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2023 gaming resolutions thread

Fabulously Olivier

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What games do you want to play or clear, trophies you want to collect, and milestones you want to meet in your gaming experience this year?


My goals:


* Clear at least 20 games (last year I managed 23). Each route of a multiroute game counts separately unless it's just an ending branch.

* Clear Xenoblade Chronicles 3

* Clear Fire Emblem Engage

* Clear at least one additional route of Triangle Strategy

* Clear at least the story modes for at least 3 Warriors games.

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2023 is probably going to be a busy year for me, so I won't have too many gaming resolutions. How about this:

1. Finish Blossom Tales 2: The Minotaur Prince. I bought this game last year after enjoying the first Blossom Tales and seeing the trailer looking like it was going to fix everything I didn't like about the first one. It didn't fix everything (it still has randomized NPC dialogue and the map is still completely useless), but I was enjoying it a lot. I just got too busy to keep playing. So, I intend to finish it.

2. Play Tears of the Kingdom. There is no way I'll be able to finish Tears of the Kingdom within 2023; my schedule is just going to be too busy and the game's going to be even bigger than Breath of the Wild. However, I hope to at least start the game and play enough of it to get a good impression.

3. Get at least some semblance of a start on the game I'm developing with my brother. I have a game planned; I've been brainstorming it for a while. But it has become clear that I'm not going to be able to finish it on my own within a good amount of time, and my brother's been looking for an opportunity to practice his programming, so we've turned it into a two-person project. I hope to find a good engine and at least create some amount of the game within 2023.

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2023 might be absolutely berserk, so I'll try to keep my aspirations low, but...

Finish Tears of the Kingdom with my family before I leave for Uni at the end of August. We'll see if we can get it done on time...

Like A Dragon: Ishin! is a must-play for me, and I'd like to finish it really shortly after release.

FE: Engage is another really cool-looking game that... Well, I don't know if I'll get to play it in 2023, but I'd like to.

Elden Ring DLC, also with my family. Provided it releases before I leave, of course.

Finish Trails FC. This should only take 3084 more hours.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but this is already quite a lot.

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I'm horrible at keeping gaming resolutions. Namely because I tend to hyper fixate on one thing at a time which tends to stop me from playing anything else (and right now that thing is FE Engage which is as horrible as it sounds since it's not even out yet) and I also tend to get to focused on trying to 100% games which tends to lead to frustration and less enjoyment. So my primary resolution this year is to solely have fun with my games and to not go out of my way to 100% everything first time round.

As for actual games that I want to play, I have a lot on my backlog, but musts for me this year are:

- Fire Emblem Engage of course

- I want to finish BOTW before TOTK comes outs. I namely just have to beat the trial of the sword and Ganon, but at this point I might just go kill Ganon and say fuck it

- The FF13 trilogy. Bought them on Steam a while ago but was so busy with college I forgot about them so I actually want to tackle them this year

- Replay some FE games since Three Houses has been the most FE I've played the past while

- Finish Spyro Reignited Trilogy

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I have a lot on my plate this year, but if i do manage to get some gaming done, this would be the biggest points for me:


Finish Trails of Cold Steel II, III, and IV: I did Cold Steel 1 two years ago i think and i thought I would never play the rest of series. I even went on youtube to watch basically the cutscene movies of the games and almost got through all of Cold Steel III, the amount of content from just these is pretty insane. Still, i still have the small desire to go through the games with my own route so to speak, so I downloaded Cold Steel II on steam last month and have played a few minutes so far, trying to adjust my schedule and all.

Finish Persona 5: downloaded it on steam last month, being playing a couple hours so far. I can feel all the same great stuff that made P3 so great for me and one of my personal favorites ever. Again, schedule is going to be a problem, but I hope i can get through this ride, and i hope it can be as fun as p3 was.

+10 a unit in FEH: I really want to be able to +10 unit on their release banner. I came close to it with L!Deirdre but fell short at +8. Still, my hope is that she will get an alt of her very own (a special hero one, I'm not counting her legendary as that was a decision made purely to complete the Sigurd family and no other reason, and her sidekick role on dancer Sigurd is not a real alt). If so, i really want to +10 that one on her release day. Brave or bridal F!Corrin would be sweet too.

C2 the Hydro archon in Genshin: This can only happen by sheer luck and is just wishful thinking, but hey, why not? I have been saving primos since Nilou on 3.1 and i'm sitting on ~70 pity with about 40 wishes saved,  no gurantee pity. She should not appear until about August at the earliest and we still have the Chinese new year coming up plus the summer event. If nothing crazy happens, like a Harbinger I like showing up in a banner, I think i can save up to at least my be C1 her on release. I may go for the weapon and just settle for a C0 with her weapon though, but it'll depend on how my first pulls go when we do get her.

