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Lunatic Mode - Fighter MU (Redux)

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Yeah we know you want videos well I got videos just terrible formatting. If you catch my drift, mate.

Huh? Who is this guy and why is he talking?

Welcome to the (rather long due) Fire Emblem - Heroes of Light and Shadow Lunatic Playthrough. In which I am masochistic and choose Fighter My Unit. Because, seriously, who uses Fighter MU when you can rig growths for Armor Knight MU? Okay, I think we had enough joking around (I kid mjemerzian). These videos are hopefully to entertain as well as edumacate you further in the ways of Fire Emblem while possibly learning how the gears behind my insanity work. I hope you enjoy these videos, and don't forget to leave comments and criticism! Share to your friends too! Keep in mind that I joke all in good fun here, so don't take jokes too Siriusly!


- H3 (Lunatic Mode), assuming that Lunatic Mode was done previously

- Stat boosters are allowed, as I believe a person should only be doing an efficient playthrough with them. You can obviously accomplish without them, but it's a bit more difficult.

- Rainbow Potion, Maturity Drop, and Bond Drop are allowed for this playthrough.

- Time-clock events are banned, primarily because the results are too random to reflect what is more likely to happen in a playthrough.

- WiFi Shop is also banned due to the random days to access certain items and weapons, plus the in-game clock cannot be abused to obtain what the player could use or need.

- Efficiency, which entails a low turncount with a high probability of success.

- Minimal resetting, which means no rigging for growths. There may be some exceptions pending on what happens.

[spoiler=Links to Chapters Within Topic]Prologue 1-4X - Clicky!

Prologue 5-7C - Clicky!

Prologue 8 - Clicky!

Chapter 1 - Clicky!


P1-P4A - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCERFa_Lih0

P5-P7C - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DC0_wrreX8

P8 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th4_1x9N9Jk

C1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwiRMza_aPs

Stat Boosters / Resources
Maturity Drop - 
Bond Drop - My Unit

P1 - 3/3
P2 - 3/6
P3 - 4/10
P4A - 4/14
P5 - 4/18
P6D - 3/21
P7C - 4/25
P8 - 9/34
C1 - 8/42

MU Build:

Class: Fighter
Past: Orphan (孤児) - +2 Str, Mag; +10% Str, Mag growth
Present: Strong (強さ) - +2 HP; +20% HP growth
Future: Honorable (栄誉者) - +15% Skl, Spd growth

Base Stats: 26 HP | 11 Str | 2 Mag | 6 Skl | 7 Spd | 3 Luck | 3 Def | 0 Res

Total Growths: 120% HP | 70% Str | 5% Mag | 70% Skl | 55% Spd | 60% Luck | 25% Def | 0% Res

Edited by Colonel M
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Prologue 1-4A



P1 - 3/3

P2 - 3/6

P3 - 4/10

P4A - 4/14

Can't watch all of them meow? No worries! I provided the times when the other Prologue chapters start!

P2: 2:44

P3: 4:26

P4A: 6:35



Turns: 3/3

Turn 1: Move near Soldier. Soldier should attack Fighter MU.

Turn 2: Move right next to Jeigan and use Vulnerary. By using the Vulnerary, Fighter MU will survive the attack from the Soldier and Jeigan. The Soldier will suicide into Fighter MU, and Jeigan will take 14/27(28) damage.

Turn 3: MU should hit Jeigan, and thus level up.



Turns: 3/6

Turn 1: MU should be placed on a fort while Ryan stands outside (not quite portrayed in this video). Luke should have as much incentive as possible to attack Fighter MU. It helps that Fighter MU has WTD on Luke.

Turn 2: Assuming that Fighter MU has proc'd Str (70% chance), a hit from Ryan and another hit from Fighter MU should down Luke like nothing. Make sure to move Fighter MU to where Rody can reach him.

Turn 3: Ryan should use his bow on Rody, then Fighter MU should be able to finish off Rody with little trouble.

The only things to note is that the Hit rates may be a little shoddy with Luke and that, in the events that Fighter MU missed his Str proc, have MU heal with Vulnerary and Ryan chip at Luke. Make sure that Ryan is placed directly below Fighter MU, as we want to pull Rody by Turn 3.



Turns: 4/10

Turn 1: Place Fighter MU directly below Ryan, then trade Ryan's Vulnerary to Luke. The Fighter should go for Fighter MU and the Mercenary should go to Luke.

Turn 2: Ryan + Luke should finish off the Mercenary while Fighter MU should take down the Fighter. Move Rody 1D from Luke and trade weapons between Luke and Rody so Rody has the Iron Sword and Luke has the Iron Lance. The Fighter should go after Rody with no problem.

Turn 3: Ryan and Fighter MU should be able to finish off the Fighter Rody weakened. Have Luke move into Caeda's attack range and use the Vulnerary. Luke should survive two hits from Caeda now.

Turn 4: Have Ryan chip at Caeda, then Fighter MU should finish her off. I guess if you want you can have Luke or Rody (pending on who you train) finish her off, but it's best to put as much incentive to Fighter MU if possible. Luke will get his levels later on, sort of.


