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Schoolgirl Mafia


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sorry bizz. :(

We decided we needed a kill that was completely unexpected. Random choice kicks in there.

kills that are completely unexpected are reserved for everyone that isn't Prims and Bizz

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Actually I think we ended up having Aere target Marth cause I was super indecisive and Marth was safeguarded.

And this is what I started to realize towards the end...man I wish I figured it out 24 hours ago instead of like 6 and the NBA playoffs, FIFA, and anime kept me distracted until too late. Probably could have made a better case to get a vote on you instead of a filler vote on Blitz.

What did you guys do on D2 though? That one has me confused.

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Because I like this quote so much, you all get to see it:

Why does everyone suck at RVS? It's seriously the easiest part of the game.

Seriously, you can change votes if you change your mind, there were 36 votes from 15 players in an extended D1, 7 of which were cast in the last 21 minutes of the phase. That's not that great to put it nicely.

Also, Helios, you were alright for a new player, probably the best of the newbs this game. You did falter on D3, but you showed the most promise, I think.

Also agreeing with this.

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Also i'm sorry I claimed real early. You guys looked like yu were gonna lynch me in D1, and I didnt wanna die in the night just like that. xD

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well "giving mafia info" was pretty much alerting them of who I would end up protecting/kidnapping, which was almost prims because he gets killed n1 a lot

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kaoz: i've never played with weapons, but that is a Good Quote

it's not hard to just vote somebody as soon as D1 starts and maybe intentionally try to place your vote on a wagon to see if you can start controversy or something. poking at little things that bug you even if they're not particularly strong is good too since it gives people stuff to talk about

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The way everyone was freaking out about every little vote, I guess I got nervous about changing my votes too often. I recall someone calling me a hypocrite for doing it in the beginning of the game and I got intimidated. My whole idea was to get by and survive while slowly picking apart the mafia, so getting lynched was something I was trying to avoid at all costs.

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I don't have a spreadsheet, because I never got around to reinstalling the Office stuff. You'll have to deal with a night action table instead.

Night 0

Name       Role         Target           Result
Darros     Safeguard    idle
Impy       Hooker       ;/
scorri     R/P          R Bizz/Marth
Marth      Martyr       Aere
Bizz       Kidnapper    idle
Excellen   Bodyguard    idle
Aere       Oracle       idle             Did you read your role?
Prims      Doctor       idle
Strawman   SK           Bal              Sandry, Tracker, Town
Manix      Tailor       Kay              Ramona, Godfather, Mafia
Proto      Role Cop     Balcerzak        Tracker
Kay        Full Cop     Balcerzak        Sandry, Tracker, Town
????       Mafia kill   idle
Shinori    Vigilante    idle
Rapier     Courier      ;/
Helios     Watcher      Prims            Failure
Balcerzak  Tracker      Shinori          no one

Night 1

Name       Role         Target           Result
Darros     Safeguard    Marth            Success
Impy       Hooker       Balcerzak        Success
scorri     R/P          R Aere/Marth     Success
Marth      Martyr       Balcerzak        Success
Bizz       Kidnapper    idle
Excellen   Bodyguard    Darros           Success
Aere       Oracle       13th             Failure
Prims      Doctor       Helios           Success
Strawman   SK           Helios           Loses, sorry
Manix      Tailor       13th             Talia, Role Cop, Town
13th       Role Cop     Excellen         Bodyguard
Kay        Full Cop     Excellen         Asuka Kazama, Redirect/Persuade; Asuka Tenjoin, Bodyguard
13th       Mafia kill   Bizz             Success
Iris       Vigilante    Aere             Success; role PM change to dayvig
Helios     Watcher      Prims            no one
Balcerzak  Tracker      Manix            Failure (hooked)

Night 2

Name       Role         Target           Result
Blitz      Safeguard    Helios           Success ;/
Impy       Hooker       Kay (Teleport)   Success
scorri     R/P          R Shinori/Helios Success
Marth      Martyr       Shinori          Success
Excellen   Bodyguard    Kay              Failure (superkill)
Manix      Tailor       idle             ;/
Kay        Full Cop     scorri           You're dead
(none)     Mafia kill                    Special kill tonight
Iris       Vigilante    idle             Out of shots
Helios     Watcher      Kay              Failure (superkill)
Balcerzak  Tracker      Excellen         Failure, with a bit of flavor

Night 3

Name       Role         Target           Result
Snike      Hooker       Excellen         Success
scorri     R/P          P Bal/Helios     Success
Marth      Martyr       Shinori          Success
Excellen   Bodyguard    doens't matter   Failure (hooked)
Manix      Tailor       idle             ;/
Manix      Mafia kill                    Shinori
Iris       Vigilante    idle             Out of shots
Helios     Watcher      doesn't matter
Balcerzak  Tracker      Snike            Excellen

Now, everything else. In spoilers.

