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Plants vs. Zombies Ranking Thread!


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Considering that by the time you have enough sun for a rank of Scaredy-Shrooms, they'll easily have a healthy buffer of Puff-, and then Fume-Shrooms to shoot behind, this is where their good damage for ridiculous prices comes into play without the downside. Let's face it, if the enemy is facing down your third file, the failure of a 25 Sun plant is the least of your troubles. Easily more than a 2/10...Maybe a 7, 6.5.

Consider it done.

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It's been more than 24 hours and no other posts? Huh. Guess there's no arguments. Onwards!

Doom Shroom



Damage-Massive, with large splash damage.

Range-5*5 square centred on the Doom Shroom. The video shows just how big this is.

Attack Speed-Fast

Utility-Single use bomb plant. Nocturnal. Leaves a crater after it has exploded.


The Doom Shroom is one of the best bomb plants in the game. This thing is essentially the Atomic Bomb of Plants vs. Zombies (and it makes a mushroom cloud! Geddit?). It has a massive range, it kills most everything, and what's somehow still alive can easily be picked off by your remaining plants. It's fairly expensive during the day however, requiring 200 Sun to activate it. However, the Doom Shroom rules the night. Just plant it ahead of where you'll be planting.

Fun Fact: If you plant the Doom Shroom in a pool, there'll be toxic sludge where you can't plant. (Credits to Mist for correcting me).

Final Thoughts

Excellent bomb plant, but difficult to use during the day.







Attack Speed-0

Utility-Allows you to plant non-aquatic plants in the pool.


The Lilypad is another pure utility plant. Unlike the Grave Buster, however, this plant is essential to your survival. There are two pool levels, and the fog level is especially a bitch, but without the Lilypad, you have no water defense. This means that zombies will just walk up and rape your brain. Or a tad bit later when you buy the extra Pool defense. The only aquatic plants I could find were the Tangle Kelp, the Sea Shroom, and the Cat-tail upgrade.

Final Thoughts

The Lily Pads are a must have for the Pool worlds.


Edited by Soren37
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Cattails are only aquatic as far as the downsides are concerned; you still need to plant 'em on a Lily Pad, it's just that they can't go on land :P

I'll have to try out Doom-Shrooms more, looks like I've been underestimating 'em.

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Fun Fact: If you plant the Doom Shroom in a pool, there'll be no crater.

Fun fact is wrong. It actually leaves gunk in the pool that you can't plant Lily Pads (and probably, by extension other aquatic plants) over. Might go check that now, I could be wrong. Doesn't make them any less useful at all.

Edit: Checked it, and I'm correct.

Edited by Mist
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Fun fact is wrong. It actually leaves gunk in the pool that you can't plant Lily Pads (and probably, by extension other aquatic plants) over. Might go check that now, I could be wrong. Doesn't make them any less useful at all.

Edit: Checked it, and I'm correct.

Edited in.

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Seriously, no arguments? Either I'm good, or we're all equally bad.

Today's rankings!




Damage-Massive, splash damage hits all zombies in the area of where it lands.

Range-One square. Can go either one square forward or backwards. X S X. The Squash (S) can hit either of the X's.

Attack Speed-Fast

Utility-Single use "bomb" plant. Insta-kills whatever it crushes.


The Squash's almanac states that it's the one to put into your team. And you should. The Squash is a low cost "bomb" plant. It deals massive damage for a low sun cost, and can crush multiple Zombies in one hit. The only issue is that the Squash has no range. It's either the square in front or the square behind.

Final Thoughts

Very good plant when used effectively. Low Sun cost for high damage really pushes this guy up.





Damage-Normal for each pea.


Attack Speed-3 peas/second

Utility-Fires 3 peas into 3 lanes. The Threepeater (T) fires three peas (P). One in front, and one above and below the Threepeater.





The Threepeater is a little bit pricier than getting three Peashooters, but the fact that it only takes one spot instead of three means that you can plant it in the middle and cover three rows at once. This can lead to some interesting strategies and combinations, such as using a column of Threepeaters and a column of Torchwoods. With Repeaters. And Gatling Peas.

Final Thoughts

A very useful plant, if you know how to position it and synchronize it with other plants. A bit pricey for what it is, though.


Tangle Kelp




Range-One square.

Attack Speed-Fast

Utility-Single use "bomb" plant. Aquatic. Kills one zombie.


The Tangle Kelp may seem like another ordinary bomb plant. The thing that makes it special though is that it is naturally aquatic (no Lily pads), and it can catch the special pool zombies, such as Dolphin Trainer Zombies BEFORE they jump, and Snorkel Zombies while they're underwater.

