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Found 19 results

  1. @Saint Rubenio made a hack. F**k. I reckon a lot of serenes users are aware of this Ruben fellow. He been around the forums for while now and he loves haunting the teehee thread and spreading his unfathomably based opinions that continue to die out every waking day. He's also one of 7 New Mystery fans and Tomas fans. That earns him points in my book, even if we argue over which country is worse to live in. It's his. Silly banter aside, a few months ago, he made a rebalance to Sacred Stones, originally meant to be a simple tweak to making the gameplay something that someone past the IQ of 8 could enjoy, but then became a passion project of sorts to rewriting the game and adding several new characters and elements overall to creating a fresh new experience to the classic yellow tint game, or a pointlessly bizarre one. That's what I want to know. Did he do a good job? There's at least 100 Sacred Stones reworks nowadays, and I want to give a hack he took the lack of humility courage to create the proper respect or dunking it deserves. It will be displayed publicly, much like my profile that is also made by him. He's plagued my FE online life, which being at a point where I can say that I have that is very depressing, so I might as well thank and curse him altogether with this new LP basically entirely dedicated to the guy and the inner machinations of his mind. For those who are just interested in the rebalance, it's probably worth it. Most bugs have been fixed by now (I think), and virtually anything beats vanilla FE8's gameplay, but you can skim through the LP just to be sure. I like to think that this LP will be a very decent showcasing of the hack and the thought that went through it, given that there's a 99.776% chance that Ruben himself will be commenting throughout the LP to whine and cry over how incorrectly I'm playing his hack, unaware that he already failed in not making Gheb recruitable. If he did, I will kiss him. It's like developer commentary! Only very bitter. I fully expect him to roast the crap out of me, and I'm ready for it. As long as he's not busy of course. berwick more like badwick I consider him a funny and based online pal who actually knows what's good about this damned franchise while also hating his guts for the unlucky 1/10 gacha pulls where he gives me the absolute worst takes and units that plagued an entirely different LP. Also he's Spaniard AND French. What the hell man? Why? We bicker a lot, but we also shake hands when bickering about everyone else. He's the Garon man. I'm the bones of Garon. Yeah, fun fact right there. This LP is 50% a s**tpost. 50% review. It's also an ironman run. I hate resetting on screenshot lp's. Although if I lose my lord, I'll ask all of you to pretend it was never that in the first place, but that won't be a problem, because I'm built different. This run will be hard enough knowing that Ruben will basically have 80% jurisdiction of how this run goes. Anyways, let's see what's new: Oh boy! Surely Ruben won't let me miss them here, right? To hell with buffing enemy defense. That's one thing that sucks about Engage maddening. Enemies be stupid tanky in the late game. Thank goodness DSFE knows better. But I liiiike terribly unbalanced units! I am going to grill the beard out of you. I point and laugh at fanfiction. Don't worry. I'll judge fairly. That just included being blunt, and cynical. So Ephraim gets the voices in his head that became OC's. That'll be something to behold. Perhaps his rout will be more strategy-like with the fixed and presumably limited new characters, unless he actually made over 20 or something 27. Guess there's my answer. Well done. I wonder how many are from Ephraim route as opposed to simply joining throughout the regular campaign. I tend to mute a lot of romhacks with unique soundtracks. They're not terrible. Just....weird choices. I'm sure you'll be above that. If I hear one song from obscure 2000's anime-esque game, I'm finding your house I clap and I jump. I recognize founder of FE. Kaga good! Praise creator of the worst FE game ever! He did make Archanea though. Big W. He made Berwick though. Massive L. Yes After SoHaE, it'll be nice to experience a hack with modern benefits like these, although I'm going to assume that this game does not use the skill system Due to this hack mostly being Sacred Stones again, I will mostly just be showing gameplay. You don't need to rewatch the plot of FE8. It's a Fire Emblem. The story can only offer so much on repeat runs, or even first ones. It saves me screenshots anyways. However, when cutscenes are completely new or provide major changes to the story, I will show them off, usually in spoiler tags in case you really just want to see that for yourself. I am rereading the plot to make sure I don't miss much, but I don't remember the script word by word, so if minor changes were made, then don't expect me to notice all the details RUBEN. Just call me a blind fool and move on for missing inventible Berwick references thrown in. As for units, I will mostly show unit base changes, but only show growths if I find the changes to be drastically noticeable. Most units will likely receive minor buffs or nerfs accordingly after all, and it mostly just equates to "the game is slightly more balanced". I'll also fully display brand new units to judge Ruben for creating. Given that Ruben states in his post that he highly recommends using the mGBA nintendo pc over the other vba one, I went and purchased that model. I get to use a new pc for the first time! Now I can't tell how much of the crisp visuals come from the nintendo pc or the hack's modernization. Chances are, the visuals will be a bit blurred when uploaded to an external site to post here, but I was wowed. Off topic to the LP, but I just wanted to let Ruben know that. Thanks. Imgur doesn't accept the screenshots though, so the switching process was tedious, but hopefully worth it. For those of you who don't know, this hack seemingly has more risks of bugs on the other gba player, so keep that in mind when you choose to play the hack. It's still in testing, but it's been enough months to where a moderate amount of patching has been performed. I will of course let this LP be an elongated playtesting model for Ruben to evaluate and correct other possible bug encounters if he still cares about his newborn child. One last thing before I start gaming. Anyone who is still playing Engage, use Vander and Lindon. Or play DSFE and use Cord. That is all. Silly Stones 1: The prologue I'm biased for Sacred Stones, given that it was my first FE game, but boy is it impossible to get back into nowadays. Now's a great time to try out a hopefully amazing version of the visually pleasing incest game by my lovely elderly friend, Saint Rubenio the 3rd, user of Maji. Also my cat destroyed my ps3. I need something else to do.