P-4 Athena Route

Turns: 4/14

SevenDeadlySins supposedly had 4 Turned this chapter before (sorry about the shoutout if I didn't mention it), but he also had a rocky Hit on Athena with Fighter MU. This strategy should have little to worry about Hit-wise barring rare instances (like Ryan attacking Athena).

Make sure the Archer has 18 Atk. This is important so Wrys can survive.

Turn 1: Have Caeda and Rody combo on the Myrmidon. Ryan should attack the bottom-right Soldier, then have Fighter MU attack the weakened Soldier on the left hand side. Luke should finish off the Soldier. Have Wrys heal Fighter MU. The Archer should have the incentive to attack Wrys even if Fighter MU has 3 Def (I did test this). The Soldier above Fighter MU will attack MU, then the other enemies will crawl towards the group.

Turn 2: Have Fighter MU chip at the Archer from below, then Rody finish off the Archer on the left side of it. This should put Rody in range of the Soldier. Heal Caeda with Wrys, then have Caeda move directly below the Myrmidon. The Soldier shouldn't die from hitting Rody.

Turn 3: Have Rody switch weapons with Luke (not shown quite right). Fighter MU should finish off the Soldier with Luke walking right up to the Mercenary and finishing off the Myrmidon. Wrys should heal Caeda, then Caeda should attack Athena. Vun Voman should only 3HKO Caeda. Ryan should also attack Athena this turn. Athena should attack Caeda and the Mercenary should strike Luke.

Turn 4: Have Ryan attack Athena once again, and Caeda should be able to finish Athena off. Have Wrys heal Rody, then have Rody strike the Mercenary and Luke should finish the job.

Edited by Colonel M
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Prologue 5-7C



P5 - 4/18

P6D - 3/21

P7C - 4/25


Note that the video is slightly different from the strategy listed, but you can follow what the video does if you would like. Credit goes to dondon151 for explaining the details on how to work this. I also did a little research with it. If Caeda is taking the boss kill, the boss needs 10 AS or Luke needs 8.

Turn 1: This turn is going to be a little risky, but it's the most effective strategy to have Caeda take the boss kill. If you don't want her to (I don't think she gets bonus EXP from it), don't worry about it. You can do either of the following:

- Have Fighter MU move 1U, then have Athena take his spot. Every other unit should move away from the Bandits. WARNING - this will force one of the Bandits to attack the Forest tile. Athena and MU should be able to weaken their opposition damage-wise, though MU could miss this way. This does give a higher yield of EXP and weapon rank for Fighter MU, though, so keep it in mind.

- Have Fighter MU move away from the Bandits and place one of Luke / Rody into the attack range with the Iron Sword equipped. If you want the boss kill for Luke, I recommend Rody to pull it. The results should be roughly the same, except you'll have to damage Luke's Bandit a little more. This gives a higher yield of EXP and weapon rank for Luke.

Turn 2:

- If MU was part of the pull, have him finish his Bandit off.

- If Luke / Rody was part of the pull, have MU weaken the Fighter more and have Luke / Rody (whoever drew in the Bandit) finish the Bandit off.

Merric should attack the Bandit Athena weakened on the fort. Wrys should heal Athena, then Athena should move towards the Hunter on the bottom and attack it. Make sure Athena is 2D from the top-left fort. Have Caeda attack the other Hunter, and make sure she is 1D from the top-left fort. Ryan should finish off the Hunter. Have Luke / Rody (whoever has the Iron Lance) move onto the top-left fort. What should happen is one of the Bandits attacks Caeda, another attacks the Iron Lance Cavalier, and finally the Thief attacks Athena.

Turn 3: Kill the Bandits and the Thief; however, make sure that all of the characters that you need to kill the boss are near him. Merric, Athena, Caeda, and one of Luke / Rody are required to kill the boss. If you're having Luke kill the Thief that Athena weakened, he'll need the Iron Lance from Rody somehow. Athena and Caeda will not be able to participate in killing the Bandits. Wrys should heal either Athena or Caeda this turn. Caeda needs to use the Vulnerary to survive the boss the next turn.

Turn 4: Wrys should heal whoever wasn't healed last turn between Athena and Caeda. Have everyone gang up on the boss between Merric, Athena, Caeda, and Luke / Rody. Decide who will get the boss kill pending on what you used as a strategy for this chapter.



Deploy Fighter MU, Wrys, Merric, Caeda, and a unit of choice. I would not recommend Ryan.

Turn 1: Cecil joins with plethora Steel weapons that we will need. Make sure Caeda gets the Steel Lance (unless you're using Rody, then give him the Steel Lance), Luke or Athena to get the Steel Sword, and MU to get the Steel Axe. Have Cecil on the bottom-right corner, Wrys 1U from Cecil, Merric 1L from Wrys, and someone blocking Wrys from being attacked. A Soldier should attack Cecil, the Mage should target Merric, and the other Soldier will likely choose your Cavalier or Athena.

