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  1. You hear a voice. In the shadows of the once vibrant Serenes Forest, where whispers of treachery once danced upon the winds, now lay a desolate silence. The heart of the community, once pulsating with the fervor of deceit and strategy, now beat faintly, if at all. A wave of despair swept through its remaining denizens as they watched their brethren depart for distant lands, seeking refuge in the embrace of rival realms. Amongst the whispers of departure, there lingered the haunting echo of a solitary soul, whose dying breath uttered the damning phrase: "Mafia sucks." But amidst the gloom, a flicker of hope emerged from the ashes of defeat. The last stalwart NOCcers, guardians of truth in a sea of lies, refused to surrender to oblivion. With resolve in their hearts and a glimmer of determination in their eyes, they embarked on a quest shrouded in mystery and peril. Their mission: to reclaim the lost essence of Serenes Forest Mafia, to reignite the flames of camaraderie and cunning that once illuminated their world. For they believed that somewhere, hidden beneath layers of deceit and betrayal, lay the elusive Fire Emblem, the symbol of their community's strength and unity. Thus, with courage as their compass and trust as their shield, they ventured forth into the unknown, ready to confront the shadows that threatened to consume their beloved realm. Little did they know that their journey would not only test their wits and loyalty but also unveil secrets that would reshape the very fabric of their existence. --------------------------- * The above passage is a mildly editted ChatGPT written post because I wanted to see what would happen... Don't worry, the rest of the flavor is not written by AI. I've seen other mafia communities cook (or burn) with ChatGPT 🙃.
  2. (Alternative title: Persona 3 Mafia: the good one.) Memento Mori: remember you are mortal, remember your death. Rules: 1. As the host, I have the ability to add, remove or modify these rules at any time. If a change is made, an announcement will be made in the game thread. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 4. You may not speak to dead players. Do not speak to non-players who aren't listed as hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots or quoting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. This applies to Role PMs, night results and any other form of communication. 6. Do not edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, measures will be taken to prevent this from happening. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, you will be prodded. After several prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. Please inform me ahead of time if you are going to be absent. 10. Be civil. If you feel as though things are getting out of hand, please contact me and I will handle the situation if necessary. Mechanics: 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Day 1 will last 72 hours, and Day 2 and onward will be 48 hours, while nights last for 24 hours. These may be bent slightly for the sake of host convenience. 3. The player with the most votes at the end of the phase will be lynched. 1/3rd of the votes (rounded up) are required to lynch. 2/3rd of the votes (rounded down) hammers and ends phase early. Ties lead to a No Lynch. 4. No Lynch is a valid vote target. If two day phases end in No Lynch, the game will end in Universal Loss. 5. *YLO will not be announced. 6. You will be informed if you successfully targeted a player, and you will be informed if your action was redirected, and you will learn who your new target was. 7. To vote, use the following format: ##Vote: <USER> and to unvote use ##Unvote. 8. If 1/3 of the living players ##Vote: Extension during a Day phase other than Day 1, the phase will be extended by 24 hours. This can only be done once. 9. Mafia members can communicate over Discord while they are alive. After they are dead, they cannot contribute to the discussion. 10. This game is cardflip, meaning that when a player dies, all that will be posted in the game thread will be their character, role and alignment (along with a pretty picture). Setup Information: 1. There are 13 players in this game. All of them are on the playerlist. 2. The Town faction and the Mafia faction are guaranteed to exist in this game. There may be others. 3. The Town win condition is as follows: "You win when the Town has eliminated all threats, or when nothing can prevent the same from happening." 4. The Mafia win condition is as follows: "You win when the Mafia have achieved parity with the Town or when nothing can prevent the same from happening." 5. There are no Vanilla players of any alignment in this game. In other words, this is role madness. 6. Flavour correlates with both role and alignment. 7. Non-town players have been supplied with fakeclaims. 8. This is not a bastard game. Everything happens for a reason.
  3. Rules: 1. The host of this game reserves the right to edit these rules as necessary. Any changes made to the rules will be announced in the game thread. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 4. You may not speak to dead players. Do not speak to non-players who aren't listed as hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots or quoting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. This applies to Role PMs, night results and any other form of communication. 6. Do not edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, measures will be taken to prevent this from happening. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, you will be prodded. After several prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. Please inform me ahead of time if you are going to be absent. 10. Be civil. If you feel as though things are getting out of hand, please contact me and I will handle the situation if necessary. Mechanics: 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Day 1 will last 72 hours, and Day 2 and onward will be 48 hours, while nights last for 24 hours. These may be bent slightly for the sake of host convenience. 3. The player with the most votes at the end of the phase will be lynched. 1/3rd of the votes (rounded up) are required to lynch. 2/3rd of the votes (rounded down) hammers and ends phase early. Ties lead to a No Lynch. 4. No Lynch is a valid vote target. If two day phases end in No Lynch, the game will end in Universal Loss. 5. *YLO will not be announced. 6. You will be informed if you successfully targeted a player, and you will be informed if your action was redirected, and you will learn who your new target was. 7. To vote, use the following format: ##Vote: <USER> and to unvote use ##Unvote. 8. If 1/3 of the the living players ##Vote: Extension during a Day phase other than Day 1, the phase will be extended by 24 hours. This can only be done once. 9. Mafia members can communicate over Discord while they are alive. After they are dead, they cannot contribute to the discussion. 10. This game is cardflip, meaning that when a player dies, all that will be posted in the game thread will be their role, alignment, flavor, and a picture. Setup Information: 1. There are 13 players in this game. All of them are on the playerlist. 2. There are only two alignments in this game, the Town and the Mafia. 3. There are 10 townies. The Town win condition is as follows: "You are aligned with the Town. You win when all members of the Mafia have been eliminated and at least one member of the town remains alive." 4. There are 3 mafia members. The Mafia win condition is as follows: "You are aligned with the Mafia. You win when your faction has achieved parity with the Town or nothing can prevent the same from happening." 5. There is at least one Town Vanilla in the game. 6. The characters for Mafia members have been selected through RNG. Flavor has no bearing on alignment or role. 7. This is not a bastard game. Everything happens for a reason. Players: 1. Bartozio 2. Seyrin 3. Athena_57 4. wienerboy 5. Magnificence Incarnate 6. Toni XY 7. Aldo 8. Banana Spritzee
  4. Rules: 1. As the host, I have the ability to add, remove or modify these rules at any time. If a change is made, an announcement will be made in the game thread. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 4. You may not speak to dead players. Do not speak to non-players who aren't listed as hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots or quoting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. This applies to Role PMs, night results and any other form of communication. 6. Do not edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, measures will be taken to prevent this from happening. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, you will be prodded. After several prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. Please inform me ahead of time if you are going to be absent. 10. Be civil. If you feel as though things are getting out of hand, please contact me and I will handle the situation if necessary. Mechanics: 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Day 1 will last 72 hours, and Day 2 and onward will be 48 hours, while nights last for 24 hours. These may be bent slightly for the sake of host convenience. 3. The player with the most votes at the end of the phase will be lynched. 1/3rd of the votes (rounded up) are required to lynch. 2/3rd of the votes (rounded down) hammers and ends phase early. Ties lead to a No Lynch. 4. No Lynch is a valid vote target. If two day phases end in No Lynch, the game will end in Universal Loss. 5. *YLO will not be announced. 6. You will be informed if you successfully targeted a player, and you will be informed if your action was redirected, and you will learn who your new target was. 7. To vote, use the following format: ##Vote: <USER> and to unvote use ##Unvote. 8. If 1/3 of the the living players ##Vote: Extension during a Day phase other than Day 1, the phase will be extended by 24 hours. This can only be done once. 9. Mafia members can communicate over Discord while they are alive. After they are dead, they cannot contribute to the discussion. 10. This game is cardflip, meaning that when a player dies, all that will be posted in the game thread will be their character, role and alignment (along with a pretty picture). Setup Information: 1. There are 13 players in this game. All of them are on the playerlist. 2. The Town faction and the Mafia faction are guaranteed to exist in this game. There may be others. 3. The Town win condition is as follows: "You win when the Town has eliminated all threats, or when nothing can prevent the same from happening.." 4. The Mafia win condition is as follows: "You win when the Mafia have achieved parity with the Town or when nothing can prevent the same from happening." 5. There is at least one Town Vanilla in the game. 6. Flavour may correlate with role, but not with alignment. 7. Non-town players have been supplied with fakeclaims. 8. This is not a bastard game. Everything happens for a reason.
