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Sure. Why I'm not a spy. I was sent on the 3 man mission which was successful. I'll tell you straight up, if I was a spy, I wouldn't have hesitated to sabotage that. While certainly not Life level, I've been known to pull some 'crazy' stunts and rely on my force of presence and persuasion to get me out of tight spots. For reference, consider when I claimed Cult Leader and managed to convince everybody not to hang me.

It wouldn't have been a bad plan at all for me, in fact, as even if I failed to gather enough support among the rest of the group, and none of the initial 3 man team ever got sent on another mission, I could rely on my partner for the rest of it. Especially if my partner was Core, as he's certainly no slouch himself. Speaking of, he's definitely smart enough where his most recent posts, after the mission success clearly outed him, definitely have to be taken with a heavy level of WIFOM potential.

I've contributed helpful analysis in the early-game, and even though my discussions and points ended up butting heads with Proto's, and there being general argumentation all around, it certainly gave a very clear insight my stances and strategies for the game. The fact that I've had to deal with moving shit during, as Weapons accurately calls it "crunch time", is just terrible luck on my part. But my inactivity is by no means limited to The Resistance, as you can clearly see that my presence in Pokemon Tactical is also suffering, not to mention my involvement in the RP here. (Just ask Snike/Kiryn/Phoenix about how much time I've been able to devote the past ~week or so. I'll tell you in advance that it is low, and consistent with my drop-off in activity here). Since that seemed to be the only objection I saw raised, really, I feel that it's sufficiently refuted. Now that I'm settled in enough and going to the office every day, I'll at least have some internet during the working hours (though obviously I'll have to make sure to keep things in check so I can actually progress on research/thesis). Peak activity won't return obviously until we get a Comcast guy out to the place, but hey, it's better than nothing.

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I also realized that due to the fact I'm clear, Bal probably is too. If he had sabotaged the first mission, I doubt anyone would have wasted a second thinking I was a Spy. That would have been perfect cover for them.

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Core, youre a gauranteed spy.

No ones gonna include you, especially with voting no just because you arent there. That just makes you look more scummy.

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I'd like to hear everyone who's not confirmed present their case for why they should be brought before we proceed.

I don't think I have any way of proving that I'm a Rebel. I made some pretty big posts so I'll let you be the judge of whether they seem to be written by a Spy. I also wanted the Spies to sabotage the 4-player missions so that we'll have enough info to send in the right 6-man team in the final one, which is why I pretended to argue with zak that 4-man missions are better off successful, so that the Spies would be inclined to sabotage it when they had the chance. They did exactly that, allowing us to later confirm Core as a Spy and confirm four others as Rebels, something which we would unlikely to be sure of if the 4-man mission was a success. So we now have a pretty good chance for the final mission.

Also, Proto, why do you think Furet is a spy?

That one time where he included himself in the team, when his post just before that said he would go with a slightly different team which no one objected to. That, plus, I've been looking through the thread after Core was confirmed Spy to see his votes on the various set-ups

Joshaymin, Psych, zak: He approved of it, but this was the mission that would have been a bad idea to sabotage anyway

Psych, Core, Proto, Weapons: He disapproved, but his vote came after this mission got 6 No votes and 1 Yes vote, so it would have been very suspicious to support it.

zak, Proto, Reinfleche, Furetchen: His own plan when it was his turn

Psych, Joshaymin, Weapons, Furetchen: Approved initially, but then changed to No when both Weapons and I changed our votes.

The last two didn't include himself. The Empire sabotaged our first two 4-man teams so I can guess that they had no intention of letting any mission go as planned except for the first 3-man one. Furetchen is the only member that was included in both of the mission proposals that Core approved of.

I also realized that due to the fact I'm clear, Bal probably is too. If he had sabotaged the first mission, I doubt anyone would have wasted a second thinking I was a Spy. That would have been perfect cover for them.

Nah, no one would have done that. Knowing that one person from a group of three is a Spy would be too big an advantage for us. In fact, the Spies probably should have waited until the 6-man missions before sabotaging them, because if all our info comes from 6-man teams, the final mission would be much more difficult to decide on.

Okay, at this point, I'm fairly sure Proto is the other spy. Reasons later.

I know I'm not but alright, I'll stay out of this mission.

##Give plans to JB25, Psych, Uhai, Weapons, me, and Bal

Only one I'm unsure of here is you, but Weapons seems to be convinced of your innocence so I'll go with this. However, I want to hear what Weapons reasoning is on why I'm a Spy before making my vote.


Yeah. I know.

Didn't you think that zak was the other Spy?

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k, thread sub-title should still be edited though.

So all we have to do is make sure we never send you and we can guarantee victory.

The first mission is probably the most important since it's our only chance to do it with three people. If the mission is sabotaged, then the list for one spy gets narrowed down to only three people or in the eyes of the other rebels who participated, two people. Clearly the rebels that participated in a sabotaged mission have a better chance of identifying a Spy than those who sat at home. Based on this reasoning, I would advise Joshaymin to bring zak into the mission because I find him to be the most intelligent player here.

I also think it might be a good idea to bring psychout or Core, because their orders are coming up just after yours and it would be better if they had this slight advantage over the other rebels if the first mission is sabotaged. It would help in their decisions. And IF one of them was a Spy, we might be able to figure it out based on what decisions they make in their turn.

All players are the same and we have no info on Day 1, so it's not like we have much else to go on with. What say you, Joshaymin?