Turn 2: Highlight Draug to see how far he can reach. Have Wrys heal Merric, then place Merric right outside of the Archer's range but inside Draug's, which would be 2L. Have everyone else stay away from Draug and Archer's ranges. Kill off the Soldiers and the Mage; this shouldn't be too difficult really. Draug will attack Merric and Draug will take double 12s from Merric. Awesome stuff.

Turn 3: Have Caeda + other unit(s) kill the Archer above, then have Fighter MU crush Draug. With the Steel Axe, it should only require 13 Str (+2 Str level ups).



Deploy Fighter MU, Merric, Caeda, Draug, and a unit of choice. I would highly recommend one of Luke, Rody, or Cecil (whoever is being trained I guess).

The Myrmidon here should be 2HKOed by Athena. If she misses out on the 2HKO, either reset or make sure someone else can take the Myrmidon + Cavalier. I think the only one that can do it is roughly assuming a Level 4 Luke, and that's shaky to assume. On average, a Level 4 Luke has 22.7 HP | 8.2 Def, so the Myrmidon can't have max Atk. So the video is "slightly" misleading here, but you could have 23 HP and 8 Def and the Myrmidon could have 18 Atk, so it's possible.

Turn 1: Have Merric attack the south Armor Knight and have Fighter MU follow up with the KO. Move Athena 1L from Fighter MU's current position. Fighter MU should draw in the Archer while Athena attacks the Myrmidon on the Enemy Phase. Place Draug directly below Merric, and one of the Cavaliers next to Draug. Caeda should move 1D from the northern Myrmidon's position. This should be out of the Archer's attack range. The Myrmidon should also attack Caeda this turn as well as Merric.

Turn 2: Have Merric finish off the Armor Knight that he weakened, and have Fighter MU move towards the south-east fort. Luke should kill the Myrmidon that Caeda weakened while Draug and Caeda team up on the Archer. Athena should ORKO the Archer just fine. The Myrmidon that Athena weakened should suicide into Athena UNLESS you had a situation where Luke could take the Myrmidon and the Cavalier on the Enemy Phase next turn (23 HP | 8 Def with the Myrmidon having 18 Atk possibly).

Turn 3: Have Fighter MU move onto the south-east fort and wait. Caeda should move to the eastern-most fort and use a Vulnerary on it. Draug should move on the north forth and equip the Steel Lance while the Cavalier of choice sits on the south fort. This should force only one reinforcement to appear - the Cavalier reinforcement. Now, Cain should attack Draug while the Cavalier attacks the Cavalier of choice. For Luke, he can take the Myrmidon and Cavalier possibly, but make sure that Luke actually has the stats before doing so.

Turn 4: Have Fighter MU attack the Cavalier and the Cavalier of choice finish the Cavalier. Merric should attack Cain, and thus allow Caeda to take the boss kill.


Stats thus far:

My Unit (6.54) - 31 HP | 15 Str | 2 Mag | 11 Skl | 9 Spd | 8 Luck | 4 Def | 0 Res
Luke (4.84) - 23 HP | 9 Str | 0 Mag | 7 Skl | 8 Spd | 6 Luck | 9 Def | 1 Res
Caeda (7.07) - 20 HP | 7 Str | 2 Mag | 9 Skl | 18 Spd | 16 Luck | 7 Def | 6 Res
Merric (10.90)
Athena (10.71)
Wrys (4.36)

So I'm sure a lot of you are asking "why are we putting such an emphasis on leveling Caeda this time?" Well... that you'll soon find out. And it's not because I'm biased for her.

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You wouldn't happen to be leveling up Sheeda to deal with Prologue 8 more easily, would you? I know that Knight Titania found a way to make Prologue 8 go much faster by getting a speed and strength blessed MU, so I was wondering if you're doing the same thing.

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Prologue 8


Turns: 9/34


Deploy Fighter MU, Merric, Caeda, Wrys, Cain, Athena, and a unit of choice. I highly recommend Luke unless you're training one of Rody / Cecil.

One of the Levin Sword Thieves should have 13 AS (or Merric procs Spd during the chapter, which has a 65% chance) and Caeda should really have 18 Spd (85% chance), though 7 Str helps (90% chance). The RHS Hunter should have 9 AS or Athena procs Spd during the chapter (70% chance).

Turn 1: Assuming you're doing the left-hand side pull, place Marth, Caeda, and Cain like so:


M - Marth
C - Caeda
K - Cain

Make sure Cain equips the Steel Lance. X should probably be Merric, but it's not important aside from Merric having to be there on Turn 2. Everyone else should back into the upper-left hand corner. Marth should take on a Bandit and a Hunter while Caeda and Cain take on a Thief.

Turn 2: Marth should move 1U1R and use his Vulnerary. Merric and My Unit should combo onto the Bandit weakened by Marth. Move Cain onto the throne, then place Caeda to the left of Cain and use VUlnerary. Luke should attack Caeda's Thief from the top while Athena should take on Cain's Bandit 2D from Marth. Wrys should be 1D from Marth and healing Marth. The Hunter should attack Wrys with no problem (aside from an unlucky critical, which did happen to me).

