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lol 30 turns

By the way, here's an in depth conversation regarding Damian ... ... well as in depth as it can get with Kai and Lightning around.

(no I was too lazy to remove the time stamps)

(12:05:11 PM) Lightning: Anyone agree with snowy that Damian and Esphyr should be B?

(12:05:14 PM) Lightning: I don't.

(12:06:01 PM) Kaien: I dont care

(12:06:02 PM) Lightning: Because so far they either are talkig to each other way too much or haven't seen each other in like a whole chapyer

(12:06:11 PM) Kaien: Now i care =3

(12:06:14 PM) Kaien: Ummmm

(12:06:26 PM) Lightning: It'd be contorversal IMO

(12:06:43 PM) Kiryn left the room (quit: Ping timeout).

(12:06:53 PM) Lightning: and seriously, screw Damian, Ether abuses the fuck out of supports and shit

(12:07:03 PM) Kaien: ^

(12:07:28 PM) Kaien: I remember when Aiya said Damian's gradivus was small

(12:07:30 PM) Kaien: I lol'd

(12:07:55 PM) Lightning: Hell, Chase is interacting with more people than Damian recently.

(12:08:17 PM) Kaien: Um Morgan

(12:08:18 PM) Kaien: Conrad

(12:08:19 PM) Kaien: Viv

(12:08:24 PM) Kaien: And sometimes Helioso

(12:08:26 PM) Kaien: *Helios

(12:08:28 PM) Kaien: >.>

(12:09:10 PM) Lightning: while Damian hasn't talked to Aiya or Esphyr at all recently.

(12:09:26 PM) Phoenix: I avoid going after lack of interactions since that is based almost entirely on online time. With Chase and Arrin it's a bit different because they're both active enough to branch out. Ether characters are usually fishing for interactions. It's not really a fair bit to judge on.

(12:09:33 PM) Kaien: Listen, im only gonna say it onc

(12:09:35 PM) Kaien: *Once

(12:09:50 PM) Kaien: Ether is only online when there is a battle or when he wants to make Damian look batter

(12:09:52 PM) Kaien: *Better

(12:09:56 PM) Kaien: I suck at typing

(12:09:58 PM) Phoenix: ^

(12:10:00 PM) Lightning: we know

(12:10:22 PM) Lightning: also

(12:10:24 PM) Kaien: I was writing an essay stfu. My fingers are sore

(12:10:26 PM) Phoenix: Ether's avoiding his usual interactions to get you guys off of his back. That's about it.

(12:10:41 PM) Kaien: He shouldnt have made Aiya in the first place

(12:10:43 PM) Phoenix: I've done the same thing with IrinaxIso, LevxViveka, and some others

(12:10:46 PM) Lightning: Damian is now trying to learn how to use HEXES. With a LANCE.

(12:10:52 PM) Lightning: I see a problem there.

(12:10:55 PM) Phoenix: Guys ...

(12:11:02 PM) Kaien: And Hellsety is a sword

(12:11:02 PM) Phoenix: Ixion has an army of Chimeras ...

(12:11:06 PM) Phoenix: Why is no one bitching at me?

(12:11:16 PM) Kaien: Because your not Ether

(12:11:17 PM) Lightning: Because he has good reasoning.

(12:11:25 PM) Kaien: Ixion is win, stfu

(12:11:29 PM) Phoenix: ... okay ...

(12:11:42 PM) Kaien: We ares bias

(12:11:49 PM) Phoenix: ... clearly

(12:12:04 PM) Lightning: Phoenix, you usually back up WHY your characters are wtfawesome. Ether recently has not, or at least not well.

(12:12:22 PM) Phoenix: Yeah I guess ... I just want the bias to level out a bit is all.

(12:12:34 PM) Kaien: If this was an anime, Helios would have many fangirls

(12:12:39 PM) Kaien: While Damian would have the less

(12:12:40 PM) Kaien: =3

(12:12:46 PM) Phoenix: ^^Possibly yes

(12:12:54 PM) Phoenix: Depends on how the anime plays out

(12:12:57 PM) Lightning: He also makes Damian insanely OP for a party member. Okay, so maybe the bezerk rage was okay, but hexes with a lance? That's going too far

(12:13:12 PM) Phoenix: He rarely uses them anyway. I hardly notice

(12:13:30 PM) Lightning: Okay, but CW =/= superpowers

(12:13:40 PM) Phoenix: CW = Shenanigans

(12:13:46 PM) Lightning: fuck it

(12:13:47 PM) Kaien: And his lance can go boom

(12:13:47 PM) Kaien: No innuendo intended >.>

(12:13:57 PM) Phoenix: ^^XD

(12:14:08 PM) Lightning: if we're giving CWs superpowers

(12:14:12 PM) Phoenix: As far as hexes ...

