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Everything posted by GuardianSing

  1. Mm, I wouldn't say that. Corrin, depending on the route you pick, is always going to be fighting against one of his family members. Even if you pick Rev, it still takes Corrin a long ass time to actually earn the trust of Ryoma and Xander, they clearly don't just follow him willy-nilly. And while Corrin may always stay an idiot dork, they do grow good deal. Corrin in Birthright spares the life of Zola who ends up betraying them and because of that nearly getting Corrin and all of their party killed in the Opera House, and it's not a mistake he repeats again when facing Hans or Iago, and similarly in Conquest Corrin holds no sympathy for the two even after going through most of that entire game sparing the lives of all enemies they encounter. Aside from the kitsune genocide which Corrin never wanted to do. Quetzal of Radiance... Radiant Quetzal... Shadow Quetzal... New Mystery of Quetzal... Genealogy of The Holy Quetzal... Quetzal 776... Blazing Quetzal... Sacred Quetzal... Quetzals of Valentia... Three Quetzals... ...Okay I'm done. It mostly came as a thought experiment after reading some folks' opinions on Corrin in other FE circles. These aren't my opinions as I think I'd have to replay the Fates games to seal the Corrin deal, but I thought they were worth sharing here. Leif is up there as one of the top lords I'm most excited to see what they're about. Sigurd is on the lower side of that list but I'm still decently curious. Yeah this is the main deal that ultimately makes me skeptical of the idea. I've heard the thought that just because a character doesn't make the most logical choice doesn't mean it's bad writing, it's means the character made the very emotional choice that lead to their downfall. Corrin siding with the only family and siblings he's ever known makes sense, and Corrin does go through several mental breakdowns of guilt knowing how much he's killed, but it's all for a greater good which we know from other routes didn't need to happen, and ultimately the story tries to make those countless deaths more about Corrin than the actual people that died. However, i have to wonder if that's less Corrin's fault and more just the general storyline of Conquest. Basically Corrin needed a better story, not a better character.
  2. Think about it. Corrin is like the most unique and interesting lords the series has to offer. They aren't a stoic badass hero who knows how to do everything, they are empathetic, emotional, and incredibly flawed. They make mistakes that come back to bite them in the ass, Corrin may make dumb decisions at times but a character being Naive like Corrin doesn't mean they are poorly written, they have several moments of vulnerability with the other characters that many other FE lords don't get the luxury of. Corrin's reaction to Ryoma's death is a much more raw and emotional reaction than what many lords get from their familial deaths, Corrin both male and female, actually gets the permission to cry.
  3. I was thinking... Is Corrin really that bad? Man...the Japanese side of the FE fandom is an entirely different world that I would love to see but never will be able to unless I learn Japanese... I can only imagine how the little change of "having 7 of the games always have been there" makes a big difference in the community. I was about to say "Wait, I'm on hard" but then I remembered that this game calls hard mode "normal mode"
  4. Revolt Mm, well if it is what I assume it to be, then I do have my own criticisms about that but we'll see when we get there. I appreciate the restraint in saying spoilers though, it must be insane watching someone experience and comment on these things for the first time. He came out after I killed the boss but he didn't seem to do anything.
  5. I was more talking about how this guy believed that they'd be fine under Diean rule but under Gallian rule suddenly things would be awful and they'd be oppressed. Not an uncommon mindset among many racists. I wasn't talking to the peasants, I was expressing the point that conversation was trying to convey. The game tried to tell that he was condemning that behavior, not admitting it and participating in it. Soren is an empathetic man by Titania's words and was upset with the villagers.
  6. I was also tempted to just post this meme under it Hey I agree with you, but to reach Equity we need to reach equality. I was about to joke about that too actually. Actually I think it's the best passage I've read in this entire goddamn franchise, there's just something ironic about Soren being the one to say. Mordacai with 15 strength. I know it's a meme that Azura haves a higher strength growth rate than Ike but this is just ridiculous!
  7. See the problem with Soren being the racist one is that I can't also imagine him saying stuff like this and genuinely believing it. Engage in the politics of your country folks, stuff not effecting you directly is no excuse not to participate, especially when such apathy is what lets harmful actions pass. When you are used to privilege, equality can feel like oppression. Volke being tied with Titania as the second strongest unit in the group is extremely funny to me. Teehee. Damn DMPCs. And here I thought Awakening was the first game to give Anna a personality. Teehee Must be Minerva's long lost cousin. I...forgot the boss had a melee weapon. Don't let this distract you from the fact that Ike still has only 8 strength. ...That's Ike's real dad, isn't it?
  8. Oh I'm aware, my critique stands to history, not the game.
  9. As yes, the generic "Indian Territory" Eh, I guess I'll take it. It was always something I heard but never witnessed other than Wraith's occasional tongue and cheek quips. Less of a hoarding problem (I tend to use statboosters as soon as I get them) and more of a me vastly underestimating the usefulness of certain things and forgetting they existed.
  10. looking at the map, it seems they've been put under the title of a "decentralized nation" which I don't know if that makes them playable or not but the whiteness of their borders certainly makes it feel like so.