Turn 3: The Hunter should be in range so that Athena can ORKO the Hunter and have her attacked by the Thief reinforcement on the Enemy Phase. Make sure she has Steel Sword equipped. Place Cain right into the right-hand side's Bandit and Hunter range and have Cain equip the Steel Sword. Place Marth 2L from Cain, then place Wrys inbetween Marth and Cain and heal Marth. Move everyone else out of the way of the left-hand Thief and the Bandits. What SHOULD happen is, assuming that you somewhat followed the placement of units from these last two turns, you should have the Bandit / Hunter / Thief look like this:


B - Bandit
H - Hunter
T - Thief
X - Empty Space

If not, you're in deep trouble.

Turn 4: Fighter!MU should be able to finish the Bandit with a Steel Axe equipped while Athena takes on the Hunter. Marth will more than likely be able to take out the Thief Athena took on the Enemy Phase. If not, have Cain finish it off or Luke chip at it. Marth is pretty important to level, so trying to get him a little EXP here helps. Caeda should combat the Thief near the Hunter and Bandit, then have Merric finish it off by placing Merric 1L from the Thief. Have Cain go onto the throne if he didn't have to kill the Thief and use a Vulnerary, followed by Wrys being 1D from Cain and healing him. If you placed Merric in the correct spot, he should be attacked by one of the Hand Axe reinforcements.

Turn 5: Place Shiida so she is 1R from the top-left corner and use a Vulnerary. Place Luke with a Sword equipped either 2R from Caeda or 1D1R from Caeda. Place Wrys 1R from Caeda and heal whoever needs to be healed. If LUke was damaged, he might need a Vulnerary use. Athena should move onto the throne and use a Vulnerary. Move MU away from the the Hand Axe Bandit's range (it should be something like 5L1U). Place Marth 2R from Fighter!MU. The tricky part is placing Cain and Merric. Highlight both of the Thief reinforcements. Place Cain in range of the left-hand Thief (the furthest the Thief can reach upward) and have Cain equip the Steel Lance. This is important because Cain will likely be doubled on the Enemy Phase (the Thieves have 13-14 AS) and the Lance reduces the Thieve's Atk by 3. Merric should be roughly 2D from the throne. If the setup is done correctly, Merric should be attacked by the Hand Axe Bandits and Cain should be attacked by the Thief.

Turn 6: This is where things get slippery. Have Marth finish off the Thief Cain weakened but outside of the Silver Axe Bandit's range. Athena should be able to take out a Bandit on her own as well as Fighter!MU. Caeda and one of Merric / Luke should be able to combo on the remianing Thief. Wrys should heal Athena this turn. Merric should be right next to Marth and use a Vulnerary. Highlight the Silver Axe / Hand Axe Bandit that remains on the map (he should be near the Mages). Move Cain towards his maximum range on the right-hand side and equip the Steel Sword. Cain will take on the Silver Axe Bandit and the other Bandit should equip its Hand Axe and attack Cain. The Mages will now move forward. One Mage should be 1D from the Hand Axe Bandit and the other should be on the left-hand side.

Turn 7: Have Marth and Merric KO the left-hand Mage. The right-hand side is going to get a little messy. Luke should be able to take on a Silver Axe Bandit hit, so have Luke chip the Bandit and Cain finish it off. The Hand Axe Bandit should be taken out by a combination of Athena and Caeda. The Mage should be OHKOed by Fighter!MU with a Steel Axe equipped. Move Wrys towards Merric.

Turn 8: Have Luke use the savepoint. This should help prevent accuracy issues go on (if any). Have Wrys heal Merric, and have Merric use his full movement to where he will be directly in the middle of the two Levin Sword Thieve's maximum range, which is 1D from where Luke is standing. If Merric doesn't have 11 AS or one of the Thieves have 14 AS and Merric is below 24 health, heal Merric with a Vulnerary. Find whichever Silver Sword Thief can be ORKOed by Caeda (if possible). She needs 7 Str and the Thieves need 28 HP / 2 Def. Whichever side Caeda can ORKO the Thief on, place Caeda 1 space to the left or right of Merric, pending on whether the left or right hand side has the Thief that Caeda can ORKO and use Vulnerary. If she cannot ORKO either of the Thieves, don't panic. Just place her either 1L or 1R and use Vulnerary. Have everyone else move south towards the group. Cain and Athena should use their Vulneraries. What should happen is both of the Levin Sword Thieves will target Merric while one of the Silver Sword Thieves attacks Caeda. Katarina will move up; usually towards the left-hand side. If you place Caeda on the RHS, just place Athena towards that area. Athena should be 1 space outside of the Levin Sword Thieve's reach.

Turn 9: Finish all of the Thieves off and Katarina. Caeda should be able to take on a Levin Sword Thief on her own. Merric, assuming he has enough health, can likely take on another Levin Sword Thief. If not, have Fighter!MU take it out. Cain should chip the remaining Silver Sword Thief, which should leave it in KO range of whoever. Athena can either ORKO Katarina (Steel Sword) or chip at her to be weak enough to take her out with another unit (Iron Sword). Make sure Athena is either 1L of Katarina if she's on the LHS or 1R of Katarina if she's on the RHS.