  2. Hello everyone, and welcome to my first ever LP! I once heard someone saying that you can only blind ironman a game once, so I thought, why not try it with the latest game, Engage? This is actually my first time playing an Ironman too, so things might get really interesting... Anyways, I'm gonna play a soft ironman, which means Classic mode, no turnwheel, and no reset when a unit dies, except when said unit is the main character, then I will play the map again, just the way Kaga intended! You just have to trust me when I say I won't try to sabotage a level to save my favorite unit, okay? 🙂 So, without further ado, let's get started, shall we? Part 1: A Familiar Awakening
  3. Back in April of 2020 while watching Youtube, I got this advertisement: This intrigued me enough to write down the name of the game, but otherwise I continued on with my day. It wasn’t until later in the summer that I saw the Early Access version of Griftlands on Steam and decided to purchase it. Not only did it become my favorite game I played in 2020, which was the same year I played The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, and Resident Evil 4, Griftlands became one of my favorite games of all time. I put in over a hundred hours in the first month alone; the only other game to do so was XCOM 2, which I played this year. I’ve had half a mind to do a screenshot let’s play of this game for over a year now, and decided that since I’ve rejoined Serenes Forest after a two year hiatus, there’s no time like the present. A few heads up beforehand: This is my first time doing any sort of let’s play, so it might be a bit of a crash course as I figure out which format works best. The animation of this game is amazing, for instance, but capturing that through screenshots may take some practice on my end. I joined the game while it was still in early access. While I have forgotten a few things thanks to Griftlands officially releasing last year, I will still point out various changes or behind-the-scenes tidbits that I find interesting throughout this let’s play. I also got Griftlands on the Nintendo Switch (yes, I love this game enough to double-dip), and I alternate between playing on a computer and playing there. This won’t affect much, but I do mix up which device I took certain screenshots from, so I might not always be able to show a funny story because it happened on the Switch. This game has different factions you can ally with, as well as multiple endings, and I think it would be fun to have some audience participation to see which route to take. Let's hope Serenes Forest is cooperative with polls. As well as a few Content Warnings: While it never goes beyond its T rating, the game does feature blood, and some of the artwork and descriptions can get fairly visceral. Topic matter includes drunkenness, indebted servitude, corrupt authorities, police brutality, exploitation of workers, worker rights, familial dysfunction, and lots and lots of lying, backstabbing, manipulation, and murder. One of the factions in this game is a cult, and there is a lot to say about them. If I wish to discuss something in more detail, I’ll put it into a spoiler with a warning. Just note that it will be something I and others will be commenting on. Without Further Ado: SAL’S CAMPAIGN DAY 1 MISSION 1: When Have Escort Missions Ever Been Uneventful? It's really been over two years:
  4. This LP is mostly dedicated to @AnonymousSpeed and @Saint Rubenio. These two funny lads recommended this hack to me on numerous occasion, and it got me interested. From what I've been told, this is an old japanese FE hack of Blazing Sword that serves as a midquel of FE6, starring Lyn's daughter, Saya. If I was a Lyn fan, I'd actually care! But what interests me are the numerous screenshots I've seen, discussions I've heard of it, mostly between the mysterious quickster and bishop Rubenio, and the memes. I saw an image of Vyland. That's literally all I need. I don't care if he's a boss, a playable unit, or just the protagonist's consciousness telling them to invest in crypto! Maybe it's not even him at all, and it's just a funny looking man! I plan to review the hack as I go along, so for those who know nothing about this, you can see this as a review based off first impressions, with a hint of funny gaming. From what I know, about one other LP of this game exists in Serenes, but it was when there wasn't an existing translation. I believe it only came out last year or so, so while the hack itself is old and won't contain any quality of life additions most modern fan games have, it will hopefully provide good gameplay, and a story better than that of the Elibe games. The story part probably won't be tough to accomplish though...Keep in mind, I'm not one who focuses in story too much, so I won't be too analytical there. It's mainly the gameplay I will focus on. Will it be a hack I would recommend others to try for themselves? I've only played The Last Promise and The Four Kings as other FE hacks to possibly compare with, but I'm more likely to compare it to the Elibe games. I hear it mostly tries to replicate the feeling of those games. I'll show screenshots of the plot, but I'll hide important stuff in spoiler tags for those that just want a basic premise of the story to determine if you want to experience it for yaself. If anyone feels like commenting on anything, don't hesitate to. Half of this LP is just to interact with good pals while having a laugh over a game they apparently like. The ironman part is to provide a sense of challenge and hopefully interesting content, as the game doesn't have a difficulty setting and doesn't seem to be too difficult on its own merit. While I don't think FE games necessarily need to be designed around ironman'ing to be good, it will be nice to provide input out there to whether it makes for a good ironman game or not. It's always nice when FE games are fun to play ironman style. But really, this LP will probably be about memes. The main challenge will be how much the Speedwing thief and Holy Mountain Man will influence this run. As I said, it's dedicated to you two. Do whatever you want. I'll probably go ahead with your ideas. You're both based. You don't deserve it, but you get this anyways. Prologue: Time of Departure
  5. This is my first time doing an Ironman run! Difficulty: Normal Classic Avatar Name: Celestin Gender: Male Boon: + Resistance Bane: - Luck Talent: Sky Knight Here are some of the specifications: -I will not restart any map unless Celestin dies. Each time he dies, I will randomly select a character to permanently bench. -Buying skills and using any of the My Castle features are perfectly fine. -I am not starting at Branch of Fate, since I don’t want to lose valuable experience gathered. -All characters that will be used for combat will be immediately reclassed at the first opportunity. The female characters who will not be Falcon Knights will be Witches. The male characters who will not be Falcon Knights will be Ballisticians. -Characters who are not these three classes can be used to produce children, but can have minimal to no exposure to combat. -Given the nature of this Ironman, DLC can and will be used. However, deaths will not count in DLC maps that do not yield EXP. -Anna will be used, as well as any second-gen units I see fit. No captured units are allowed. Screenshots are coming soon!
