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  1. I'm asking for advice for making Custom character portraits for rom hacking How do you guys do it? and give any other tips you have for rom hacking if you want
  2. So here I have Dorcas' portrait inserted over Florina's, but as you can see the portrait in the unit window is elevated/cut off. I've had this problem with replacing some of the smaller portraits (florina, priscilla, nino, etc.) and I'm just wondering why it's like this and how I can change/fix it for these specific character portraits.
  3. I hope that I'm in the right place to post this, this is my first real post on a forum. So I'm working on a little something currently. I got most of the resources required to make a fan game this weekend and I as testing it out by doing a few recolors to make the base of the characters but when I tried to add a recolored portrait into Feditor, it wouldn't upload, I can attach the image file to the post (the hair isn't finished being recolored because I went and did some extra copying and pasting trying to fix the problem to no avail), I followed a basic tutorial I found online and made it a BMP file as well as having all the different faces needed and being 128x112 but it just won't upload. If anyone could help me that would be great! Ciel.bmp
  4. So, as of recently I've been looking for these 2 portraits of Anna in DLC uniforms. and I know this is a stupid kind of question but I don't know if anyone has ripped them or though of ripping them yet. Thanks for reading this post and thank you if you can point me in the right direction for rips of these portraits.
  5. So, um... Hi. I'm a bit new here. Not to Serene's, just this part of the forum. I haven't done any work on Portraiting before now, and I kind want to start. I have an unfinished splice here... Erk body, Forde head. I think I have the body done, but I'm not 100% final on the neck (It is absolutely disgusting now that I look at it). And, obviously, it has no hair. I currently can't find any I like and fits. I may add some details as well to it later. Just because. If I make more splices (Or finish this one), I'll add it to this. I do plan on making more. Any constructive criticism and or tips would be appreciated. Have a nice day.
  6. Copy Paste... engage! Hello and welcome to the fifth ever Mug Description Contest: Mug Shots! Back after a little hiatus... a big thanks again to Yoshi, our original host! In this contest, the host will provide a short description, vague or detailed, describing what kind of mug the competitors will make. Today's descriptive word brought to you by our last winner, Merc: "Filthy" Here is your mug's description: Filthy Bounty Hunter Scum! Has an unusual physical trait or a scar. Has something RED in color. Actual cleanliness or dirtiness up to your discretion. ;) Deadline: Wednesday, June 15, 2016... 2 weeks! Have fun. :D Edit: tweaked description to include a color... and dammit Yoshi you copy pasted from comp three for comp four! Fixed that now. XD
  7. A bunch of old mugs. Pretty basic splicing. Matthew base is waaay too obvious on these. Would probably change the face if I ever felt like redoing them which I don't. The chin is very off. I don't quite know how I would fix those. Eh, decent. Plain. Boring. Orson hair curl. These are alright, if basic.
  8. So I have a convo event, and for some reason, one character's portrait won't load, even though it loaded fine in an earlier convo, and then it turns the portrait of another character into a blue shadow. Posting this at school, so I don't have access to image uploader sites. Events for the chapter: The convo in question:
  9. Hello everyone, My name is Soffia and I make sprite edits for the Awakening and Fates sprites. I'm quite new to Serenes Forest, so hopefully I'm doing this correctly and posting it in the right area. If you want, I'd love some prompts! Awakening: Child units Fates: Camilla Elise Felicia Fuga Hinoka Kana (Male) Keaton Ryoma Selena Shigure Xander Child units Fan units
  10. So yeah, I'm back because FEditor is confusing me. Again. My problem this time is that I have successfully inserted two portraits into an FE8 ROM, but only one of then are selectable for use in the Character Editor module for Nightmare. Even when I go back into FEditor both of the inserted portraits are there. Once again, any and all help is appreciated.
  11. Salutations! I've decided to take Primefusion's advice and do some portrait recoloring until I get some better mugs. I'm going to post my work here so everyone can see it. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Best to iron out the mistakes before I make all of them (I've got about 25 to do, and just this 1 took about 4 hours. I'm not an artist :/). Click to enlarge the image. I did a recolor of Fir for my character Violet: Thanks and have a radical day. Gryphon
  12. So I decided to take a shot at making a portrait because so many people do it and make awesome ones. So I took a rather spotty one as inspiration and tried my own portrait. It's that MarkyJoe portrait and I made my own version of it (because I saw it in those ragefests so often that I decided I wanted to try that sprite because it was pretty simple). I don't know, I think that he might be a bit too *small* so to speak. I don't think it looks particularly bad, but is it Fire Emblem? I don't think so. Any advice? I feel happy about the chibi portrait though. I'm pretty good with Chibi.
  13. I'm trying my best with these mugs, but they don't feel right. I'm quite rusty, and I'm having a hard time adjusting to the Fire Emblem style. Hair and shading are my biggest issues. I know that there are lots of great spriters here, though. Does anyone have any advice?
