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Damn, there wasn't enough time to say the one thing that could actually help...it's a pity I evidently wasn't lucid enough to note WHEN Tables said there were eighteen hours left...

Oh well, y'all should be fine anyway. And if anyone claims I've been sheeping Balcerzak, I'll smite you from the grave.


I'll find a way.

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Oddly, I don't think scanning me would net you anything of value.

I, personally, would recommend scanning Bizz or Pariah, but that's just my gut feeling.

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Abel Eltzroth was working late into the night, writing up reports for police records as well as investigating the various assassinations and murders in the town. His page in his notebook now was filled with names and arrows, some red and others blue, all labelled in different ways. He looked up and checked the time. 2:30am. Almost all the other assassinations had been put at occuring around 1am to 2am, so he was content on surviving the night.

He closed his notebook and stood up, stretching his legs. The relief of finally being finished investigating for the night was always satisfying, even with his life on the line, and had helped him sleep better over the past few days. Heading to bed, however, he heard a knock at the door.

"Abel, Abel! Are you there?" Abel stopped on the stairs where he was, startled at first by the sudden noise, but quickly calmed himself as he realised there was no danger. He turned back down, and went to answer the door.

"What is it?" Abel said to the man that he recognised from the day before. "Has something happened?"

"Yeah," came the paniced reply, "There's been another murder!" Abel sighed - he had hope this wouldn't happen, but knew it was likely. "It's just around the corner from here, too."

"Okay," Abel replied, unwilling to head out again so late into the night but knowing it would be for the best. "Let's go and have a look."

The man lead Abel to the nearby dump, where in clear sight lay a body, it's neck cleanly broken. Abel approached the body slowly, hoping to identify him. As he got closer, he picked out a few features on the man. "That's... that's Dracohon aka Cedric Swager" He told the man he was with. "But... he died days ago. I think you've made a mistake."

"Oh, there's no mistake, Eltzroth." The man said, now in a much more menacing tone. "We came to present a murder to you... and you're the star actor."

Another man walked up to Abel from behind, and stabbed a knife easily into his back. Abel Eltzroth aka Radiant Dragon fell lifeless to the floor; the assassins job was complete.

Dear SlayerX,

You are Abel Eltzroth, the detective

You grew up in a strict, but loving, family - what you were allowed to do was entirely the decision of your parents, and that was often not much. Naturally, this system wasn’t suited to the freedom you wanted as a teenager, so you often snuck out at night, got grounded for increasing periods of time, but snuck out again anyway, until your parents learnt to not be so controlling. That experience has founded many of your beliefs of the police force - it shouldn’t be oppressive, but should control people to the extent the need control.

As one of the higher ranking members of New Novo’s police force, it’s your job to ensure the law is observed by everyone - for the benefit of everyone else. To that end, you’ve been investigating, and in fact shut down the entirity of Povidevin Incorporated due to the countless crimes the company has committed - or at least, Nicolas Le Povidevin it’s head, has committed. Or you think he has, anyway...

You are devoted to your duty of protecting the town and people and can Investigate someone’s background each night. Hopefully, you can find Assassins - but who knows what else you might find? You also know that, thanks to your heavy hand in shutting down his buisness, Nicolas really wants you dead. So who knows how long you’ll really last? Hopefully long enough to see the assassins guild shut down, and Nicolas bought to Justice?

You are allied with the town, and win by killing everyone allied with the assassins, even if you are killed before that point.

Night results need to go out (what few of them there are, anyway...)

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They stabbed me in the back? Cowards...

Also, I feel that I should mention that the Town is in a very dangerous position right now. It's 7 Townies v. 5 Assassins. Of course, we still have our Vigilante and the Doctor (if there is one), so it's not quite MYLO, but you guys still have to be careful.

Best of luck to the Town.

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I find it hard to believe you'd get roleblocked twice, ALS. Why would the assassins do that?

In other news, I got an inno on Spykor.

##Vote: Spykor

Well that's great another bandwagon on a relatively inactive person, given the situation I'll give him about a day to post if not I'll vote him

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I'm thinking that, probably after day 7, I'll have a week long night phase to cover the christmas period (ergo, semi-suspend the game). Otherwise I think people will end up too inactive.

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Well its not like Spykor hasn't been on the site recently and he hasn't said anything in his defence, yet I still feel like I'll regret this:

##Vote Spykor

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don't you hate it when something bad happens and you can't help but cry all day and feel like shit even if you try to get your mind off of it?

it sucks

also hi

I've been reading but I still don't really have much to add


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Well I would say something but A) Im shit at playing enemy side. B] Ive kind of already been caught.

Help me guys.

I wanna go out with a bang

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Well I would say something but A) Im shit at playing enemy side. B] Ive kind of already been caught.

Help me guys.

I wanna go out with a bang

Giving up is lame.

##Vote: Spykor

Obvious reasons are obvious.

EDIT: just bolding my vote

Edited by Pariah
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