that one. It was me, I infiltrated the Xenoblade subreddit.
  5. Oh, curious. See if this version works Kaga is Berkut Who knows, anything could happen, and it's always fun to come up with ideas.
  6. So basically... I wish I could remember my first learning experiences with Fire Emblem. I prefer this version myself An Irish inspired Fire Emblem, now what would that look like... Dammit why didn't I think of that. It is curious though that everything else in this game is very heavily rooted in European mythology and then Tiki is named after a Polynesian thing. And of course Bantu having the same name as the Bantu people but that may or may not be related. Most of the time yes. Unless you're that one asshole water dragon in Skyward Sword. Heh, thank god they didn't keep that in Shadow Dragon DS. I think I'm convinced at this point that in the time between Gaiden and Mystery Kaga got dumped by a girl he liked and that turned him into a major incel. The riders resting more on the neck of the dragon instead of the back. Well I do prefer that name over "Palace Castle" Start them off with Senet just to be safe.
  7. Hey remember when Est single-handedly flew into the Grust empire on her own a stole a super important powerful artifact without being so much as scratched? So after messing around a bit, I accidentally noticed a quirk of Abel's AI where I can have Palla be on the top of the island to attract him and leave when he gets too close to have him go his original path. Repeating this cycle gives me plenty of time to recruit Est and recruit him. Wait what do you mean I can't open doors with the Fire Emblem. I'd poke fun at Marth not settling this unrest of towns right outside his castle while he was in power but I suppose it would be on the lower end of priorities when rebuilding Altea. Marth gets emotional and forgets to write in the third person again. Translation pls. I'm only just now noticing the oddness of the Dracoknight sprite. Where was this guy when we fought Camus? Geo studies are my favorite studies. Thanks for waiting until now to tell me, I'm pretty sure a random village outside told me the exact same thing way earlier. Actually that makes me wonder, where did Minvera think Maria was? I mean Zelda is pretty consistent in it's use of Shintoism to portray the Golden Goddesses as more forces of nature that can be easily swayed one way or the other... Buuuuut, I can't help but remember Wind Waker where when Ganon returned the Goddesses thought the best course of action was to flood the entire world so Ganondorf couldn't have it which is just...extremely petty if they really could kill him so easily. It almost makes the Triforce seem more powerful than the actual Goddesses if they can't do something that the Triforce can. It's by use of the Triforce that Ganondorf and the rest of Hyrule washes away. So all in all, Zelda lore is messed up and it's honestly kind of funny we barely hear much about the OG Gods in Breath of The Wild. How do you even teach someone how to play Fire Emblem. Like the only advice I can think of is "Be attentive" I did always kind of like how in Zelda the Gods are like "Oh, you want to become the hero? Maybe do a shitload of dungeons and puzzles and then maybe I'll give you the powerful sword you worthless piece of garbage" Which was a nice change of pace from the usual hero worship. ...But also yeah, the Gods are working at a limited time so it does make them seem pretty dickish. I did get the Warp but not the secret shop since I wanted to save that money for future stuff, I don't want to rely on my Manakete babies too much.
  8. Teach me, elder. Oh, so like the Zelda goddesses.
  9. Not an ending as there is still much to do but progress is progress. "Ruben comes to your house and gives you mild inconveniences" is my new favorite creepypasta. Also the windows in my room don't even have covers. That is true, we'll see how I feel by then. Hey in my defense, my strategy to rush the enemy and kill as many of them as possible so they couldn't kill me was way more interesting than the typical "Lure this one in, then kill them, then lure the next one and kill them" and so on until the map is cleared. Oh god, what did he do?
  10. Compared to my units dodging most 70% in all previous maps this didn't feel that out of touch. Maybe I was just really lucky until now.
  11. Kaga wtf. Come ladies and gentleman and let us count the amount of low percent hit chances actually land. There's no way this is the same RNG as regular enemies. I did it, are ya proud of me? Holy shit that sprite is adorable. Good man Marth follows along with Tiki's reference to herself in the third person instead of implying that she's odd for doing so. That's how you should treat children. "And then after we all die you can move to Valentia and chill out in the Mila Tree for some reason" This is not okay. I almost got motion sickness looking at this.