  6. New Mystery has 77 playable characters. That's a lot, but let's be real. Almost everyone uses the same 10-20 units throughout their runs, ignoring the people who really matter. That has to end now. What gives Palla more popularity than someone like Dice? Stats? Availability? Thighs? Get outta here. I demand equality for all DSFE units. As such, I hope to deliver a PMU in which everyone can gain the recognition they deserve. If you want classics like the whitewings, that's fair. I'll use them. They are the og after all. But I ask that you think about the underdogs here. As the tilte says, this will be a maniac run. Why? They call me Mr. Maniac. Someone else bought the rights to Dr. Lunatic. Don't ask. Long story. Free units: PMU Rules: I think you should know that this is a sequel to a previous PMU I did back in October. As such, I will be re-using certain plot elements from it. Yes, I made up my own stupid plot. Everyone knows FE plots can use some improvements, and improved it I have. Here's a SparkNotes summary for those who haven't read through it: PMU Team: This should be a funny run. also, let me use this time to tell anyone reading this who is considering to replay DSFE to use Cord and/or Darros use them use them use th
  7. Gather 'round, all, for there are tales to tell. The clandestine war of 20 years ago has few left to remember it. ...And this only has a little bit to do with the fact that only 6% of people who ever participated are actually alive to recall those events. But now... Another conflict rises. A second chance to save Elibe, a second chance to set our past actions right... But also a second chance to unintentionally solve overpopulation. For now, he burden of war now falls onto the shoulders of the two least qualified people on Elibe: Me and Roy. So, welcome, one and all, to what might become an E-rank walkthrough, and welcome to "Bad Strategist Tips The Scales In The Favor Of The Enemy 2: Electric Boogaloo", the final chapter in the story of My Dude, and this ironman of The Binding Blade! If you've read snippets of my prior LP, you know exactly what to expect. If you're new... Hi! I do comedic Let's Plays chronicling my misdeeds in Elibe. Last time, I beat Hector Hard Mode while killing off 96% of the cast and made a one-off boss into a major recurring character. I also broke every single rule I set for the ironman. And that's all there really is to say about myself, really! Expect disaster often. Still, I'll set some ground rules. Maybe this time I'll be able to stick to 'em! If you've got any questions, feel free to ask. RULES 1. This is an ironman run: Anyone who dies stays dead, and if I have to reset after their death, then they will be permanently benched. The exception is below: 1a. I will try my hardest to get the good ending! I am willing to reset to save a unit required to get me there, but they still must be benched afterwards. 2. No in-chapter save states! I will try to make a state at the end of each chapter so that I can avoid the rewind button of death problems we had last time. I hope. 3. Rutger is a crime. 4. The run does not end if Roy dies, but it is expressly forbidden to sacrifice Roy in order to protect someone else. 5. Any unit requests? Ask away! I usually prefer to use the worst possible units and try to avoid overpowered ones, meaning that I probably won't use Milady, Perceval, Allance, Rutger, etc.. I will if I must, though. 6. Praise the sun! QUESTIONS THAT WOULD PROBABLY BE FREQUENTLY ASKED Q: You actually killed 94% of Blazing Blade's cast? A: I absolutely did! I also haven't played FE in a few months, so I expect the first few chapters to be rough. Q: Will you continue the overly confusing side story from your previous LP? A: Naturally! Hopefully I won't have to resort to using Chef Boyardee to excuse my mistakes before chapter 7. I probably won't make any maps for the side story, though. Q: ...There's a side story continuing from your previous LP? A: Yup. All you need to know is that this lovely crumpet here is My Dude, the tactician from FE7. There's a whole bunch of other characters and weird interactions from the prior LP, but most of it should be pretty self-explanatory, so no need to sift through the massive FE7 ironman. Q: Is that previous LP any good? If so, where can I find it? A: In my opinion... Yeah, it's mostly pretty good after Lyn mode due to my incompetence, but it's a pretty big read. You could pretty easily skip Lyn mode, since there's not much goin' on there. You can find the link to the LP underneath this post! Q: WILL YOU ACTUALLY POST MORE THAN ONCE EVERY TWO MONTHS THIS TIME?! A: I will try very hard. I will aim for one update a week, but since early maps are pretty short, I might be able to pull of a quick start. If school and work interfere too much, I'll probably do a lot of smaller updates. With all the formalities out of the way, the first update shall be up for this Sunday! I really hope that you guys enjoy this comedic second dive into Elibe. I am extremely excited to play my very favorite mainline FE game, so here's to getting some lucky dodges!
  8. A century after the fabled 12 Crusaders liberated the continent of Jugdral, a man and his trusted companions moved on to their destiny. The man was turned into barbecue, but his tale inspired many to come… Quan and Ethlyn were both dumbasses who thought it was a good idea to bring a baby to a desert… The protagonist’s (grand)father was betrayed and killed by his allies, an event never seen before in this series… Finn, being a badass, saved Prince Leif when his country fell… He stood there, watching their home burn before their very eyes… Leif didn’t know what the hell was going on, but he would understand in time… And as the years went by, a new light was starting to shine across Jugdral… Ladies and gentleman, from this day I’ll be liberating Jugdral in Kaga’s magnum opus, Thracia 776! Since everything in life has its first time, this is the first time that I do a Let’s Play, an Ironman and play an FE blind! Here you can see firsthand someone's first impression of the game, complete with bad strategies, silly mistakes, mood whiplash and bad humor! I'm not a funny person, see the intro. Here’s some information about me and rules set for this Let’s Play: And that's it. Carry on. Well, now that you guys know a little about me, I’m going to introduce the rules of this Let’s Play: This is an Ironman - I don't intend to reset if any of my units die. This is a (mostly) blind playthrough - the only things I know are that Leif must escape last, Staves can miss and that I must capture like crazy if I want money. Spoilers are counterproductive, as they go against the purpose of this playthrough (which is to play blind). These are the 3 main rules. If I remember anything else, I’ll add some more rules. Expect lots of deaths.
