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Bizarro Mafia- Game Over



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Guess I'll 'fess up now that I'm useless.

Dear kirsche,

11. You are Lightning, FORSAKEN Jack-of-all-Trades.


-May choose to use one of the following actions:

--Kill (one use), reply "Night X: Casting Thunder on USER."

--Save (one use), reply "Night X: Casting Cure on USER."

--Investigate (two uses), reply "Night X: Casting Libro on USER."

You are sided with the Forsaken. You win if all anti-Forsaken factions are eliminated.

n0 - investigate snike

n1 - protect snike

n2 - investigate Kay

n3 - kill eclipse

For anyone doubting my innocence, remember this:

Well that's interesting. I just got a message saying that I need to be scanned this night or something. Unfortunately, my mind-reading powers are failing me and I can't fathom what this means. Hopefully it will be resolved by the end of tonight.

That's me trying to tell Kay to scan me so I can prove my role to her. I put the mind-reading thing as an extra hint. I also wanted to get people off of Kay's back (like eclipse) but because people didn't let it go and just accept it, her role was put under suspicion by the maf and lo and behold she died. (So kaoz don't do that again in the future please).

Funnily enough, I almost shot Balcerzak, but changed my choice to eclipse at the last second.

Edit: Italics sorry!

Edited by kirsche
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That's me trying to tell Kay to scan me so I can prove my role to her. I put the mind-reading thing as an extra hint. I also wanted to get people off of Kay's back (like eclipse) but because people didn't let it go and just accept it, her role was put under suspicion by the maf and lo and behold she died. (So kaoz don't do that again in the future please).

I would have dropped it earlier if it hadn't taken her like 5 days to actually make a post =/

Anyway, according to the information we have, there is one anti Forsaken left, namely the Solo one. I still think it's Proto personally.... not only because he "idled" that night, but also because if Darros and Kevin are telling the truth, the town would have an unlimited Vig in addition to two one shots, which is quite a bit all things considered. Other opinions?

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btw guys, I killed Balcerzak. And so far, it looks like the only people who haven't claimed yet are Blitz and Bizz (didn't she say she'd claim like, two phases ago?). And right now, I am most suspicious of Blitz.

##Vote: Blitz[/b[

Talk a little more, please.

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Well, now that I am also useless, I will claim:

Dear Levantamos,

1. You are Luka Megurine, FORSAKEN Shrouded.


-All night actions attempted to be used on you will fail until Night 3- from then on you are susceptible to visits like everyone else.

-Lynching will fail on you Day 1.

You are sided with the Forsaken. You win if all anti-Forsaken factions are eliminated.

looking at either proto or blitz right now

namely proto

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Oh yeah, and I promised an explanation with my claim as well, so HERE YOU GO:

Day one I acted incredibly brash and more daring than usual. I get that way when I'm an unlynchable role, because I feel that I really have nothing to fear. I figured that if anything crazy happened and I had been made to claim anyway, I would do that, and getting lynched regardless would have proved that aspect of my role, at least. I'm pretty much just a normal townie now, so eh.

And, yes, as some of you may guess, when Proto made that joke comment about being 'roleblocked,' I figured he was being serious at first and considered the possibility that he tried shooting me at night (because he was suspicious of me at the time).

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Who's still here?

We have (in format of name:claim)

  • Le moi - One time kill (used)
  • Bizz~ - Shrouded
  • Blitz - Hasn't claimed <_<
  • Proto - Vig
  • Kevin - Jack-of-all-trades
  • Kaoz - I actually can't remember, but he did claim.

So based, on this, I'm just going to pressure ##Vote: Blitz Kitty

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Ah yes, how did I forget that.

Anyway, when does Blitz usually come on?

Now, then, I am suspecting you Darros, simply because you had a go through protection kill,and I don't see any sin convent user with a protection, so it could only be to kill townies which makes me think you are the SK (unless of course there is another one remaining who is a bullet proof, but somehow I doubt it)

I am guessing Proto isn't a scum because he was most likely role blocked night 1 which was also stated by RD(iirc)unless of course Proto cannot be role blocked and he is the SK.

Has anyone ever seen Proto actually pulling off a kill?If not he is most likely the SK.

As for my role claim

Dear Blitz,

3. You are Guile, FORSAKEN Defender

King Clubs


-May choose to defend a player each night from attacks by replying to this PM "Night X: Defending USER."

You are sided with the Forsaken. You win if all anti-Forsaken factions are eliminated.


I targeted Proto N1 and N2,

Since he was a coward on N2,I decided to go with Kaoz N3.

So basically I suspect Proto and Spykor

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Yeah, I know that makes me look very SKish, but I couldn't find anyone Mafia-ish except you and zak. I chose to eliminate zak because if he was Mafia, it would be troublesome to have him alive. And my guess seems to be correct.

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Blitz kitty,



I can see Bizz's frustration now

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Obviously the mafia wouldn't have shot one of their own, so they shot Kay... if Proto killed Bal, that only leaves eclipse's kill unaccounted for, and Kevin claimed to be the one who shot her. This means it's extremly likely that one of Proto and Kevin is the SK.

Lucky for us, we have a mislynch left, so we lynch Proto today and if he turns out to be town after all, we lynch Kevin tomorow. Any objections?

##Vote: Proto

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I somehow doubt that since Kaoz would be the one who was to be most likely protected

and like I said, I still suspect Spykor and would like him to do a FULL role claim.

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Happy New Years Blitz.

Dear Darros,

5. You are Balthier Bunansa, FORSAKEN Radical.

King Diamonds


-May choose to kill one player during any phase by replying to this PM "Day/Night X: Shooting USER."

-You bypass all protections except the Night 0 no-kill.

You are sided with the Forsaken. You win if all anti-Forsaken factions are eliminated.

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Obviously the mafia wouldn't have shot one of their own, so they shot Kay... if Proto killed Bal, that only leaves eclipse's kill unaccounted for, and Kevin claimed to be the one who shot her. This means it's extremly likely that one of Proto and Kevin is the SK.

Lucky for us, we have a mislynch left, so we lynch Proto today and if he turns out to be town after all, we lynch Kevin tomorow. Any objections?

##Vote: Proto

I object. You say we have one mislynch left? Let's see

6 people

If we're assuming the Mafia is gone, then..

Lynch me today, SK shoots one person

4 people remaining

Lynch Kevin tomorrow, SK shoots another person

2 people remaining, we lose. So we'll have two mislynches only.

Why am I bringing all of this up? Because my existence affords you guys an extra kill. You can order me to shoot a particular player, and we will treat that as a mislynch. As a Vig, I would be able to give you guys at least one extra kill, before you lose for sure. And if I AM a SK, then the number of mislynches we can afford will still be only two, so you can lynch me tomorrow.

tl;dr, if we can indeed afford another mislynch, why lynch the potential Vig instead of a Jack with no abilities?

##Vote: Kevin

Lynch Kevin first, and I can give you guys another kill. If you still think I am an SK after tonight, lynch me.

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