[spoiler=Priority lists]Day (first lynch tie conditional that's hit is the one that's used):








Role cop


SK aura

Doc check to see if he'll stop the aura outright (will do so only if he targets her; otherwise, his target dies on visit, and if they outprioritize him, he'll fail)












Role inspector





Mafia: I told them in their PM that they had to work together to win, and that's just what they did. With the exception of 13th running off and doing his own thing, they communicated well. Now I have a bajillion notifications to clear.

The mafia was given a set of fakes from various series and fake roles, too. Here's what they got:

- Mahou Sensei Negima!

- Twilight

- The Babysitter's Club (yes, I read this when I was a kid)

- Cardcaptors Sakura

- Driver

- Bulletproof/Lynchproof

- Alignment/Name Cop

- Amnesiac

The individual roles:

Dear Manix,

You are Shiki. Your job is to complain about stupidly minor things in the afterlife. You joined this mafia because you needed something ELSE to whine about.

Despite being one of the most annoying things in your universe, you are extremely handy with a sewing kit. During the night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Sewing a set of clothes for <PLAYER>; <NAME>, <ROLE>, <ALIGNMENT>". Any attempts to pry into <PLAYER>'s role PM will yield the results you specify in <NAME>, <ROLE>, and <ALIGNMENT>. No, you don't get to see the finished result. :P:

You came to this school with a Gatito pin. During any night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Imprint <PLAYER1> to kill <PLAYER2>". <PLAYER1> will forfeit her night action and kill <PLAYER2> instead. Due to the fact that you're not the best at mind control, all other mafia roles, including your normal one, must idle.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically win, if you're tied with another mafia member


Dear Proto,

You are Talia. You've been yanked out of the Heralds and into this strange place with weird contraptions you've never seen before and weirder people. You joined the mafia because you need to vent.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Reading <PLAYER>'s mind". You can't read minds, but you can read emotions, and this will help you to determine <PLAYER>'s role.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose, and everyone that was tied with you will have their targets randomly chosen. This will not kick in against other mafia members, of course.


Dear TheTinyImp,

You are Athena Asamiya. You have time for school when you're not on tour, or trying to save the world. You joined the mafia because you don't want anyone to realize just how bad your attendance is.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Shining Crystal Bit in front of <PLAYER>!" You will use Shining Crystal Bit, which looks so ridiculous that <PLAYER> will be distracted by you, and will not be able to do their night action.

Once during the game, if you are sent to kill, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Teleport <PLAYER>!" Everything that targets you our <PLAYER> will fail, and <PLAYER> will die.

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.


Dear scorri,

You are Asuka Kazama. You'd rather be using your fists than doing your homework. You joined this mafia because you want everyone to answer for what happened to your cousin, Jin.

During the night, you may choose ONE of the following actions:

- "Night X - Persuade <PLAYER1> to vote for <PLAYER2>". <PLAYER1> will be forced to vote for <PLAYER2>, or you will pound them afterwards.

- "Night X - Redirect <PLAYER1> to <PLAYER2>". <PLAYER1>'s night action will target <PLAYER2> instead of whoever they originally intended to target.

(yeah, yeah, my flavor's not creative, but when's the last time you've looked at a Tekken move list?)

You are allied with the mafia. You win when all threats to the mafia have been eliminated.


Dear Strawman,

You are Mikoto Misaka. You had no intention of doing anything other than studying, until you got word from Shirai that Saten had gone missing. Shortly afterwards, a mysterious man confronted you, and attached a strange device to your arm. Now, you must use your powers as much as possible, or you'll never see Saten again. . .

During the night, you MUST respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use Railgun on <PLAYER>". You'll use your signature move, and <PLAYER> will die. You may use this on N0, but since you can't kill anyone. . .you'll lift that person's role PM instead.

Once during the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Protect myself." You will not go out to kill; instead, you'll surround yourself with a deadly electric field. Everyone that targets you during the night will die.

On your way to the assembly, you overheard a conversation between teachers about two girls that just transferred out - Rin and Sakura from Fate/Stay night. A scrap of paper in a trash can caught your attention; you couldn't see whose role PM it was, but you knew that it belonged to a Jack of all Trades.