  11. Vicky definitely seems like the ideal choice for me in that regard, even if I can't pick a Native American nation like I can in EU4. I love this video for two reasons. One because it's funny, and two because it's seriously well done and true to it's message. Hopefully I'll remember that by then. Heh. That reminds me, my brother is a huge fan of board games and also a huge fan of history. It's nearing his birthday soon, maybe I'll get him that game. If there's one thing that makes me bad at Fire Emblem (Well there are several things but that's besides the point) It's that I don't use all the tools the game gives me.
  12. It hasn't bothered me much so far but we'll see how I feel. I was talking about Grand Strategy games or Four X games. Games like EU4 and Civilization. They have elements of other aspects of ruling an empire but ultimately it's the expansion and invasion of other territories that gets the most focus in those games. I'd love something that focuses on the urban planning and internal politics of a state. I hear Victoria III has a lot of that but it's quite new and knowing the genre (and especially paradox) it's going to need one or two expansions to feel complete.
  13. I wish there were more historical strategy games that didn't heavily focus on war. Honestly it would make far more sense if the rural members of the team were super racist with Soren as the outlier, or at the very least have this personal arc of him learning how much his school lied or kept away from him. Point taken because Jesus Christ. Hahahaha! Isn't Ike supposed to be the hardhitting strong lord?
  14. Reclaim the slur, Ike. This girl needs to learn some self respect. I don't think I've ever used Pure Water in a Fire Emblem game. He's with us in spirit. See, Ike agrees with me/ I like this little pre-battle conversations, giving insight on characters and how they are feeling at specific points in the story. Who's also racist. How are stealth maps even supposed to work. Wait if I can break down these doors than what the hell was the point of hiring a thief? I'm going to be hearing these jingles in my nightmares. All the speed and defense in the world...but not an ounce of strength to utilize it with! Seriously, Ike so far has the lowest strength of most of the team, and he's one of the highest leveled! That's the last time I post this video, I promise. *sigh* I need to stop relying on hit chances...
  15. It's an excuse if anything, which some stories do a good job at exploring. ...Given the heroic music playing during Ike's decision though I imagine it'll be a pretty black and white situation. I don't know though, Black Knight has to be a pretty popular character for a reason after all, but only time will tell. Unfortunately I didn't get to them in time, mainly because I didn't even see that there was a guy there to destroy them. We all need some positivity every once in a while. Don't know about Rolf but if Mist has a moment then I may just train her. I didn't even notice the Thanksgiving connection, it's perfect. It felt nice, I think I'm going to praise games more often.
  16. Path of Titania. Same energy. Some really raw lines from Ike. And of course Titania with this great line. Mordecai understands that oppressing the oppressors only leads to neocolonialism. Good on him for trying to stop it. Companions, eh? Quite the unique mechanic. Rolf makes a great first impression with a critical hit on his first attack. Shanty Pete mention! The most ressey of boys. She may look like Est but already she's caught my eye with likable attitude. And I love how fliers look on the map! In general units seen from above is a lot better than what Three Houses managed to convey. I can actually tell who is who. Again, very poetically pleasing line from Titania, she must be a writer in her off time. I love that background. I want to play as mister cloth over eyes over here! Must be a real badass to live with that. Why did nobody tell me Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf was in this game?! I also like that design a lot. But you- ...Ike wh- you have no reason to- Mm, nope nope nope, saving it for next time, only praises this time, no cynicism allowed. See, that wasn't so bad was it?
  17. Happy Turkey day folks, gotta be one of my favorite problematic EU members. Watch it come with an artbook of Three Houses. I could believe that, especially since this is a 30th anniversary game so we can imagine that the Emblem will be a pretty big part of it. ...Or it'll just be the shield again.
  18. Oh. Shame... Don't worry, it'll only be for one session. I've no more work days until later next year so I unfortunately wont be able to afford the Divine Edition. Show us the art book when you get it!
  19. Alright here's the deal. In the next session I'm going to refrain from any and all cynical takes, just praises when I come across them. Go from ranting Edel to nice Edel Yeah, honestly Jeralt almost felt like another conscious of Byleth's thoughts like Sothis which is a shame with how cool his design was. I knew something in this playthrough would hook ya. I don't actually know where I heard it before but from what I remember it's essentially a test to see if a character death would meaningfully change if they were replaced with a prized possession, which Ike's initial loud reaction to seeming indifference later definitely makes it feel like Greil was more like a sexy lamp to Ike than an actual father figure. Here's hoping they explore that. That definitely would've been neat to see, as a backstory DLC if nothing else. S ranks, huh? Just make the guy next to the king all of Teehee and it's a perfect visualization of these playthroughs. Whether I ship them or not by the end, I still expect to see a pretty adorkable relationship. I'm probably going to use Ike and Soren's support numbers on that. Ah, interesting.