  12. https://abq.news/2022/08/navajo-nation-approves-projects-for-1-billion-in-infrastructure-dollars/ How funny that we were just talking about this and I wake up to see news of electricity and pipe infrastructure being brought over to Navajo reservations. I'm...so happy. Mkay... But if it crashed even once, the Elrean deal is off. *Gasp* how dare you share such an important spoiler? I only have 6 games that I need to play if I want to achieve the goal I want to achieve before Engage, I'm not going stress about it too much but I'll certainly try. Basically just Genealogy, Path of Radiance, and Binding Blade and the games that follow them. I might just turn myself off of the thread for a while when I play it actually, I'm going to be getting the game physically so I wont be able to start with everybody. Interesting... It would be cool to see that return, genderless gods are always fun. I used to watch the Indigo league as a kid and while pretty much all of it has vanished in my brain, various Youtube clips online have definitely solidified these two as the best part of the show for me.
  13. Never said it was actually canon, just that theories are fun, and you don't have to do too much bending of lore to make this one make sense. You still have to do that of course but you get what I mean.
  14. Setting aside the poetic and meaningful lyrics Phil Ochs sung about American politics during his time for a moment, listening to this song I like to imagine a Fire Emblem lord using it as a checklist for soldier recruitment. That's true though I reasoned those out just by the fact the story certainly is told in the perspective of Robin and Byleth which can't always be said about Eirika and Celica, and they aren't overshadowed by their male counterparts either. Still, they are avatars who can be both male and female with none of their plot or character changing as a result so it's hard to even count them as undisputed female protagonists. In fact the only difference that comes to mind is how female Robin's unique support conversations are a lot less interesting than male Robin's, they often portray her as the more unreasonable and short-tempered one out of the two which is pretty damn sexist That just leaves Edelgard and Micaiah which is a debate that'll certainly come around when I play those games. I stand for brigand rights. Oh I know it's just fun to look at some things in this game and try and make a reason on why they are connected to another thing in another game. Besides, I don't think it's too much of a crack theory to think of all these games taking place on the same planet. I mean we've already had the discussion about how Magvel and Fódlan are the only outliers among the settings of FE. Can't wait to see how Engage slots in. I could not be more excited.
  15. Oh yeah the game crashed after this chapter last time so the game just put me at the last save which would have me do this chapter all over again. I have save states right near the end so it wasn't that bad, but it's still a lil' annoying. You might think it a retcon to make Naga female in later titles, I say it's now canon that Naga transcends human preconceptions of gender. snek Damn dude, why are you guys hanging out in the mountains attacking random travelers when you could just sell all your weapons and be set for life? Ice Tribe and Flame Tribe from Fates are the predecessors to these tribes. Canon. I have a real soft spot in my heart for characters that are introduced in the first entry to a series and have a very little relevance in that first entry but then skyrocket in importance in the next entry, So, what do broken weapons do? "I'm not racist, I have human friends" The truly best moment in a Fire Emblem playthrough is when you're yelling "DODGE YOU PIECE OF SHIT" to your units. Big sad. Imagine if this game was called "The Binding Shield" Oh it'll be a time indeed, and it'll definitely come sooner than later hopefully. All I know about Radiant Dawn is that Ike is in it when he really shouldn't be and that's all I'd like to know until I play it so try and keep spoilers hidden, folks. I actually had plans to play Crimson Flower after Mystery but seeing as the release of Engage is getting pretty close and it takes on average two weeks for me just to beat one of these games, I think I'm just gonna try and experience all the Lords that I haven't already experienced since I think Engage would be a much better experience if I know what all the Lords are about. Man, now I'm excited to see what this thread will look like when Engage releases.
  16. It's pretty sad that there's only 3 FE games that have an undisputed female protagonist and that's only if you happen to pick the female version of said protagonist in Fates, Three Houses and Awakening, two of those characters being hardly a character at all. Every other time it's either a situation where A, the character is just one out of two main characters, and is often shafted as the weaker and less important one (I.E Celica and Eirika) or B where they start off as the main protagonist but quickly get overshadowed by the more important male protagonist (I.E Lyn) Also there's Micaiah who I know nothing about but from what little I have heard of Radiant Dawn I do fear also falls into the Lyn category.