  5. Rules: 1. As the host, I have the ability to add, remove or modify these rules at any time. If a change is made, an announcement will be made in the game thread. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 4. You may not speak to dead players. Do not speak to non-players who aren't listed as hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots or quoting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. This applies to Role PMs, night results and any other form of communication. 6. Do not edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, measures will be taken to prevent this from happening. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, you will be prodded. After several prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. Please inform me ahead of time if you are going to be absent. 10. Be civil. If you feel as though things are getting out of hand, please contact me and I will handle the situation if necessary. Mechanics: 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Day 1 will last 72 hours, and Day 2 and onward will be 48 hours, while nights last for 24 hours. These may be bent slightly for the sake of host convenience. 3. The player with the most votes at the end of the phase will be lynched. 1/3rd of the votes (rounded up) are required to lynch. 2/3rd of the votes (rounded down) hammers and ends phase early. Ties lead to a No Lynch. 4. No Lynch is a valid vote target. If two day phases end in No Lynch, the game will end in Universal Loss. 5. *YLO will not be announced. 6. You will be informed if you successfully targeted a player, and you will be informed if your action was redirected, and you will learn who your new target was. 7. To vote, use the following format: ##Vote: <USER> and to unvote use ##Unvote. 8. If 1/3 of the the living players ##Vote: Extension during a Day phase other than Day 1, the phase will be extended by 24 hours. This can only be done once. 9. Mafia members can communicate over Discord while they are alive. After they are dead, they cannot contribute to the discussion. 10. This game is cardflip, meaning that when a player dies, all that will be posted in the game thread will be their character, role and alignment (along with a pretty picture). Setup Information: 1. There are 13 players in this game. All of them are on the playerlist. 2. The Town faction and the Mafia faction are guaranteed to exist in this game. There may be others. 3. The Town win condition is as follows: "You win when the Town has eliminated all threats, or when nothing can prevent the same from happening.." 4. The Mafia win condition is as follows: "You win when the Mafia have achieved parity with the Town or when nothing can prevent the same from happening." 5. There is at least one Town Vanilla in the game. 6. Flavour may correlate with role, but not with alignment. 7. Non-town players have been supplied with fakeclaims. 8. This is not a bastard game. Everything happens for a reason. Signups: 1. weinerboy 2. Athena_57 3. Nuxl 4. Fenrir Aesir 5. Magnificence Incarnate 6. Duskfall98 7. Flee Feet! 8. Refa 9. Mitsuru Kirijo 10. DarthR0xas 11. Shinori 12. Ichigo
  6. Arctic Mafia RULES: 1. Fenrir and SB are the hosts of this game and reserve the right to edit these rules as necessary. Any changes made to the rules will be announced in the game thread. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 4. You may not speak to dead players. Do not speak to non-players who aren't listed as hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots or quoting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. This applies to Role PMs, night results and any other form of communication. 6. Do not edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, measures will be taken to prevent this from happening. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, you will be prodded. After several prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. Please inform me ahead of time if you are going to be absent. 10. Be civil. If you feel as though things are getting out of hand, please contact me and I will handle the situation if necessary. MECHANICS 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Day 1 will last 72 hours, and Day 2 and onward will be 48 hours, while nights last for 24 hours. These may be bent slightly for the sake of host convenience. 3. The player with the most votes at the end of the phase will be lynched. 1/3rd of the votes (rounded up) are required to lynch. 2/3rd of the votes (rounded down) hammers and ends phase early. Ties lead to a No Lynch. 4. No Lynch is a valid vote target. If two day phases end in No Lynch, the game will end in Universal Loss. 5. *YLO will not be announced. 6. You will be informed if you successfully targeted a player, and you will be informed if your action was redirected, and you will learn who your new target was. 7. To vote, use the following format: ##Vote: <USER> and to unvote use ##Unvote. 8. If 1/3 of the the living players ##Vote: Extension during a Day phase other than Day 1, the phase will be extended by 24 hours. This can only be done once. 9. Mafia members can communicate over Discord while they are alive. After they are dead, they cannot contribute to the discussion. 10. This game is cardflip, meaning that when a player dies, all that will be posted in the game thread will be their role, alignment, flavor, and a picture. SETUP 1. There are 13 players in this game. All of them are on the playerlist. 2. There are only two alignments in this game, the Town and the Mafia. 3. There are 10 townies. The Town win condition is as follows: "You are aligned with the Arctic. You win when all members of the Antarctic have been eliminated and at least one member of the Arctic remains alive." 4. There are 3 mafia members. The Mafia win condition is as follows: "You are aligned with the Antarctic. You win when your faction has achieved parity with the Arctic or nothing can prevent the same from happening." 5. There is at least one Town Vanilla in the game. 6. The safeclaims for Mafia members have been selected through RNG. Character claims have no bearing on alignment. 7. This is not a bastard game. Everything happens for a reason.
