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Duel Terminal 2 Mafia


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Repent, for the herald of the heavens is coming!

Jegus Christ, it couldn't possibly be that I didn't just wake up and find a gigantic wall of pages in this mafia thread.

Night 0 are always silly, so I didn't bother, I considered posting at roughly 3am? when I got back from chilling with the anime club bros, but I lost the post when I closed the wrong tab (I think I was aiming for either the Integrity L4D tab, or the one about tickets, of FE4 thread, or maybe I don't even know. I was le tired.) Paperblade was on at the time, he can confirm my lurking, but I didn't bother trying to reconstruct the post because it was basically "Wow, lots of activity so far," which I can now echo in spades.

I'm actually, despite being bogged down by the large volume of discussion, really thrilled to see that there is a huge amount of material to go off of, and if you will excuse me, I will be going back over it in detail. While I have already reached the end in the first pass, the second pass is greatly likely to produce more interesting tidbits. While you and Raymond have already gone over the votals, I find sometimes the effort of doing a self-tally is helpful, not to mention I can just try to make some detailed notes to serve as a reference for reversals of opinion later (not necessarily contradictions a la Phoenix Wright, because there can be extremely legitimate reasons to change opinion, of course).

Also, I'll get around to your survey, don't worry.

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3 things:

1) Rein tell us more about herald

2) I could see persuation of Snike valid reason to kill him. If he is town the scums don't know his role yet so it can't be anything about getting rid of like cop. If he is scum this indeed makes him look town.

3) I still would love Ice Barrier monsters to out themselfs. I have reason but I would rather not reveal it yet

1&3: Stop fishing. It's suspicious.

2. That's a horrid reason to lynch someone, "Hey the scum persuaded guy X to vote for person Y, person Y must be scum, let's do what the mafia want and lynch him."

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I think you'll have to find out on your own. We're not even allowed to name our cards yet.

I don't care about card names I just want the damn members of Ice Barrier to reveal it.

That Reminds me, it would be helpfull if member of any of you have any of these words in your card name, say so (no need to tell specific one of them):

Gusto, Daigusto, Laval, Lavalval, Gem Knight, Giskhi, Evigiskhi, Vylon and Steelswarm

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1&3: Stop fishing. It's suspicious.

This was worded badly, let me explain. There's nothing necessarily wrong with fishing for info, picking up on something someone said and trying to get a little more out of them for example.

But what Sho is doing is just plain... off. It's too specific. He's fishing for something, or perhaps someone in particular, and I just find that downright, well.. suspicious.

For now,


##Vote: Sho

until he explains himself.

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He's fishing for something, or perhaps someone

I sure am.

Also Proto has started to make sense so:

##Unvote: Proto

Also haze the point is that town rarely does what mafia wants it to do. In this case I see it as mafia thinks that if the persuade someone to vote Snike, Snike will be the last one they would lynch or suspect

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Phase Start

Okay, slightly redundant, but I like my own personal organization, and this will serve as a permanent and unerasable record where I know I can easily find it again. The method of tallying is so obtuse I am sure nobody but myself will be able to figure it out unless I explain it in excruciating detail.

Snike: Rein,Proto,

Kay: Haze,Haze

Proto: Paperblade, Hikarusa,Sho,Hikarusa,

Psych: Shinori

Haze: Kaoz,Kaoz

Sho: Hikarusa,Hikarusa,Haze

Kaoz: Haze,Haze

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I've ironically been persuaded.

You're using "irony" wrong.

why is everyone so silent????

I highly doubt there is one.

I was meaning no Thief only as a thief, it would most likely be a hybrid.

I was going to assume a sarcasm post restriction, but now I'm not sure.

its bad to have them in one place because if that one place drops dead bye bye all items

oh and just saying:

If some one claims affinity cop s/he is the thief

Implying the mafia wouldn't work their fakeclaims out on N0, especially when eclipse grilled them the last time for not doing so.

1. Thanks for saving this for postgame.

2. If the host is telling you in the mafia thread that you guys need to step up your game, do it! ALL of you failed to create fakeclaims on N0, including you. That probably would've let Slayer live long enough for you guys to lynch Core.

Implying anyone would be stupid enough to fakeclaim when the person he stole it from is still alive.

Nevermind, you eventually mentioned this:

Unless the thief is complete moron he claims after I die fuckface

This is good to see. Assuming the opposition is stupid is the best way to lose. I read the item/thief/etc. debate fairly carefully, and while things did get heated, overall a lot of good points were made. I may or may not try to compile a detailed summary of the shit that wasn't derailed into personal arguements at some point, though that said there are other things I was planning on doing with my Sunday at some point. I also still have to get to Rein's survey, but fuck it, I'm starving right now. Time for some food.

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I sure am.