Final Thoughts

Almost a necessity for the Pool chapters, as it is a low cost, high output plant. Unless you want to spend 75 Sun for a Squash or more for a different bomb plant.


Edited by Soren37
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For Squash, range doesn't really matter since if I see a buckethead zombie, for example, I can just drop the Squash immediately and fuck the range. Plus it takes about 3 squashes IIRC to kill a giant zombie. That's friggin fantastic.

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Uhh... Doom Shroom's look like they have a range of 5 squares to me from that video. 5 =/= whole screen. Whole screen suggest that if I put it in a corner, then I could expect it to hit, well, the whole screen. 5 squares isn't even half the screen from the centre.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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With Doom Shroom, all you have to do is wait for the final wave, dig up your middle row Walnut and BOOM.

Quite, but I'd be against them being a full point ahead of cherry bombs, which are still fairly useful.

Also, I have problems with repeater > fune shrooms. I foolishly tried survival night (Hard) with no fume shrooms and I struggled and eventually lost at the final wave (albeit I only had one row which was undefended, so it was probably carelessness that got me). Then I tried fume shrroms. Not one lane got overrun, in fact, not one pumpkin defence on my tallnuts got overrun. My defence? 2 fume shrroms and rockplants. I ended the game with over 4000 sun as I simply didn't have anything to put it in (all my free squares were covered with rockplants) Anything that didn't have a bucket on its head died before it came close to reaching my set of tallnuts in the fifth column. They're completely ridiculous plants.

Repeaters, on the other hand, aren't. 200 sun is ridiculous, and getting a large army of them takes a lot of time and sun to do. Plus, they're bullets only hurt the front person, whereas with the 2 fume shroom and 1 wallnut, I can do so much more. You can burn its bullets, but then thats 375 sun going into one combination, which I find a massive waste - thats a tallnut, pumpkin and a fume shroom. Even in the day, it only costs 50 more sun to get 3 fume shrooms to 2 repeaters. In fact, it takes the same amount of sun to get 4 fume shrooms as it does 3 repeaters. It all adds up.

My final problem is with the grave buster being so low. Now, I'm not asking for anything more than a 5, because I admit it isn't horrendously useful, but in the night levels, they can bring a nice advantage (like zombies taking longer to reach your defences). It's also relatively cheap. I got all but 3 graves, along with an established fume shroom defence, by the end of the second flag in the same said survival mode. Hypnoshrooms just waste a square I'd rather go to a rock plant. Garvebusters' utility is unique in that it is one of the only plants (like lily pads and flower pots) which give you more squares (and thus more firepower/defence) to work with.

Edited by Kevin
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Quite, but I'd be against them being a full point ahead of cherry bombs, which are still fairly useful.

Their range is impressive, but who would really put a bomb plant in the corners? Either way, I'll edit the range of the Doom Shroom. Doom Shroom does rule the field though, due to range and sheer force.

Also, I have problems with repeater > fune shrooms. I foolishly tried survival night (Hard) with no fume shrooms and I struggled and eventually lost at the final wave (albeit I only had one row which was undefended, so it was probably carelessness that got me). Then I tried fume shrroms. Not one lane got overrun, in fact, not one pumpkin defence on my tallnuts got overrun. My defence? 2 fume shrroms and rockplants. I ended the game with over 4000 sun as I simply didn't have anything to put it in (all my free squares were covered with rockplants) Anything that didn't have a bucket on its head died before it came close to reaching my set of tallnuts in the fifth column. They're completely ridiculous plants.

Interesting point. I'll drop the Repeaters by a point, and then that should solve the problem, unless others have an argument. They do have a foothold in the early game, considering you have nothing else.

Repeaters, on the other hand, aren't. 200 sun is ridiculous, and getting a large army of them takes a lot of time and sun to do. Plus, they're bullets only hurt the front person, whereas with the 2 fume shroom and 1 wallnut, I can do so much more. You can burn its bullets, but then thats 375 sun going into one combination, which I find a massive waste - thats a tallnut, pumpkin and a fume shroom. Even in the day, it only costs 50 more sun to get 3 fume shrooms to 2 repeaters. In fact, it takes the same amount of sun to get 4 fume shrooms as it does 3 repeaters. It all adds up.

If they cost less Sun, they go up, or the more expensive one drops.

My final problem is with the grave buster being so low. Now, I'm not asking for anything more than a 5, because I admit it isn't horrendously useful, but in the night levels, they can bring a nice advantage (like zombies taking longer to reach your defences). It's also relatively cheap. I got all but 3 graves, along with an established fume shroom defence, by the end of the second flag in the same said survival mode. Hypnoshrooms just waste a square I'd rather go to a rock plant. Garvebusters' utility is unique in that it is one of the only plants (like lily pads and flower pots) which give you more squares (and thus more firepower/defence) to work with.

