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Everything posted by GuardianSing

  1. Jagen No but seriously, I didn't recognize that as Nyna as first. As far as I'm aware, this is a trope Nintendo has been fond of since the second Zelda game and has been present ever since from Zelda, and Fire Emblem to Paper Mario of all things.
  2. Very interesting that they both have a Wyvern Valley, especially since there were no Wyverns in Valentia during this time period. Oh, you needed him to save Elice? ...Oh... We're almost there! Don't worry! Eh? I kept Yubellio alive. I wouldn't have been able to beat the map if I left him to die because he had the Lightstone.
  3. What a nice high quality animated flag. Perfect, the universe is at balance. Oh so that's why you guys said she was a lost cause. ...But if I'm fast enough... Go on, Yubello! Win the day as you were always meant to! WHAT?!? Did I just softlock myself because I wanted the stupid meme character to beat the final boss but also didn't train him nearly as much as I should've? Alright, time to do some backtracking... It's kind of ironic that this games message with this guy is "Don't be an incel or an evil dragon will posses you" It's the shield from Fire Emblem Awakening! Jesus Christ, the translation threw up. Also I managed to keep Midia alive so hah, don't need rescues if you're reckless smart enough. Who the hell is that. Also known as my favorite Awakening child map. RockClan... Hmm... Oh thank god he finally died, I didn't know what to do with him. You good, Tiki? You can tell he's about to die because his text is bursting out of his speech box. It took you that long to figure it out? Haven't you played a Fire Emblem game before? Or even just a Nintendo game for that matter? That's incredibly specific. I was going to beat the game tonight but seeing as how much there is left, I think I'll save it for tomorrow. Sleep
  4. I haven't decided yet but I intent to keep it a secret until I post the first screenshots, which will come soon since I'll probably beat Mystery tonight. Suffice to say though, I'm also quite excited to see what the Judgral games are about, and I'm very curious to see how you and other Genealogy fans react to my first time experience with them. This would've also been a great alternative.
  5. I have one story that's about the long yet continuous process of change that's meant to last over generations of time, so suffice to say a lot of main characters die fighting for that progress. Supposed to be somberness with hope I suppose. Bittersweet. Yeah I'm always late when it comes to consuming media, I haven't gotten to watch the FE anime yet either.
  6. Pretty much all stories I write end with most or all of the cast dying to I'd be cool with this. Which reminds me, now that I've beaten SoV, I should read Acacia's fanfics. I'm serious, the amount of times someone on here has said something really funny but I have nothing to add to it but also wanted to let them know I found it funny...
  7. No because it's that realism that makes worlds feel alive. In Three Houses, the nations of Fódlan all have a history to them, and that realism makes the world feel much less fake and artificial, it's not like Fates where the nations feel like they only started existing as soon as the story began. I understand the argument against realism but a healthy dose of it can be great. And in the case of diverse countries, writing the realistic experience of those people interact with each other is way more interesting than just not dwelling on it. There is truth to stereotypes, the issue is if you portray just that stereotype to define all people of that group and don't allow them to also be human. And as a Native, well, there's a lot more of that than there is of actually deep characterization for us, so it's hard to laugh it off. Using a Fire Emblem lens on non-Fire Emblem things is perhaps one of my favorite things about this community.
  8. Don't take what I say so literally. Fiction coming up with new ideas is interesting. If it lets it sit in the back and have it do nothing? That's just lame.
  9. Tell that to me and my reaction to any and all depictions of Native Americans in the past two centuries. Again, a very significant difference between wanting to have a diverse country and the writers throwing a bunch of stereotypes together and calling it a people. The United States is a diverse country with lots of different people that interact with each in very different ways, and that's real. I'm not just saying this because I think something being realistic is better, I'm saying it because it just straight up would be way more interesting.
  10. Oh you know what I mean. There's a significant difference between a people being of mixed heritage and a people being mixed because the writers couldn't tell the difference.
  11. Man, it'll be really interesting playing FE4 for the first time here with you around. I feel like Fates deserves it's own category from Awakening with how batshit insane it is.
  12. I don't really feel anything from this new trailer, it just reaffirms all my fears that I had for the first one. Can you imagine holding your dying mom and the last thing she tells you is to find all the horcruxes and throw the one ring in Mount Doom, that's so hilariously stupid. I'd rather they not do that honestly. I don't want an Aladdin situation where the team pretends different groups of people are interchangeable.
  13. Uh oh. I mean it's a royal family there has to be- Oh yeah they all died in Shadow Dragon. Still it's kind of odd that the king also must be the ruler when he is not even of the royal blood in question. I refuse to believe there isn't some bastard out there to solve all this. Tell that to the arrow pierced corpse of Palla
  14. "Final battle" yeah, tell that to chapter 20, and the Endgame portion that has apparently three parts. Uh, I wont be softlocked out of getting her because I let Astram die, right? aaaAAAAHAAHHAHAHA Fuck the Greeks for inventing Ballistas Have you people ever heard the concept of a Queen? Kaga's backstory before this game.
  15. Really? It took all the way up until then to add that? I wonder if they wanted to do it before but just couldn't for some reason on the SNES. Having gone through a cold recently (And still am) it can definitely feel like it. That's true, though unfortunately I had already used the boots on someone else. It's not even that he was too good, he was just too fucking lucky I remember seeing articles about it but yeah it really exploded when the stuff on twitter happened. Well deserved I say. I did watch all the movies when I was younger but most of it has blurred in my head, especially the later stuff, so it never stuck with me either. I can only the imagine the heartbreak of fans of Harry Potter who grew up with the books and movies though. It's even more ironic hearing about how many trans kids were awakened from Harry Potter. Wooooo! Yes! That looks awesome.
  16. That's true but unfortunately my healer was at the other side and couldn't reach him in time either. I know there's some kind of logic to the unit placement thing but...gah. Well I mean, he already died so... Ah. Which by the way, I forgot to send that video you asked for earlier. TL:DR, J.K Rowling is a terrible person and that shows in her writing.
  17. Aw, that's cute. So in one of the most insane moments I've seen while playing Fire Emblem. Astram holds his ground being attacked by nearly all the cavalry, dodging sometimes but also consistently critting every single one, I'm serious, I wanted him to just attack once and not kill to keep him alive but he just get activating that 17% crit every battle until he eventually died. What the fuck. I don't know how you even get Marth from his position to here without having the entire army throw themselves at you and die. I've had times in my life where my sleep hours align perfectly with the early morning so I could wake up early without feeling extra groggy. There's a magic to it, a serene beautiful quietness. Course I prefer late nights so I don't see them that often.
  18. Oh Jesus. Why has thou forsaken me! Just use every single unit I didn't use in this game, got it. Hey now, that deal was only for Ruben who earned it by successfully cursing Conrad every time he appeared in the SoV playthrough. Ah, but what the hell. Yeah but really it should've been obvious by how different they were from other units on the map...and they didn't attack...and they started running away at some point. In my defense I was listening to a really interesting video about Harry Potter so half my mind was elsewhere. It's my first time playing DND actually.
  19. Hehe, she's certainly an interesting character and I'll be sure to use her in New Mystery, imagining that she has a bit more characterization there. I also liked how Samson instead of being a generic loyal knight was just a mercenary who decided to fight along because he just felt like that was the right thing to do. Lets see...how many units do I owe now? Reminder that you only get to assign one mandatory unit to me for New Mystery, any other shall only be a suggestion. Unless of course you reorganized my bookshelf in a way I'm not used to, then I would be at your mercy. Oh yeah it has been, every Sunday if I'm not working.
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