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[FE10] Another RNG Draft

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right before 2-E, and I have 2000 BEXP to spare

hell yeah

2-3 - 5 turns

Rush to the throne, got a speedwing on the way

Now I'm trying to figure out how to do this for 2-E. I kind of want to try doing this on foot, with Nephinel. :smug: No penalties then, but it's going to take just as long. :awesome:

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2-E - 5 turns

Penalty? Please. Elincia's got nothing on Nephinel double wrathcritting Ludveck with a javelin.


This is turn 4 player phase, and and the enemies that attack before Ludveck + Ludveck got in bullshit hits and got Neph down to wrath range. :awesome:

3-P - 8 turns

Skrimir, I hate you. First try: 12 turns. Second try: 15 turns. (I'm not kidding) WHY DO YOU KEEP GOING BACK FOR ENEMIES THAT HAVE LIKE 1 HP LEFT, GAWD

3-1 - 7 turns

Got both the gem and the robe, used Boyd as my free unit. Rofl is hilarious.

3-2 - 3 turns

Neph took the bosskill, Rofl killed scrubs with a crossbow.

After a thorough BEXP dump, Rofl is around 80 EXP from hitting Marksman. Hell yeah, BEXP.


3-3 - 8 turns

Soren is my free unit, and I suicide him on the last turn as always. This time, though, I gave him meteor so he can kill the halb blocking the supplies up top and also break down the two doors for extra BEXP. Pass!Neph and celerity!Ike, and Rofl promoted on turn 2.

3-4 - 7 turns

Celerity stays on Ike, Ranulf gets pass so he doesn't get attacked.

3-5 - 2 turns

Celerity is needed for Reyson/Rofl to do the 2 turn. I could've also used Neph here.


3-6 - 6 turns

Wow, Miccy didn't even need resolve. Sothe has beastkiller equipped throughout and Aran ORKOd everything he touched thanks to his promotion. Before he promoted, though, he got 6 levels of BEXP to cap his speed. He didn't grow a single point of speed though afterwards >_> On the last turn, Sothe had to be in range of 3 laguz up at the top to end on turn 6, which required a few shoves from Micaiah prior. BK shows up wtflate and doesn't do much but clean up untransformed scrubs at the bottom.

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1-P - 4 turns (4)

No crit on the first bandit, feeding Eddy kills. He got decent levels.

1-1 - 3 turns (7)

Eddy gets the Draco. He and Nolan move up, with Micaiah following behind. She grabs the Hand Axe, while Ed kills the boss.

1-2 - 4 turns (11)

Eddy heads towards the boss, Nolan goes for the room where Sothe spawns, and procs Str and Spd so he OHKOes Myrms with the Steel Axe, and doubles Soldiers with the Hand Axe. Micaiah kills the Javelin Soldier, and grabs the Wind Edge. Sothe kills the boss.

1-3 - 3 turns (14)

Eddy got the door, Sothe rushed through. Eddy and Micaiah trained.

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So far: 79

Drafted Units: Gatrie, Rhys

3-P 9 turns

So after three long and tedious attempts filled with unbearable laguz stupidity, I finally managed to take out the boss on turn 8. Skrimir is nearby and the only enemy alive is the priest. Then come ally phase, Skrimir moved to kill the priest.


This is now my least favourite map of the game. I'm not replaying this again for the possible 8 turn finish.

3-1 5 turns

Took Boyd as the free unit since he has access to hand axes. Ike with Adept went through the grass, Gatrie went bottom, Boyd and Rhys across. Apparently there is no hidden halb, which makes things a lot easier. A pacifist Short Spear halb spawns on turn 5 who will only run around to extinguish the torches, and will stand still if all torches are doused. Gotta take out him first.

3-2 4 turns

Ike got Bexp'd to 20 and took the kill.

3-3 6 turns + 4 penalty (Edit: 10 turns)

Could have been 5 if I had drafted a 7 move unit.

EDIT: Redid this chapter as Haar is apparently frowned upon. Managed to get 10 turns anyway.

3-4 7 turns

Ike with celerity moves ahead while Ranulf follows behind, careful not to get hit.

3-5 2 turns

Rhys is now third tier too! Easy mode is even more liberal with exp than I imagined. Also I just realised that I could have gotten a 5-turn clear for 3-3, but I can't be bothered to replay three chapters again.

Hopefully this one turn won't come back to bite me.

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Isn't 5 str pretty normal for Micaiah? I don't know what you guys are talking about...