  9. I've toiled through this journey once before, ending in a cruel failure. My return has arrived, 5 months after that fateful day. This time will be different. I hope that I'm not going to eat those words later This will be a hard iron man, meaning that it's all over once Marth bites the dust. Be it right at the start or right at the end, his demise will be permanent. This is going to be my second Screenshot Let's Play ever. I do truly appreciate every comment, be it feedback or just for fun. I will be writing as I play, just like last time. Let us begin anew! Chapter 1 Phew, doing a screenshot let's play is more work than I remembered. Still, I hope that the first part turned out fine. I might attempt to do daily updates like last time, but we'll see. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed reading the first part of this journey.
  10. I'm deciding to Chronicle my FE8 Randomizer Adventure with the Self Randomizer. I'm calling this run: Fire Emblem Sacred Stones: The Bravest as this group is less of a trained group of soldiers and more like some random people picking up weapons who made the mistake of trying to create an army against a kingdom. I already did The Prologue and Chapters 1-2 before so I'm going to do a quick Casting Call and Short Recap. Casting Call: PROLOGUE: Eirika(Roy-ika): The princess of Renais who left in a rush after the castle was invaded. Barely has any fighting experience, she never had to fight before. Low Strength, Defenses, and average skill, here's our "Lord" everyone. The growths are terrible too. Low on everything except Luck and Speed.(And even then its only average) Seth: Eirika's retainer. An inexperienced fighter blessed with insane physical aptitude. The low skill is really killing me, but everything else is good at least. Wdym this looks like Vanilla Seth to me. CHAP 1: Franz: A trainee Mage of Renais who was sent to help protect Eirika. Better than Eirika, though that's not a high bar... A pupil with garbage bases? Hooray and Hoorah! Ironic the Pupil has the most skill out of the main three. I know we should teach kids to follow their dreams, but Franz buddy, your Magic growth is not Pupil material. Gilliam: A training cleric from the magic school next to Franz's. Sent to accompany Franz and heal Eirika. Looks like someone didn't pay attention in Magic Class either... At least your a fast learner! You know, you and Franz should really swap your classes to an Armor Knight and Archer/Mrym respectively. You have the potential! CHAP 2: Moulder: A former Priest, now Shaman sent by King Hayden to accompany Eirika and her army. A trained soldier but.... he can't separate his dark arts from a Bolting. That Speed though is nice. Skill is also delish. Let's not talk about that Magic. *Sigh* I guess the Shaman has the same Magic potential as the Pupil....great work Moulder. Vanessa: A pegasus Knight sent by King Hayden to protect Eirika and her army. Yep, it's a Pegasus Knight alright. Those are certainly....growths. Your only saving grace in this army is going to be the added Avoid cause of Luck, and HP. Speed should really be higher. CHAP 2[RECRUITS]: Ross: A teenage Shaman from a quaint village who studied his forbidden magic in secret, protected by his father. As expected as a boy who is dumber than a bag of stone golems he sucks at it. He can give a real good mean look though. Thankfully he actually has an aptitude for his Magic of choice (Looking at your Franz and Moulder). Everything else sucks though. Garcia: The father of Ross. Used to be the greatest soldier in Renais, but retired years ago. He's still ready and raring to get into some action...but with this army that plan is suicidal. That Strength and Skill is real nice. Defense is great. You might actually be pretty decent. Especially with Bonds as a skill. THAT STRENGTH GROWTH WHAT. You are going to be a beast if I keep you around. Hopefully, your Speed will catch up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End of Casting Call now for a short recap of stuff: Prologue: Eirika did nothing. Seth missed with his Dragospear. Managed to kill Boss with luck. Chapter 1: All the enemies sucked and did nothing. Eirika did 1 damage and broke her only Iron Sword. Frank also broke his Thunder Tome trying to hit the Healer Boss. Everyone's Skill stat is not helping the fact that our weapons have garbage accuracy. Seth and to use his Infinite use DracoSpear on Turbo Speed in order to kill the Boss. To let you know how long it took, you know that 1 EXP you get after every action, be it an attack, healing, or something? Seth started at around 10 EXP when he was trying to hit the boss and got a Level Up purely from those pity EXP. Chapter 2: Lots of Loading and retries as everyone missed everything again. Vanessa and Seth rescued Ross and Garcia and Vanessa quickly went to the corner and waited patiently for the battle to end as she did no damage. The Minotaurs could do high damage so I had to tank with Garcia and Seth. Moulder and Ross were packed with a Nosferatu so they were really good against the low Res enemies. Managed to get through with no casualties and used the Armory to buy some weapons for Eirika and our other physical attackers. Frank has to wait until Chapter 4 or a random drop occurs before he can actually do anything. He is currently dead-weight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next time we'll start Chapter 3 with our lovely band of untrained misfits as they try to survive in this dangerous world. Hopefully, their enemies are as incompetent as they are.