First, I'll do my overview on Prologue.

Fighter!MU seems to save the most turncounts thus far (I haven't seen Kngt_of_Titania's runthrough of the game), saving a turn on P-1, P-2, and P-8. This means, efficiency-wise, Fighter!MU seems to be superior to AK!MU, which doesn't have a real lead on any chapters that I know of. While he did miss out on his Spd proc that is necessary to double the Chapter 1 Bandits, it also can be remedied if I went back to P-5 and designed the chapter a little more to where Fighter!MU takes on the Turn 1 Bandit or having him kill the Bandit in P-8 (in fact, I nearly considered going back to do it for that reason, but I had enough of P-8 and I want to start on Lunatic').

Ryan looks like he will be a decent service unit up to P-5, where he's likely forever benched unless you go (B)Est route. I wouldn't expect him to level up much, if at all. Fighter!MU, Caeda, and Luke are the first units that should be getting CEXP.

Luke isn't terrible by any means, and he was good for what he had to do. Having a small base stat advantage helps a lot, and hopefully he can hit C Swords this time before Chapter 5-6 so we can use him as a mounted Armorslayer. I'm not sure if he'll last very long, but it's worth a shot. He's been growing okay, though one wonders if he took steroids with the +1 Str / +2 Def above average...

Rody has marginal uses if you're not training him, but they're a lot more limiting than Luke's as you can probably see throughout the video series thus far. While it's possible to train him, one almost has to ask why. He does have D Lances and it's nice that he could have C Lances before Dragon Pike becomes available, but his minor stat disadvantage and growth advantage doesn't quite add up to Luke until later in the game, and even then Rody could be losing. I guess the primary advantage is that Rody can be a DracoKnight better than Luke, weapon rank-wise.

Caeda is by far one of my clutchier units. Her insane Spd advantage with a 95% Spd growth nets her being able to double some of the tougher enemies, and thus giving her an offensive advantage. She was Level 8 coming out of Prologue, so my guess is I won't have to crank her as much Level-wise as I did originally. I'm looking forward to her Wing Spear insanity again.

Wrys is pretty useful mainly because he's a healbot. Kind of weird that the old fart starts with E Staves and gets to D right by the time Prologue ends. Then again, that should likely show how useless he is when he re-joins.

Athena, or Vun Voman, was pretty awesome to have, and I would have her over Gordin for Fighter!MU's cadre. She's just fast enough to double the troublesome enemies like Bandits, Archers, and Bandits while boasting good Atk to ORKO enemies or leave them begging for mercy. It's a damn shame she joins so much later in the game or her bases weren't slightly better.

Cecil is hard to really judge, mainly because of my refusal to really use her. On the plus side, she's likely to double sooner than Luke (while they're both mounted) and she boasts Lady Sword access over both Luke and Rody; however, her shoddy durability puts her in questionable situations. The first one that sprung to mind was how to really deal with P-8's Silver Axe Bandit while sustaining the 9 Turn. I don't really regret keeping her out of the team since Lady Sword can also be used by Catria and Palla, who are far better units as well as Caeda.

Draug's use was pretty limited. He would be rather shitty in P-8 with his 5 Mov and stupidly pitiful Def. The worst part is he's doubled by the Bandits, so he's getting crushed in that department. I don't think the Mages ORKO him shockingly, which is probably the only advantage Draug would have over Armor Knight!MU. His use is pretty much because of P-7 and being able to weaken Cain enough to allow Caeda to finish Cain, but Ogma isn't a terrible choice at least for AK!MU's path. I wouldn't do it for Fighter's since it gives him a disadvantage on killing Ogma in P-6.

Cain is likely superior to (B)Est as far as P-8 goes. The main reason comes back to being more durable than Draug, faster than Draug so that Cain is only doubled by 14 AS Thieves, having WTC, and sporting extra Atk. His route also seems a little easier to figure out in comparison to Est's.


Now to answer other matters:

If you change it to Lunatic reverse you might have more viewers...

I don't see where I would suddenly have to switch to Lunatic' to get more viewers. First off, Lunatic is pretty difficult as is, and from what I know of only Paperblade has a video series of doing it. Secondly, the main reason the views are always going to be low-ish is because this game wasn't released in the states and Europe to begin with. Even with Lunatic', I highly doubt I would be getting that many more views.

But if you even watched this video, you would know that Lunatic' is also on its way

An with all the hype with the new FIRE EMBLEM...This might be a time loss


To be a time loss would require this to be a waste of my time. I thoroughly enjoy doing this despite the low number of people that seriously view it. I need something other than World of Warcraft and demoralizing idiots on the internet to burn down time. This is a pretty good way of doing it.

You wouldn't happen to be leveling up Sheeda to deal with Prologue 8 more easily, would you? I know that Knight Titania found a way to make Prologue 8 go much faster by getting a speed and strength blessed MU, so I was wondering if you're doing the same thing.