  7. Arctic Mafia (Signups) If I did something horribly wrong in this signup post let me know :thumbsup: RULES: 1. Fenrir and SB are the hosts of this game and reserve the right to edit these rules as necessary. Any changes made to the rules will be announced in the game thread. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 4. You may not speak to dead players. Do not speak to non-players who aren't listed as hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots or quoting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. This applies to Role PMs, night results and any other form of communication. 6. Do not edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, measures will be taken to prevent this from happening. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, you will be prodded. After several prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. Please inform me ahead of time if you are going to be absent. 10. Be civil. If you feel as though things are getting out of hand, please contact me and I will handle the situation if necessary. MECHANICS 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Day 1 will last 72 hours, and Day 2 and onward will be 48 hours, while nights last for 24 hours. These may be bent slightly for the sake of host convenience. 3. The player with the most votes at the end of the phase will be lynched. 1/3rd of the votes (rounded up) are required to lynch. 2/3rd of the votes (rounded down) hammers and ends phase early. Ties lead to a No Lynch. 4. No Lynch is a valid vote target. If two day phases end in No Lynch, the game will end in Universal Loss. 5. *YLO will not be announced. 6. You will be informed if you successfully targeted a player, and you will be informed if your action was redirected, and you will learn who your new target was. 7. To vote, use the following format: ##Vote: <USER> and to unvote use ##Unvote. 8. If 1/3 of the the living players ##Vote: Extension during a Day phase other than Day 1, the phase will be extended by 24 hours. This can only be done once. 9. Mafia members can communicate over Discord while they are alive. After they are dead, they cannot contribute to the discussion. 10. This game is cardflip, meaning that when a player dies, all that will be posted in the game thread will be their role, alignment, flavor, and a picture. SETUP 1. There are 13 players in this game. All of them are on the playerlist. 2. There are only two alignments in this game, the Town and the Mafia. 3. There are 10 townies. The Town win condition is as follows: "You are aligned with the Arctic. You win when all members of the Antarctic have been eliminated and at least one member of the Arctic remains alive." 4. There are 3 mafia members. The Mafia win condition is as follows: "You are aligned with the Antarctic. You win when your faction has achieved parity with the Arctic or nothing can prevent the same from happening." 5. There is at least one Town Vanilla in the game. 6. The safeclaims for Mafia members have been selected through RNG. Character claims have no bearing on alignment. 7. This is not a bastard game. Everything happens for a reason. PLAYERS (13/13) Athena_57 Refa Ampharos weinerboy Magnificence Incarnate Sully McGully Bartozio Shinori RADicate Vi-astra XnadrojX Mitsuru Kirijo Ichigo
  8. Rules: 1. As the host, I have the ability to add, remove or modify these rules at any time. If a change is made, an announcement will be made in the game thread. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless a host specifically tells you otherwise. 4. You may not speak to dead players. Do not speak to non-players who aren't listed as hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots or quoting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. This applies to Role PMs, night results and any other form of communication. 6. Do not edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, measures will be taken to prevent this from happening. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, you will be prodded. After several prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. Please inform me ahead of time if you are going to be absent. 10. Be civil. If you feel as though things are getting out of hand, please contact me and I will handle the situation if necessary. Mechanics: 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Day 1 will last 72 hours, and Day 2 and onward will be 48 hours, while nights last for 24 hours. These may be bent slightly for the sake of host convenience. 3. The player with the most votes at the end of the phase will be lynched. 1/3rd of the votes (rounded up) are required to lynch. 2/3rd of the votes (rounded down) hammers and ends phase early. Ties lead to a No Lynch. 4. No Lynch is a valid vote target. If two day phases end in No Lynch, the game will end in Universal Loss. 5. *YLO will not be announced. 6. You will be informed if you successfully targeted a player, and you will be informed if your action was redirected, and you will learn who your new target was. 7. To vote, use the following format: ##Vote: <USER> and to unvote use ##Unvote. 8. If 1/3 of the the living players ##Vote: Extension during a Day phase other than Day 1, the phase will be extended by 24 hours. This can only be done once. 9. Mafia members can communicate over Discord while they are alive. After they are dead, they cannot contribute to the discussion. 10. This game is cardflip, meaning that when a player dies, all that will be posted in the game thread will be their character, role and alignment (along with a pretty picture). Setup Information: 1. There are 17 players in this game. All of them are on the playerlist. 2. There are only two alignments in this game, the Town and the Mafia. 3. There are 13 townies. The Town win condition is as follows: "You win when the Mafia have been eliminated and at least one member of the Town remains alive." 4. There are 4 mafia members. The Mafia win condition is as follows: "You win when the Mafia have achieved parity with the Town or nothing can prevent the same from happening." 5. There is at least one Town Vanilla in the game. 6. The safeclaim characters for Mafia members have been selected through RNG. Character claims have no bearing on alignment. 7. This is not a bastard game. Everything happens for a reason. 8. For anyone who cares about Manga spoilers, Role PMs will not reference any events that take place after midway through Season 3 (Episode 50). Signups (17/17): - Shinori - RADicate - Mackc2 - Athena_57 - Killthestory - Marth - Tuvy2 - Tuvy - Flee Feet! - Corrobin - Bartozio - SullyMcGully - weinerboy - Omega. - Via - Boron - Orihime
  9. Rules: - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes. - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise. - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP. - Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM. - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods is likely to result in a modkill. - Don't screenshot anything outside the game thread. - Don't edit your posts. - Don't post after hammer. - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in. - Have good integrity. This includes not being a jerk. - Play to win. Mechanics: - Night 0 start. - 72 hour days, 24 hour nights. The exception is Day 1 - Day 1 will instead last 48 hours long. - With more than 15 players alive, the player with the most votes will be lynched. A tie will result in No Majority. - With less than 15 players alive, Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) is required to lynch. - No Majority results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. No Lynch may not be voted. - You will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail (as a general note, this accounts for stuff like roleblocker / safeguard / etc., a kill attempt that failed because the target was doc'd will still be considered successful). You will also be told if your action was redirected. - Killing roles get infinite no-kills. - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be. Set-up Info: - All players are on the player list. - All players have a role. Roles may be wacky and/or slightly bastard. - Players may request that any theoretical anonymous day actions be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc). - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, player name, character name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you, but they might not describe a player's role in detail. - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't. - Flavor is irrelevant to alignment. This is a Choose Your Own Role game! PM me a character (or object, or abstract concept, or whatever) when you sign up and your flavor and abilities will be based around what you chose (to a reasonable extent). Sign-ups (8/21) 1. Via 2. Reinfleche 3. SB. 4. Shinori 5. Eurykins 6. EvanManManMan 7. Randa 8. NekoRex This game will start on May 27th, or later if I can't get enough players in time. I'm starting sign-ups early so I have time to design and fine-tune the set-up in accordance with people's character choices.