Sorry, I meant they would want to sabotage it. Should have reread my post. But yeah, this is basically where the real game starts. We could go with Core, zak, and two others but idk what everyone else thinks.

But the only reason why Psych was picked was because he was in charge of the next decisions. In this situation, Core should take his place or be added as the fourth. And I really think it would be a good idea to use Joshaymin, because, considering his suggestions, I highly doubt he's an empire spy. I say we should pick Joshaymin, zak, Core, and Psych/Weapons.

I have to agree with Joshaymin from here.

I just realized this right now. Yes, at least two out of those three must have been rebels.

Wait, whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

In case you haven't noticed, our objective in this game isn't to identify the Spies (there's no lynching or killing anyway). Our objective is to wipe out three Empire bases before they destroy ours. If they wait until six agent missions, they'll lose automatically since our first three missions will all be successful. If we are not sabotaged in this attempt, then we get another victory, which means we only need to complete one more mission before the game ends with us as the winners. Our task is not to identify.

If we performed flawlessly until that point, there wouldn't be another stage because we'll be too busy deciding which Crusader becomes the ruler of which area in the vast Empire. We don't care about the moles as long as we get to blow up their bases.

We may already have a mole in the current setup. They might have already destroyed one of their own bases yesterday. And we barely learned anything from the first mission so we might as well pretend like it never happened.


This, too. Joshaymin wanted Weapons for some unknown reason so we could replace you with him but that's not that important imo. But I really think Joshaymin, zak, and Core should be in.

Wait, where did this come from?

What we need is victory. The Empire would now want to sabotage any plans that they could get involved with. It's from this moment that we'll be able to gather info so the events of yesterday can be completely ignored. So it doesn't matter if the batch is fresh or not. What matters more is that in the event of a sabotage, I think Core and zak should be the ones who get involved in the mission. Core because he's our next leader, zak because he's zak. And Joshaymin, because I really think he's a rebel. He talks a lot and wouldn't say suspicious stuff for no reason (like what Darros just did) so I think we'll be able to expose him if he really is a Spy.


I just knew that if I kept trying to convince the Town that this mission is better off without being sabotaged, the Spies are gonna do their best to wreck the plan. I'm so glad they weren't listening to Joshaymin or zak. Now I know that either Furetchen, Reinfleche, or zak (extremely unlikely imo) is a Spy. I'll have to make sure Furetchen and Reinfleche don't get in next mission.

I'm thinking Weapons, Core, and Joshaymin should be in the next one. Not sure about the fourth. I want to bring myself but no one else knows that I'm a Rebel so it might not be wise. I don't want to bring Darros or Psych. How about zak?

And I think you're the Spy! *high-five*

If this mission gets sabotaged, then you're going to be brought to every single mission following this.

##Give plans to: Joshaymin, Core, Weapons, Darros

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"...And that will be our plan. Everyone clear on it?" Faval asked the group of crusaders waiting before him. Nods and murmurs of approval resounded, but they were worried: Everyone needed to co-operate or this mission would fail. Celice looked over the men and women gathered; he would be going with them this time - they needed the Tyrfing to combat Julia effectively.

"Before we go," Celice started to the group, "We have one more thing to take care of. Bring him in..."

Two guards dragged Sety in, his hands tied behind his back and his face swollen and beaten. His gaze was locked on the floor, and his head was placed on the chopping block. Celice drew the Tyrfing, leaned in close to Sety, and spoke. "Any last words, Sety?"

Sety looked up, straight into Celice's eyes. "Last words? I think you'll find it is you who needs them, not I." A smile grew across his face. One of the guards drew their knife, and within a second, cut the ropes binding Sety. "Did you think you'd won? Do you really think you can take Julia on... inside this room?

Celice gasped. "What?" His face showed he'd suddenly worked out what had happened. The guard looked up, and threw her disguise off. Julia. Someone had let her into the castle, and now she was there, with the Crusaders, wielding Narga and carrying Holsety to give back to Sety.

"Prince Celice... You've fought a good fight, but now, this ends. But before I kill you... who do you think was responsible for this? Who let me in? Who went and retrieved Holsety? Can you work it out?" Celice looked over at Faval, and then to Alvis. It was one of them. But who? "Hehehe... you don't even know, do you? Should I spoil it for you? Kill him!" Celice drew the Tyrfing. He knew he was going to die here, but he could at least die fighting. "Let me put it to you this way, Celice... Like father, like son."

The flames of Falaflame engulfed the room, and Alvis, Sety and Julia began the fight which would mark the end of the rebellon...

The game is over! The Empire Spys have won: Hemlock and Balcerzak

Mission 1: JB25, Psych, Balcerzak: Successful

Mission 2: Proto, Furetchen, Lightning, Balcerzak: Sabotaged

Mission 3: JB25, Hemlock, Uhai, Weapons: Sabotaged

Mission 4: JB25, Psych, Uhai, Weapons: Successful

Mission 5: JB25, Psych, Uhai, Weapons, Lightning, Balcerzak: Sabotaged

I'll give some kind of postgame later, maybe.

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Anyway, what were people's thoughts on the game? Good? Bad? Balanced? Imbalanced? Anything needed to be done differently?

Personally, I think the game went very well. Both sides played pretty well, Bal did very well to keep under the radar especially, and some members of the town did some very nice scumhunting at certain points.

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