(12:14:18 PM) Phoenix: I just don't want another inn incident

(12:14:30 PM) Lightning: the earhquakes from earthshaker are going to be more noticiable

(12:14:36 PM) Phoenix: ^Yay

(12:14:45 PM) Lightning: and Zephyrtwine is going to have arrows imbued with wind.

(12:14:51 PM) Kaien: And send barbs flying

(12:14:52 PM) Kaien: Damian needs to be put down in battle once

(12:14:52 PM) Kaien: Then you will see whats wrong with him

(12:14:54 PM) Phoenix: Yay?

(12:14:54 PM) Lightning: Because that's kinda what Zephyr means.

(12:15:21 PM) Kaien: I'll let the mods handle this

(12:15:25 PM) Lightning: no

(12:15:28 PM) Kaien: I mean mod

(12:15:39 PM) Lightning: because snowy won't do anything about it

(12:15:39 PM) Phoenix: Damian goes down in stat combat occasionally, but Ether is very careful to never have Damian fight someone who could defeat him in plot combat.

(12:15:43 PM) Phoenix: I do the same with IxionxHM

(12:16:05 PM) Kaien: lol Rein

(12:16:06 PM) Lightning: Well, he needs to show that Damian has limits.

(12:16:24 PM) Phoenix: He did

(12:16:27 PM) Phoenix: Mental ones lol

(12:16:33 PM) Kaien: Damian got stomach injuries from an uppercut >.>

(12:16:36 PM) Phoenix: If Damian is going to Ixion for help ...

(12:16:43 PM) Phoenix: He definitely has mental limitations

(12:16:53 PM) Phoenix: regarding Gae Borg

(12:16:56 PM) Lightning: ... this is true

(12:17:52 PM) Kaien: Oh yeah, when Helios fights with Hellsety, his eyes go red

(12:17:58 PM) Kaien: Just an FYI, not like it matters

(12:17:59 PM) Kaien: >.>

(12:18:43 PM) Phoenix: Damian's limitations are hard to notice A. due to bias, and B. due to the fact that when he gets injured it's a very serious incident, and when he wins a battle it's also a big deal that people will call sue over. That's part of the reason why I made sure Iso took the incubi down with him.

(12:18:47 PM) Phoenix: looked less sueish

(12:19:56 PM) Phoenix: @ Hellsety eyes

(12:19:56 PM) Phoenix: Iso's irises are red when Proxima is bound to him. They glow most of the time in general but especially during casting.

(12:21:20 PM) Kaien: Dont care

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Pretty much most of the food there is from German/Japanese culture, made a list of some of it.

Food present at the ball: hors d'oeuvres, fish (trout, salmon, carp, some raw), seafood, various types of sausage, cheese, spargel (white asparagus, better than it sounds), various pastries (strudels, pie, tarts), rice, light soups, noodles, fruit, light cakes.

Condiments: Mustard, pickles, horseradish, seaweed, soy sauce :lol:.

Drinks: Punch, beer, sake, vodka. No water because everyone has to get drunk. Technically available, but you have to specifically ask for it

Edit: Because this makes things a bit easier to keep track of: Just roll a number on IC if you drink anything alcoholic and link it.

1. This punch was drowned in liquor and strawberry flavoring. (Strawberry taste should mask the spiking, unless extremely used to drinking. Cannot be handled by lightweights or average drinkers.)

2. Slow acting drug powder + water was laced into the punch. Start off feeling normal, only a little light headed. Splitting headache after a few minutes, best to pass out/go to sleep. (Should taste like 50 proof liquor, mild spike)

3. 80 proof, standard liquor and punch combination.

4. Your liquor was spiked with at least a pint of water, congratulations! (Similar to punch plus water, but not quite)

5. 120 proof (Slightly stronger then you might expect if you're used to drinking, otherwise tastes the same as 80 proof)

6. Lightly spiked punch, raspberry flavoring. (Tastes like punch)

Edited by the_whistler
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Lev, 5 (irrelevant since Lev is more likely to go for the vodka anyway)


Jasmine, 2


Viveka, 6 (most likely will drink half a cup if any at all)


Irina, 1 (Heinz's rper brought this on himself)


Iso won't drink anything unless it's water. He knows better.

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I'll roll for Tessa when she actually drinks. Cause I kind of thought that was how it was supposed to go down. And since despite my attempts to assert the contrary, I'm fighting the lag pretty hard, I think I'll just go to sleep.

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