  11. Much like with the past LP, I considered starting in April 1st, so I could troll everyone by starting something in the day you don't start things for real. Maybe pretend I'm going to LP Blazing Sword or something like that. But then I realized I'm really bored and want to spend the next few months writing shallow essays over way too many screenshots once again. Plus, I've a free week, I need something to do with myself. So now-- Oi! What is this? Give me more intro bits so I can do my opening shenanigans! I've been doing it since the second LP! What a load of baloney! ...Ah, well. In any case! Hello, everyone! It is I, Saint Rubenio, the person who writes subpar humor to accompany his bad gameplay! I have once again returned to send my units to their deaths, one after the other. This time around, I am leaving behind KagaSaga, returning to its inferior sister franchise... Or am I? "Ruben, I don't remember any FE with a title screen like that!", I hear you say. Or not, because even if you don't know what this is, you can probably guess. Indeed, for the first time in my LPing career(?), I am going to play an unofficial title! Sun God's Wrath, created by one @Blademaster! - my favorite fanmade FE out there. Without further ado, bring in the questions! Ruben, why are you playing this and not X? X is probably not as good as this. Seriously, I love this game. I wasn't expecting it to be as amazing as it turned out to be. At its core, this is just GBAFE, but with a few minor tweaks and additions here and there, such as: - Thracia's capture system. ...What, you need more? I mean, I didn't. As soon as I read that this hack had capture, I was sold. But if you want more, there sure is more! - Thracia-style scrolls that increase your growth rates and negate crits. - Fatigue, because Blademaster loves Thracia and wants you to know it. - PCC, for the same reasons as before. - Movement and constitution growths for everyone. - Three tiers of promotion, combined with TearRing Saga styled promotions. Sort of. - The best usage of the skill system I've seen in any hack. Beats a few official FEs, too. - An overhauled magic system where every type has its place. Mostly. - A really unique cast where just about every unit feels distinct and memorable. A few examples include: Earlygame archer that's somehow the best unit in the game (that is not a joke), tanky mage built around crits for damage, 15% move growth knight, magic-based archer, a literal witch with a flying broom... - Rewards and penalties depending on your turn count, to encourage fast'ish play without outright forcing it. - Bodybuilders. - And probably something or other that I'm forgetting right now. Seriously, this hack has so many mechanics, it's incredible. Still unconvinced? I suppose all I can do now is show you. You know, not "now", now is not yet the first proper update, but... well, you know what I mean! Ruben, what is this game's story? Any good? The creator himself admits that it's just kinda there. And, honestly, I don't think I would call it "good." However... maybe it's just me having bad taste, but I find it really fun to watch. The first five chapters or so are kinda whatever, but then the story goes completely off the rails. Seriously, this game's story is so insane and has so many twists and turns, it might have you feeling whiplash by the end of it. Plus, it's really funny at times. It doesn't take itself too seriously. I mean, the game is a direct sequel to the poster boy of what hacks looked like before The Last Promise. It's a game that even Blademaster himself advises against playing. Making a sequel to that is an utterly terrible idea, but somehow, in a really weird way, it works. I love it. I wouldn't call it a super serious, deep war drama or anything like that, but sometimes you don't really need that. Ruben, what about the fanfic? That still a thing? For those of you who are new here, in my past LPs I've been writing a sort of weird sidestory with OCs of mine who travel around and have dumb adventures. Nothing too amazing, just a nod to veteran readers and a little something I do for fun. If you don't like them, feel free to skip all the segments. I'll try not to meddle with the main story in any significant way. Can I spoil things, Ruben? No. If you absolutely must, in spoiler tags and with a big warning on top, please. Applies to both gameplay and story spoilers. Let's be mindful. Ruben, I demand that you use X unit! Go ahead and ask! I cannot promise to keep them alive, but I'll do my best. Which isn't much, as those who have been around for my past LPs can confirm. Honestly, it might be better to ask me to bench your favorites... How often can I expect an update? Same as usual: An update every few days. Schedule might vary as we go, I'm not the most consistent of LPers. Ruben, before you forget - the rules. Yes, yes, of course. In my first LP, I broke every single rule. In my second LP, I straight up forgot to set any and had to make them up as I went. In my third LP, I set a few exceptions to cover my back, and I ended up being unable to use them due to circumstances. In my fourth LP... actually? I think everything went smoothly in my fourth LP. Let's keep that up, shall we? - This is an Ironman run. That means anybody who dies remains dead. - On the matter of game-overs, this is a soft Ironman. If any of the lords die, I'll just reset. There are other game over units, however. What I shall do if those die is up to you - check the poll above. - As always, I will not warpskip. I'll probably use warp for other purposes, but warpskipping is boring to both perform and watch, so I'll not do it. - If the need arises for adjustments or new rules, we'll talk about it when the time comes. I know, awfully vague rule. I probably won't use this, anyway. DISCLAIMERS (Read this or I'll hate you forever) This LP will contain: - Profanity. I swear like a sailor on a bad day. - Blood and gore. The game doesn't have any, but one of my gimmicks is that, when people die, I edit their portraits to be all bloody and awful. Watch out if you can't stand those things. I'll try not to go too far with this, in any case. - Dark humor. Also bad humor, at times. - Injokes that new readers may not understand. I cannot imagine what a nightmare it must be to start reading my stuff and encounter the same five recurring jokes that I've been using for the past years. See what I meant with "bad humor"? - I hate all the popular FEs. Try not to hate me too much when I inevitably diss them. - Unhealthy amounts of character deaths. Growing fond of playable characters is unadvised. That's about all I can think to say here! All I can ask now is that you vote on the poll, and stay tuned for the first update, which will, as always, come out in a couple of days. Wish me luck, and may my units be spared from the wrath of the gods! And my bad tactics. Mostly my bad tactics.
  12. I always wanted to share my Iron Man experiences with others. Now I finally get the chance to do so in the form of a Screenshot Let's Play. This format got picked over a regular recorded Let's Play due to my generally slow playstyle. No one would want to see chapters taking about an hour each in video format. This will be a hard iron man, meaning that the game is truly over if Marth were to fall. I am looking forward to showing all of my tactical mishaps strategies in motion! This will be my first screenshot Let's Play ever. I would love to get some advice if possible. I will be writing this while playing to better document my plays. Let's begin! Chapter 1 Well then, that was Chapter 1. I'll try to update this daily since screenshot Let's Plays are a little more work than I anticipated. Thank you for reading the first part of my Iron Man.
