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SF Mafia Mafia


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Day 2, Post 1/2.

This game is just... ugh. No one is doing anything, I don't know what to do, and all of you are just so used to OC that I'm not even quite sure if any of you remember how to play NOC properly anymore. And it's okay if you don't prefer NOC; everyone swims their own way. Everyone flows with their own current, you know. Sadly, I just can't keep up with the style of mafia here anymore.

I prefer NOC (for non-multifaction games, at least), and I would be posting far more than I am, but my post restriction is just... Ugh. What's weird is that I never really considered my role as a particularly quiet person.

This is probably a horrible idea, but... Psych's role is the Announcer, right? And so far he's given out a Role PM in each of his Announcements. And we know Psych has a reputation for giving away his teammates.

Now, I only hesitate because this role (being forced to out a teammate's Role PM each update) seems too debilitating for the Mafia, but I don't mind ##Voting: Kevin to test my theory. I need to hear what everyone thinks of this possibility, though.

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hmmm.. I know how i can spark up a discussion.

Quick someone give me something to talk about, so then i can have a fail logic and spark a bunch of discussion about how fail it is, an then we go from there. Sound ike a plan?

Now, I only hesitate because this role (being forced to out a teammate's Role PM each update) seems too debilitating for the Mafia, but I don't mind ##Voting: Kevin to test my theory. I need to hear what everyone thinks of this possibility, though.

@RD: that sounds too unbalanced. Also, if Psych was indeed their teammate, the mafia would have already killed him, if indeed Kevin is mafia. Plus the announcer said he was independent so there is a possibility that he is indeed and that he could throw town roles as well

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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##Pressure Vote: Fear the Pika

Yo, say something. Everyone is unusually busy all the time, and don't try to tell me you don't know how NOC works.

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Day 2, Post 1/2.

I prefer NOC (for non-multifaction games, at least), and I would be posting far more than I am, but my post restriction is just... Ugh. What's weird is that I never really considered my role as a particularly quiet person.

This is probably a horrible idea, but... Psych's role is the Announcer, right? And so far he's given out a Role PM in each of his Announcements. And we know Psych has a reputation for giving away his teammates.

Now, I only hesitate because this role (being forced to out a teammate's Role PM each update) seems too debilitating for the Mafia, but I don't mind ##Voting: Kevin to test my theory. I need to hear what everyone thinks of this possibility, though.

Yeah that seems like it'd be too easy almost if the announcer was mafia and he had to give out pieces of his mafia buddies role pms everyday. Too easy to figure out imo. And it just doesn't really make sense in general.

I think I'm going to vote ##Vote: JB. We need info on people and if the only thing you can say to the town is that we'll be screwed if we kill you, it just doesn't seem like enough. Way too suspicious. (Of course you could just be trying to protect your vitally important town role but if thats the case then dear god please hint at it more or something so we don't make a terrible mistake and kill you).

Okay so like I was going to vote JB but I just get a bad feeling about that. Gaah I wish I had been killed Day 1 so I didn't have to make difficult little decisions like these.

Gah, Theres probably not that much time left but I'm sticking with my Day 1 vote of ##Vote: Weapons for the same reasons as before.

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...realy? thats what you are going for? At least try to convince us that you are a townie... but really? we are fucked if you die? in a 20 player game were there has only been 1 death?


If you were in my position you wouldn't be able to say anything too. What can I say, that I fucked up on asking cop to claim?

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(Of course you could just be trying to protect your vitally important town role but if thats the case then dear god please hint at it more or something so we don't make a terrible mistake and kill you).


Hinting at my town role would just make the mafia more interested, my dear boy.

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JB (2): Raymond, Kevin

Kevin (2): Tables, RD

Tables (1): Rein

Darros (1): Jhen

FtP (1): Kay

Weapons (1): StSS

Phase ends in about 9 hours

These votes are gr9mazing btw (this is sarcasm, Kay)

Edited by Paperkitty
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Hinting at my town role would just make the mafia more interested, my dear boy.