  10. RULES 1. I'm the host, and what I say goes. Edits to these rules may come at any time, although you will be informed if this occurs. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 2a. This includes non-players. If you spoil all of my potential subs I'll get kind of mad. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 4. Don't talk to dead people, don't talk to non-players who aren't hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots and posting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. 6. Don't edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, I'll see to it that it doesn't happen. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, I will prod you. After enough prods, I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. 10. In spite of Shinori's words of wisdom above, try your best to avoid being an asshole. MECHANICS 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Days last for roughly 72 hours, while nights last for 24. These will probably be bent for my convenience. 3. 1/3rd of the living players must vote a target in order to lynch them. 2/3rd hammers early. Ties lead to no lynch. 4. If two day phases pass with no lynch target (intentional or otherwise), universal loss will occur. 5. You will be informed if your action fails or hits an unintended target. 6. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential *YLO will not be. 6a. *YLO is defined as a phase where the town can lose at the beginning of the following day phase. 7. Non-factional abilities from dead players will flip, but their full role pms will not. 8. This game is not bastard. 9. Every player has at least one passive or active ability beyond those typical for their faction. In other words, this is role madness. 10. Flavour may correlate with role, but not alignment. SIGNUPS (13/13): Arcanite Bard BBM Eurykins Fenrir Aesir Prims Propeller Knight (Via) Rapier Refa Shinori Walrein Weapons YOLOSWAG (Omega)
  11. Rules: - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will cause problems, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes. - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise. - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP. - Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM. - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods is likely to result in a modkill. - Don't screenshot anything outside the game thread. - Don't edit your posts. - Don't post after hammer. - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in. - Have good integrity. Keep it civil. Don't be a jerk. - Play to win. Mechanics: - Day 1 start. - 72 hour days, 24 hour nights. - Lynches on Day 1 are determined by popular vote: the player with the most votes at phase end will be lynched. A tie will result in an extra 1-hour Super Sudden Death phase, at which point the first player to have more votes will be lynched. If nobody is lynched in that time period, No Majority will be reached. If a player reaches majority (half living players rounded down + 1) at any point in the day, they will be lynched early and the phase will end. - Lynches past Day 2 are determined by majority rules: Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) is required to be voting for a player for a lynch to be acheived. Failing to reach Majority results in the phase ending in No Majority. - No Majority results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. No Lynch may not be voted. - You will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail (as a general note, this accounts for stuff like roleblocker / safeguard / etc., a kill attempt that failed because the target was protected by a doctor will still be considered successful). You will also be told if your action was redirected. - Killing roles get infinite no-kills. - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be. Set-up Info: - All players are on the player list. - There are 10 townies and 3 mafia in the game. - There is a non-zero amount of Vanilla Townies in the game. - Players may request that any theoretical anonymous day actions be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc). - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, player name, character name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you, but they might not describe a player's role in detail. - Players can only use one active ability per night unless the circumstances allow otherwise. - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't. - There are no Jesters in this game. - Flavor is irrelevant to alignment. Players (4): - Baroness Von Bon Bon - Cala Maria - Captain Brineybeard - Werner Werman Dead (9): - Djimmi the Great, Town Timewinder, lynched Day 1 - Rumor Honeybottoms, Mafia Goon, lynched Day 2 - Beppi The Clown, Town Doctor, killed Night 2 - Hilda Berg, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 3 - Cagney Carnation, Vanilla Townie, killed Night 3 - Sally Stageplay, Vanilla Townie, lynched Day 4 - Dr. Kahl, Vanilla Townie, killed Night 4 - Grim Matchstick, Mafia Roleblocker, lynched Day 5 - Wally Warbles, Town Macho Cop, killed Night 5 This is an anonymous game. To sign up, PM me on this account or my main account (Prims) and pick one of the above characters who has not yet been chosen (taken characters are crossed out). If you're unfamiliar with flavor and/or don't care, feel free to pass on picking and I'll just RNG your character once sign-ups are over. Sign-ups over Discord PM are also OK. Provided I have all sign-ups by then, game will start in around a week from now, on Wednesday the 24th.
  12. It's time. RULES 1. I'm the host, and what I say goes. Edits to these rules may come at any time, although you will be informed if this occurs. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 2a. This includes non-players. If you spoil all of my potential subs I'll get kind of mad. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 4. Don't talk to dead people, don't talk to non-players who aren't hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots and posting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. 6. Don't edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, I'll see to it that it doesn't happen. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, I will prod you. After enough prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. 10. Don't be an asshole. Mafia is a game, not a place for you to scream at people./ MECHANICS 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Days last for roughly 72 hours, while nights last for 24. These will probably be bent for my convenience. 3. 1/3rd of the living players must vote a target in order to lynch them. 2/3rd hammers early. Ties lead to no lynch. 4. If two day phases pass with no lynch target (intentional or otherwise), universal loss will occur. 5. You will be informed if your action fails or hits an unintended target. 6. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential *YLO will not be. 7. Cardflip is enabled. An example flip would be SB, Town Vanilla, was lynched Day 2 with a pretty picture. 8. This game is not bastard. 9. There is a non-zero number of vanillas in this game. 10. Flavour is for the most part non-spoilerific and will not correlate with alignment. Player characters and confidants could be mafia. Alive (4): -Bartozio -Michelaar Elieson -Refa -Via (Quote) Dead (10): -Ken Masters Lord Gaius - Haru Okumura, Town Vanilla, was lynched Day 1 -Prims - ???, Died Night 1 -Baldrick - Sojiro Sakura, Town Vanilla, was lynched Day 2 -Mackc2 - Sae Niijima, Town Interrogator, was killed Night 2 -Paperblade - Akira Kurusu, Town Trickster, was killed Night 2 -Shinori - Ann Takamaki, Mafia 1-shot Janitor, was killed Night 2 -SullyMcGully - Chihaya Mifune, Town Vanilla, was lynched Day 3 -BBM - Ryuji Sakamoto, Town Even-Night Vigilante, was killed Night 3 -kirsche - Makoto Niijima, Mafia Goon, was lynched Day 4 -Marth (Magnificence Incarnate) - Tae Takemi, Town Decoy, was killed Night 4 Links: -Day 1: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, Lynch -Day 2: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, Lynch
  13. It's time. RULES 1. I'm the host, and what I say goes. Edits to these rules may come at any time, although you will be informed if this occurs. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 2a. This includes non-players. If you spoil all of my potential subs I'll get kind of mad. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 4. Don't talk to dead people, don't talk to non-players who aren't hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots and posting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. 6. Don't edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, I'll see to it that it doesn't happen. 9. If you don't post for 24 hours, I will prod you. After enough prods I will attempt to sub you out or modkill you if that isn't possible. 10. Don't be an asshole. Mafia is a game, not a place for you to scream at people./ MECHANICS 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Days last for roughly 72 hours, while nights last for 24. These will probably be bent for my convenience. 3. 1/3rd of the living players must vote a target in order to lynch them. 2/3rd hammers early. Ties lead to no lynch. 4. If two day phases pass with no lynch target (intentional or otherwise), universal loss will occur. 5. You will be informed if your action fails or hits an unintended target. 6. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential *YLO will not be. 7. Cardflip is enabled. An example flip would be SB, Town Vanilla, was lynched Day 2 with a pretty picture. 8. This game is not bastard. 9. There is a non-zero number of vanillas in this game. 10. Flavour is for the most part non-spoilerific and will not correlate with alignment. Player characters and confidants could be mafia. SIGNUPS 1. Prims 2. Marth 3. Mackc2 4. Shinori 5. Michelaar 6. Bartozio 7. SullyMcGully 8. Ken Masters 9. BBM 10. Refa 11. Via 12. Baldrick 13. kirsche This game needs 13 signups. If I go over that amount, I'll RNG players out. This game obviously has spoilers for Persona 5 (edit: they're fairly minor now), so if you care about that or something, don't join. Or join anyway. Joinmygame.
  14. Rules: - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes. - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise. - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP. - Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM. - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods is likely to result in a modkill. - Don't screenshot anything outside the game thread. - Don't edit your posts. - Don't post after hammer. - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in. - Have good integrity. This includes not being a dick. - Play to win. Mechanics: - Day 1 start. - 72 hour days, 24 hour nights. - On Day 1, the player with the most votes will be lynched. A tie will result in No Majority. - Past Day 2, Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) is required to lynch. - No Majority results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. No Lynch may not be voted. - You will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail (as a general note, this accounts for stuff like roleblocker / safeguard / etc., a kill attempt that failed because the target was doc'd will still be considered successful). You will also be told if your action was redirected. - Killing roles get infinite no-kills. - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be. Set-up Info: - All players are on the player list. - There is a non-zero amount of Vanilla Townies in the game. - Players may request that any theoretical anonymous day actions be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc). - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, player name, character name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you, but they might not describe a player's role in detail. - Players can only use one active ability per night unless the circumstances allow otherwise. - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't. - There are no Jesters in this game. - Flavor is irrelevant to alignment. Players: 1. Rapier 2. Marth 3. Mackc2 4. Bartozio 5. Anime27arts 6. Arcanite 7. Greencapps 8. Shinori 9. DefaultBeep 10. Michelaar 11. Rex Glacies 12. SB 13. Boron Sign-ups are first come, first serve. A new thread will be posted when the game starts.
