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I never expected the Master to be a Godfather-type role... inb4WeaponssaysItoldyouso

First Nicolas, now the Master, our Vigilante is on a role.

Also, I investigated Mikethfc last night, and discovered he's allied with the Town.

That'll help a lot after my shitastic fail on D3.

@JB the assassins have to kill the 15 people, there were 23 at the start, minus the 6 assassins, the master and Podevin himself makes 15.

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I'm willing to believe WoMC on this

## Vote Furet

I also had a theory Dracohon was the Silvio Berlusconi equivalent but after re-reading my role PM I can't use the extended day phase to denote him to the politician faction.

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R.I.P Groner. He was a brave man...

On a different note, what makes you suspicious of Furetchen, Weapons? His sheeping of Balcerzak?

Lynching is starting to look pretty damn attractive.

As I explicitly stated in an earlier post, I was NOT goddamn SHEEPING Balcerzak! Or is everyone just ignoring my damned defences? Is the accused no longer allowed to represent himself?

I concede I've been lurking of late, yes. Why? Perhaps out of fear that once again the slightest hint of having, gasp, the slightest feeling of concurrent thought with someone who, through timezone, coincidence or sheer bad luck, happened to be online at the time first...that this would be rewarded with death. Illogical, perhaps. Irreversible, well...now, yes. I can hardly alter the past. Psychologically it was not a fuckin' spectacular time and I had more taxing matters at hand than raking through this thread for information.

Still, I concede I'm unlikely to extricate myself from this lynch...

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I remember Weapons saying he was suspicious of you because he believed you were 'sheeping' with Balcerzak, so that's why I used the wording I did. I wasn't trying to imply if you were or weren't sheeping (although I admit that I ended up doing it anyway...).

Additionally, isn't it ironic that everyone (well, except Weapons I suppose...) is sheeping to lynch you for sheeping? And I thought I was supposed to be the Shepherd

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Additionally, isn't it ironic that everyone (well, except Weapons I suppose...) is sheeping to lynch you for sheeping? And I thought I was supposed to be the Shepherd

I noticed this as well. Just saying, I don't feel confident in pushing forth this lynch seeing as Raymond did die and turn as a town. I'd like to hear more reasons other than sheeping.

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Well, it's not like anything I say is gonna change the massive tsunami of Kill votes tallied to my name...and Weapons' point is annoyingly valid. Unfortunately, it's gonna lead to the death of just another innocent. I doubt a stream of passionate Turturro-esque one-liners will get me anywhere, and anyone who's seen Miller's Crossing to the end knows what I'm talking about...I doubt a sudden roleclaim will do much better.

Still, at least the terrorists won't win.

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Furetchen (6): BK-201, Ether, JB25, Mikethfc, Psych, Radiant Dragon.

The slowly shrinking crowd looked towards Aaron Mandel aka Furetchen, with anger in their eyes. "You're one of them?" Came a cry from the crowd.

"Of course I'm not!" Came his quick reply, "Don't you all recognise me?"

"Why, think you're famous, scum?"

"How DARE you call me scum! And as a matter of fact, I am famous, I'm only the senator of New Novo, you know." Aaron was panicing - his claims were true, but at this point the crowd was against him. Amongst them, he noticed a shady face, smiling at the unfolding scene, at the death of another member of the town. "T-there! He's one of them," he yelled, pointing at the figure. A few people looked around at the assassins now innocent face, who did a very convincing confused look, and the town quickly turned back to Aaron.

"You have 5 seconds to decide. Lynch, or stoning." One of the men said to him. Aaron was silent. "5... 4... 3... 2..."

"Wait! If you're going to kill me... just make it quick. Shoot me."

"The man leaned close to Aaron and whispered "Oh, we could, but Nicolas is paying us good money to make your death as painful as possible." Aaron shrieked, and tried to run, but the man grabbed his arm.

"Only the guilty run!" He announced. "Stone him!"

Dear Furetchen,

You are Aaron Mandel, the Senator

Right at the top of the political ladder, the world is your oyster, and you love to show it, flaunting your sports car and diamond jewellery whenever it seems sensible (and many times when it doesn’t). With a Senators salary and the city of New Novo under your power, nothing in the world should worry you.

Unfortunately, a certain someone has decided that, since you were the guy who pressured the president into war with Kanari, you deserve to be executed. People wanting you dead is an occupational hazard in politics, but this was someone who had both means and motive to kill you, and he really does want you dead as soon as possible. But you have an ace up your sleeves as well, in the form of your hired informants. You can easily send them out to find out what someone is up to, at least, to the best of their ability, which should give you some good information to work with.

You are allied with the town, and win by killing everyone allied with the assassins, even if you are killed before that point.

It is now night 5. Night phase ends at 3:20pm GMT, Wednesday.

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