You are allied with yourself. You win if everyone else is dead.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose, and kill everyone that is tied with you


Dear Prims,

You are Touma Kamijou. First, your key broke when you locked your apartment, then a bird relieved itself on your head. You ran into the nearest building to clean up, and when you tried to leave, the doors were locked. You did a little bit of investigation, and found that you had been locked into an all-girls school. Shortly afterwards, you hear a PA announcement about mysterious deaths that have happened. You find a good spot to hide, and watch what unfolds. . .

During the night, you MUST respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use Imagine Breaker next to <PLAYER>". Any and all fatal attacks will be nullified; if it's not something your Imagine Breaker can handle, your fists will take care of it. Idling will have bad consequences. . .

During the day, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - Drop a note with <MESSAGE>". <MESSAGE> must be 300 characters or less, and you may NOT mention your name (nor may you use process of elimination to have players deduce who you are) or any role other than Announcer. I will post this in the thread as soon as I see it.

Because you are a boy in an all-girls school, the following applies:

1. The very first time you post during a day phase, you will cancel the day's lynch (post more than once during this day phase and you'll be modkilled). Posting again during a day phase for any reason whatsoever will be fatal.

2. You do not have a post limit at night; that is your time to say things.

3. If you are inspected. . .well, you're pretty sure it won't end well.

4. You are not allowed to claim your actual character. . .but on your way over, you ran into Kagome from Inuyasha, so you know she's not going to this school.

5. You may only claim the Announcer part of your role.

6. You will take great pains to make sure you aren't spotted for any reason.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated. Alternately, you win if you stop two kills.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will cancel the lynch once


Dear Rapier,

You are Lymsleia. You can think of quite a few other things you'd like to do besides study. You enrolled in this school because you thought it would be a good idea to study in a place where you aren't treated like a princess.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Leave a message for <PLAYER>; <MESSAGE>". When <PLAYER> wakes up, they'll see <MESSAGE>. Your message must be 300 characters or less, and you may not mention your name (nor may you use process of elimination to have players deduce who you are).

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Dear Marth,

You are Aoi Himezaki (better known as Zaki). You are a gang leader with an explosive temper. You were sent to this school in the hopes that you'd calm down.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - You wish, <PLAYER>". You will get into a HUGE argument with everyone that targets <PLAYER>, and they will target you instead.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose, and kill a random player who voted for you


Dear Excellen,

You are Asuka Tenjoin. You'd rather be playing a children's card game than stuff like American History During the Civil War. You came to this school because you heard that there was a duelist here (spoiler: he died).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Stand guard over <PLAYER>". You will do your best to guard <PLAYER>, and if anyone tries to kill your ward, you'll kick their butt. . .but since you have no clue how to fight, you'll die in the process.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Dear Kay,

You are Ramona Quimby. You specialize in making mischief where you go. You are in this school because my mom enjoyed reading this series to me when I was a kid.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM wth "Night X - What's this, <PLAYER>?" You'll somehow find <PLAYER>'s role PM and give it back to her, but not before you sneak a peek at their name, role, and alignment.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically win the first time, but you will no longer be able to use your night ability consecutively


Dear Balcerzak,

You are Sandrilene fa Toren. You're nice, but that's reserved for when you're not being bossy. You enrolled in this school because you realized there's more to life than magic.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Attach a thread to <PLAYER>". You'll put a small bit of enchanted thread on <PLAYER>, and will learn who they visited that night.

You are a stitch witch that hates dark places.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Dear Helios,

You are Hinata. You're soft-spoken, shy, and the HELL is up with your eyes? You came to this school because you wnated to follow Naruto (spoiler: he's dead).

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Byakugan on <PLAYER>". You'll use your family's signature eyes to see who visited <PLAYER>.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose, and everyone that is tied with you will be permanently stripped of their night ability


Dear Bizz,

You are Shielle Messiah. Though you now live on the surface, you still have trouble interacting with "normal" people. You enrolled in this school to hone your social skills.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Stun <PLAYER>". You'll send a minor electrical charge into <PLAYER>, and then drag their unconscious body elsewhere. They will not have a chance to do their night action, all other actions targeting your victim will fail, and they will be unable to post during the following day.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you are part of a lynch tie, you will automatically lose


Dear Shinori,

You are Sion Eltnam Atlasia. You don't need to go to school because you know everything, but what else are you gonna do with your time? You're here out of boredom.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Use Black Barrel Replica on <PLAYER>". The resulting blast will kill <PLAYER>. You seem to have only one bullet.

However, you're very smart, so even if you're out of bullets, you'll think of something!