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30 minutes ago, Sil/phire said:

Finish Persona 5: downloaded it on steam last month, being playing a couple hours so far. I can feel all the same great stuff that made P3 so great for me and one of my personal favorites ever. Again, schedule is going to be a problem, but I hope i can get through this ride, and i hope it can be as fun as p3 was.

Man, this further keeps me on the wall for the Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden ports. P3FES is still my favorite game of all time, I really wish it got the port instead.

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I've got a poor track record "calling my shots" on games I'll finally play. I can't know what I'll be in the mood for past the near future.  But a lot of what I discover and fish out of the backlog tends to be a great time regardless. Many of my favorite experiences by the end of the year tend to be stuff I had not heard of by the start of the year. In 2022 I committed myself to trying out more fan games, ROM hacks, and total conversion mods. I'm hoping I can lean harder into that. Maybe some Japan only retro games. I'm on an emulation kick. There are a couple tasks I have been thinking about pursuing:

  • Finish Round 2 of Pokemon Stadium 2: My friend and I did this for the first game last year, using original hardware. I'm ready to raise up some teams in the bizarre world of Gen 2. Looks like the biggest roadblock will ultimately be the Challenge Cup, where you can't bring your own team. You're stuck with a randomized one. And there's four whole cups of that nonsense.
  • Get super in to Street Fighter 6: I like to think I've got some decent skill at fighting games. I can shoryu on command, no big nbd. And if this game lets me build Ryo Hazuki in the character creator, then you know I'm heading online.
  • Submit a speedrun (ideally a category that nobody has ever done before): I actually have many years experience speedrunning games, but I got burnt out before the Pandemic. I've been feeling the itch lately to try out something new. My friend and I have been attempting Co-op Quickplay - Win with All 89 Characters in Smash Bros, but it's three and a half hours and kind of exhausting running into the same cheesy players a lot. I'm also thinking of adjusting the rules to make it less of a meme category, but I worry that will take out some of the chaos of the run. I also recently discovered Mario Superstar Baseball's community, and there's a new proposed category that sounds very fun and casual to get into.
  • Finish Round Houses: I began this run back in June and I'm far enough in the game where there isn't a whole lot of challenge, even on Maddening Mode. But I should still cap off the experience one of these days. There were some great moments along the way, and still plenty of fun to be had. I want to live to see Lorenz Fierce Iron Fist Claude and Edelgard on Chapter 17 as a callback to how Chapter 7 ended.
  • Do big video projects/series on game related stuff: I've been wanting to get back into video production, and have a lot of ideas to try out. Also got a lot of footage already sitting on my computer waiting to be turned into something. Heck, Round Houses would make for a good documented series.
Edited by Zapp Branniglenn
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Oof... I don't think I want to even review my gaming resolutions for 2022. I definitely didn't fulfill them...

In any case, I guess I can be foolishly optimistic and post a few here:

  • Complete Thracia 776. I started playing a long time ago, and just picked it back up a couple days ago. I'm practically at the end (just beat chapter 23), so hopefully I can follow through and bring this nightmare to an end.
  • Complete Project EmberSimilar story - I played through most of it, but dropped it. Think I'm on the chapter in Ilia where you get Juno, so pretty close to the end. Pretty fun hack, and a great way to liven up the FE6 experience.
  • Complete the main story of Pokemon Legends ArceusI'm really happy with a lot of what this game does, and it's one I enjoy playing. But it's easy to get distracted. As such, I haven't even reached the proper "end" of the main story. So hopefully, when I get some time, I can achieve that much.
  • Play The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, Volume 1. I bought this game not long after release, and I still haven't made the time to play it yet. Maybe I'm not ready for Ace Attorney on the big screen? Who knows. Still, I think playing through half the game is a reasonable goal.
  • Play aI: The Somnium Files: Nirvana Initiative. Another disturbing case of buying a game and putting it immediately onto a backlog. I definitely appreciated the original, and I've been replaying the first two Zero Escape games, so I've no doubt I'll enjoy it when I make the time.
  • Play Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time. Kinda bought this one on a whim, but I loved the originals (including the original fourth game, Wrath of Cortex), so I want to give this one a try. And I was quite satisfied with the N. Sane Trilogy... wait, did I actually beat that one?
  • Complete the main story of Pokemon Snap. It's unironically the most visually-impressive Pokemon game out today, and a good bit of fun to play. I like to play it handheld with gyro controls, although it doesn't seem as precise as the 3DS, unfortunately.
  • Play Majora's Mask 3D. I bought this one on the soon-to-be-shuttered 3DS eShop, but haven't given it a try yet. And with my first 3DS game being Ocarina of Time 3D, to play the sequel as my "last" 3DS game is only fitting.
  • Complete Pikachu solo in Pokemon Yellow. All that's really left for me is Victory Road and the Elite Four. I'm sure it'll be possible, but the question is, how tedious will it be?
  • Buy and play Engage or something IDK. I don't know what it is, but the enthusiasm just isn't with me right now. It's gonna be a good game that I enjoy, but I don't see myself treating it the way I did Three Houses, finishing the first playthrough in under a month. We'll see.
  • Get back into Triangle Strategy. Ughhh. Another game that I was enjoying, dropped, and never picked up again. Figured that would be a problem for future me. Well, me, it's now the future. I hope you're happy.
  • Play something new. Very open-ended, but basically something that's new to me. Something that's part of a series I have no real experience with. Always want to include some vague wish of expanding my horizons.
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2 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:


  • Complete Pikachu solo in Pokemon Yellow. All that's really left for me is Victory Road and the Elite Four. I'm sure it'll be possible, but the question is, how tedious will it be?

Sounds like my first playthrough attempt at six years old. Maybe I didn't grasp the concept of catching but I distinctly remember challenging the Elite Four with just a Pikachu. I'd imagine the biggest roadblock is Bruno with his two Onix. 

  • Buy and play Engage or something IDK. I don't know what it is, but the enthusiasm just isn't with me right now. It's gonna be a good game that I enjoy, but I don't see myself treating it the way I did Three Houses, finishing the first playthrough in under a month. We'll see.

Yeah I have no enthusiasm for it. First impression of the game was not good, and nothing I've seen or heard about it has improved it. Even if the game is remarkably better than what I picture in my head, spending full price and 40+ hours finding out is a bad gamble. Plus if I do play it, I'll wanna come back here and talk about it, and that's a big mistake every time. Can't say anything about these games without it being misconstrued and blown out of proportion.

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  • Play Through The Homeworld Series: I learned about the games through Mandaloregamings excellent videos on the series, and I am curious on playing the game both for the 3D space combat and the stories (At least of 1 and especially Cataclysm). I'm currently playing through Deserts of Kharak, and am having fun. I suck at real time strategy games, but I'd like to sit down and learn how to get good at them, and it seems like the series will be an engaging starting point.
  • Beat System Shock 1 and 2: I own both games, and tried the first game back in September. I had fun, but the controls of the first game, while surprisingly intuitive, don't transfer over that well between other games, and I was juggling too many at that point. Similar to Homeworld, I'd like to sit down and focus solely on completing these games.
  • Buy and Play Through The Legacy of Kain Series: I keep forgetting to buy the games when they're on sale on GOG, and the more I see of the franchise, the more interested I am in trying it out.
  • Try Team Fortress 2: I've had my eye on the game for years now. May as well take the plunge and try it out sometime this year.
  • Earn All The Achievements In Warhammer 40K: Mechanicus: I rarely 100% complete games. If I think the process will be enjoyable I'll go for it, but if I find that a side quest or an achievement or whatever is more frustrating than fun, then I'm okay finishing a game without seeing every single thing. Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus was one of my favorite strategy games that I played in 2022, and every single achievement I see being obtainable.
  • Beat XCOM: Enemy Within and XCOM 2 on the Harder Difficulties and Try Out Some Mods: The XCOM series quickly became my favorite tactical strategy franchise, and I'd love to beat the games on the harder difficulties. I've completed the XCOM: EW on Hard already, and I'd like to do so while Ironmanning the game. For XCOM 2, I'd also like to try out some of the more in-depth mods, as the game literally has thousands of mods to choose from.
  • Play The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Fire Emblem Engage: I don't know if I'll pick these games up day 1 or wait for reviews and feedback first, but I'd at least like to try them sometime this year.
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Play through all of the new Yakuza games coming out this year: Like A Dragon: Ishin and The Man Who Erased His Name are must plays for me, and because these games will be on Game Pass, I'll be able to play them on day one! 🙂 

Play and finish the Persona 3 and 4 remakes: Been wanting to play 3 and 4 ever since I beat Royal, so I'm definitely playing these when they come out later this month, don't know which one I should play first though

Play more Fire Emblem games: For someone that enjoys and is a fan of Fire Emblem, I've barely even played any of the games other than the GBA and DS ones due to me never owning a Nintendo console, so I would like to play more FE this year, specifically ones on the 3DS because I sadly don't have a Switch 😕

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Start playing the Metal Gear series: I got Metal Gear Rising: Revengance and I realized that I know absolutely nothing about the actual Metal Gear series, and I love stealth games so I'm not sure why I never tried Metal Gear.