  15. The Mafia Game Formerly Known As Spell Card Mafia Rules: - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes. - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise. - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP. - Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM. - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods is likely to result in a modkill. - Don't screenshot things. - Don't use Special Snowflake Fonts or Text Colors. - Don't edit your posts. - Don't post after hammer. - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in. - Have good integrity. This includes not being a dick. - Play to win. Mechanics: - Night 0 start, killing actions may not be used during this time. Players may not speak at night unless their role allows otherwise. - 72 hour days, 24 hour nights. - 18 PLAYERS AND ABOVE: Player with most votes will be lynched at deadline, so long as their number of votes is equal to at least a third of the living players (rounded down). A day ending with no player at the required amount of votes for a lynch or with two players at the same amount of votes results in a failed lynch. - 17 PLAYERS AND BELOW: No Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) = Failed Lynch - A failed lynch results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. - You will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail (as a general note, this accounts for stuff like roleblocker / safeguard / etc., a kill attempt that failed because the target was doc'd will still be considered successful) - Killing roles get infinite no-kills - You will be told if your action was redirected - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be. Set-up Info: - All players are on the player list. - All players have at least one role-based ability. - Players have spell cards in addition to their role. These are essentially items and are to be declared in public during the day through a given command unless stated otherwise. - Players may request that anonymous day actions or spell cards be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc). - No roles in this game have random properties; if something seems like it can not be controlled by its user then it has pre-set conditions for its effect. - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, player name, character name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you. However, roles won't always be traditionally identifiable from role name - somebody could flip Town Doctor when they're more accurately a town macho 3-shot day doctor whose protection lasts until the end of the following night. - You can only use one active ability per night unless the circumstances allow otherwise. - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't. - There are no Jesters in this game. - All cop investigations can be assumed sane. - Roles =/= alignment. Play the set-up as if it were unbreakable. Sample Role PM: 17. Sangyul (Boron) - Reimu Hakurei - Serial Killer - Won Day 7! Congratulations! Dead Parrots: 1. Baldrick - Mononobe no Futo - Town Tracker - Modkilled Day 1 16. Rapier - Koishi Komeiji - Town Commuter - Killed Night 1 20. Stahlypin - Youmu Konpaku - Town Bodyguard - Killed Day 2 3. Blitz - Marisa Kirisame - Town Mayor - Lynched Day 2 5. BT. - Sakuya Izayoi - Town Jailkeeper - Killed Night 2 13. NekoRex - Keine Kamishirasawa - Town History Eater - Killed Day 3 14. Objection!! - Cirno - Town Redirector - Lynched Day 3 11. Liquid Snake (Reinfleche) - Nitori Kawashiro - Town Inventor - Killed Night 3 8. Kay Elieson - Kyouko Kasodani - Town Loudmouth - Lynched Day 4 15. Paperblade - Tenshi Hinanai - Town Forecaster - Killed Night 4 18. scorri - Patchouli Knowledge - Mafia Librarian / Craftswoman - Killed Night 4 10. Laevateinn (Proto) - Suika Ibuki - Town Neighborizer - Killed Day 5 24. Zeem Camtech - Sanae Kochiya - Town Bulletproof - Lynched Day 5 22. Super Serious Gal - Satori Komeiji - Town Cop - Killed Night 5 7. Fera Shadoweh - Alice Margatroid - Town Jack of All Trades - Killed Day 6 4. Bluedoom - Nue Houjuu - Town Ninja - Killed Day 6 23. Xin'dy - Yukari Yakumo - Mafia Godmother / Bus Driver - Lynched Day 6 6. Essbee - Eiki Shiki - Town Follower - Killed Night 6 12. Manix - Suwako Moriya - Mafia Ascetic / Empowerer - Lynched Day 7 21. Strege - Aya Shameimaru - Reporter - Lost Night 7 2. BBM - Kogasa Tatara - Mafia Announcer / Gravedigger - Killed Night 7 9. kirsche (Kevin) - Shou Toramaru - Town Insomniac - Killed Night 7 19. Shinori - Reisen Udongein Inaba - Town Fabricator - Endgamed Night 7 Sub Pool: 1. eclipse (from start of July only) Handy Links: 1. Day 1 - 1.1 MODSCENE, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 MODSCENE, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8. Night 1 2. Day 2 - 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.5 MODSCENE, 2.7, 2.8, Night 2 3. Day 3 - 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 MODSCENE, Elieson subs in for Kay, Night 3 4. Day 4 - 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, Night 4 5. Day 5 - 5.1, 5.2 MODSCENE, 5.3, 5.4, Night 5 6. Day 6 - 6.1 MODSCENE, 6.2, Night 6 7. Day 7 - 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 MODSCENE, Night 7
  16. Because everyone loves mafia games spawned from outdated jokes. [spoiler=RULES AND MECHANICS] RULES 1. I'm the host, and what I say goes. Edits to these rules may come at any time, although you will be informed if this occurs. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 4. Don't talk to dead people, don't talk to non-players who aren't hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots and posting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. 6. Don't edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, I'll see to it that it doesn't happen. 9. Don't be an asshole. Mafia is a game, not a place for you to scream at people. 10. Have fun. MECHANICS 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Days last for roughly 72 hours, while nights last for 24. These will probably be bent for my convenience. 3. After Day 1, a hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the number of players alive in order to hammer. 4. If two day phases pass with no lynch target (intentional or otherwise), universal loss will occur. 5. You will be informed if your action fails or hits an unintended target. 6. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential *YLO will not be. 7. Players who die will have their alignment and role flipped in thread, but the full role pm will remain hidden. 8. This game is not bastard. 9. Play against the setup at your own risk. Setup gaming is unlikely to take you very far. 10. There are at least two non-town factions in this game; the Mafia and the Werewolves. Others may also exist, but are not confirmed. Need 18 players to fill the playerlist. If somehow we get more I'll RNG it. Signups (0): -pls halp
  17. [11:02:54] SB: so am i posting my game or no [11:07:06] Euklyd: not with that attitude, at least [11:07:07] Euklyd: need more CONFIDENCE [11:07:22] Refakitty³: yes [11:07:35] Refakitty³: go for it [11:10:46] SB: YEAH I CAN DO THIS [11:11:11] Euklyd: YOU FEEL GREAT [11:11:21] Euklyd: YOU CAN WIN [11:13:37] SB: http://prntscr.com/95kdcs [11:13:40] SB: never mind i cant do this Not actually a Zelda mafia. [spoiler=RULES AND MECHANICS] RULES 1. I'm the host, and what I say goes. Edits to these rules may come at any time, although you will be informed if this occurs. 2. This game is NOC. Communicate in the game thread only, unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 3. You may not speak during the night phase unless your role allows you to do otherwise. 4. Don't talk to dead people, don't talk to non-players who aren't hosts/IOs. 5. Taking screenshots and posting outside communications with the host, real or forged, will result in an instant modkill. 6. Don't edit your posts. If you somehow slip up with this, contact me immediately and tell me what you changed. 7. If you are modkilled by any fault of your own, you lose. 8. If you attempt to gain an advantage for your faction through your modkill, I'll see to it that it doesn't happen. 9. Don't be an asshole. Mafia is a game, not a place for you to scream at people. 10. Have fun. MECHANICS 1. This game starts on Day 1. 2. Days last for roughly 72 hours, while nights last for 24. These will probably be bent for my convenience. 3. After Day 1, a hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the number of players alive in order to hammer. 4. If two day phases pass with no lynch target (intentional or otherwise), universal loss will occur. 