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Duel Terminal 2 Mafia


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Ok guys. This will sound very scummy BUT:

My results implie Haze and Shinori have some form of major difference in their roles or something. It may just be something silly flavour based thing like different archtype but it could be as much as difference of scum and townie. However it is something that can share people in 2 groups. How do I know this I would rather not go in detail. what matters is that there is some difference between them and its not random.

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I... am quite pleasantly surprised by this development. I am having trouble thinking of a valid reason to no-kill in a NOC (in OC you could hope that the Doc tries to save one of your member, and outs himself to you to establish a clear, it is risky play but I've seen it done). So, yeah. Good job either Doc, Vest-kun, or some other interesting explanation I haven't thought of.

Also, that is some sort of very interesting result, Sho, but for the moment it sounds way too convoluted for me to be able to figure out. Let me try to get this straight:

Either, one of them could be (e.g.) Ice Barrier, and the other (e.g.) Worm?

Either, one of them could be scum, and the other could be town?

Either, one of them could have a visiting role, the other could be passive?

Either, (any number of other arbitrary but potentially important distinctions)?

What do you propose we do with this information?

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I suppose I can deduct it a bit more:

My role target someone and it may either be succesful or be a failure. Now I'm not going to explain what succes does and it doesn't matter.

WHAT DOES MATTER is that there are 2 types of failure. (yes this was wroten in my role PM and Raymond told its not random) Shinori belongs to type 1 of failure and haze to type 2 failure. My role PM don't tell why it is so. All I know that there is clear difference between them and that it appears to be based on my target. WHile I wouldn't go as far as to say type 1 and type 2 are town and scum, I would go as far to say if one of them turns out to be scum the other would be town.

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Well I'm still confused about Sho's results.

Have you considered that your result could be based on something as benign as whether your target was performing an action?

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Btw haze. You have any idea what would be the reason behind you being in the smaller minority group (if you say yes I won't push you to tell why if you don't want to but still, be honest)

I have a theory, yes.

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