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


"No. . .not now!" Your blood boils, and it's all you can do to maintain your sanity. Gone are your gun and whip. You are Sion Tatari, and you are hungry. Your role has changed to the following:

With less than 24 hours left in any day phase, you may quote what's in the box below, and replace <PLAYER> with your target.

You are Sion Tatari. Your curse has manifested, and you are out for blood. You can't remember what other purpose you have.

"Reez! Code: Sacrilage on <PLAYER>!!"

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

You will activate your Last Arc, and will kill <PLAYER>. However, you didn't fulfill the conditions to activate your Last Arc, so you will die in the process. This action will end the day phase the minute I see it, so use it wisely! You will also cancel the day's lynch, and this may be used to save yourself from being lynched. Due to the nature of your transformation, you may not state your role change; you're certain that the others would freak out if they knew what you really were.

You are still allied with the town, and will win with them.


Dear Aere,

You are DJ Lilith. You spent most of your life with your dedicated older brother, DJ Shem. You are at this school so you can give him more fashion ideas.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Enthrall <PLAYER>". Using what occult magic you know, if you die or are lynched the following day, you will reveal <PLAYER>'s role PM for all to see.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


Dear Darros,

You are Sailor Moon. You are one of the first magical girls, even if marrying some guy seven years older than you is creepy. You came to this school because you sensed evil here.

During the night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Let's watch the moon, <PLAYER>". You will talk with <PLAYER> about various things, and no one will dare to interrupt your conversation. Killers won't be deterred, however.

Due to your extreme popularity, your vote counts as double.

You are allied with the town. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

[spoiler=Player notes]Mafia:

Manix - Took on Shiki's leadership role, and talked extensively with the mafia. Though there was only one inspect, the tailor role could cement a fakeclaim based on inspection. Her special kill (have another townie do your kill for you) was really powerful, so Paper suggested I do something to balance it. Thus, every other mafia role had to idle. Behind the scenes, he kept the mafia together. For doing his job, he gets mafia MVP.

Proto/13th - Didn't have time to do much before having to sub out. 13th decided to sheep a vote on Rapier (it was horrifically obvious, don't ever do that again), then claimed his actual role in the hopes that people would leave him alone. With everyone else claiming all over the place, it didn't look quite as scummy as it should've.

TheTinyImp/Snike - Someone needs to build a pause button in her life. Didn't get to do too much before subbing out. Snike did very little, but it turned out he didn't need to do much. Superkill was used on Kay, for reasons unknown (you had a redirect and tailor, guys).

scorri - Waffled on Day 1, but luckily she had the newbie shield to hide behind. Did a LOT of talking in the mafia thread, which made me extremely happy. Managed to be "a little less scummy than Marth/Blitz" (which I disagree with, but whatever), and nearly got herself lynched at the end of D3. Luckily, the rest of the town was not paying attention.


Strawman - Did fairly well through Day 1 until crunch time, when he started waffling. Before anyone could call a serious investigation on him, he hit his alternate lose condition. He was given the JoaT as a fake, so he could claim a kill, inspect, and something else (which I'd leave to his imagination). Other than the Day 1 indecision, did pretty good. Had he killed Prims, he would've won, and I would've posted one of my all-time favorite anime openings (Only My Railgun).

Imagine Breaker:

Prims - I thought about giving him the role, and then the RNG said "I agree". This role had to pressure people at night while leaving a single thought during the day. Prims didn't like being silent through the day, but he talked a lot during the night, as I intended. He decided that Helios looked the most like town, so decided to protect him. Did well when he could talk, though I wish he'd spent more time making his announcement count rather than complaining in IRC.


Rapier - Started on the wrong foot, and when the town couldn't think of anyone else to lynch, went with him. Claiming with two minutes left in the phase was far too late; it probably would've gone over better if he'd claimed 30 minutes before phase end. I hope he'll be able to make a better showing next game!

Marth - Managed to come off as town initially (whew). Didn't really read his role correctly, which led to some D2 weirdness. Decided to try his lynch tie conditional, then finally called right with scorri, but it was far too little too late. This was a vast improvement from Golden Sun Mafia, so keep at it~!

Excellen - Aggressiveness aside, he did a pretty good job on D1 of pointing out that maybe, just maybe, this was town all bickering amongst themselves. Had problems understanding the difference between his role (kills self and person who tries to kill target) and Marth's role (redirect all actions from target to you). Started summarizing things, came to the conclusion that scorri was scummy, and wasn't on to berate everyone else later. BTW, Paperblade was the one that called Excellen an idiot for not considering a mafia cop (even though they existed in Unicycle, Bizzaro, and Touhou, to name a few). Town MVP for actively attempting to scumhunt.