Finish Stray and Metal Gear Rising: Revengance: I need to actually finish the games I get and not play 5 games at once.

Finish FE6 and FE14: See above

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On 1/5/2023 at 11:41 AM, 3PercentCrit said:

Start playing the Metal Gear series: I got Metal Gear Rising: Revengance and I realized that I know absolutely nothing about the actual Metal Gear series, and I love stealth games so I'm not sure why I never tried Metal Gear.

If you're looking into getting into the series as a whole, start with Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. It has the best balance between gameplay and story of all the Metal Gear Solid games. The plot is self-contained while also being the earliest in the timeline, so you don't need to have knowledge of any other games to understand what's going on. The gameplay is strong (with some annoyances, such the medical system) and it does a great job offering new environments and situations to sneak around in, with an impressive attention to detail. It's a good place to determine whether you're going to enjoy the rest of the series.

Metal Gear Solid 1 is also a fine starting point, even if does show its age as an early 3D stealth title. The game is 10 bucks on GOG, and I assume a similar price on PlayStations digital stores. You can start with Metal Gear Solid V if you're just interested in the gameplay, though in terms of plot it affected the series mythos the least.

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On 1/2/2023 at 1:44 AM, Zapp Branniglenn said:

Sounds like my first playthrough attempt at six years old. Maybe I didn't grasp the concept of catching but I distinctly remember challenging the Elite Four with just a Pikachu. I'd imagine the biggest roadblock is Bruno with his two Onix. 

Actually, Giovanni was a serious challenge. His Dugtrio originally outsped me, and one-shot with either Earthquake or Dig. Persian, too, would one-shot with Slash. I had to level up elsewhere, until I outsped and one-shot Dugtrio with Body Slam. Beyond that, it was a game of "use Double Team and pray".

Looking forward to Bruno, his Onixes (Onices?) have Dig and Earthquake, respectively, in Yellow. I don't know if he plays with "good AI" - if he doesn't, he might use other moves. Still, Onix's low Attack means neither would be a one-shot. Probably just gonna Double Team up, then kill them with Seismic Toss. We'll see. I might make a thread once I finish, who knows?

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On 1/1/2023 at 10:47 PM, Fabulously Olivier said:

What games do you want to play or clear, trophies you want to collect, and milestones you want to meet in your gaming experience this year?


My goals:


* Clear at least 20 games (last year I managed 23). Each route of a multiroute game counts separately unless it's just an ending branch.

* Clear Xenoblade Chronicles 3

* Clear Fire Emblem Engage

* Clear at least one additional route of Triangle Strategy

* Clear at least the story modes for at least 3 Warriors games.

My goal is to clear 20 games this year. I managed to clear 15 last year. I also found https://writinguniverse.com/free-essay-examples/happiness/ website online where I can read free essay examples. Now, I won't take a lot of time to write my essay assignments and can manage my time to play games. Otherwise, my parents won't allow me to play game before I finish my homework.


My goal is to clear 20 games this year. I managed to clear 15 last year.

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Play through Fire Emblem Engage and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom- From what I’ve seen of Engage and Tears of The Kingdom, they look like they’ll be pretty good, so I decided to preorder both games. Now I’m not sure if they’ll be the god-shattering stars that Three Houses and Breath of the Wild are, but I am optimistic, so hopefully the games surpass my expectations. 

Play through Persona 3 Portable & Persona 4 Golden- With Switch ports of P3P and P4G coming soon and having enjoyed Persona 5 Royal beforehand, I would like to play through the games that really defined the Persona series and set the stage for P5R. 

Play the Remakes of Dead Space and Resident Evil 4- Never really played through Dead Space (2008) so this remake will be a good chance to play it for the first time. I’ve played through the Xbox One port of Resident Evil 4 (2005) but the RE4 Remake looks really good so far and I enjoyed playing through RE2 and RE3 Remakes, so it’s another game I’ve decided to put on the list. 

Finish the Mass Effect trilogy with Mass Effect 3- I’ve beaten Mass Effect 1 & 2 so far and am currently on a playthrough of Mass Effect 3. Would like to finish off the trilogy by this year’s end and maybe play Andromeda out of curiosity (it was only like, 5 bucks at the store I bought it from, so not much money was lost there). 

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