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FEE3 - 2012


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Fire Emblem Hacked: FE8

Name of Hack: Secret Project (Not the actual name in case you couldn't tell)

Creator: Myself

What You'll Submit: Live Playeable Demo Screenshots (I've decided to switch)

Anything Else? There's also a group project that will be revealed, but I need further consent from the group since someone asked if we should enter it into FEE3 and I said yes, but IDK about the others.

Also, sorry if I'm not supposed to use this template. I skimmed through the other posts and didn't see anyone else use it, so I don't know if it wasn't supposed to be used or something.


I'm switching to screenshots because from the time I posted this to now, I've been getting a lot of ideas for this hack, and some of them affect the first chapter so I think it'll be better for me to switch to screenshots instead.

Edit 2: I've dropped out for certain reasons. It's all explained here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=33114&view=findpost&p=2038794

Edited by ThatGuyDownTheStreet
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This is silly but my "secret" project is going to be on hold for now, I don't think an entrance in the FEE3 would be right, after some extra thought. You can remove it from the list--and sorry for the trouble.

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I know I already PMed Arch about it, but I will have some stuff to show for this

Game hacked: FE7

Title: Fire Emblem: Dimensional Rift

Creator: Fuzz94 and team. (Subieko helped with graphics, NYZgamer3 helped with some events)

Submitting: Trailer, Live Playable Demo, Interview with seph, Public Demo Patch? (still in debate)

Following up on Thatguy's post with a second project that has been secret for a little while.

Game Hacked: FE7

Title: Project 76

Creators: Squad 76 (Dr. Sholes, ThatGuy, Fuzz94, NYZgamer3)

Submitting: Trailer, Screen shots, I'll talk about it in the interview with seph.

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Forgot to use the formatter lol.

Fire Emblem Hacked: FEXP, so no hacked game.

Name of Game: Fire Emblem: Medallion of Hope

Creator: Klokinator and the Phoenix Saga team.

What You'll Submit: Interview, artwork potentially.

Anything Else? The game won't be started working on until July 3rd at earliest when I get my computer, so there's not a lot to show off xD

Edited by Adolf Klokler
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Just a note to everyone who wants an interview.

I'll start taking them from July 1st onward. As in, send me a PM between July 1st and July 18th so we can get the interview sorted out. Take the time before hand to get your stuff ironed out.

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Is there a new set of questions we should prep for or are they in the same vein as last year's interviews?

I've been tossing around the idea of doing an interview so I may or may not want to know this.

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Is there a new set of questions we should prep for or are they in the same vein as last year's interviews?

I've been tossing around the idea of doing an interview so I may or may not want to know this.

Secret :3

Gotta keep you on your toes.

probably the same, might add some new ones

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Okay, I lied. Managed to drum up a few ideas for a showcase.

Fire Emblem Hacked: Technically, "other"

Name of Hack: Animation Showcase: Iron Edition

Creator: Yours truly

What You'll Submit: Count one trailer, several animation packages... and what the hell, I'll subject myself to Seph's questioning this time around.

Anything Else?: Once again, not a hack. Just resources for hackers.

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^yay :D

btw do we need to resubmit using the format if we haven't already or can I get away without doing it in the time it takes to make this post and read the answer I might as well have just done it, but whatever

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Anything Else?: Once again, not a hack. Just resources for hackers.

I cried tears of joy.

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Right, my bad for the double post, but I thought I'd finally go ahead and make a formal submission.

Fire Emblem Hacked: FE7

Name of Hack: Agro's Hack (tentative title)

Creator: Agro

What You'll Submit: Trailer, interview with Seph and/or playable demo for Seph to make an LP with me on the line (so that he can ask questions on the fly and it isn't so boring) if he's willing

Anything Else?: nope

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They filled out the template, I just didn't see it. My bad!

I got you two added to the listings. Looking forward to seeing what you've got!

Edited by Arch
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hacked: FE7

name: currently, MU hack (I'll let you know if I come up with a cooler one by then )

creator: me

just an interview with seph1212 please :3

C/P from Cafe DX

Edited for my screen getting zoomed out and font size being confused :/

Edited by eJubs
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When you are finished making your patch/trailer/demo/etc. please submit them to Arch via PM. He is handling the organization of items, I am handling the organization of videos.

And as mentioned earlier, interviews can start on July 1st, through until the deadline, so don't worry if you don't get one right away.

Edited by seph1212
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...ah, what the hell.

Fire Emblem Hacked: FE8

Name of Hack: Fire Emblem: A Sacred Dawn DX

Creator: Mage Knight 404

What You'll Submit: Live Playable Demo, Interview with seph1212

Anything Else?: Nothing at current.

I missed last year's opportunity, but that was because I was in in the middle of whether or not I should start over with ASD. This year, I guess I can give it a go.

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