  14. I'm working on a RWBY crossover hack, and thought I'd share some of my sprites. Battle animations: Weiss Video link with custom sound effects My first ever battle animation, started out as a simple Eirika edit. Pyrrha Video I managed to get the pre-battle frames working. You can have a short (30-40 frames) animation at the start of each battle if you remove all C commands from Mode 9 (or 11 for ranged) and add 10 idle frames before the start of your dodge and after the end of your attack. There's no crit yet, just a scribbled concept. Blake Video My favourite so far, a mashup of Lyn/Myrm/SM. Stick figure WIP version Yang My first attempt at a full custom. Ended up being only mostly custom. Ruby Portraits To be honest these don't interest me very much compared to battle animations. I've done a lot of the characters but the quality ranges from simple splices to straight recolours. Have a look anyway: I'm slowly updating and adding portraits to replace the splices/edits with customs: Ruby Weiss Blake Yang Qrow Cinder Emerald Torchwick Adam Coco Jaune Nora Pyrrha Ren Sun Scarlet Sage Neptune Penny Winter Misc. Weapon Icons
  15. Hi guys! I really like Gaiden's plot but the sprites are a bit old, so I tried to make the portraits of some characters from the first and the second chapter. They are the first sprites I ever made, but i hope you like them! Advices to improve their quality are welcome^^ The characters i made are: Alm, Luka, Gray, Robin, Cliff, Silk, Clair, Clive, Fols, Paison, Mycen, Celica, Mae, Boey, Jenny, Savor, Valbar, Kamui, Leo and three enemies: Slayder, Dozer and Dahha
  16. So I would like to upload a portrait to FE Editor, but the tiles never seem to line up. I've repositioned everything a gazillion times and I'm fairly certain it's right, so the only thing I can think of that I've done wrong is the positioning in Usenti. I've looked at a tutorial and it says to line everything up with the blue tiles on the tile grid. Problem is, Usenti isn't showing the tile grid for me. Has this happened to anyone or does someone know a solution? Also, my newbness is showing. Posted this in the general thread first, then realized it belonged here. I tried deleting it, but couldn't figure it out, so I'll try again when I'm done with this. Sorry about that ^^'
  17. i recently tried changing a few things in fire emblem 4, like growths and stuff, and i wanted to tinker with portraits too( thought itd be cool to have deetver on my team) but the only things i saw that changed portraits was the char number slot, and when i edited units with it after the chapter ended the units i edited just stood outside the castle and i got a black screen that wouldn't go away. so my question is, can you change portraits in fe4 without changing the char number? or is there another reason it didnt work? im afraid this is the game i might have to learn hex editing for :/ also if im being a doof and theres a tutorial i wasnt able to find please point it in my direction :)
  18. hi folks, I'm gonna teach you how to insert portraits into FE4 so here's a step by step guide, pay attention class 1. First thing you need is a portrait, and the size of Jugdral saga portraits are 48x64. For this tutorial I'll use a picture of my furry kitten OC, Lamia. EDIT: Consult this post later on in this topic about a palette fix required for portraits as a very important first step: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=43520#entry2683698 2. In order to format it correctly for insertion and to make the mouth movement accurate, this is what it needs to look like: It's much the same as GBA portrait insertion, although that's automated now Here's a guideline to where the mouth is replaced: Follow these above examples in order to prepare it for inserting. Once you have it correctly set up, save the portrait as a .BMP image type, as a later step requires it. 3. Download this makeshift ROM file (don't worry it's not an actual game, just a placeholder thing to help portrait setup): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sRawpsb7M0UJHDd7DjQ5Qs4MI9JTCpo1 The above ROM is set to be just the right size to fit your portrait. Grab your favorite SNES graphics editor (YY-CHR, Tile Layer Pro, etcetera) and check for the Import Bitmap feature, choosing your portrait. The editor should be set to SNES, 4BPP. Once it's in, make sure you actually DO have 16 colors, and that the FIRST color in the palette is the background (black in this image). Don't worry about correcting the colors in the editor, since you'll need to adjust the palette of it in the ROM itself. If all 16 colors are registered but the background is using the wrong color (this happens to me in TLP), save it as an SMC and use YY-CHR's color-swapper tool for a quick fix. If you have trouble getting all 16 colors in (like, one or two are missing) then convert the BMP to a 16-color format with something like a GIF editor/animator like GIF Movie Gear. It will save BMP files to the minimum amount of colors, while preserving said colors unlike MSPaint. Once you have it set up, save your portrait as an SMC file (SNES ROM). This will make it ready to compress. 4. Speaking of the compressor, this is what you need: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oGKii9yT5Y3weA__l-dqPEZS-frGF3wp Contained within is a compressor for FE4 (and also FE3 but I don't have data on that) along with a readme. You don't need to have your portrait in the same folder as the program. If you have your SMC file of your portrait ready, all you have to do is drag your portrait's ROM onto the 'old' or 'new' FE4 compressor. I think the only difference really is that the newer one uses slightly less space, but I kept both of them in the zip in case of errors and whatnot. This will create a yourrom.BIN in the same folder as the file you dragged onto it. This BIN contains your compressed portrait data. 5. Refer to this data I stole from the FE4Binary collection: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yFCE-AASWIUxg0zlSO3mQhuRxFjWcZdM This contains all of the addresses of portrait data in the (headered) ROM. The numbers counting up are the reference, which is then used in the Portrait Pointer Editor in Nightmare. 00 is Sigurd, for example. The first address is the location of the compressed data. Sigurd's portrait is at A67B5. Now, open your portrait's BIN file in your hex editor of choice and copy all of the data. Find a portrait you want to replace (Sigurd in this guide), make sure you don't overwrite the next portrait, and replace one portrait's data with your own. Now, save the ROM, and open it up in your emulator to check if it loaded properly. 6. If you're successful, now's the time to change the palette. The second number in the portrait data list is the palette; Sigurd's is at CAA00. With this, all you have to do is figure out what is colored by what, and change it to the appropriate 256-color byte pair. Each single color uses 2 bytes. I personally use GBA Color Picker in order to match the colors as close as I can. To make a certain color in the palette more visible, I recommend setting one color to FF00, which turns it into a bright red, making it way easier to detect and find out what color it needs to be. Additionally, make sure that when adding your colors, the two bytes are switched around in the ROM. 7. After toiling around with that, along with all the testing and reloading, you should slowly see your portrait come to life within the game itself. 8. Eureka! Enjoy your inserted portrait.
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