Kay - Got busy on D1, but had enough of a presence not to get herself lynched. She hit the twin role on N1, and could've done a much better job of revealing it (I explained this over IRC). Died to the mafia superkill.

Balcerzak - Like Kay, was busy on D1. He came back a bit before her, and managed to whip up some quality Bal posts. He was the target of every single inspect for N0. Later on, didn't really leverage his role, and watched on silently as the mayor/safeguard was lynched.

Helios - I had him follow Golden Sun Mafia through my eyes, and let him practice his scumhunting there. He was able to talk a D1 bandwagon off of him, but wasn't able to turn it onto someone else (this comes with time, so don't worry 'bout it). He didn't make a very strong D2 showing, then decided that leaving right before phase end on D3 was a good idea (hint: DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN). His logic for suspecting Blitz was reasonable, despite what Paperblade says (you can explain this one yourself). Hinata was a pervert - all she did was watch Touma while he was around. :P:

Bizz - Got the single scummiest town role in the game (Kidnappers tend to be mafia, and Shielle's electric usage would look suspiciously like the Railgun's kill). Her thoughts came in bursts, as usual. Had some ups and downs, but recovered, just in time for the mafia to shoot her (randomly). Rightfully idled on N0.

Shinori/Iris - Shinori wasn't really considered a target during D1, so yay. He got busy (2-4 days is something you run by a mod, not auto-sub-out), so Iris came in. She followed Prims' directions to shoot Aere, not knowing that Aere had been run into a safeguard. I had them hydra this role because the dayvig was powerful. Alas, they both managed to be inactive, thus screwing this role over.

Aere - I facepalmed pretty hard when he idled on N0 (his role specifically stated that it worked when he was lynched). He stated outright that he'd lurk and not vote, then claimed for no reason in the middle of the night. It's his first game, though, so next time. . .read your role carefully, find a reason to vote someone (and don't worry about getting it wrong on D1), and don't claim unless you have a damn good reason to. And to the rest of you: If the Oracle claims they get a role when lynched, don't call for a vig shot.

Darros - Where do I begin. . .on D1, his logic was "Helios seems to defend Rapier, so they both must be scum; therefore, I will vote Helios". Rapier wasn't happy about Darros' logic, which led to the messiness that was D1. Fortunately, Darros shut up about the second half of his role - Mayor. Blitz came in, and named the entire scum team. I told him via PM that I'd yell at him if he died sitting on top of his mayor claim, which is why he said something about it; getting lynched as mayor at 6-3 is beyond stupid. The safeguard, if played right, would've allowed the Oracle a guaranteed hit - but this is something that no one thought of doing.

Full awards:

Game MVP: Manix for making the least amount of mistakes.

Mafia MVP: Manix

Town MVP: Excellen

Luckiest Player: scorri, for not being voted off on D3

Unluckiest Player: Bizz for being randkilled

Best Move: Every single investigative role on Bal on N0

Worst Move: Aere idling on N0, and Prims' suggestion to shoot him

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I started thinking there was something linking Helios and Bal, but once Bal claimed Tracker, I was convinced Helios was not scum too. I also didn't see any reason to vote Blitz/Darros after that safeguard claim. Which was also why I waited until the last half an hour to ask you guys to get me the tie. Otherwise you'd all think I'm up to something fishy and you could easily screw it up.

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Game MVP: Manix for making the least amount of mistakes.

On the contrary,

But also, even if he's scum!rolecop (which seems to be likely, because I doubt Clipsey would give town both a fullcop and a rolecop) , we can still keep him around, because rolecop isn't much of a threat, and if he doesn't comply to our plans to get information, we can lynch him tomorrow.

why was this not cause for an instant lynch d3, it's like people weren't re-reading the game

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On the contrary,

why was this not cause for an instant lynch d3, it's like people weren't re-reading the game

I said the LEAST amount of mistakes. No one played perfectly. . .and D3 was one of the worst day phases ever. The only people who looked like they attempted to read backwards were Excellen and Blitz, and even then, Excellen was convinced that mafias don't have cops, and Blitz was ready to die as an unclaimed mayor.

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I'm game MVP? Jeez. Didn't think I did that well. My only plan was to post in thread only knowing what was in the thread, not outside of it.

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On the contrary,

why was this not cause for an instant lynch d3, it's like people weren't re-reading the game

of course, that was easily my biggest mistake

and really stupid, really. It's just there wasn't much else to base on. Maybe if I had stuck with my Excellen vote that day?

who knows.

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