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Cap 6: Bandits, Fighters

Cap 5 Armor Knights, Cavaliers

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Myrmidons, Archers, Nomads, Wyvern Knights, Pegasus Knights, Rogues, Soldiers

Cap 3: Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans, Clerics, Troubadours


Cap 6: Bandits, Fighters

Cap 5: Armor Knights, Wyvern Knights

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Archers, Soldiers

Cap 3: Myrmidons, Rogues, Nomads, Pegasus Knights


Cap 6: Shamans

Cap 5: Thunder Mages

Cap 4: Fire Mages, Clerics

Cap 3: Troubadours, Wind Mages


Cap 6: Pegasus Knights, Myrmidons, Archers, Wind Mages, Clerics, Troubadours

Cap 5: Mercenaries, Nomads, Rogues, Fire Mages

Cap 4: Thunder Mages, Soldiers, Cavaliers, Armor Knights

Cap 3: Fighters, Bandits, Wyvern Knights, Shamans


Cap 6: Myrmidons, Nomads, Rogues

Cap 5: Troubadours, Pegasus Knights, Mercenaries

Cap 4: Clerics, Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans, Fighters, Bandits, Archers, Cavaliers, Soldiers, Wyvern Knights

Cap 3: Armor Knights


Cap 6: Armor Knights

Cap 5: Wyvern Knights, Soldiers, Cavaliers

Cap 4: Mercenaries, Archers, Fighters, Pegasus Knights

Cap 3: Myrmidons, Nomads, Bandits

Cap 2: Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Clerics, Troubadours, Shamans, Rogues


Cap 6: Clerics, Troubadours, Wind Mages, Fire Mages, Thunder Mages, Shamans

Cap 5: Pegasus Knights

Cap 4: Soldiers, Archers, Cavaliers, Fighters

Cap 3: Bandits, Myrmidons, Mercenaries, Nomads, Rogues

Cap 2: Wyvern Knights, Armor Knights

Lck cap is 4 for all classes, after promotion increase all class caps by 2

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@Viveka with Bow: A Pegasus Rider using a bow makes alot of sense to me :/

Her backstory and skills won't bother you much then I assume -_-

Why does it make sense to you personally though? That I am awfully curious about.

@ Kiryn


@ Cynthia

Manage notes'd

Edited by Phoenix
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Random stat post

Oh my god, something's gone horribly wrong. I agree with everything Cynthia just said.

And on that note, if nothing else happens in 15 minutes I'm probably off for the night.

Idea: If you are a sword using Troubadour, IE: Tessa, you're a physical one and you can gain Lances.

If you're just staves, you end up able to use magic, IE: Mage Knight, Valkyre

Edited by psychout50
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Well it makes more sense to me, that if you have the advantage of air combat you employ long distance fighting (from the air). Why would anyone who can snipe you from the top of a fortress bother to climb down and engage you with a sword/spear if you've got a bow and have distance?

I considered instability, but a Nomad isn't much different.

Flight + Bow = Obvious combination.

Balance issues, sure, but it makes logical sense to me :/

@Cynthia, Lmao @3Mag Wind mage XD

Very nice list. Would be nice if we could implement it :/

Edited by Kanami
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There might be some small balance issues though. For example, if a 6 Spd class also had max Lck, they would end up with 10 Evd and be invincible vs. the 3 Skl classes. Probably nerf the Evd bonus to Spd down to 1 per point instead of 1.5.

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Well, if we switch the Grace ring to be stat-shifting, I could make complete use of these caps.

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Well it makes more sense to me, that if you have the advantage of air combat you employ long distance fighting (from the air). Why would anyone who can snipe you from the top of a fortress bother to climb down and engage you with a sword/spear if you've got a bow and have distance?

I considered instability, but a Nomad isn't much different.

Flight + Bow = Obvious combination.

Okay, I see where you're coming from :o

Yeah it does make sense. Especially for Viveka the strategist :D

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It's not just evasion that's the issue. The DEF and STR cap differences between the Knight and the 3 STR classes practically ensure it can kill them. No damage is possible.

