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Actually, I don't believe there is a Framer. Weapons was Hooked last night, right? Why hook him if you could just frame his target (which was obviously going to be Balcerzak) and hook another potential PR?

Come to think of it a framer would look out of place amongst assassins.

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Just to clarify: The flavour about the Gods refers to me and Life screwing something up. I'm not revealing what it was, I'm just vaguely telling you I've had to change some stuff to maintain balance based on said something. And better balance = more fun game = better for everyone.

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Just to clarify: The flavour about the Gods refers to me and Life screwing something up. I'm not revealing what it was, I'm just vaguely telling you I've had to change some stuff to maintain balance based on said something. And better balance = more fun game = better for everyone.

Oh, okay then. I guess I'm just looking for clues where there aren't any...

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To me, it sounds like one of two things.

Option 1: He's a stalker and knew a couple roles, which I feel is reinforced by him knowing I'm innocent town.

Option B: He's the mafia thief. This seems less likely, due to the fact I've heard nothing about items yet.

I find the former more possible, but it may not be. Just a theory.

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Just to clarify: The flavour about the Gods refers to me and Life screwing something up. I'm not revealing what it was, I'm just vaguely telling you I've had to change some stuff to maintain balance based on said something. And better balance = more fun game = better for everyone.

What Tables said here.

I'll say it right now, most of it was my fault (yeah, I'm not perfect). That being said, the situation has be rectified.

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And I definitely want protection tonight. If protective roles flock to RD, this will be the best time for scum to take me out. Groner can probably stay on RD, but other protection should be here.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. 2 Cops > 1 Cop.

Unfortunately, there is a Hooker, so one of us is probably dying tonight. Most likely me, since the Assassins could just hook Groner and take me out while the Doctor's on WoMC... Meh, I knew I was probably going to die when I claimed, anyway.

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Protection roles, don't just do whatever is posted. Consider other options, so the assassins don't have any sure kills.

Probably there's a hitman anyway, though.

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I was laying in the Assassins Guild, half asleep, half pondering. I'd sent out one of the assassins again, along with an assistant, to kill Jerald Dungee AKA Groner - someone we had been told to kill by Nicolas. I was waiting for the assassins to return and report on the kill, and I heard a knock.

Now, perhaps you know a little bit about assassins and their operation, or perhaps you don't, but I'll tell you one thing: We use keys to open doors in the middle of the night. I didn't know who was outside, but I jumped up. Perhaps the spy had informed them? Another knock. This time violent: Whoever was outside wanted to come in, and wasn't going to stop. I heard another knock, this one different. The door had been torn open. That thing was almost solid steel, too. I froze. I never expected them to get that far. I closed my eyes, and slowly calmed myself, then turned back to the door. I grabbed one of the sub-automatics from the wall, and noticed something fly in through the door. It couldn't have been anything but a grenade. I had nowhere to run but into the corner. This was it for me...

I woke up a short time later. Was it days? Hours? Perhaps even just seconds? I couldn't tell, but the assassins were standing around me, unable to help. I couldn't open my eyes more than a fraction, and could hardly breathe.

"Master..." one of them said. "The mission was a success." I tried to smile, but there was no point. I wasn't emotionally involved in this mission, it meant nothing if I lost my life for it. "Now... you are nothing but a liability. We're sorry." He raised his gun to me, and fired.

Dear Balcerzak,

You are Camila Perish, A.K.A. The Master

Growing up a poor orphan living on the streets, life never seemed very impressive to you. For years, the only thing that got you through the day was your astute observation skills and fast feet – picking pockets and stealing from who you could when you had the chance in the city of New Novo.

One day when you were 11 years old, you attempted to break into a martial arts gym to steal the treasure inside. You succeeded, but were caught by Reena, the gym leader. Instead of being angry at you, she was impressed by your natural abilities and took you in to both train and raise you. With your amazing skills and unbreakable concentration, you had bested all of the men in the gym by your 17th birthday, and after defeating Reena you left the gym to put your skills to the test in the real world.

Not once were you caught as you stole more and more valuable goods, until you were approached by a man with an offer to neutralise the corrupt city mayor. While hesitant at first, you relished the idea of the ultimate test of your abilities, and the mayor was no more. From that day forwards, you became known as an assassin and began training and hiring others to follow your ways. Now, you run the Assassins Guild in New Novo, and yet, when wandering around the street as Camila, nobody, not even your closest friends, suspect you of anything shady.

You are known among the assassins as ‘The Master’. You are allied with the assassins, and win if the assassins kill all of the targets, even if you are killed before that point.

Dear Groner,

I’m Jerald Dungee, the Crooked cop.

Law is there to be obeyed, especially by other people. Good people and people with good intentions, well, what does it matter if they cross the line a little to do good? And bad people... well, we have all these laws so that SOMETHING will catch them out, surely? Like, when Nicolas’ Business was under investigation, we weren’t finding enough evidence - maybe enough for a fine, not really enough to stop him dead. So... I just added a little more. It worked, right? If bad things don’t happen to bad people, MAKE them happen. I think Nickky-boy might have found out, but screw him, we’ll get him dead within a week. I mean, uh, in Jail... of course...

Each night I’m going to go out and keep watch over people, and kill anyone who tries to kill them. I don’t know how effective I’ll be, maybe I won’t protect people very well, or even myself, but I’ll kill anyone who goes and kills someone else. It’s the way things should happen, after all.

You are allied with the town, and win by killing everyone allied with the assassins, even if you are killed before that point.

It is not quite day phase yet. Night results need to be distributed.

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OK, so...

What in the fuck.

Groner was probably killed by the assassins, and with the Assassins seemingly killing their own godfather... I'm guessing there's a Usurper or something in the Assassins? I dunno.

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I never expected the Master to be a Godfather-type role... inb4WeaponssaysItoldyouso

First Nicolas, now the Master, our Vigilante is on a role.

Also, I investigated Mikethfc last night, and discovered he's allied with the Town.

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OK, so...

What in the fuck.

Groner was probably killed by the assassins, and with the Assassins seemingly killing their own godfather... I'm guessing there's a Usurper or something in the Assassins? I dunno.

That was flavour. She was badly injured, and... think Black Fang.

Other fun fact: The assassins don't have access to the main part of their forum any more. But they can still communicate as normal (I mostly did it for the lolz and to fit the flavour, all they've lost is access to old posts for the day).

Edited by I Eat Tables
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Thanks for pretty much saying there's no Usurper.

And oh fuck, I just realised something. Quoting the Assassin's requirement to win.

You are allied with the assassins, and win if the assassins kill all of the targets, even if you are killed before that point.

Everyone dead so far is known by the assassins, which means they're probably killing based off flavour names. However, I've got nothing in my role PM that says I'm known by the assassins. This is probably a long shot, but... does this mean the assassins only have to kill certain people to win? If this turns out to be crap (which it probably is), sue me, it's 2am.

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