Yeah, yeah, I know JB. Its unfortunate (how one pressure vote can make you reveal too much by revealing nothing(assuming you're telling the truth). ##Unvote ##Vote: Kevin Nothing against you Kevin, but if my gut feeling about JB telling the truth is true then a(possibly scum) (miller)/gov with the same amount of votes as him is a more useful lynch.

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Guest Wen Yang

Awesome. Having a tailor around makes it hard to properly investigate people if I read that role right.

Also, Kevin, I don't buy the town unlynchable in a NOC game, sorry.

##Vote: Kevin

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Man, i love being lumped with vanilla roles. *grumble* *grumble*

My dying FoS is Raymond, who seems far too eager to mislynch. Though at D2 as a non-investigative role, that may be worthless.

##Vote: Raymond.

Also, Kevin, I don't buy the town unlynchable in a NOC game, sorry.

Didn't weapons go over this?

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My dying FoS is Raymond, who seems far too eager to mislynch.

Right. Because we all totally know who would be a mislynch.

Considering that you apparently happen to possess this knowledge, why don't you share it with us? Why don't you vote for someone who would not be a mislynch and explain it to us so we can understand it?

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Oh, hey!


Vote Tally:

Kevin (5): Tables, RD, StSS, Raymond, Wen Yang

Tables (1): Rein

Darros (1): SlayerX

FtP (2): Kay, JB

Raymond (1): Kevin

A familiar scene at the end of the second day. Once again, Kevin was surrounded. Content that this time he couldn't talk his way out of it, he threw his hands up and grumbled something about hating "vanilla" roles.

At this point Haze's ears perked up from across the room, he marched over and pushed Kevin face first into an open barrel of milk and sealed the lid, "That'll teach the little upstart to hate the best role." he said as he walked back to his seat, handing Kevin's orders to Eclipse as he did.

Kevin has drowned in milk. He was:

Dear Kevin,

I facepalmed immediately after reading my own post yeah.

You are Reinfleche, Town Miller Governor.

You're Levity's self-proclaimed biggest fan, even going as far as to refuse to join naming fads until she does. Speaking of which, you change your name way too often. You are also always mafia.

During the day, and only once, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - Someone has to do it... but not today." If you do, you will cause everyone to have second thoughts about the lynch at the last minute, and it will be called off.

Additionally, you keep some pretty incriminating objects in and around your house, so if investigated, you will appear to be a member of the mafia.

Post Restriction: You must mention Levity(either the role or the member) in every post.

You are allied with the Town. You win when all threats to the town are removed.

The gathered masses chattered amongst themselves, they'd just lynched one of their own, when suddenly --

"I'M BACK, BITCHES!" rang out Obviam's voice as he burst into the cellar... and promptly fell flat on his face. He was alive, much to a few people's chagrin.

It is now Night 2. Night 2 ends on Wednesday the 13th of July at 6:30PM GMT.

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Holy fuck, I can talk again~!

1. That flavor is impossible, because I die if I talk during the day.

2. Hey, there's a role and/or flavor checker in the game~! That was your cue to clear Kevin, silly!

3. There is a difference between "your target's gone" (sounds like kidnapping) and roleblock, Tables.

4. I recognize both quotes in Rein's PM. Nicely done!

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3. There is a difference between "your target's gone" (sounds like kidnapping) and roleblock, Tables.

Good point. It could have been flavour. It could have been my target (I guess Obivam) actually was missing. I dunno.

Well, I think we can all agree that wasn't really Kevin's fault... except the missing the obvious bit of his role thing. And stopping his own lynch when we'd be lynching him the next day. Mmm.




General Spoon




So far so good.

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Bugger, Pika~! I wanted to play with you again~!

Good point. It could have been flavour. It could have been my target (I guess Obivam) actually was missing. I dunno.

You randomly target people? If so, then you must've hit Obviam. That sucks!

And update the first post, oh incompetent kind hosts?

Edited by Clipseykitty
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And stopping his own lynch when we'd be lynching him the next day.

I was proving my role, because I thought you guys might be smart enough to realise the townliness of it. Of course, this is still SF, so I guess any stupidity's possible.

. except the missing the obvious bit of his role thing.

You'd have lynched me anyway, I'm sure.

"That'll teach the little upstart to hate the best role."


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