5. You will be informed if your action fails or hits an unintended target. 6. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential *YLO will not be. 7. Players who die will have their alignment and role flipped in thread, but the full role pm will remain hidden. 8. This game is not bastard. 9. Play against the setup at your own risk. Setup gaming is unlikely to take you very far. 10. In addition to their role, players will belong to one of four categories. They may be a part of the Trinity of Power, Trinity of Wisdom, Trinity of Courage or be a Wild Card. All of these groups, aside from the Wild Cards, know all other members of their group. Living (1): 8. Rapier Lord Gaius Oceanbourne - Mafia Goon and part of the Trinity of Power - Survived Deading (12): 5. ClarinetsandOboes - Town Bodyguard and Wild Card - Lynched Day One 2. The3rdCorinthian Refa - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Wisdom - Killed Night One 1. eclipse - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Courage - Killed Night Two 11. Tiny Goddess - Mafia 2-shot Self-Omniguard and Wild Card - Lynched Day Three 4. Boron - Town Modified Roleblocker and part of the Trinity of Power - Killed Night Three 9. MancerNecro - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Courage - Lynched Day Four 3. Izhuark Elieson -Town Modified Neighbouriser and part of the Trinity of Wisdom - Killed Night Four 12. Omega - Town Modified Mayor and part of the Trinity of Courage - Killed Night Four 6. BBM - Mafia Question Asker and a Wild Card - Lynched Day Five 10. Shinori - Town Activist Vigilante a a Wild Card - Killed Night Five 13. Crysta - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Power - Lynched Day Six 7. Roxas Quote Paperblade - Town Vanilla and part of the Trinity of Wisdom - Endgamed Day Six
  18. Welcome to the smallest large game of the year. This is a game for 16 players, checked by Kaoz. The rules are the following: [spoiler=Rules]1. This game is NOC, follow the spirit of the game and don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Being dead doesn't count as being given permission, so living players contacting dead players to comment on the game and viceversa are not allowed. Post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). If you don't want to talk about the game in public, you may also post your thoughts on your Role PM anytime. 2. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. You can't talk during the night. Please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting once every 24 hours, otherwise two prods will likely result in forced replacement. 3. Don't talk after the hammer, specially if you are the player being lynched. 4. Lynches require a majority of votes to happen. If there is no majority, the game will end in a universal loss. No lynch may be reached by 1/3 or more of alive players voting no lynch at phase end. 5. We will not announce potential mylo/lylo variants. Standard LyLo or MyLo will be announced. 6. You will be informed if your action is blocked or redirected. 7. No jesters or other bastard mod elements. 8. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a mod kill. Flavorspec is discouraged but allowed. 9. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon (a.k.a: throwing the game) will result in an automatic loss for the player involved regardless of alignment and potential consequences towards the ability to sign up for our future games. This includes powerlurking through several phases as town-aligned. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact us and ask. 10. Self targetting isn't allowed unless specified otherwise. 11. If you feel that a game or general forum rule was violated, please do not post about it in the game thread, but contact one of the following people instead: - Mitsuki - Vhaltz - Kaoz - Eclipse Game Start link Fighting for Batman (6/16): - YOLOSWAG - Lord Gaius Shin - JBCWK - J Elieson - Dreamer - Refa Batmurdered people: - Great Lord Diego - Lynched D1. Batprofile Checker, Town weak cop - Supershyguy (Clarinets) - Lynched D2. Shark Repellent Batspray, Town doc - Proto and Blitz - Killed N2. Batrobin! Arsonist Roleblocker - Izhuark - Killed N2. Batlucky Person, Town Jack of all Functional Vanillas - MancerNecro - Lynched D3. Batsignal, Town Morse announcer - Green Poet - Killed N3. The Batkid!!!!!!!!!! Town 2-shot friendly neighbour - Tiny Goddess - Lynched D4. The Joker, Mafia Jack of all Trades - Balcerzak- Killed N4. Batflanders, Town Neighbour - King Gilgamesh Baldrick - Lynched D5. The BATAGENT, Town Agent - The3rdCorinthian Sniper Knight - Killed N5. Batcop, Town Tracker Hosts: - Mitsuki - Vholtz
  19. [spoiler=rules]1. The game is non-bastard. 2. This game is NOC. Don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Please post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). 3. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. Prod-dodging posts will not be considered towards activity, please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting for long periods of time, otherwise two prods will result in forced replacement or modkill. 4. Lynches require hammering except during D1, where a majority lynch may happen. In the following phases failure to hammer will result in No Lynch, and the second no lynch in the game will result in a universal loss. Don't talk after the hammer. 5. LyLo will be anounced regardless of it being true LyLo, MyLo or potential MyLo/LyLo 6. You will be informed if your action fails or is redirected. 7. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a modkill. Flavorspec through character names and the sort is discouraged but allowed. 8. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon will result in automatic loss for the player involved regardless of the game outcome. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact me and ask. Player List (13/13) - kirsche - Boron Lord Gaius - Dandragon - Cosmicdude - Marth - Shinori - Junko - Refa - Disco Kawaii - Izhuark - Quote - Roxas - Terrador [spoiler=Deaded]- Terrador. Astrid, mafia 2-shot ninja w/ Paragon/Savior. Lynched Day 1. - Refa. Haar, VT w/ Guard/Provoke. Killed Night 1. - TheCosmicDude. Devdan, mafia Roleblocker w/ Serenity/Wrath. Lynched Day 2. - Quote. Tauroneo, Doctor w/ Resolve/Smite. Killed Night 2. - Izhuark. Nasir, Mass Caffeinator w/ Nihil. Killed Night 2. - Roxas. Sothe, VT w/ Thief. Lynched Day 3. - Marth. Lethe, Tracker w/ Halfshit/Fullshift. Killed Night 3. Subs - The3rdCorinthian - eclipse - Gilgamesh - Rapier - Blitz - Crysta - Gaius - zerosaber
  20. Vhaltz

    FE9 Mafia Signups

    [spoiler=rules]1. The game is non-bastard. 2. This game is NOC. Don't talk about the game outside the thread unless granted mod permission to do so. Please post any game-related comments in the game thread (if alive) or in the graveyard quicktopic (if dead). 3. Days last for 72 hours, nights last for 24 hours. Prod-dodging posts will not be considered towards activity, please let the mods know if you intend to lurk or if you have important commitments that will prevent you from posting for long periods of time, otherwise two prods will result in forced replacement or modkill. 4. Lynches require hammering except during D1, where a majority lynch may happen. In the following phases failure to hammer will result in No Lynch, and the second no lynch in the game will result in a universal loss. Don't talk after the hammer. 5. LyLo will be anounced regardless of it being true LyLo, MyLo or potential MyLo/LyLo 6. You will be informed if your action fails or is redirected. 7. No screenshots, Mod conversation quoting (Role PM, night results PMs, etc) or post edits. Any of these will most likely end up in a modkill. Flavorspec through character names and the sort is discouraged but allowed. 8. Being modkilled for any of the above or blatantly failing to play to your wincon will result in automatic loss for the player involved regardless of the game outcome. If you are unsure whether or not something you are about to post would be against the game's rules, please contact me and ask. The rules are the same as those in Guitar Mafia, but this game has skills other than roles, which can give people stuff like modifiers, passive abilities or actual role-like powers. Fire emblem 9 was cool so I decided to make a cool setup for it, join the game! Player List (13/13) - kirsche - Boron - Dandragon - Cosmicdude - Marth - Shinori - Junko - Refa - Disco Kawaii - Izhuark - Quote - Roxas - Terrador Subs - The3rdCorinthian - eclipse - Gilgamesh - Rapier - Blitz - (Crysta (14th)) - (Gaius (17th)) - zerosaber?