Also haze the point is that town rarely does what mafia wants it to do. In this case I see it as mafia thinks that if the persuade someone to vote Snike, Snike will be the last one they would lynch or suspect

So you want everyone to spill their secrets to you while you just sit there being cryptic and suspicious, yeah thanks, keeping my vote on you.

As for the second point, of course I understood your (bad) logic, it's called a wifom, and lynching Snike based on such this early on would be a bad idea in my eyes.

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So you want everyone to spill their secrets to you while you just sit there being cryptic and suspicious, yeah thanks, keeping my vote on you.

As for the second point, of course I understood your (bad) logic, it's called a wifom, and lynching Snike based on such this early on would be a bad idea in my eyes.

1) Oh come on what would be the worst thing that could happen if I knew who belong to one specific archtype?

2) As if there were any better reasons to lynch someone today.

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Implying the mafia wouldn't work their fakeclaims out on N0, especially when eclipse grilled them the last time for not doing so.

Implying Scum wouldn't make new claim when they are handed one on a silver platter are we?

I assume the latter part was not suggesting Im stupid enough to assume scums are playing bad. I think it wasn't but my poor English has failed me before.

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So Rein, there's this thing called a job... >______>

I don't really know what to say this whole persuading business aside from that I think people are over-thinking it. It could be just a random persuade, or it could be a aimed to get me hung Day 1. All it does is make me one vote easier to hang. I'm not too concerned about it, but I do find it curious that people are following the persuade. At the moment, my role is relatively throw-away, but that may change as it goes on. All I know is that Paperblade is a rather irritating creature.

also fuck Yeah surveys.

1. Who do you think is most town?

Aside from myself, I would say Rein for trying to promote discussion. Haze is displaying good logic, but I can't get a read on him.

2. Who do you think is scummiest?

This is going to sound like OMGUS, but, uh, Sho. He's overreacting to everything, and it rubs me the wrong way.

3. Who, if anyone, do you want to lynch?

Wen or Psych.

a. Why do you want to lynch them?

It's partially for information, partially because the world can breathe a little easier if they are removed from the game.

4. What kind of items do you think exist?

-Probably one-shots of various abilities like inspections, safeguards, killblockers and kill shots.

a. What kind of items do you think the mafia might have?

-Hitman, Jan, or Ninja might be what they possess, to bolster their firepower. A roleblocking item might be in the cards.

b. Do you have an item?

-Who honestly would answer Yes other than an idiot thief, should one exist? I may or may not have one.

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1. Who do you think is most town?

2. Who do you think is scummiest?

3. Who, if anyone, do you want to lynch?

a. Why do you want to lynch them?

b. If you don't want to lynch, why not?

4. What kind of items do you think exist?

a. What kind of items do you think the mafia might have?

b. Do you have an item?

1) Eclipse and Raymond. They're so obviously not scum I would never lynch them.

2) Hika's amazing vote changes felt a little slimey. That said, I probably shouldn't jump so quickly to assume, considering that might make me a hypocrit.

3) I am not sure just yet, but definitely someone. I can actually say that I do not want a Sho lynch, at this point, though. Call it gut instinct here, I'm not sure how else to categories the response I'm getting from reading his posts.

4) mfw Rein asks a stupid question and expects it to be answered.

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2. Who do you think is scummiest?

This is going to sound like OMGUS, but, uh, Sho. He's overreacting to everything, and it rubs me the wrong way.

Ignoring even the tiniest lead when you have the option to follow it can be the difference between victory and death

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Ignoring even the tiniest lead when you have the option to follow it can be the difference between victory and death

See, now you are freaking out. I am aware that all details must be taken account of. However, you have to keep a cool head in order to make sense of those 'leads', if you will, and find the path to victory. You are so far failing to maintain a calm disposition, which is why you are on my suspects list.

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Im starting to get tired of pointing out that the tune of my posts have more to do with my nature than whatever I am calm or not. And believe me Im not freaking out or anything. Im completely calm here. I merely saw you misunderstanding me and I felt like correcting you for mutual profit

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Moving on,I understand that Wen hasn't been on since like the 8th, so


##Vote: Psych.


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1. Who do you think is most town?


2. Who do you think is scummiest?

Not sure. I don't like that Proto has a vote on Snike because "Why was Rein persuaded to vote for you?" even after Kaoz clarified what I meant

3. Who, if anyone, do you want to lynch?

Proto and Sho.

a. Why do you want to lynch them?

They seem to have learning disorders that stop them from realizing that their actions get on everyone's nerves.

4. What kind of items do you think exist?


a. What kind of items do you think the mafia might have?


b. Do you have an item?


Not changing my vote until Proto explains why the fuck he thought a Snike vote with that reasoning was any sort of good idea. Note that attempting to troll me will only make you look worse for actively attempting to stifle discussion.

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