  17. I'm doing a lot better now, the worst has definitely passed. It's still lingering around with a sore throat and runny nose but I at least now have the brain capacity to engage in conversation. It also means I can get back into Mystery which I've been missing a lot more than I thought I would. Thanks for all the kind wishes you folks gave me, it's all very much appreciated.
  18. There's a lot I want to respond to but my brain is quite fried having to deal with both this terrible cold and my daily allergies, so this is all I have to give. That certainly is present here as well. What I explained is only one small part of it. Not to shove our mess of American politics down your European throat more then we already have but the South remains the poorest part of the country, yet still holds a lot of right wing and conservative communities, but many folks down there believe that the thing to blame is stuff like immigrants and other outside forces instead of the very system they live under and vote for. This isn't just white aristocrats but also middle and lower class workers, white and black, Latino and Native who fall for the idea that the left wants to take away their guns and jobs. I forgot to respond to this before but you're earlier post responding to my comment about Native reservations being far away from any actual voting station reminded me that I was also going to say that this was intentional, both to keep Natives away from urban centers and to keep them from voting even after they were granted citizen ship in 1924. These remote communities don't have any electricity or even any running water and while some older more conservative natives are content to not rock the boat and keep the status quo, the younger generation are quite fed up with it. Aww, that's awesome! Thank you so much. I should draw Garon in response now.
  19. Goddamn it all I think I got a cold. Alright expect a lot more misspellings in the future. Sush There's something my brother once said about conservatism that I think rings true. It's about how folks when they're younger are often progressive for their time period and speak for major reforms knowing that they don't have much to lose, but as they grow up and realize such major reforms aren't coming in their lifetime and they now own land entitlements and housing, become more conservative, not wanting to shake the status quo to keep what they could get. It's sad really. Old Mystery, lol. Alright, let me just imprint it on my wrist real quick... It's a mix of two of my favorite character traits, the dashing rogue and red hair! Honestly after everything I just wrote this makes it just that much more funny. I prefer this timeline. This marks the second Fire Emblem character I've given a nickname to. Well aside from morally unethical Edel but that's another thing entirely. It's a fair argument but I think there's something to be said about the fact that when these games were being remade that Tiki's designed remained the same, short skirt and all despite the rest of the cast having been given the privilege to wear pants, even Caeda, the grandmother of all short skirt pegasus knights, got to wear pants in Shadow Dragon and New Mystery Now that I think about it I totally did recruit a character named that, her name was just spelt differently from what he item description said and I kind of forgot she existed. This translation is definitely off in some places. It's kind of interesting that you and Ruben reacted to that joke in a very different way but still with the Spanish language in mind. ...I need to brush up my Spanish. Maybe it's like real world politics where on the surface it looks like there are two well defined sides when in reality there is a lot of nuance and leeway on both sides. ...Probably not but hey, I as the reader allow myself to interpret. The trick is to say it fast enough so you don't dwell on the "Mee" part. Best Disney movie, 10 outta 10. Destroy systematic racism with alligators.
