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No doubt about it, we lynch Blitz tomorrow. Story changing, supposedly vanilla townie with no item AND talking weird, random crap which barely helps (I don't give a fuck about Itemafia, people here want to hear their itemafia in the itemafia thread)?


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Actually wait, I just found this.

And as for my role, I cannot help but look scummy if my role screams scummy,as for other stuff, I do have a very slight role, but getting that activated would be 99%

unattainable, basically it says something in italics and so I cannot mention it, so I thought claiming vanilla would be about right,that being said I think RD is trying too hard to get me killed, I wonder why?

Then you should have said your role was in italics in the first place. You lied about your role, Blitz. Town has no reason to lie.

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It was hardly a quiet night, as something caused quite a commotion. WoMC stoically took a head count, and found three people missing. It didn't take long to find the Paperblade, who had been cut and burned.

Dear Paperblade,

You are Leo. Your Dragon is affected by Limiter Removal. You came to this school seeking someone ELSE to duel.

You are so loud and obnoxious that your vote will count twice.

Posting restriction: Talk, dammit! In this case, make at least three posts a phase.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Sho stared at the pile of cars that had suddenly appeared on the school's baseball field. Underneath it was Radiant Dragon.

Dear Radiant Dragon,

You are Ma-Ti. You (think you) left Suchi at home. You came to this school at the behest of one of my real life friends (no joke).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use the power of Heart on <PLAYER>!" You will (ab)use your power of Heart, and you will get either <PLAYER>'s flavor text or alliance.

Posting restriction: You are a very nice person, and as such, you may not swear or insult anyone.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Try as you might, you can't find any sign of Kevin. Oh, well.

It is now Day 2. Day 2 ends on Tuesday 9:00 PM HST/Wednesday 8:00 AM GMT. Don't bother voting for Kevin.

Edited by Clipseykitty
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... Well, 2 deaths, eh? Given that it's NOC, I'd say we're dealing with a mafia/SK.

I know Blitz would kill people as a Vigilante at N1... but yeah, SK is much more likely.

Also I think my results got fucked last night.

Care to elaborate?

Radiant, not so amusingly, was a target after all :dry:

Claiming to have both an item and a role, I'm not surprised he was a target. Poor guy had to die N1 in both Mafia games...


If you die holding an item, the world will never know.

Does this mean that the item being held will never return nor be revealed (until postgame, that is)?

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I told you I was mayor. Now back to being dead.

Edit: Also requesting RD not become the next Raymond. I know they both have R and D in their names but they aren't the same guy.

Double Edit: I expect claims within the next 24 hours.

Edited by Paperkitty
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My results might be fucked with, but I think it's Ether who's been fucked with.

Ether visited. . .good question. Whoever he was going to visit wasn't there, so you went back the way you came.

So obviously something is up with Ether.

Whine about PR

I'd like to see him explain, but for now I don't really have a target for today's lynch.

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Whine about PR

This is just me, but I don't know who Core's last two pictures refer to. The high-heel one could be SDS in some weird form of lust or something, but I doubt it. >_>

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Heya Folks!!!

*spends a moment crying out loudly over the two deaths and hugging anyone who bothers being near enough*


No shame in crying, men cry, pets cry, women cry, living things cry...even stones crack to shed a tear... T=T

So, Psych, based on that thingy you quoted, Ether was going to someone, but that someone wasn't around? o_O

This means we can actually go around even when we have no abilities to visit others and see what they are doing?

*still pretty much needs to be cleared up on some misunderstandings as he progresses into the game*

I observed some people playing a mafia game in Uni recently, but all everyone did was just 'sleep' at night and the GM calls individual mafia to pick a person to kill each(leading to mafia killing mafia on occasion) and the doctor to protect someone. Then day comes, all the town just randomly points fingers at each other. Somehow this one feels different since Players seem to be more aware than that one.

What I'm trying to ask is anyone can follow anyone even if they have no ability that specify's so?

Also, Screw the art thingy. Even with the code function, it still ends up looking like crap...in a different way due to the spacing.

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My results might be fucked with, but I think it's Ether who's been fucked with.

So obviously something is up with Ether.

Whine about PR

I'd like to see him explain, but for now I don't really have a target for today's lynch.

If you are to be believed, then Ether did not kill RD or Paper, nor did he kidnap Kevin. His target was one of those three and his action did not reach. So it was not Ether that kidnapped Kevin nor did he kill RD or Paper. So no, I really don't see anything fishy about this result.

Also, if Ether's target was the victim of the Mafia's kill, it can also be deduced that Ether is not part of the Mafia, for it would have been pointless to send him on a target that was supposed to die.

So, to Ether, I am really interested in knowing which of these three targets you have chosen. However, you don't have to (and I would advise you not to) reveal what it was that you intended to do with them.

