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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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I found a fatal flaw with my plan while doing dishes. It relies on certain roles to be allied with the town and exist. If any one were to not exist, it would end badly.

I can say with certainty that I was hit with a redirect, not a driver. Thanks for the other idea, Paper~!

Eli. . .stuff you CAN discuss involves past behavior (D1, and there's now two flips), possible N1 weirdness (Paper being silenced, Marth being hooked and me being redirected), how you see things differently because of your role (but FFS don't be too obvious about this one), and who is a good lynch target today. Things that are bad include claims for no reason, asking people to post flavor/roles (unless they're about to be lynched), "OMG what about third parties are they gonna kill us all?" when it's clear that there's a mafia running around and no one's under suspicion, giving out more info about yourself than is necessary, and assuming stuff that isn't your role. I'm not answering the rest of that quote block because it falls under "giving out more info about myself than necessary".

Thanks to me oversleeping, I found out several things.

1. Blitz is being uncharacteristically lazy.

2. Haze can no longer receive SMS messages.

3. Paper's further on the town side of things.

4. Marth stop echoing me, and nice scumslip.

5. Eli, what you're doing is making yourself look silly by assuming things and asking for flavor. Neither is conducive to scumhunting. Try going back into D1, knowing that Kay and scorri were town.

That last little rant was the most town-like thing I've seen out of you. However, organizing things IN PUBLIC is a disaster waiting to happen; go read Schoolgirl Mafia to see why.


##Vote: Subieko

If "Your win condition is unchanged", then why bring that up? This tidbit doesn't help town find mafia. Your last post consists of "this is what I think, but maybe I should second-guess things to make my opinion seem not as strong?" Being waffly about your own opinions doesn't sit right with me.

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In the meantime, can you guys list out people who you find suspicious? Other than my vote, I'm not happy with Marth. I feel a bit better about Elieson. Pride's sub needs to talk, as does nano.

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Why am I always pressured to talk. :/

I have said everything I can think of already. Do you really want me to say something redundant like "I think Marth/Eli are a little suspicious because of the stuff I have read so far"?

Or do you want my role PM or something...

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There's a lot of stuff that's going on. Have your opinions on people changed, now that there's more posts? If you take your role into consideration (DON'T ANNOUNCE YOUR ROLE), does anything look weird? I'd post more on the second question, but that would basically be a claim from me, and I think there's enough badly-timed claims in this game.

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I'm sorry I got a bit upset in the last post. I have been trying hard for my first game and everyone just seems to be so hard to please.

I don't really have much insight as stated. If I have something I know that can help the Town I would gladly share them.

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I'm the type that likes lots of talking, as well as rereading, and possibly forming other opinions. The latter has been happening far too little for my tastes.

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If "Your win condition is unchanged", then why bring that up? This tidbit doesn't help town find mafia. Your last post consists of "this is what I think, but maybe I should second-guess things to make my opinion seem not as strong?" Being waffly about your own opinions doesn't sit right with me.

I posted it because I didn't know what it meant and thought it might be helpful in some way. Apparently, no one else knows what it means either, so I have turned to other discussion topics.

As far as my opinions go, I feel strongly that Elieson is looking suspicious. His last post and self-vote didn't make him look more Town to me; he says he's been scumhunting, but badgering Marth to reveal his target and infofishing do not, in my opinion, constitute helpful scumhunting. Voting for himself looks like a desperate, dramatic way to try to get pressure of him.

On Marth, I admit my opinions are not as strong, because I am still not sure what to think. Rereading his posts, I felt the same way I did before: N1 he seemed very scummy to me, but then in D2 he seemed more rational and started posting things that weren't just shrieking about how we should be happy Kay was lynched, everyone is ganging up on him, etc. And now that scumslip...it seems so obvious it makes me feel like it's TOO obvious. I'm getting conflicting reads, basically. When I have a more definite opinion, I'll post it, but at this point I don't.

Also where the heck are Iris, Blitz, and Strawman? I don't know if Pride's sub even got his role PM yet so I'll wait on that.

Also also, I know Manix is busy with exams, but whenever he gets back I want to know what he thinks about targets other than Marth.

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Until Ether/Bal make an announcement that Pride's been subbed out, he's considered to be playing.

Reread D1, and use that as part of your opinion analysis.

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##Vote: Marth (L-whatever)

haven't done a proper readthrough yet but I'm pretty sure this is the best course of action anyway!

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I don't want to hammer on anyone just yet; there's quite a bit of time left in the phase, and people need a chance to react to His Awesomeness~!

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14 alive means 8 to hammer and no wagon is near that amount so I wouldn't worry about it

that said an Internet Friend of mine is streaming a movie which I'm about to watch with some other Internet Friends so I'll be multitasking while writing my post and will probably take a while.

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Also also, I know Manix is busy with exams, but whenever he gets back I want to know what he thinks about targets other than Marth.


Okay, so what have I determined? That I think Elie is a bad lynch target. That self-vote to me is kinda saying: "Guys, I'm willing to die if it means giving town info". Mafia shouldn't really do that, tbh. Considering there is a reasonable wagon on him right now, I put doubts that he would actually be mafia trying to get himself lynched. It's just too risky for mafia. (Compare to town!me voting myself in It's Not SFMM2 minimaf, in which I wasn't under a wagon much at all)

I'm thinking that Elieson is just making a few mistakes that people are jumping on. Getting information is good, he's just not going about it in the right way. I'm fairly sure he isn't scum. But I have been known to be wrong before.

and besides, that would mean he has been mafia for most of his games still, yeah, I doubt

No one else is really that target of a target, tbh. Iunno, I could be missing something really obvious right now.