Kind of, but my strategies try to follow what should happen on the average most of the time, with variances going to happen (like it did to me and Fighter!MU unfortunately).

The main thing is this Chapter, to 9 Turn it, requires a lot already as mentioned in my strategy written out above. While it's very possible to miss some of these benchmarks and the player may 10 Turn it, it's not like I'm going to really call them inefficient or anything because of something they can't really control whatsoever.


Like Leader Elliot asked, why am I not doing Lunatic'? The truth is, I actually am.

This will be done on a separate topic with a completely different MU setup. The question remains, can I actually sustain a low turn count with all the enemies having Ambush or not? Without mjemerzian's guide up (from what I know of) and I don't think Paperblade recorded Lunatic', this leaves me with only one choice.

To do it all on my own.

Can the Colonel make it before he snaps a 6 month old puppy in half? Will he give in to the madness and just never touch this game again? WILL HE EVER SING TO RFOF!?!

Hopefully, soon, we will find out.

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Hmm... Figures. Which now leaves to pretend it doesn't exist or...

Funny he mentioned that, cause I found it in a refuse bin.

Anyways, seeing these lower turncounts has perhaps inspired me to do another run but with my favored MU Myrm. My only issue is that I tend to go George route who is a 5 turn simply because George has that much HP. That and the fact that I detest FE12 simply because it's so...Dry. I like a game where I at least have room for alternatives rather than being strong armed into few choices. It's why I'm a fan of FE6.

Also I think it's pronounced (MEER-mih-don) rather than (mire-MY-don). Rather, it at least rolls off the tongue easier.

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>Because, seriously, who uses Fighter MU when you can rig growths for Armor Knight MU? Okay, I think we had enough joking around (I kid mjemerzian).

I know you're joking, but you do realize I also used Fighter MU on Lunatic and didn't reload for growths on Lunatic. Now, since you want to get it as good as you give, I'm going to call your run a noob run that is hugging on stat boosts, chugging down rainbow pots and growth drops, clinging to removed class limits, noobishly not trying to get every item and recruit, and it's conditions are factually of lower skill level than the conditions of my own run.

>Funny he mentioned that, cause I found it in a refuse bin.

I tried to remove my guide from gamefaqs but apparently it won a FAQ of the month contest which means I gave them permission to host it, so they refused to remove it. Not that facts and details should bother trolls and shitposters such as yourself. It really reminds me of this recent incident in the fighting game community. This individual was caught acting like an ass, much like elitists in the FE community, and was called out for it. He ended up trying to turtle up and justify his behavior rather than face the facts - eventually public pressure forced him to apologize. I hope you realize how revolting your behavior towards myself and others would be viewed by most people outside of your cliches.

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I know you're joking, but you do realize I also used Fighter MU on Lunatic and didn't reload for growths on Lunatic. Now, since you want to get it as good as you give, I'm going to call your run a noob run that is hugging on stat boosts, chugging down rainbow pots and growth drops, clinging to removed class limits, noobishly not trying to get every item and recruit, and it's conditions are factually of lower skill level than the conditions of my own run.

If you realize it's a joke, then why are you getting upset over it? It's not even meant to be malicious.

@bolded: :smug:

I tried to remove my guide from gamefaqs but apparently it won a FAQ of the month contest which means I gave them permission to host it, so they refused to remove it. Not that facts and details should bother trolls and shitposters such as yourself. It really reminds me of this recent incident in the fighting game community. This individual was caught acting like an ass, much like elitists in the FE community, and was called out for it. He ended up trying to turtle up and justify his behavior rather than face the facts - eventually public pressure forced him to apologize. I hope you realize how revolting your behavior towards myself and others would be viewed by most people outside of your cliches.

Funny you bemoan the elitists of the FE community when you yourself just demonstrated extremely elitist and :smug: behavior just now.

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If you realize it's a joke, then why are you getting upset over it? It's not even meant to be malicious.

@bolded: :smug:

Funny you bemoan the elitists of the FE community when you yourself just demonstrated extremely elitist and :smug: behavior just now.


You know the general disdain the wider community has for Smash Bros "tourney" players? They'd feel the same way towards FE players who get nasty anytime anyone plays FE in a way they don't approve of.

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I hope you realize how revolting your behavior towards myself and others would be viewed by most people outside of your cliches.

can't hide the facts

by the way you quite evidently care deeply about this despite your insistence that you don't, otherwise you wouldn't still be persisting. but that's okay - it's not my problem.

Edited by dondon151
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It's not mine either. Now I should note it was a little snickerjoke I made since I saw you were brought up for ever so brief a moment since honestly I could mention your name and you would appear like a volcano erupting beneath my feet (which I happenchance to find very giggle worthy), and merely wanted to throw that titter of a joke before I got on to the main topic. I'd rather this not be a place to flamewar, as it is something I truly detest. I will simply ignore further responses or any other comments made at me OR you, and get on with the topic: Colonel M being awesome.

I will apologize for his outburst. Continue being a boss, Colonel M.

PS: Male Cavalier MU is awesome. Noble/Odd/Pursuer goes all too well with it.