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You are correct. I was intending to pay Paperblade a visit last night, however, when I arrived, he had already been killed. And Roth, to explain, Psych is a role known as the tracker. Essentially, he can follow someone at night and see who they visit.

For right now, I still don't see a better target than Blitz. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

##Bombard with cherry bombs: Blitz

C'mon cherries, lead the way to victory! But of course you will, because cherries are delicious.

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Whine about PR

This is just me, but I don't know who Core's last two pictures refer to. The high-heel one could be SDS in some weird form of lust or something, but I doubt it. >_>

I got hooked, you dummy.

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Whine about PR

This is just me, but I don't know who Core's last two pictures refer to. The high-heel one could be SDS in some weird form of lust or something, but I doubt it. >_>

I'm guessing that image followed by "I am not amused" means he's claiming hooked.

##Vote: Blitz

I don't particularly agree with JBCWK when he says town has reason to lie, just look at me, I lie all the time, even when I'm town. However, in the absence of a good target, go with the one that's least bad, in this case, Blitz.

I may change my mind before the end of the phase(plenty of time to do that, speaking of which we're 8 hours into a 48 hour phase with barely any votes or posts, god dammit), so I'm going to do a quick reread of the thread shortly.

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Heya Folks!!!

Hi Rothene!!!

*spends a moment crying out loudly over the two deaths and hugging anyone who bothers being near enough*


No shame in crying, men cry, pets cry, women cry, living things cry...even stones crack to shed a tear... T=T

*pats Rothene*

*hands him a tissue*

So, Psych, based on that thingy you quoted, Ether was going to someone, but that someone wasn't around? o_O

Correct. That person was gone before Ether went there.

This means we can actually go around even when we have no abilities to visit others and see what they are doing?

Every ability that is used on other people involves "visiting" them. To actually see what they are doing is actually a very rare ability in Mafia. But in general, every ability that a player has is treated as if the player visits the target(s) to execute the ability e.g. whenever the Doctor tries to protect a target, he will have to visit this target to do so.

This is not usually relevant except for a few specific roles that are based on observing who visits who. In this example, Psych has claimed to be a Tracker, which allows him to see who his target visited. He chose to track Ether and discovered that Ether tried to visit someone who wasn't there. Ether himself confirmed that he tried to do something to Paperblade, and couldn't find him because he was dead.

*still pretty much needs to be cleared up on some misunderstandings as he progresses into the game*

Don't worry, I'm sure we all faced that problem in our first few games. We all start off new after all.

I observed some people playing a mafia game in Uni recently, but all everyone did was just 'sleep' at night and the GM calls individual mafia to pick a person to kill each(leading to mafia killing mafia on occasion) and the doctor to protect someone. Then day comes, all the town just randomly points fingers at each other. Somehow this one feels different since Players seem to be more aware than that one.

There are a few differences between that Mafia game and this one. Over here, the Mafia are united, meaning they know who each other are and can even talk to each other without us knowing. They also share a single kill per night. The doctor protecting someone is still the same idea but over here, the Doctor isn't the only Townie with an ability and there are many others.

As for randomly pointing fingers, that pretty much is what we've been doing yesterday and is possibly what we'll continue to do today. We point fingers and we test how the players react, allowing us to form our suspicions on the players.

What I'm trying to ask is anyone can follow anyone even if they have no ability that specify's so?

At the start of the game, everyone is given a role PM. This tells the player whether they have any abilities or not. If they do not, then no, they cannot visit anyone at all and will likely never leave their own house. The exception to this is the Mafia kill that can be performed by anyone in the Mafia, including those that have no abilities otherwise. If the PM specifies that they have an ability that can be used on other people, then they will end up visiting whoever they used their target on. This is not actually "following" the target, which I'm guessing you're referring to as Psych's Tracker ability, which is specific to him only.

Also, Screw the art thingy. Even with the code function, it still ends up looking like crap...in a different way due to the spacing.

Awww, that's too bad. Yeah, the code function changes the font and stuff, which likely results in a different image. You could try using dots for spaces though, did you think of that?

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It seems by this point all of our information has probably come to light, and with nothing new incriminating, and nothing new exonerating...

I ##Vote Blitz.

If he flips town I' m not quite sure where we go next just yet.

If he flips scum, well, Proto's defense yesterday was almost too obvious, so I'm not really sure how to feel about that lead either.

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##Vote Blitz

Right now Ether seems clear to me, since my results help that in my eyes. I'm also somewhat trusting Strawman.

Whine about PR

If the doc wants, they can get on me, but it doesn't really matter all that much. I would like someone to investigate/kidnap/shoot Core, since he's the next scummiest in my eyes.

Oh wait, is Sho dead yet? Cause otherwise Core isn't the scummiest.

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