  21. Because starting new threads is cool. [spoiler=RULES AND MECHANICS] 0. As the host, I have the right to edit these rules at any time. If this happens, you will be informed. 1. The game is NOC, meaning you don't talk about the game outside of this game thread while it is ongoing. 2. If you're dead, don't talk to anyone who doesn't have access to the graveyard quicktopic. You can ask to be informed, but please don't spoil the rest of the graveyard. 3. Screenshotting and quoting any information given by the host outside of the thread well result in a modkill. 4. Editing posts is banned, although depending on the severity of the edit punishment may be more lax. 5. Should you be modkilled through any fault of your own, you automatically lose. Tactical modkills are even lamer and will be dealt with accordingly. 6. Prods will go out to anyone who doesn't post for 24 hours. If I have to keep prodding players, they will be subbed out or modkilled, depending on the availability of subs. 7. Play to win, but don't spoil the enjoyment of others. 8. The game starts on Day 1. 9. Nights last for 24 hours, days last for 72 hours. You may not talk during the night phase. 10. If your action fails or is redirected, you will be informed as such. 11. A hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the total votes in order to hammer. Failure to achieve a lynch twice will result in universal loss. 12. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential or not will not be announced. 12a. *YLO is defined as when an anti-town faction can win after a no lynch/mislynch. Town may be outnumbered before this warning appears. 13. When players die, they flip in full - role pm and all. 14. There are no Vanilla Townies or Mafia Goons in the game. 15. This is not a Bastard Mod game. Players (4 Alive): -MancerNecro BBM -Omega -Prims -zerosabers Bluedoom -dandragon - Bombtracker, Town Rogue, was lynched D1 -Eurykins - The Ghost of Manix, Town Limited Treestump, was stumped N1 -Shinori - Elieson the Idling Serial Killer, The Wolf, was lynched D2 -King Gilgamesh - Weak Watcher Survivor, Mafia Self-Watcher/Jack of all Trades, was killed N2 -eclipse - Psych Outing His Team, Town Loud Tracker/Neighbour, was killed N2 -Hannah - Scumfriends, Town Neighbour, was lynched D3 -J - No Items, BBM Only, Final Destination, Town Ascetic/1-shot Lightningrod, was killed N3 -Lord Gaius - LTCing Mafia, Town Follower/Hammerer, lynched D4 -Gorf - Unlimited Vig Works, Town Insomniac/1-shot Public Nightvig, was killed N4 -Elieson - Kelsey Green, Mafia Stealth Mayor/Inspector/Hijacker, was lynched D5 -Weapons Snike - Negotiating With Neutrals, Town Third Party Cop, was killed N5 Links: Day 1 Night 1 Day 2 Night 2 Day 3 Night 3 Day 4 Night 4 Day 5 Night 5 Day 6
  22. Okay the title is kind of misleading it's more like memorable moments but that's nowhere near as catchy. Checked by Manix. [spoiler=RULES AND MECHANICS] 0. As the host, I have the right to edit these rules at any time. If this happens, you will be informed. 1. The game is NOC, meaning you don't talk about the game outside of this game thread while it is ongoing. 2. If you're dead, don't talk to anyone who doesn't have access to the graveyard quicktopic. You can ask to be informed, but please don't spoil the rest of the graveyard. 3. Screenshotting and quoting any information given by the host outside of the thread well result in a modkill. 4. Editing posts is banned, although depending on the severity of the edit punishment may be more lax. 5. Should you be modkilled through any fault of your own, you automatically lose. Tactical modkills are even lamer and will be dealt with accordingly. 6. Prods will go out to anyone who doesn't post for 24 hours. If I have to keep prodding players, they will be subbed out or modkilled, depending on the availability of subs. 7. Play to win, but don't spoil the enjoyment of others. 8. The game starts on Day 1. 9. Nights last for 24 hours, days last for 72 hours. You may not talk during the night phase. 10. If your action fails or is redirected, you will be informed as such. 11. A hammer is required to lynch. It takes over 50% of the total votes in order to hammer. Failure to achieve a lynch twice will result in universal loss. 12. *YLO will be announced. Whether or not it is potential or not will not be announced. 12a. *YLO is defined as when an anti-town faction can win after a no lynch/mislynch. Town may be outnumbered before this warning appears. 13. When players die, they flip in full - role pm and all. 14. There are no Vanilla Townies or Mafia Goons in the game. 15. This is not a Bastard Mod game. The roles in this game are all based off of memorable moments in previous SFMafia games and things that have happened in the community. While flavour knowledge isn't required to play, references might be lost on you. This game is fairly roleheavy, but theoretically balanced. Signups: 1. zerosabers 2. Elieson 3. Prims (after Wednesday) 4. WeaponsofMassConstruction 5. Hannah 6. KingGilgamesh 7. Lord Gaius 8. Omega 9. dandragon 10. Gorf 11. J 12. MancerNecro 13. Bluedoom 14. Randa (after Friday) 15. eclipse 16. Eurykins 17. Shinori Not accepting IO requests until after the game is underway. If I get over 15 signups, I'll RNG who gets into the game.