  13. Ladies and gentlemen... Have you ever seen an E rank in an HHM run? Have you ever seen someone get Athos killed on turn 1? Have you ever been told that you're not a good servant by Serra? No? Good for you. Unfortunately for Hector, He is about to see all of those things, and much more. Can someone as bad as me finish the infamous HHM? Will good triumph over evil? Will Nils and Ninian meet a terrible fate at the hands of Nergal? Will I run out of things to say before the end of the opening sequence? The answer to all of those questions Is Perhaps? Enjoy my suffering, children. And join me as I play... FIRE EMBLEM: THE BLAZING BLADE! WHILE MOSTLY BLIND!! Welcome one, welcome all! I'll try to suffer through this game with few casualties! (Spoiler alert: There is going to be far more than a few casualties.) So, let's get down to it! I've played this game once before, a few years ago on Lyn/Eliwood Normal mode. I have forgotten most of that by this point, but maybe I'll remember where the body ring and ocean seal are during the desert map? THE RULES: It's gonna be straightforward enough: 1. I'm playing Lyn Hard Mode first. 2. I will then go on to Hector Hard mode, playing the game until the end. 3. I have to deploy all three lords every time. 3. This is an ironman run: Anyone who dies stays dead, and if I have to reset after their death, then they will be permanently benched. 4. I will play all of the gaiden chapters and try to get the true ending. 5. I will be doing MINOR event editing, but nothing that will actually affect much**. (Setting Nils to level 7 with the same bases so I don't have to spend 70 turns grinding exp for him, giving Canas a good ending because he's a true god, etc.) 6. No Save-state abuse, or any save-states at all.* (Exception to that later on) 7.I will try to upload every three or four days, but it might vary from week to week. 8. I will not be showing all of the turns in Lyn mode since there isn't much happening during it. 9.Got a unit you want me to use? Let me know! I might use them if they're not a prempromote! 10. This is a largely blind run, using only the knowledge I have from my run a few years ago. 11. This is NOT a ranked run, so don't expect any kind of skill coming from me at all. 12. Units who bow out because they were defeated in Lyn mode CANNOT return in Hector mode. 13. I'M ALLOWED BEING LUCKY TWICE PER UPDATE WHILE STILL BEING HIGHLY GOOD EXCEPTIONS TO THESE RULES: Exception to rule 3: Lords cannot be permanently benched and will always be deployed, no matter how stat-screwed they are. Exception to rule 5: Uh...Well... I hate Battle Before Dawn VERY VERY MUCH, so I conveniently had Zephiel, Jaffar and Nino out for a walk when the chapter starts. (I.E. I put them near where the players load so this chapter doesn't cause me hell. I know, I'm a chicken, but I hate this chapter SOOOOOOOOO much!) Exception to rule 6: Kishuna is really hard to kill, so I will be permitting Save-state abuse specifically for killing him. Hector Hard mode-chapters 11 onwards. I'm going to try to these updates Rubenio-style, with responses in one spoiler and updates in the other. I lack skills in everything but telling puns, so expect a lot of them! My tactitian will be speaking through regular text, I shall be speaking with Bolded Itallics! The first update will happen soon!
  14. Play me! Once, it was ruled by a vast empire called Lazberia. The god-kings of Lazberia built their empire on the blood of the enslaved citizens. For centuries, it stood untouchable. Yet still, time brought it to ruin. But the people lived on. From the ashes of Lazberia, they built two great nations. One, the Empire of Raze. The other, the Kingdom of Veria. Endless blood was shed in the name of holy war. Chaos, slaughter, destruction and hate consumed the hearts of the people. And now, a young man comes of age in these chaotic times. My initial plan was to wait for Aethin to drop the next patch, and/or April Fools. You know, so I could prank everyone by starting a thing for real the day people don't start things for real. But then the crownvirus happened. Did you know that "corona" in Spanish means "crown"? Those of you who have read my other stuff know how much it peeves me when people use spanish words as names. It's like ours is some kind of alien language! Anyway, I was doing an internship, and I was pretty happy with my workplace, for once. Learning more than in the past two years put together, my boss was surprisingly awesome, I actually looked forward to going there every morning. But now I'm stuck at home with nothing to do. Also, my oldest cat died a couple days ago. So I decided, "what the hell". Let's do this now. Thus, the time has come for us to ask ourselves one question. Are we ready? Are we ready for a journey... ...filled with death, tragedy and despair... ...but also happiness, hope and glee? Are we ready... ...for this intro to end already? Nah, just kidding. I love this intro. I recommend that you go and find a video of the full opening, because it's seriously gorgeous. But I'm running out of things to say. This was supposed to be shorter, but the gifs were too big, so I had to split them into multiple parts. Still, you won't deny that it was worth the effort. These visuals, man! Why did you have to go 3D, FE? You're so ugly now! Well, no matter. The important thing is that it's time. Time for... Title screen! Hello, everybody! Remember me? It is I, Saint Rubenio, the guy who can't play FE, hates just about everything and is moderately entertaining on occasion! I have returned with an even more obscure game, because that seems to be my thing. I couldn't play the popular ones and get all the views, nooooo gotta play this one that's only been played by 776 people. Anyway, yeah, I'm back! I already said everything I needed to say between the awesome gifs, so without further ado... Wait, hold up, hold up! What is a Berwick Saga? I didn't know Ricky Berwick got his own game! Don't be silly. TearRing Saga Series: Berwick Saga: Lazberia Chronicle: Chapter 174 (rolls right off the tongue) is a game made for the PS2 in 2005 by Shouzou Kaga, the legendary creator of the forum's titular series (which, I imagine, requires no introduction). This game only came out in Japan, but it has been fully translated by the amazing @Aethin and his programmer partner, Lightgazer. It is also Kaga's greatest work, and the best strategy game I have ever played. This isn't like my past LPs, where I played games that I loved and hated in equal measure. This is a game that I have a profound love for. Berwick Saga stars Reese, heir to the March of Sinon, and his advisor and general, the veteran Ward. They travel to the city of Navaron to respond to the call to arms of the King of Veria, the country that leads the Berwick League, which is waging a losing war against the Empire of Raze. There, his life shall change forever... It's a game that sort of looks like FE on the surface, but then you start playing and you realize that it's way different. And better. Those of you