CR your turncounts are so good. Can't believe I made so many mistakes already. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

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How is 3-3 5 turned without haar? o_O That map is like, the bane of my existence in drafts and i dont see how a unit can even get to the north supplies in 5 turns...

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Derp, realized he has a penalty. He must have used haar lol. Also, CR RNG abuses she has no experience. (just look at that 5 str micaiah :awesome:) Im just kidding btw.

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Haha yeah. Figured that seconds after posting :facepalm:. I have to finish the haar draft before i do this, because i foolishly saved over the epilogue savefile with the 3-13 clear.

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Yeah it's a Haar penalty. I don't think taking Titania can do it in time.

Haar is allowed to be used with penalty right? Th rules just say he can't be drafted. Sorry if I'm breaking some sort of drafting conventions, this is my first draft and there are lots of things I don't know. tongue.gif

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Well, technically, he is banned from being picked during drafting. But the way the rule is worded has always lead me to believe he can indeed be used but with a penalty. I dont think it was intended to be that way though. I personally dont mind that you used haar but idk what the draft host will think. I sugest waiting for his answer before pressing on to other chapters.

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I'm more than happy to replay that chapter if Haar is not allowed. I'll keep a save. I don't think the exp difference will be of any significance, so I won't be replaying the chapters following 3-3. If I ended up not getting the Hammerne staff (which I got right now) I just won't use it.

Drafted units: Leonardo, Laura

3-6 5 turns

I had enough BEXP to bump Laura straight from level 3 or so to 20/1, and still had a lot of leftovers. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I came up 1 kill short on my first attempt...

Leo did the Nolan thing and walked through the middle, with Laura doing her best to clear out path blockers. Sothe and Micaiah went top.

3-7 12 turns

Volug Howl'd Rhys on the last turn, preventing me from killing everyone on the island. Zihark is carrying a speedwing and savior, and got recruited by Lethe. Yay free steel sword.NewYearsEmoticon.gif

I could have taken out the BK with Gatrie, but I didn't actually buy the hammer in 2-3.

3-8 4 turns

Easy chapter, Celerity!Rhys easily one-rounds all the generals in the boss area.

3-9 4 turns

Third tier Geoffrey is even sexier than usual. He was on worst bio so I gave him Adept, probably won't matter much.

3-10 5 turns

Nothing to say here.

3-11 5 turns

Units available: Gatrie, Rhys, Makalov, Sigrun

Yay, finally some wings, not a bad one either. NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Sigrun is promoted and eats a bunch of boosters, then equips Celerity and Savior. Ike equips Pass and Daunt. I can definitely finish this chapter in 4 turns, but it's too difficult and luck-based to protect Leanne from dying as she would need to vigor aggressively.

3-12 3 turns

Leo with Adept and Pass attempt to kill things with crossbows. It's very entertaining to watch.

Stats update:



3-13 2 turns

Leo proc'd deadeye on Ike. Such a nice bow, and this is the first time I actually use it. What a shame...

3-E 6 turns

So few enemies...

6 turn is definitely possible, but my units just happened to all be in bad/worst biorhythm at the same time, so I had a lot of trouble dealing with Leonardo. Nailah sometimes move too, though I don't know the exact trigger.

EDIT: Redid this chapter and the last, this time with weapons actually on the DB guys. Also reset for a Luna on Leo for 6 turn clear.

Total so far: 162

I think my part 3 is too sloppy... I always lose patience when chapters get bigger.


Silver: Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Laura, Sigrun

Greil: Ike, Rafiel, Leonardo, Gatrie

Hawk: Lucia, Reyson, Makalov, Rhys, (Pelleas, Volke)

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You dont need luck to protect Leanne. Just need to know what to do :P. You need to have someone ORKO all the cavaliers in the starting point and protect undrafted sigrun or tanith. Have savior! flier move and attack something, trigger Leanne and the Hawks. Next, move in undrafted flier to the trap near Leanne. Have any unit kill stuff there. Vigor Savior!flier with Leanne and park her in a certain spot. The hawks will defend Leanne by killing the remaining enemies near her and if no paladins were left alive, shes perfectly safe (if you leave just one alive the rescue guy rescues it and leanne isnt safe anymore). There's also a completely safe zone you can park your flier so that the crossbow guy cant reach btw.