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Def and Res giving 1.5 per point given always felt a little fishy to me anyway, so nerfing that down to 1 might work as well Not like the damage against them is very good, (50% for a tink) but you do get to auto-double them.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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@HIT: Thought I had Concoction for that?

Something that ignores DEF though? Interesting.... Probably make that a one off (first strike) item

Vulnerary 1 10 (Recovers HP by 10 points) A liquid drink that has a bitter taste

Elixir 1 25 (Fully recovers HP) A drink which gives a tingly feeling and has a sweet aroma and taste

Sacred Nectar 1 30 (Revives a fallen ally and gives them 3 health)A special type of nectar produced by Lunar Bee's once every year during their mating season.

Smelling Salts 1 40 (Automatically revives you with 1 health when you fall in combat) Smelly powder that could wake the dead.

Pure Water 1 30 (Adds 3 Resistance to your character for the battle it's activated) Purified water, often offered in churches

Stimulant 1 25 (Adds 2 Str or Mag to your character for the battle it's activated) A Halton drug sometimes used on their soldiers, causes cramps after use, and consistent use could lead to death.

Ginseng 1 25 (Adds 2 Evade to your character for the battle it's activated) A Septimian drug used to increase the energy in an individual, perhaps in more ways then one.

Concoction 1 25 (Adds 2 Hit to your character for the battle it's activated) A Elysimmian drug used by TISME students to increase awareness and ward off sleep for those long nights of studying

Note: Stat buffers do not stack or mingle.

Lucky Amulet 1 10 (Nulls the next attack that hits) A medallion with an image of the goddess of luck engraved crudely on it, is said to suck in bad luck

Sharpened 1 15 (First attack ignored enemy DEF/RES, not effective against bosses, item nulled if attack misses)Have a professional blacksmith resharpen your weapon.

Magic gem 1 30 (Deals X amount of damage (determined by crit dice) before you attack) A magical jewel that is configured to unleashes a blast of magic at the enemy, crafted for those who have no proficiency in magic.

RuleBreaker 1 30 (You only have to wait 4 battleposts Not 5 before making your next attack)A drug known to induce hyper activity, is known to cause brain damage to frequent users.

Scholars Notes 1 50 (Gain 10 Exp)Detailed writings left by a veteran mercenary or student of magic.

Inner Conflict 1 80 (Reallocate one of your stats to another stat of your choosing)A doctrine written by a famous philosophist, may change the way you think by the end of the document.(Ignores Caps)

Grace Ring 1 100 (Allows you to spend the three points you get when you level up to be spent on any stat regardless of caps)*

*Warning: Ring will break at level up regardless of whether you use it or not

Surprise Kit 1 30 (Seller rolls 6 sided dice to determine contents) Stores sometimes sell this to promote sales.

If 1~3 get 1~3 vulnerarys

If 4~5 get 1~2 Elixirs

If 6 get Scholars notes

Edited by Kanami
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@ Cuddles

How are we going to come across these items. Further more, how are we going to keep from killing each other for them?

You didn't realize why she wanted them in? -_-'

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Salts are used on yourself (auto) While the nectar can only be used on other characters. So two reasons

-Salts are auto use, Nectar is not

-Salts benefit the user, Nectar benefits a friend.

@Snike, Lol XD

@Phoenix: Like gold, you can plot steal from others, but you can't steal items. (They magically get a new one, and you can't use the one you stole in battle) XD

I think Reika's the only one likely to kill someone for their stuff anyway. Chase/Ketchup might but solution above.

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*gun shots ringing out everywhere*

MachineGun Joe is the last man standing. Viveka seduces him and he uses the items on her. Viveka then kills all the girls with her new found god powers.

Viveka wins.

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If the no-killing rule was banned, my characters and Nady's would just happen to go for those who were unecessary and should be kicked off the cast anyway. That means Viveka wouldn't last too long, at least at this point in time.

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If the no-killing rule was banned, my characters and Nady's would just happen to go for those who were unecessary and should be kicked off the cast anyway. That means Viveka wouldn't last too long, at least at this point in time.

I knew the other women in the group wouldn't like her ... that's why she's got high evasion.

@ Cuddles

I'll sleep when I damn well feel like it :)

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