who have played it, I welcome you to witness as I fail miserably to get through it without casualties. The rest of you, take my metaphorical hand and allow me to show you around this masterpiece. And, well, also watch as I fail miserably. It's one of the selling points of my LPs, after all. Ruben, the rules. Yes, yes, of course. In my first LP, I broke every single one of my self-imposed rules. In my second LP, I forgot to make any, and had to improvise. In my third LP, I covered my back by making a bunch of exceptions, but I couldn't take advantage of them because of a few unfortunate losses I hadn't foreseen, and then I broke the Ironman. With any luck, we'll actually do something right this time. Though I'm not too hopeful. - This is an Ironman run. That means anybody who dies remains dead. Prepare yourselves to watch your favourites die at the hands of my incompetence. - On the matter of game-overs, this game has saves every five turns, so if I get game-overed, I will only go back to the latest save I have. Any units that died before the reset will be used for the remainder of the chapter, but they will be benched forever afterwards, as if they were too injured to fight any longer. - At the moment, I can think of two exceptions to these two rules: two critical captures that I might have to rig. Capturing is RNG-based in this game, so if I want to showcase as much as possible, I might have to save-scum those two captures. I reserve the right to make up more exceptions as we go. Don't worry, though, this won't be an "Ironman on the second attempt" or anything like that. I will not use this to undo my own failures. - As always, I will not be warpskipping. Mainly because warp is not a thing in this game. Ruben, are you going to be doing your lame sidestories here? Yeah, probably. See, in my past LPs I sort of winged fanfics to go with the main story. Mostly for fun, as a nod to the veterans, and to flex my mediocre skills as a spriter. If you find it to be too cringy for your tastes, though, you can just ignore those segments. I will not change the main story in any way, save for a quick joke. Speaking of the story, how will you show it? Same way as in the last LP: by painstakingly transcribing everything, with portraits to go with the text. Since I poured my heart and soul into this self-portrait, I will be using it to speak my mind during dialogue. Also, italic text, because now that I am in the artstyle of the game, I don't stick out as much. I want you to use X unit! Go ahead and tell me to do it! I won't make any promises, but Berwick Saga is much more flexible in terms of what kind of a team you can have than FE. You don't necessarily have to stick to a single team, so most units will see at least some use. So do throw some suggestions my way, and I'll see what I can do. Don't even mention Volo, though. Why? Because I despise OP edgelords. I let Navarre die in FE12, I sacrificed Rutger in FE6, I made Vega into a mere shopkeep in TRS, and you can be sure that I'll screw over Volo as well if I must. What if I really really feel like spoiling something? I know just about everything this game has to offer, but not everyone does. If you want to talk about something spoilery, do it, but put your spoilers in a spoiler box, and place a big warning on top. Just so those who have never seen this game before know not to click. What will be the schedule of the LP? Same as usual: when I'm done with the update and when I'm not busy facing technical problems. Normally I try not to take longer than a week, but we'll see how it goes. DISCLAIMERS This LP will contain: - Profanity. I swear like a sailor on a bad day. - Blood and gore. The game doesn't have any, but one of my gimmicks is that, when people die, I edit their portraits to be all bloody and awful. Watch out if you can't stand those things. - Dark humor. Also bad humor, at times. - Injokes that new readers may not understand. I cannot imagine what a nightmare it must be to start reading my stuff and encounter the same five recurring jokes that I've been using for the past two and a half years. See what I meant with "bad humor"? - Intense hatred for the most popular titles in the FE series. I am elitist scum who despises everything that's made FE into a mainstream franchise. This will be first and foremost a Berwick Saga LP, but be warned, I will often stop to say "man, this game is SO much better than Three Houses!". Other titles that I dislike include, but are not limited to, FE9 and FE7. If that sort of thing infuriates you, exercise caution. - Unhealthy amounts of character deaths. Growing fond of playable characters is unadvised. Is that everything? I think that's everything. All right, then! Fasten your seatbelts, ready your prayer books, and let's dive right into the world of Berwick Saga! ...not right now, though. As always, the first update will take a few days to come out. But at least you know it's coming, so it's all good, right?
  15. Prologue, Part 1 Today I'm going to be starting my first ever randomized FE. I chose FE4 because it's my favorite game in the series. Honestly, I'm a little scared, because if I have bad luck and get a lot of foot units, the game will become a torturous slog. As well, I increased the enemy's growths by 20%, which means i could be really screwed if my luck is extra bad. Now that we have the introduction out of the way, let's just jump right into it. Growths (With Holy Blood bonuses)- 95% HP, 30% strength, 35% Magic, 30% skill, 35% speed, 45% defense, 25% resistance, and 35% luck Overall, this Sigurd is amazing. He has great bases, the best class in the game, pursuit, wrath, and decent growths. However, the next 2 units aren't nearly as great as him. Growths- 70 HP, 5 strength, 40 magic, 60 skill, 30 speed, 15 defense, 44 res, and 10 luck This is just what I was afraid of. After the amazing unit that is my Sigurd, the randomizer barfed out this mess. I'm gonna have nightmares about this paper thin, pursuitless, 5 move abomination. He does promote into a dark bishop, which is kinda cool though. Growths- 85 HP, 15 strength, 15 magic, 15 skill, 60 speed, 30 defense, 47 resistance, 20 luck More of the same. I feel like he is a little better than Noish though(which isn't saying much). Although his magic kinda sucks, he has a nice speed growth and pursuit which means he'll be delaing about the same damage as Noish. He also has charm, which will be nice for fighting bosses. Growths- 85 HP, 65 strength, 30 magic, 70 skill, 35 speed, 40 defense, 30 resistance, 40 luck Finally, another good unit. Actually, a really good unit. His bases are decent, and his growths are very good for a new game, let alone a Kaga game. His holy blood is very good, and it would be awesome if he ever got the Tyrfing. He also has an oddly high magic stat, which means he could be pretty good with a wind or thunder sword. I don't want this first part to drag on for very long, so I'm gonna cut it off here. This is my very first lets play, so comment any suggestions you have for me Thanks for reading!
