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The Assassins Guild


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Possibility of Hooker says hi, Lightning. You'd need a Safeguard on him if he is the vigilante (not confirming or denying anything), not a Doctor.

I will confirm that there IS a Hooker or Roleblocker of some sort, since I (SlayerX, actually) was blocked Night 1.

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I will confirm that there IS a Hooker or Roleblocker of some sort, since I (SlayerX, actually) was blocked Night 1.

You misunderstood my point.

I was simply pointing out where his logic was false, not saying that the Mafia has a hooker. Whether or not if they do, who knows?

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You misunderstood my point.

I was simply pointing out where his logic was false, not saying that the Mafia has a hooker. Whether or not if they do, who knows?

No, I understood your point perfectly, I just felt that the Town should know that there is indeed a Hooker. I probably didn't need to quote your post though...

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hey i suggested that weapons might be insane


We realized Weapons might be insane (it's one of the most likely explanations for his behavior) a while ago.

At least, I did. I'm pretty sure someone posted it earlier as well.

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hey i suggested that weapons might be insane


But unlike some of the others who suggested that, you ended up trying to vote for him.

I am tempted to expand on the capitals but wont for fear of turning this into a BAAW-fest.

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hey I suggested I can give someone very useful information or abilities..


oh wait, I didn't suggest that so clearly last time, did I?

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that its based off Flavour names, in which case replying to this wont increase the possibility of the mafia hitting a PR.

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But unlike some of the others who suggested that, you ended up trying to vote for him.

I am tempted to expand on the capitals but wont for fear of turning this into a BAAW-fest.

'cause I'm a hypocritical sheep

also, if you really know me you'd know that my capitals in mafia games aren't serious, silly <3 they're just be shouting for no reason

I think that if this were real life, people would be able to more easily distinguish my seriousness from my sarcastic-ness/friviolity

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Explanation? I'm not magical. Though I will take my results with another grain of salt from here on out. Requesting no one shoot me.

1) I'm tempted to believe WoMC is town because of this:

2) If the guilty on Raymond was a mafia ploy then he would've had far more time to construct a far more elaborate defence.

Secondly he spent a fair amount of time writing this response, (I was planning on going to bed after his post so I was refreshing and checking,) and as you can see its hardly War and Peace, so I would estimate given the disproportionate ammount of time that he didn't have a response to hand, implying that he genuinely thought his investigation was legit.

(The second point is flawed because I can't give exact times plus it could've been spent reading the new posts.)

Feel free to criticise

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Only 36 hours late!

As Nicolas left the guild, I knew something was wrong. I followed him out as he headed for his hotel, staying out of sight of him and anyone else who might be around. We were half way back when I saw someone... waiting, in the road. He said something to Nicolas. I didn’t hear, I was too far away, but I knew, I had to intervene. Nicolas’ death would mean no money, and failing our contract. I ran out, towards the man, staying as quiet and hidden as possible. I probably would have reached him, and killed him with ease, had I not trodden on a loose pavement tile. It echoed like an explosion through the night, getting the assailants attention. Panicked, he shot at Nicolas and ran, into a back alley away from me. I began to give chase, but knew that I couldn’t, as Nicolas needed medical attention. I had no choice - we couldn’t take him to a hospital or he’d be arrested. We had to take him back to the guild, and treat him there...


The news of Nicolas’ injury in the night gave everyone a huge sigh of relief - their main enemy was effectively eliminated from their midst. The news that he’d survive was a blow, but none too hard for them to take. There was, however, some grim news amonst them.

Lance Capron aka Strawman the Sawman Shaman, like Cedric before him, had disappeared in the night. No trace of why or how, and no explanation - the Assassins were the only explanation anyone could give

“Did anyone know him?” Came the obvious question? “What did he do for us?”

“He was a merchant.” someone replied. “He wasn’t really a friend, but I knew him well enough. I think he kept business up, even with his life on the line.”

“What kind of business?”

“I don’t know... rare documents and black market trades, I think.”

The few of them pondered on Lance for a short time, but they eventually moved on, and began discussing the days task and what lay ahead of them.

Dear Spike,

You are Nicolas Le Povidevin, the Revenge Seeker

Born into a wealthy country in the relatively poor country of Kanari, you always felt that you were more important that the people around you. Your father ran a successful business, Povidevin Incorporated, which you inherited after his death. The business was always successful, largely thanks to the links to Kanari royalty that your grandfather had built, but unlike him, you had larger dreams. International dreams.

After launching you company worldwide, you used some slightly underhand tactics to get an advantage over the field – bribes, money laundering, and the occasional blackmail ensured that Povidevin Incorporated stayed on top of the field. However, that all changed starting just a few months ago. Firstly, a full scale war was launched on Kanari, for no reason other than the lucrative mines there. What a surprise, stealing from the poorest people to give to the rich, yet again. While that war made you angry, it was nothing compared to the conspiracy your own brother organised, to take over your company. What started as just an internal family issue escalated, as the police and other businesses became involved, fabricating evidence against you and cheating you out of money. Now your company has been shut down by the police, but not before you made away with the company money.

That money came in handy, as you needed to hire some assassins to work for you. The Assassins guild in New Novo was the only one you could find, since they’re kinda hidden, but they’re highly skilled and will gladly kill for you, at a price. Since you’re the one footing the bill, you can expect them to come to your aid if you’re up for being killed during the day – while you’ll be able to survive, you’ll have to take refuge away from everyone else, but you’ll be able to get revenge in the process if you’re lucky.

Also, because you are not actually an assassin, you are unable to kill at night. You must rely on the guild to perform your kills.

You are known among the assassins as ‘Revenge Seeker’. You are allied with the assassins, and win if the assassins kill all of the targets, even if you are killed before that point.

It is still morning phase while I send out night action replies. Yes, Spike/Dickpickle is dead for the purpose of discussion, although he still lives on in flavour. Otherwise we time paradox and that gets fun.

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Day phase begin. Therefore today ends at 12:40pm Monday GMT.

Edit: In case you didn't notice, the first post contains quick links to each phase start. Which could be useful e.g. if someone tells you (or you tell someone) that X said Y on day Z.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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