I will agree with you that Grave Busters add to your offensive capabilities. They will rise by half a point, as you're not asking for anything more than a 5, but other people seem to be okay with it so far, so we'll just even it out.


Repeaters drop one (1) point.

Grave Busters rise one half (0.5) point.

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Their range is impressive, but who would really put a bomb plant in the corners? Either way, I'll edit the range of the Doom Shroom. Doom Shroom does rule the field though, due to range and sheer force.

Oh yes, I don't think there is any denying that doom shrooms are thebest, but there's a limit.

They do have a foothold in the early game, considering you have nothing else.

Its perfectly possible to complete world 1 with just the normal pea shooters + snow peas. World 2 and world 4 has the fume shroom unhindered. It has world 3, yes, but we all know how good fume shrooms are in the pool and we eventually get tall nuts for even greater defensive capabilities.

If they cost less Sun, they go up, or the more expensive one drops.

Well, they do cost less sun and its not long before you can get more fume shrooms for your repeaters with the same amount of sun.

I could make an argument just to raise fume shrooms alone, as worlds 2 and 4 are literally dominated by them. But Ice peas have worlds 1 and 3 and they're slowing down ability can be helpful, especially in conjunction with spikeplants. Plus, thy don't cost as much sun as repeaters, so in teh day it's much more even. I'll let you make the final call on it as its your thread.

I will agree with you that Grave Busters add to your offensive capabilities. They will rise by half a point, as you're not asking for anything more than a 5, but other people seem to be okay with it so far, so we'll just even it out.

Fair enough.

Keep up the good work.

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No arguments make me happy~

Today's rankings!




Damage-Massive, splash damage hits all zombies in the lane of where it was planted.

Range-One lane. Hits both in front and behind

Attack Speed-Fast

Utility-Single use "bomb" plant. Insta-kills whatever is in its way.


The Jalapeño is yet another bomb plant, but can instead target a full row instead of an area. This makes it a very interesting plant to use, as instead of sticking it in the middle of a huge wave to get rid of zombies, you have to carefully analyze which lane needs the most support, and plant it there. It is a necessity for the final boss as well, unless you like having your defenses destroyed.

Final Thoughts

It's a good plant to have if you need another bomb plant, or just want a bit of a cheaper bomb plant.





Damage-Normal to all zombies walking on top of it; Massive damage to things that ride a vehicle.

Range-One square.

Attack Speed-Normal

Utility-Planted on the ground. Damages zombies walking over top of it, and cannot be eaten. OHKO's vehicle zombies, but cannot be planted on the Roof or in the Pool.


The Spikeweed is a very nice plant in the fact that it can lighten the load for your other plants, such as Gloom Shrooms and Snow Peas. It damages all the zombies that walk over top of it, and it can't be eaten! The only time it vanishes is if you dig it up or a vehicle runs it down. However, the Spikerock upgrade can fix this, as it deals high amounts of damage and doesn't vanish.

Final Thoughts

Very useful when used correctly. Allows for the Spikerock upgrade, which is always nice.


Edited by Soren37
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No arguments make me happy~

Sorry, but I just saw where the threepeater was. 325 sun is absolutely ridiculous. That's over 4 fume shrooms at night. Its more than a melon which is arguably more useful for splash damage and the snow melon upgrade, as the splash gives it some control over the flanks like the threepeater. In fact, consideing it doesn't discriminate to only the first zombie, its much, much more useful.

To combine it with torchwood as you suggested is just impossible. Thats 500 sun a combo. 2500 sun for the screen (3000 by the pool!). 5 melons, which all deal greater damage, only cost 1500. Get the snow melon upgrade for all 5 costs you the remaining 1000. (Only 2950 by the pool, so technically cheaper, but w/e), but for that 2500 we're greating both greater damage and an ice effect.

So at day it gets owned by the melons, and at night it gets owned by the fume shrooms. I'd argue even the repeater is better solely for it being cheaper to manufacture. (3 repeaters on 3 lanes = 600. 2 three peaters can cover 5 lanes, but only 1 of them as well as the 3 three repeaters AND they cost 50 more sun.)

-IOS posted of a couple of resources showing the usefulness of the Gloom Shroom upgrade. Fume Shrooms rised from a 7.5/10 to 8/10.

Just thought I'd mention, they're still in the 7.5 section on your main post.

Edited by Kevin
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Guys, this is getting creepy.

Random Fact of the day: I can't swim a 200 Freestyle! I can do a 100 Butterfly, but no 200 Free. Huh.

Today's Rankings!