  16. I must admit, I barely remember Awakening. I played through only once on Hard Classic back in the day and at this point I felt like I needed a bit of a refresher. Now I wanted to see how Lunatic was like, and similar to my Lunatic Conquest I was curious how it would play without using the combat effects of pairup, but knowing how integral they tried to make that mechanic in Awakening I was uncertain if this run will be entirely possible. I have seen forum rumors of someone on another forum claiming they beaten a Lunatic no-pairup run, and theories that it is possible, but neither of these were particularly promising, so I did wait until I unlocked the ability to summon teams from the battle box that could be battled to grind before just to test how possible this run will be before committing to an LP. I suppose it is about time to set down some ground rules: 1. Having a unit that is paired up engage in combat is a reset worthy offense. 2. Having a unit paired up that could have been targeted on enemy phase is a reset worthy defense 3. No paid DLC (as I do not have any) I will also restrict the amount of off screen grinding I do based on reader feedback. Now I will still use pairup to increase my maneuverability on the map, so expect liberal use of the pairup, transfer, swap, and separate commands to give me a tactical edge. Also do be warned if things get dire enough, I may leave units dead on the field of battle, but I will try my best to keep everyone alive. Now for reader convenience I will start by try to have updates separate into 3-4 spoiler tags, as I will be looking at the story and supports I get I will separate updates into supports (if applicable) opening story, chapter, and ending story section. I guess it is time to start
  17. Hello i'm kaiserbaedd and this is the adventures of the many lifetimes of our lord and savior Brian. What? This is an abridge style LP following our lord and savior Brian? What do you mean by our lord and savior Brian? Watch The life of Brian before clicking on the spoilers So what does that mean for the LP than? I'm gonna loosely follow the story but i'm gonna try and keep the serious moments in tho. I'm also playing thought the game on hard classic mode. What about story spoilers? Try and avoid spoiling thing that happens in the game and the other route until we reach that point but if you much post something do it with the spoiler tag Can the readers help influence the LP? Yes, peoples can suggest what characters i recruit and how to build them up(i.e. armour knight Annette, dark knight Claude, etc...) including Brian When will the first part be up and how often will you update? Part 1 will be up tomorrow and i'm gonna try and update it every few days. See y'all tomorrow
  18. Or PMCR for short. So, all your screenshot LP lovers probably know that TheMoniker, a guy who does (or did) screenshot Let's Plays (and he's very good at that), recently quit doing them. And I've come to take his place! Nah, not really. I'm just a lurker who mostly comes to see the progress of the fangames that are being posted here. BUT. This time will be different! And I'm comparing that to the screenshot LP I tried to do, which consisted on Randomized Fire Emblem 7. But it was pretty boring and no different from the others. Heck, I was even doing Lyn's mode! And we all know no one enjoys that. So, after that introduction to my tragic story on these forums (not really), and since I'm on vacations, I decided to do something that hasn't been done yet... OR HAS IT? Well, anyways, I'll keep this short: I'm bored, and I want to play some Fire Emblem. But I don't know which Fire Emblem to play! And since I suck, I can't play the most recent titles. So I decided to start some challenge runs to entertain myself a bit. But I thought "Hey! Wouldn't it be better if people could watch how I suffer doing stupid things?" So (man, why do I always have to start sentences with "so"?) yup, that's how I decided to do this thread. Since I haven't beaten any 1-5 Fire Emblem, I'm going to do this for the GBA titles only. At least for now. The way this is gonna work, well, I think a LP would be better if the viewers could actually... "participate" on it, in one way or another. So... YOU. Yes, YOU. You're gonna choose which challenge run I'll be doing! This is the "template" you need to use if you want so see me suffer: After I get enough requests, I'll set up a poll, and the challenge who gets more votes, that's the one I'm gonna play. For now, since I had this in my mind, I'll auto-request myself, because I'm such a good person: I think I wrote everything I wanted to write so yeah... Let's see if this thread gets noticed. If not, it'll probably get buried and no one will remember it. I'LL DEAL WITH IT. PD: English is not my native language so I can make mistakes. Bear with me plzz.
  19. [7/18/2016 10:36:28 PM] Bree: in case it's not obvious I have a vendetta against Pokemon Glazed So what better way to deal with this than to beat this damn thing and force people who want to read this to suffer through it with me! In case you don't know anything about Pokemon Glazed; oh boy are you in for something If you do; Please don't spoil anything I most likely have very strong opinions on the act in question and you know I will voice them Anyway... [spoiler=IN THE BEGINNING] In case it wasn't obvious the creator of this hack loves Quilava For the record Mew has like nothing to do with this plot I dunno It's the word 'donut' backwords and the game is called Glazed That pretty much shows the quality of this hack right there Tree name? Professor? Pokemon hack checks out. ZOMG GAIZ GEN 4 POKEMON ARE HERE so yeah there are Gen 4/5 Pokemon in this hack Fun This is literally ugly Like The only option Shout out to the 3 of you who get this Which is literally impossible unless you are one of the three mentioned above This isn't your normal everyday starting location this is Advanced starting location Good thing we have context for this right? This dialogue is very yeah Case in point AND THE CHARACTER TALKS that's it guys pack it up I'm leaving Because that makes sense??? I have a feeling that will annoy me later on And then ??? died of a heart attack Having a dad in non-R/S/E Pokemon is sacrilege Having parents in a Pokemon game actually do something is sacrilege Oh wow I am so honored I mainly took this for inside jokes No I got it whenever the fuck Pokemon Go came out Wow!! at least there is variety ANYWAY, time for STARTER OPINIONS Turtwig: Probably one of the best to pick. good typing and such Chimchar: Literally gets shit on in gyms 2 and 3 and Gym 3 is such BS when we get there so good luck Piplup: Literally never pick this you get a much better water type soon I don't care how big a boner you get for penguins Shinx: Kinda bad for the first 2 gyms but helps a lot during gym 3 so if you want to Riolu: I dunno I've never used Riolu in this so I have no idea how well it works So let's try it out and see how we go I think that was the guy's name in the Lucario movie?? ummm..... So I'm not able to actually and accurately work on my jouney? Sounds like Pokemon Go I'm glad this is like the old days where we name people after their occupation Woo? ruckus is a great word Great Grammar Gandalfchu See I appreciate this hack for making Pikachu a dick but I also don't because this Pikachu is annoying af When will I win? Translation: "Fuck you" (probably) !!! Fun fact we have the R/S/E Groudon/Kyogre music whenever we fight this I don't get it either This battle went as expected we kicked it's ass When your parents are actually useful get it? because shoes are like gloves for your feet Actually fucking useful item!! Please do [spoiler=NEXT TIME!] Wake me up inside
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