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Everything posted by Miminako

  1. honestly just the main characters/avatars. Marth because he's the face of the series basically Ike because Tellius and because he's radically different than Marth Byleth to represent the weapon triangle and Robin/Corrin for the avatars
  2. biggest one is if the fandom is really bad cus then I associate a game with a screechy set of fans. Another thing is games where its like too much violence and sex content. Now I'm not opposed to violence or sex content if it's necessary to do but its like........theres a certain line of threshold as to how much I can handle?
  3. lore. game lore. a lot of it. I waste hours talking about it and at some point i'll lose the people's interests
  4. Now that she's a colorless tome alt for the brides banner, staff. They should give her Matrona.
  5. whats wrong with the joke? It's in the game lol
  6. That's no longer a Duo Hero, that's a quadruple hero and I'm all for it lol
  7. Favorite FE game is totally not Three Houses
  8. He probably hangs on to her as she goes zoooooom across the sky
  9. Wait people like that? Everytime I ever see F!Robin and Lucina in fanworks, F!Robin is the mother of Lucina. interesting. I can get behind this too. in fact make it duo bridal banner. you KNOW people are going to wanna spend orbs for female Duo units. that means more money is made!!
  10. Ike and Soren duo Or Ike and Mist/Greil/Titania bc it would be sweet to see more family duos. Also bc I will only accept those cus they're the most sensible ones to me.
  11. I thought in the japanese version they are stated to marry?
  12. Now that we have a Micaiah and Sothe Duo........... Ike and Soren duo when @Int$ys ?
  13. my first idea : Don't make the secret Soren and Ike secret conversation ridiculously convoluted to achieve. second idea : whoever is the animation director for casting spells please be the one for a remake. The 3H spell animations looks so bland while the Tellius ones had the screens shake and it was extra dramatic.
  14. corrin is the most interesting out of the banner imho. RD Ike alt is cool and all but i think i'd still love my f2p RD Ike and Brave Ike more than this one, so pass on Ike.
  15. Soren best character imho. Don't really want to rank the characters but all you'd need to know is that Soren is #1 up there. So is Nephenee and Ike and Sothe.
  16. hell yeah edelgard. im done with the young units banner so Im going to summon for Edelgard. glad she got a legendary tbh.
  17. not a big fan of Awakening tbh so I don't plan on getting Chrom. Tiki on the other hand........ wish they'd put like Ike or Caeda. Or even Corrin since he wields sword and can transform into dragon
  18. i dont mind another Rebecca but her art is pretty cool 😞 she's one of the few units that have a different special pose.
  19. i will link to you after I sleep 🙂 it was an interesting concept. Annette, Mercedes, Maribelle, Forrest and... Elise haha! Can you imagine Maribelle mistaking both Forrest and Elise for two Lissas? and also Im curious as to what kind of outfit Forrest would wear to a picnic. I can already know what Annette and Mercedes would wear (probably something similar to Genny)
  20. absolute taste in all of these, esp seasonal Mercedes. Can we also have Annette to go with her? Picnic Annette, Mercedes, Maribelle, and uh... Forrest? I'm just trying to think of the magic blondes lol Bolded part: Speaking of such, I was on twitter a day ago and i saw someone make a drawing and edit of an Ike and Soren duo. specifically baby ike and soren and i thought it was real for a second. But then its not real 😔 the Ike and Soren Duo was similar to the Askran Duo with amazing attack and defenses but with bad speed.... to sleep perchance to dream.....
  21. thank you AnonymousSpeed's mother for making the cake Jokes aside, that sounds delicious. Recipe?
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