  20. I love the implication that outsiders of the desert created this in depth legend about "The desert of Death!!" and how no man who've gone there has returned, meanwhile a couple of blokes have set up shop there for centuries and even befriended the dragons after a while. Ohhh. It had a name on it though, a character that I didn't have. Ruffians, heh, that's what they called us too. Yeah I only got to the second ship battle of Act 6 because I realized that those were battles that required actual brain power that I had a very limited supply of. I still haven't looked into what happens at the end of that, I probably should. I mean when you think about it, cosplay is just very light shapeshifting. Tiki McShortskirt would like to have a word with you. It stings but there's also something nice about not being tied to the mentality of resetting after every death. If a death occurs I can trust that It wont ruin future strategies and I can indulge in the gameplay-story integration without feeling the stress of having to restart. ...Unless Minerva and Yubollo get killed, then I'm instantly restarting. Just peachy, I totally didn't get Marth killed and had to restart the entire map. I fucking love fantasy maps and I hope Engage has a least a sensible one. Definitely. Contrary to what you may believe, I actually really like Tiki and the Manaketes as a whole. I live in a left-wing paradise so it's hard for me to imagine living in such a...suffocating area. Stay strong, stay true to yourself and never give into peer pressure. Let there always be hope. But...there was a blockade! Oh you can recruit him? Yeah no after he bullshit killed Merric I just wanted vengeance. Yeah Xane's interesting. I guess with the later games' focus on skills and unit builds, it would be a lot harder to put that kind of mechanic in. It appears the joke has not reached some of you, so allow me to explain the nature of this comedic refrain. This was actually a joke I had been waiting to use ever since Shadow Dragon, but never found the right chance to do so. The joke in question being that in the way we pronounce Minerva (Mi - Nur - Va) can sound similar to the phrase "My nerves" if you remove the last syllabol, thus the phrase "Minervs" can sound an awful like "My nerves" and there comes the classic sentence of "Getting on my nerves" a phrase used to convey irretation and annoyance. The joke I was about to say was "I guess you could say the portrayal of Minvera in this game is getting on Minvers" a clever use of wordplay from the English language and the name of a Fire Emblem character. It calls back to my earlier critisisms of Minvera's character portryaler in Book 2, as well as using the made up word "Minervs" to call back to the Minerv nicknamed used for Minvera to shorten her name on the select screen. I had hoped that the previous mention of Minerv would help readers understand that it was the word I was about to say before the text got cut off, which by the way leads to the next part of the joke, the part where I get shot. Now this kind of joke is called a "pun" a joke that uses clever wordplay typically from the English language, often combining different words that sound similar to connect parralels to certain situations. In the US and abroad, these types of jokes are commplace associated with middle aged or older men which is why they were affectionally given the name "Dad Jokes" These are types of jokes many kids grow up with from their dads or other men in their lives, sometimes women too. They are cute and funny at first but a sense of cringe and corniness arrives as people grow older, they are the type of joke people groan and roll their eyes at, thus the next part of the joke being that "Getting on Minervs" was so corny and stupid that someone would pull out a gun and assassinate me. This brings the joke a healthy bit of shock value along with plenty of self-awareness. You see, dad jokes such as these are used quite a lot ironically. Sometimes when a person noticing a pun they could make they might say it with a lot of emphasus and overexageration with the intent of the listeners to not laugh at the joke itself but at the ackwardness of it. Some folks may even add sentences such as "I will see myself out now" or "I'll be here all night, folks" as to immitate a stereotypical stand-up comedian. And sometimes in close friendgroups, someone might respond to the joke with a playful "fuck you" or exahstperated "Woooow!!" while giggling along of course. Which explains the gun as a big step up from the playful negative reactions to corny jokes such as that. Now you may be wondering, why did I spend this much time and effort to write a short essay about my stupid joke? Well I am of understanding that explaining a joke only makes the joke unfunny and uninteresting, so I decided to counter that with an explaination that in it of itself was also a joke, the joke being that it was unneccarilly long-winded and analytical. Hope that clears things up for you. Anyhow, let us perceed. Resist....urge...to make...Star Wars reference...! From a world building persepctive, I really like the Manaketes and I hope to see more of them in the future. Course that would only be possible if we get another game set in Archanea or Magvel. Why do everysingle one of these axeboys have fuckin' devil axes! So after my first attemp failed with Marth's death, I created a genius strategy. Aaand, Minervs wins the day. Yes, I'm keeping that nickname. I'm serious, hearing about the whole thing of tribes being split and ideologies differing creating tension is so freaking cool!