  23. Battered and bruised the vordania force trudged to the old fortress. The khandar uprising had displaced the royal prince and forced the army out of the capital. The soldier hunkered down waiting for reinforcements, knowing it was only a matter of time before the rebels attacked. Most soldiers were prepared to withdraw to Vordan, but little could they know of the war they were about to wage. The ship carrying the reinforcements is about a day away and will change everything. [spoiler=Rules for TNM:] 1. This game is NOC. Yall know what this means. 2. Post every 24 hours or prod. 48 hours without a post results in a forced sub. 3 prods results in a forced sub as well. 3. Dont be a dick. 4. No tactical mod kills. I dont even know if this in an actual thing. 5. No quoting your role PM also screenshots not a good idea. 6. All questions will be answered in a non-cryptic fashion, so ask before you do something stupid. [spoiler=Mechanics for TNM:] 1) This game is not bastard. However trust results at your own risk. 2) The flip will never lie, however some parts may be omitted. 3) 72 hour days. 24 hour nights. Standard stuff. a) You may request a single 24 hour extension, but in the case of it being granted you much instead reach a 2/3+1 to lynch at deadline. 4) Vote with ## VERB: USER. Yes bolded, all caps is optional. 5) To lynch you must have 1/2+1 rounded down. a) If you achieve 2/3+1 rounded down then it will be hammer and it will be phase end. b) You may vote for a no lynch, it is the same circumstances as a lynch vote. c) If ½ of the game isnt voting by phase end it will result in a no lynch for the day (regardless of whether or not the conditions for a lynch are met) this should not have to be used. i) The second time this happens it will result in a UL 6) Feel free to target yourself it just wont do anything. 7) Day 1 start. 8) If you are dead you get one bah post. Dont say anything important. You will be given access to the graveyard. a) The graveyard will also double as the IO chat. So yes you can become an IO upon death. Dont abuse this aspect. 9) There is a non-zero, non-thirteen number of vanillas in this game. 10) No jesters bull shit. 11) You can vote your host, but if you lynch me it will result in a UL. This will not work in *YLO variants. 12) I have been talked out of putting hidden in this game so the only players will be the ones on the player list. Player list: 4: Mancer eury 6: Shin 10: Y oloswag 12: Vhaltz 13: Kirsche RIP in pieces: 7: Rapier Shot in the face day 1. Vordani numbers 2: Quote/Via/Levity Burned Day 1. Order of Black Lyncher 5: Snike Lynched day 1. Khandari Re-director 11: Bossanova Killed night 1. Vordani 1x Dayvig 8: Paperblade / Lord Gaius Lynched day 2. Khandari 2x Commuter 1: Prims Killed night 2. Vordani Persuader 3: Excellen Lynched day 3. Vordani Vanilla 9: RoseSGS / Shinori Killed night 3. Vordani cop/ Subs: IO's: Junko Poly Refa any questions about the rules just ask.
  24. yeah since we have this big OC thing going I swapped the places of my two games that're in the queue, wanna fight about it. Rules: - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes. - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise. - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP. - Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM. - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods may result in a modkill or force-sub depending on how I feel at the time. - Don't screenshot anything outside the game thread. - Don't edit your posts. - Don't post after hammer. - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in. - Have good integrity. This includes not being a dick. - Play to win. Mechanics: - Day 1 start. - 72 hour days, 24 hour nights. - Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) is required to lynch. No Majority results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. No Lynch may not be voted. - You will be told whether your action failed or not, but not what caused it to fail (as a general note, this accounts for stuff like roleblocker / safeguard / etc., a kill attempt that failed because the target was doc'd will still be considered successful). You will also be told if your action was redirected. - Killing roles get infinite no-kills. - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be. Set-up Info: - All players are on the player list. - All players have at least one role-based ability. - Players may request that anonymous day actions be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc). - No roles in this game have random properties; if something seems like it can not be controlled by its user then it has pre-set conditions for its effect. - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you, but they might not describe a player's role in detail. - You can only use one active ability per night unless the circumstances allow otherwise. - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't. - There are no Jesters in this game. - All cop investigations can be assumed sane. Game-Specific Notes: (at least read this if you skipped the rules) - Flavor is based on Shovel Knight, a very fun NES-inspired platforming game which you can buy for 15 bucks. - This is a Prims Game (see Spellcard and CYOR for historic examples); it isn't bastard, but assume things at your own risk. - Please post actively if you're going to sign up. Seriously. - Sample Uninformed Majority Win Condition: Alive (5): - Mole Knight - Propeller Knight - Specter Knight - Tinker Knight - Treasure Knight Slain (4): - Black Knight - Order of No Quarter - Neighborizer - lynched Day 1 - King Knight - Order of No Quarter - Interfering Roleblocker - killed Night 1 - Polar Knight - Order of No Quarter - Triggerable Deathproof - lynched Day 2 - Plague Knight - Order of No Quarter - 1x Wagon Persuader - killed Night 2 Useful Links: - Night 1 - Night 2 - Endgame
  25. Rules: - I'm the mod and my word is final. Don't do anything that you expect will annoy me, even if it's not in the rules. This includes looking for loopholes. - No Outside Contact, keep the talking to the game thread unless your role allows otherwise. - Don't directly intefere with the game if you're dead or not playing - if you're going to talk to other players or post in-thread I expect everything you say to have no game relevance whatsoever. Also, do not talk about the game to other players (dead or living) while deceased unless both of you have received a link to the graveyard quicktopic. The graveyard will contain a list of players who have access to it in the OP. - Don't directly quote communications with the mod unless given permission. This includes your Role PM. - Going 24 hours without a post nets you a prod. Going 48 hours without a post or receiving too many prods is likely to result in a modkill. - Don't screenshot things. - Don't edit your posts. - Don't post after hammer. - If you get yourself modkilled, you lose the game and your alignment may be subject to further punishment to circumvent any advantage your death could result in. - Have good integrity. This includes not being a dick. - Play to win. Mechanics: - Night 0 start, killing actions may not be used during this time. Players may not speak at night unless their role allows otherwise. - 72 hour days, 24 hour nights. - 18 PLAYERS AND ABOVE: Player with most votes will be lynched at deadline, so long as their number of votes is equal to at least a third of the living players (rounded down). A day ending with no player at the required amount of votes for a lynch or with two players at the same amount of votes results in a failed lynch. - 17 PLAYERS AND BELOW: No Majority (half living players rounded down + 1) = Failed Lynch - A failed lynch results in a No Lynch the first time, and a universal loss the second. - Players are informed whether their action was blocked or not, but not what blocked it. Players are also informed if they are redirected. - Killing roles get infinite no-kills - LYLO and MYLO will be announced. Whether a loss is potential or guaranteed will not be. Set-up Info: - All players are on the player list. - All players have at least one role-based ability. - Players may request that anonymous day actions be used at a specific time in advance for whatever reason (not wanting to be caught on the online list, not being available when they need to use it, etc). - Cardflips will contain a pretty picture, player name, character name, alignment & role name and phase of death. Cardflips will also never lie to you. However, roles won't always be traditionally identifiable from role name - somebody could flip Town Doctor when they're more accurately a town macho 3-shot day doctor whose protection lasts until the end of the following night. - You can only use one active ability per night unless the circumstances allow otherwise. - If your role PM doesn't say you can self-target, you can't. - There are no Jesters in this game. - There are no actions or passive abilities with chance-based effects. - Roles =/= alignment. Play the set-up as if it were unbreakable. /ins: 1. Via 2. Reinfleche 3. Refa 4. SB 5. MancerNecro 6. BBM 7. Junko 8. Boron 9. Randa 10. Polydeuces 11. Bluedoom 12. Da Bear 13. Mitsuki 14. Shin 15. Euklyd 16. Shinori 17. #HBC Larsa 18. Dormio 19. eclipse 20. kirsche 21. Paperblade Tentative: 1. Baldrick (by sunday) 2. Paperblade (depending on how he feels) List Of People Who Have Complained About The Thread Title: 1. SB 2. Randa 3. Dormio 4. Elie (didn't complain but memed too much and made the list) When signing up, send me a character (or object, or concept, or anything) over PM that you want to be your role's flavor. Your abilities (but not alignment) will be based on your choice. I'd also appreciate everybody already on the player list confirming they're still able to play and cool with their character choices. If you're going to be busy until a certain date in the near future then feel free to sign up but tell me of that date - due to the nature of the game it'll take longer for me to write role PMs and check the set-up than usual.
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