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You dont need luck to protect Leanne. Just need to know what to do :P. You need to have someone ORKO all the cavaliers in the starting point and protect undrafted sigrun or tanith. Have savior! flier move and attack something, trigger Leanne and the Hawks. Next, move in undrafted flier to the trap near Leanne. Have any unit kill stuff there. Vigor Savior!flier with Leanne and park her in a certain spot. The hawks will defend Leanne by killing the remaining enemies near her and if no paladins were left alive, shes perfectly safe (if you leave just one alive the rescue guy rescues it and leanne isnt safe anymore). There's also a completely safe zone you can park your flier so that the crossbow guy cant reach btw.

Thanks. Now I know how to work around that problem. laugh.gif

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I'm more than happy to replay that chapter if Haar is not allowed. I'll keep a save. I don't think the exp difference will be of any significance, so I won't be replaying the chapters following 3-3. If I ended up not getting the Hammerne staff (which I got right now) I just won't use it.

Do everything that involves making you happy. Redo it. You can even shave a turn with Celerity Ike and the other two going to the other four supplies. Sometimes incurring in a penalty isn't so good. XS

EDIT: Keep your progress so far. Try doing 3-3 without Haar, if you get the same TC or less, then do P3 again, if you spend more turns then continue your progress.

Regarding the Leanne thingy in 3-11, I usually have the Savior Flier kill the short axe warrior, so Tibarn kills the sage and cantos somewhere near, so the other two hawks kill the gen and surround Tibarn, so Leanne is safe


EDIT 2: I stupidilly went to the western path in 1-3 and spent 5 turns, lol.

Cleared P1, I'll post things later. Zihark has Str, Skl, Spd and res capped by

lv. 18 o_O, Big T is at lv. 18 too and capped skl. Miccy has 30hp, 6str, 20mag,

20skl, 18sp, 25lck, 6def and 20res by 1-E. Sothe has Hp, str, skl, spd and res

capped by lv. 14.


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4-P 3 turn

Since the squad around the boss don't move, I need the Celerity to make a 3-turn clear possible. Laura got Bexp'd from level 4 to 20 (again) and took charge of bottom. Sigrun killed most enemies while Sothe and Micaiah picked off people here and there, including both purge bishops.

4-1 4 turn

Boots Ike went down, Gatrie right and Leo left. I don't think I can cut another turn without one more unit to take out lower left reinforcements.

4-2 5 turns

Makalov went around the long way while Reyson chants Lucia and Rhys forward. I almost could not finish, and ended up using a charge of the rescue staff.

4-3 5 turns

Saw two Miracle activations. This is the first time I see this skill in action and it's pretty awesome alright.

Sigrun went south then east, Laura went through the middle and Micaiah east then south. Micaiah has to get hit on turn one to go into resolve, which is a bit tricky as that enemy has very low hit rate. Luckily Miccy is on worst bio, or he would not be able to hit at all.

4-4 8 turns

Leo's enemy phase is really just awful. Even with Aqquar he is something like 5HKOing the armors that guard doors. If I move Rhys to Greil I can probably save two turns, but then I'll probably lose two turns on 4-2 as well...

4-5 3 turns

Lucia took the kill.

Stats update before endgame:

Everyone and their mum have all stats capped.

4-E 7 turns (2+1+1+1+2)

Too many sub-34 units and no Nasir means that even with the EM bonus I couldn't finish in one turn.

Total: 197

I'll retry 3-3 now and see how it goes.

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I will try to finish the haar draft tomorrow so i can start this one next day. Im so excited! I want to play EM already lol. Ilyana will destroy everything.

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Ok, so I replayed this chapter and got 10 turns. It's one short of what I can get with Haar since Rhys can't double the starting halb, but it's the same as my actual TC so I'll take this. Now my playthrough is Haar-free!NewYearsEmoticon.gif

Well technically I also used Haar in 2-E, but that can easily be replaced with Elincia. She just needs to dodge the ~60 hit corssbow, not too hard.

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So I read the RNG abuse thread, and it seems that RNG abuse is kinda frowned upon. I'm sorry about that, I did reload quite a lot. The 4% crit in 1-P is the most ridiculous stuff I have done (which I'm not proud of. Let's just call that a moment of obsessive compulsion), beside that I resetted some early level ups for Leo (he keeps getting Skl and Lck Facepalm_emote_gif.gif). There were some skill activation requirements on bosses throughout the game, plus two killer axe crits in 3-1.

And there are lots of dodging requirements on things like Resolve Miccy and Sigrun surviving crossbows (with Miracle and Pavise, so not that low).

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