Damage-Guides say none, but I could've sworn that I've seen one attack. Testing will be done soon.


Attack Speed-0

Utility-Any normal pea that passes through it catches on fire. The fire peas deal twice as much damage. If a Snow Pea passes through it, it becomes a normal pea. If a frozen zombie is hit by the flaming pea, then it becomes normal.


The Torchwood may seem like an absolutely amazing plant at first. It can double the damage of all of your peas, and it looks cool! However, you get it near the end of the pool chapters, where you can use them in conjunction with your Peashooters and Repeaters to greatly maximize the damage, but then you have Fog and Roof chapters, where you need upwards of three to four utility plants to help you out in the early game. Plus, the sun cost is fairly high for a support plant.

Final Thoughts

Bad availability and high Sun cost push this plant down. On a second playthrough, you can use it in the early game with a lot more effectiveness.


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Really, the Potato Mine should be shot up. The first wave is usually slow in the beginning, giving you the time to plant mines to kill off the first few valiant survivalists looking for a means of having that one more day in this apocalyptic world. Then you plant up the Repeaters. It becomes a sweep after that.

It's not as useful in the roof, though. Well, that is just the final part of the game. Shruggity.

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Really, the Potato Mine should be shot up. The first wave is usually slow in the beginning, giving you the time to plant mines to kill off the first few valiant survivalists looking for a means of having that one more day in this apocalyptic world. Then you plant up the Repeaters. It becomes a sweep after that.

It's not as useful in the roof, though. Well, that is just the final part of the game. Shruggity.

After testing it out, indeed. It allows you to quickly get up 2 lanes of sunflowers safely, muhc like the squash, and after you have those lanes, the sun comes pouring in. For reference, I had an entire column of snow peas and repeaters up before the first flag began in Day survival: Hard. Aka, even using such high cost plants, the potato mine (and the squash, but that's more expensive) is really helpful. Although it does lose a lot of steam later on in the level as there is simply no time for it to recharge, so they are left as a failsafe.

Overall, I'd like it to be a 7, just for its incredible earlygame utility, where it counts most.

Also, I just noticed that you put jalepenos above cherry bombs, and I have to ask: Why? Cherry bombs have much greater abilty and because they can cover three lanes at once they are very effective. Thanks to walls like tall nut and wallnuts and pumpkins, zombies group up in your lanes, making the cherry bombs essentially more effective as they can take out even more zombies. Heck, at the start of a final wave, the zombies are already conveniently bunched up, just asking to be cherry bombed. Okay, it costs 25 more sun, but for what you actually get from it, that sun is worth every penny, so to speak. They really should be at the same level.

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Blargh, bad week.

Current Arguments

Potato Mine Up

Done. Raised to a 7/10

Jalapeño Ranking

The Jalapeño is necessary for the boss fight. That raises it up that extra tiny bit. Otherwise, they would both be sitting at a 6.5/10.

Today's Rankings!






Attack Speed-0

Utility-Cannot be jumped over. Can still be climbed or flown over, and dug under. More durable than the Wallnut.


The Tallnut is the upgrade from the Wallnut. While it's a bit pricier, that's really the only downside.

Final Thoughts

Once you get it, use it.


Sea Shroom





Attack Speed-Average

Utility-Can be planted on water without a Lily Pad.


The aquatic Puff Shroom. Do I really have to say more?

Final Thoughts

A tad bit slower on the recharge, but you don't get many aquatic zombies until you're closer to your first flag.


Edited by Soren37
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The Jalapeño is necessary for the boss fight. That raises it up that extra tiny bit. Otherwise, they would both be sitting at a 6.5/10.

When you've had the rest of the game for better utility, 25 sun and 1 boss fight does not equate to a lead.

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The Jalapeno is also useful for Gargantuars, whilst it may not kill the bugger if he gets the imp over your defences the jalapeno is a good way to take him out and weaken the gargantuar further. Not necessary but still useful as you don't need to remove any double sunflowers that way. 7 seems fine to me

Edited by mikethfc
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The Jalapeno is also useful for Gargantuars, whilst it may not kill the bugger if he gets the imp over your defences the jalapeno is a good way to take him out and weaken the gargantuar further. Not necessary but still useful as you don't need to remove any double sunflowers that way. 7 seems fine to me

Gargantuars aren't exactly the most common of enemies and neither are they a major threat for the majority of the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gargantuars and giga-gargantuar are common if you are playing endless and you are past wave 15-ish. by then, you will realize that doom shrooms are just not enough to handle those things, so i just start building cob-cannons( and any other 1 use bomb plants), spikeweed and it's upgrade fangweed for stall( fang weed takes 3 hits from Gargantuars). maybe throw in a few winter melon to further slow them.

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