  21. So, is that chest just stuck out there forever? Definitely one of the more aesthetically pleasing maps I've seen in a while. Very aesthetically pleasing! Perhaps not as much when your dancer dies though. And because I'm not a war criminal, I kept all the clerics alive. Not that this isn't uncommon in a lot of other media but the Darksphere specifically reminded me of the Apple of Eden from Assassin's Creed. Oh god. The ancient city of Thebes Thabes looks awfully like a 5 star hotel. The Archanea games are very rooted in antiquity with a lot of references to Greece, Rome and a lot of other players of that time, but there also some lines that make the game almost feel like a Bible fanfiction. What the fuck is the Princess going to do? Order around the peasants that will no longer exist? Zelda crossover already? So like, are the SandClan the natives of this land that we're disturbing? Don't mind me, just waiting out on the 17 hours it takes for an enemy unit to begin moving. That's oddly specific. Hey Tiki, do you think you could learn how to use axes or something? I just picked up like 5 silver ones in the sand after I killed all the natives. We all know of female characters with unrequited love for male characters but I'm curious if there exists the inverse of that in Fire Emblem. Course there are plenty of flirts that get their advances turned down but what about a male character pinning for a specific woman who just doesn't give a shit? Oh thank god it's not a loli but instead another redhead for me to simp over. Pretty fucked up that your prank was to cosplay as an underage girl and confess to Marth, ngl. Also yes, as a counterargument to the whole "BuT SHe's AcTuaLly 500 YeARS oLd!" Thing, I say that Tiki, and characters like her, are underage because they definitely are by dragon standards. Sick looking map but also what the fuck, Hah! They shortened her name on the select screen as Minerv, that's adorable. I guess you could say that Minerva's portrayal in this game is getting on Mi- *Gets shot* The ancient people foretold that those in which we shit talk the most are in fact the ones we hold the most dear. ...When it comes to media consumption at least, don't go abusing your friends or something.
  22. You ever love it when a Fire Emblem game creates a cinematic battle within a chapter with your guy being significantly stronger than the other guy so that your guy doesn't die unfairly ...And then Merric misses and 94% chance and dies. Mid term elections are in four years which is what I wish to vote on at the moment. The former certainly dictates the latter but I imagine there will be similar issues. Hell yeah dude.
  23. So for some reason, taking screenshots now crashes citra so no more of those for the foreseeable future. I did use the snipping tool to get one or two images but that's a tedious process that I'm not going to do much of Anyhow, I was going to get Noire to replace the empty cold space that Kellam left but I took one glance at the enemy levels and deducted that there was no way I was going to do that chapter without some sacrifice, so I decided to reach the checkpoint at chapter 17 instead, hoping that Donnel would fair fine on his own without a pair up. Things go smoothly, I miss the thief which only grabbed a Seraph Robe so it's not a huge loss, but overtime after the reinforcements arrive all the enemy units start charging at us unexpectedly. Almost everybody manages to retreat into a nice little choke point. Lissa and Henry were sitting ducks but luckily Anna had a rescue staff to bring them to safety. Those with a good amount of Res and Defense were at the front defending from the many Hero's, Valkyries, and War Monks. Cherche got a really close call as a Valkyrie had an Elwind that I didn't expect it to have. Luckily Cherche lives by only 2 HP and we continue forward with the sweep. After every enemy is dispatched, I have Gaius get all the remaining chests and I have Chrom kill the boss since I'm only now realizing he's at level 3 and should get Luna as soon as possible. Chapter 17 is complete with zero Casualties. Also this happened. What the hell is with my level up luck this game.
  24. If that's the case then you're about as old as my brother who basically did all my maturing and personal growth for me. Canon. Heheh. Now see this is one thing that needs to be added to the modern Teehee iceberg. Man, I wonder what it's going to be like to play the Original Gaiden and Shadow Dragon. I probably wont even finish them honestly. As it stands, I'm mostly frustrating on the fact that there are lots of things I want to vote on right now but can't until after these midterm elections are done. Fun fact: Did you know that many indigenous communities in the US are so remote that they have to ride on horse back for miles just to vote? It's a tedious process that some don't event bother to partake in. Indifference is one thing, but there also plenty of voters who don't because of the many roadblocks.
  25. I really really wish I could vote, you have no idea how frustrating it is that I'm so close to the age of being able to vote but still four damn years away till the next time there will even be something to vote on. ...Sorry, that's my literal teen angst talking. Let us Proceed. I can't help but remember Shadow Dragon's Minvera, who when knowing that she could join Marth approached him herself instead of chilling out in an out of reach village that is way too tedious to get to and return from. Caeda just straight up kidnapped this guy. Wait, who exactly? Cooler Camus. Fuckin' brilliant.
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