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>Because, seriously, who uses Fighter MU when you can rig growths for Armor Knight MU? Okay, I think we had enough joking around (I kid mjemerzian).

I know you're joking, but you do realize I also used Fighter MU on Lunatic and didn't reload for growths on Lunatic. Now, since you want to get it as good as you give, I'm going to call your run a noob run that is hugging on stat boosts, chugging down rainbow pots and growth drops, clinging to removed class limits, noobishly not trying to get every item and recruit, and it's conditions are factually of lower skill level than the conditions of my own run.

*Rolls eyes*

Look, let's review a few things. Someone already called out on your criticism, but I want to emphasize a certain point:

by the way you quite evidently care deeply about this despite your insistence that you don't, otherwise you wouldn't still be persisting. but that's okay - it's not my problem.

For once, I'm going to be the ass. If you seriously don't care about it, then put the soda in your mouth and can it. Either it bothers you and you'll complain or it doesn't and you join the joking brigade. Have your pity cake or eat it.

Secondly, my first Lunatic Run (before the recorded one) was actually based very closely to yours as seen here - This stuff. It ended prematurely, yes, but this was also done roughly around the same time you did your Lunatic runthrough with Fighter MU. Now if you look closely at what I say, I don't criticize your Lunatic runthrough since I understood that you did it without the Male Reclass removed, and I don't completely criticize Lunatic' because of you being like the second person I know who's sat, done it, and recorded it to a point.

Regardless, I think we all know that I could follow the same stipulations if I seriously wanted to and still beat the game just fine. I did Lunatic before without the Rainbow Potion shenanigans, and I did Lunatic before without stat boosters. Where I personally draw the line is rigging. Now, if you're getting screwed on your level ups, chances are you're going to reset, to which I kind of understand (I had to personally do this for P-2 because MU needed +2 Str, but in fairness his average growth was 50% and he grew two levels, not to mention he had +1 Str base), but I think that's where the line kind of gets drawn.

Although billymills pointed out this is slightly contradictory, let's explain this quick: My Present has +1 Str base, which requires another Str point. If MU fails to proc Str it's a game over anyway as Ryan dies.

I just started Lunatic', and looking at what you had:

- I don't see how a MU can 3 Turn Cain's map without substantial help with killing Cain. Maybe I never looked at it closely enough with Fighter MU, but it could be also because I don't have a unit who can sponge the Myrmidon and Archer in the process (Draug is shit, Athena can do it I guess) or lacking power to kill Cain. We'll venture further on this one when it comes to play. I think the biggest reason is, if you're doing it like I think you are, Turn 1 involves killing the AK with Merric followed by a MU (Fighter or AK), then putting Caeda in that weird position. Turn 2 the Myrmidon would be KOed by Merric maybe? Then how would you get around killing the Armor Knight though...

- I looked at P-3 last night, and I couldn't figure out how the hell to 4 Turn it (this was also before I looked at your guide, by the way). MU kept getting doubled by the Fighters for double 6s-7s, and the Mercenaries could take me out under weird conditions (i.e. take a Fighter hit, kill Mercenary, take Fighter hit again or take a Fighter hit, use Vulnerary, and get attacked by the Fighter and be left at 1-2 HP). This one almost requires +2 Spd, which isn't really possible on averages. You would have an 80% chance with a Speed present, but that screws up your Str, or +2 Spd past and screw up your Def (though that might not be a huge deal either). I didn't really bother with tinkering AK!MU's Past / Present / Future, but regardless the lowest I could see was a 5 Turn.

I haven't really gotten very far, but it was due to me talking to Grandjackal last night, so I got up to P-5 (P-4A was a breeze just by following what I did in Lunatic but replacing AK!MU on Fighter).

I tried to remove my guide from gamefaqs but apparently it won a FAQ of the month contest which means I gave them permission to host it, so they refused to remove it. Not that facts and details should bother trolls and shitposters such as yourself. It really reminds me of this recent incident in the fighting game community. This individual was caught acting like an ass, much like elitists in the FE community, and was called out for it. He ended up trying to turtle up and justify his behavior rather than face the facts - eventually public pressure forced him to apologize. I hope you realize how revolting your behavior towards myself and others would be viewed by most people outside of your cliches.

I sort of glanced the article, and this is an entirely different situation. Though if you'd like me to ask about your bra size... well... I won't.

The first thing is this guy was acting purely out of sexual harassment. That's almost an entirely different case from what we're doing. Our kind of harassment, though a lot of times it's merely criticism (and before you shove the book at me, I clearly know the difference), would get us a slap on the wrist at worst at any place. Workplace, tournaments. Though in public environments, we'd probably cut down the swearing slightly (especially Brawl tournaments since I presume a lot of them are of the younger crowd) and it's not like we're threatening this life-over-death situation. Secondly, let's see what the person was doing to the woman in question:

Live-streamed footage from the first day of the tournament shows Bakhtanians, leader of the Tekken team, making sexual comments towards Pakozdi that range from crude to potentially abusive. Spurred on by commenters interacting via a live chatroom, Bakhtanians proceeds to guess at Pakozdi's bra size, suggest she take part in a mud wrestling match, expresses a desire to spy on her in the women's bathroom, suggests she wear a skirt he would buy for her, and threatens to smell her if she makes a mistake.