  20. Well usually they'll say something like "Skill number x 0.5 change of triggering" and then you can build characters around that. Feels like that would be especially important in a game with a as free-flowing skill system as PoR. I enjoyed it so I have no problem with giving it another go. Hey even the greatest stories have problems. Don't take my cynical nitpicks or even genuine criticisms as me saying "I think this story is bad" especially since I usually exclusively post about my complaints to the stories rather then my praises. Not that I'm hugely invested in PoR's story so far but it's still early. I can understand why they do that though so players don't get robbed of a unit, especially in this modern era of Fire Emblem where carefully planned builds are (Or at least should be) encouraged. On the other hand, if the character in question is a Jagen and would fall off at the point of the story where he dies, that would be a very clever way to handle a character most players were going to stop using by then anyways. Either way I agree with you, playing as Jeralt or Greil would've helped to make their deaths more impactful. I'll respect this direction a lot more if Ike makes a few mistakes that genuinely bite him in the ass and force him to learn to be more competent with the company instead of becoming a model leader right out the gate as if they never even needed Greil Time will tell, but I doubt it. Genealogy is such a meme. I can already tell playing it will be interesting just from all the community context I've absorbed for it. Hah! You say that as if Ike x Soren shippers are another species. Though considering ship culture I guess it's not that inaccurate. I may make my jokes but it'll take a lot more heartfelt words between those two to make me a faithful convert. That's a good strategy, I like it. I'll keep that in mind. ...Maybe. My mind goes all over the place.
  21. Yeah, this game could definitely use a bit more worldbuilding... Buuut I'll take a cute mercenary family over an non-intimate royal military any day. A much welcome change even if I can't get that many supports. Interesting... ...Can't wait to stress over XP management now. Yeah but I'd at least like to know how that RNG works so I can factor it into strategies. I know I can just look it up, but still, bad Path of Radiance. It's always been interesting to see how different magic is in every game. I might just redo the map to get her. She might not be a huge deal but I do want to see every character this game has to offer.
  22. See if little scenes like this played before his death instead of after as a flashback, I think it would've been more impactful. That's beautiful. Already Ike failed the sexy lamp test. I uhh...I kinda had important items stored with them. "Actually since I understand that a hereditary system is stupid for a mercenary company, I'm going to instead have Titania be the commander because she's actually qualified" ...Is what Ike should've said if he truly believes he's too inexperienced to lead the company. I'd tell them to kiss if Soren didn't look like he was 14 here. So, only 5 supports per game I imagine? ...What. Biorhythm, eh? "In certain conditions" is the bane of my existence in JRPGs. THEN CRY YOU DAMN EMOTIONLESS PROTAGONIST!!!! Oh, nevermind, they acknowledged it in story, I guess that makes it okay then, teehee. Again, more time with this supposed family would've been nice. *gasp* Cavalry with axes?! What is Fire Emblem coming to! Yes I know Titania is a paladin with axes, shush. So there was a mage girl I couldn't reach before the turn limit, she wasn't important or anything, right? From a story standpoint, yes. Obviously if we're talking the perma-death feature affecting playable units that's different but when it comes to canon deaths a writer has to think about how much the death of a character would impact the story versus them being alive. I think Emmeryn is a good example of this, her death means something, it isn't just to make Chrom feel sad and motivated to kill Gangrel, it causes nearly all of the Plegian military to abandon the cause, and she is consistently mentioned and talked about for the remainder of the story. She is the example of a character who's death outweighs their narrative potential. Now the many canon deaths in Fates are of characters who's death also outweighed their narrative potential but that's only because they barely had any to begin with. Flora, Lilith, Kaze, they all were super disposable because of how little presences they had in the plot so their death is meaningless and since they weren't ever relevant the audience struggles to care about that death. Elise's death was almost good but since it does nothing to change Xander's mind it ultimately just becomes another thing to upset Corrin for a few seconds. And when talking about offscreen deaths I was talking about how that is almost always brought up to make you sympathetic towards the main character and not the mom herself since they don't even describe to you what she was like, it's almost as if they expect you to fill in the blanks with the generic motherly traits. Like imagine if we got a backstory of Robin's mother in Awakening and her badass attempt to escape her own husband and the Grimleal. No but see here's the thing, when the roles are reversed and the mom has to explain to their kid what their father was like, they actually get a nuanced and interesting backstory and gets to be important to the plot.
  23. I'm debating on watching this trailer since I almost want to keep the rest of the game a secret before it comes out. Be it onscreen or not, it's still a fridged character, someone who dies for no other reason than to the make the main character feel bad and is practically forgotten for the rest of the story. Sometimes dead moms aren't even brought up, it's just assumed and they are never given any nuanced beyond generic motherly traits. I could fill a whole bucket with scenes where the dad tells their kid about their dead mom and the dad describes her as "Kind, beautiful, smart" Ah yes, very fitting to what we were talking about. I loved Ikea Ike by the way. Ah right, you haven't played the newer games yet. Sorry. ...I mean it's not like you were missing much but yeah.
  24. Eh, not by much, moms still die all the time as well. And let us not forget Flora, Lilith, and Elise's painfully meaningless deaths in Fates, as well as Celica's fake out death in Echoes.
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