Now we aren't doing anything of the sort here.

So here's my final advice: if you can't take a joke, or you can't take criticism, then don't bother. Clearly, as anyone else does, you have the rights to defend yourself on some points of criticism, but if it's clearly a joke then don't bother writing a small paragraph whining about the joke not phasing you and then complain about it. That's what we call hypocrisy.

You know the general disdain the wider community has for Smash Bros "tourney" players? They'd feel the same way towards FE players who get nasty anytime anyone plays FE in a way they don't approve of.

Please I shitstomped Inui to high heaven and back and got nothing but praise about it.

Edited by Colonel M
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I know you're joking, but you do realize I also used Fighter MU on Lunatic and didn't reload for growths on Lunatic. Now, since you want to get it as good as you give, I'm going to call your run a noob run that is hugging on stat boosts, chugging down rainbow pots and growth drops, clinging to removed class limits, noobishly not trying to get every item and recruit, and it's conditions are factually of lower skill level than the conditions of my own run.

So, what? Because you're better at FE than Colonel M, that makes you above criticism? That means we can't make jokes at your expense? You think you're the only one that people make jokes about? Because you're not. This isn't some bizarre vendetta that people have about you and only you, because I see jokes about drafts, about dondon, about Vykan, and about KoT.

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Not proper use of the term strawman, try again.
Setting up distorted, false, and absurd caricatures instead of addressing the points being made = strawman. Exactly what you're doing. Then you make an entirely baseless accusation of hypocrisy, even though I've never once "gotten nasty anytime anyone plays FE in a way they don't approve of."
can't hide the facts

by the way you quite evidently care deeply about this despite your insistence that you don't, otherwise you wouldn't still be persisting. but that's okay - it's not my problem.

Yes, you can't hide from the fact that you ran away from my latest post after having an ALL CAPS failed troll meltdown. And now you're claiming I insisted "I don't care". I've never said that "I don't care" ever, let alone insisted on it. Can you reply to a single post of mine without accusing me of something I've never said? Let's throw that one onto the increasingly large pile of lies or wrong accusations, insults, post dodging, butchering of the English language, and shameful ALL CAPS trolling you've built up.
It's not mine either. Now I should note it was a little snickerjoke I made since I saw you were brought up for ever so brief a moment since honestly I could mention your name and you would appear like a volcano erupting beneath my feet (which I happenchance to find very giggle worthy)
You don't need to admit a second time that you're a troll that should never be taken seriously. You've already exposed yourself plenty.
For once, I'm going to be the ass. If you seriously don't care about it, then put the soda in your mouth and can it. Either it bothers you and you'll complain or it doesn't and you join the joking brigade. Have your pity cake or eat it.

I just started Lunatic', and looking at what you had:

I sort of glanced the article, and this is an entirely different situation.

Bunching together poor analogies while stuffing a "he wants pity" strawman doesn't justify you or anyone elses behavior towards people who wanted to contribute. Yes, you set up a strawman by claiming I want pity when I never asked for or wanted it. I know it's easier to spout worthless memes like "You keep using that term." rather than learn a bit of logic, but please try. It's bad to try to read peoples minds, ascribe imaginary intentions and emotional states to them, then argue against whatever nonsense you've dreamed up as a form of ad hominem rather than any point being made.

I don't want your or anyones pity and your "advice" is worthless and ignorant of the fact that I already said I'm fine with criticism. The problem is that there hasn't been any criticism, just wrong accusations, insults, and elitist arrogance over my playthrough conditions. I wanted some common decency where people's runs aren't dissed years later with false accusations and anti-RNG hysteria. But apparently that's too hard for the socially stilted elitists like dondon. No wonder nobody else bothers to write FE guides or even talk about their runs.

The fighting game comparison is entirely appropriate. You are both hating on someone or something for entirely arbitrary, opinionated reasons and trying to justify your behavior by claiming you're part of an insular community where it's accepted.

As far as Lunatic' prologue, you already know in my run knight MU needs enough speed not to get doubled. Past that it's pretty straight forward sticking MU in the front to deal counters during enemy turn much like Lunatic. It's been years since I played FE12 and I'm certainly not about to pick it up again just to face the same false accusations and elitism over how I chose to play the game. I don't know who Inui is but if he's a smash "tourney" player, I'm sure he has more in common with FE elitists than you'd ever care to admit.

Edited by mjemirzian
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Ya know, I vaguely recall this topic being about Colonel M's Lunatic Mode Fighter MU Playthrough Redux. I think we should get back to that, wouldn't you agree? I mean really, this topic doesn't need to be derailed further, does it? I mean, you don't have to destroy a topic just because a mere joke of a single sentence referenced you in a negative manner.

Seriously Colonel, post some new material. The hell've you been anyways? Your topic got hijacked, man.

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