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I don't think scorri was that weird of kill if Paperblade was silenced and Haze was unkillable but either way I don't think it was any less a waste of a mafia NK than talking about her death instead of opinions was a waste of SMS wordcount 358xto1.gif

Again, ##Vote: Marth (L-4)

Satisfied with this lynch the most. That self-save was awful. If he wanted to not-me-over-me vote he should have done it less underhandedly, the time and phrasing of the switch looked like he realized he was fucked as scum and wanted to survive for one more night. Plus Reverse Martyr is a reasonable substitute for scum RB and he's been psuedocounterclaimed. I dunno why the vig didn't shoot him.

Blitz is scummy for having no thought process at all. His short votes aren't even of the self-evident sort, he's just attempting refuge in audacity by not actually scumhunting and instead just voting whoever. Subieko is doing alright for her first game, but she is still a "new" "townie", and there have been other players who have referred to her as such (quick example: Iris #356). Blitz's votes have been weakly justified and there's little evidence of a thought process between his vote switches. I think this is probably newbscum!Blitz, and if it isn't, he needs to explain what he's been thinking while making his actions all game.

Strawman has not done anything other than make a few prodvotes and is probable lurkscum. I'd actually lynch him over Blitz.

Misc shit:

- Marth and Subieko are probably not buddies, otherwise Marth would have coached Subieko about listposting in the scum PM instead. This tell only works if scum don't expect it to be used but Marth doesn't strike me as somebody who would?

- nano, please get opinions. Spec about what happened N1 isn't really helpful in our current situation. Who do you want lynched? Why are they scummy? Nobody cares if your suspicions have already been mentioned, sheeping is better than not having a backbone.

- Iris postandvotemore

- Elieson if you're town then don't selfvote, that's retarded and suicidal. From your PoV literally any lynch has a higher chance of flipping scum than a lynch on you.

- eclipse, post your full thoughts on Marth pls

- Haze: Apparently my SMS didn't send. Please do not use your lightningrod tonight! If you do, my role will passively make it fail so you'll really just be removing your PGO protection.

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Scumslip anyone? Lol. I'm assuming you meant "flip town"?

Eh yeah, guess I was too sleepy. xD

My point still stands though. Manix looks better whatever I flip.

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First, I wouldn't assume that Marth/Subieko are notbuddies based on that. Marth's been known to run off and do his own damn thing for no reason (source: GSM).

I mentioned that I didn't like his echoiness during D1, and his nearly-tie-the-lynch-so-there's-no-lynch didn't help his case. I find it amusing that Paperblade was silenced, when Paper was prodding Marth hard on N1. I find it interesting that Marth thinks Blitz was a good doc target here; in my opinion, Blitz wasn't ZOMGTOWN on D1, and he still doesn't strike me as that now. This is a combination of whining and echoing (in this case, me). Later on (here), I see a demand for Manix to post his role? :facepalm:

And then there's that scumslip that everyone and their cat pointed out. :facepalm:

I still have no objections to having Marth lynched, but I want to hear Iris' take on this first. And FFS, don't end this phase early.


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He did have a point about posting my role, because I had completely claimed at that point. Can't say that was out of line at all.

Also, scumteam is looking like the following right now (FMPOV with some guessing interspersed): Marth, Blitz, Subieko and Straw

Marth for obv

Blitz for lurkscum

Subieko for me guessing (/seems to know quite a bit for circumstances, it's almost unnatural)

Straw for also lurkscum

hey, I'mma be gone for a few hours at a music festival. i know I haven't been super active, but when I get back you better expect I'm gonna be the most active poster in here(hopefully) as well as re-read everything now with the context of Scorri's death.

empty promise much? that was about 28 hours ago. He has made one post since then. Not looking good.

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I don't think Subieko playing well for a newbie is unnatural given that I used to see her reading every Mafia thread for like 3 games straight. Helios played pretty well in his first game too and nobody really blasted him for it. The "Subieko's play is unnatural" accusations seem odd to me, unless I'm misunderstanding the case.

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Was it really necessary to out that you're Rider, on top of everything else?

iirc, flavor didn't really matter as to what alignment the characters are in this game. So really, it wasn't anything that would have made a difference (unless there is some wincon that involves me, which I think I might have known about by now).

iunno, brain is not in the most functional of places right now.

wrt to Subieko: note that I'm only guessing mostly on her being scum, the other part was not the main reason for it at all

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Marth (4): Manix, Paperblade, Haze, Prims (L-4)

Elieson (3): Subieko, Elieson, BigBangMeteor

Subieko (1): Marth

Helios (1): Blitz

Not Voting: eclipse, Helios, Iris, nano, Strawman

We probably have a couple scum in the Not Voting section, because that's typical when the majority of the town isn't doing anything worth nothing. The day's winding down to 24 hours left. If you're not voting anybody yet, do it. Elieson needs to get his vote off himself as well.

Elieson needs to start playing the day game instead of the night game. That said, given that SF tends to gravitate toward role speculation when it isn't necessary (see ICBINSFMM2 D2) it's a trap I can see a townie fall into, especially given his previous experience with Mafia. Elie, who do you think is scum based off their in-thread behavior? Also, I'm pretty sure that if you are town, you don't think you're the scum here, so move your vote.

Subieko has just sort of brushed off all the flak Marth has been receiving. She was on Marth N1 but it looks like she just ended up dropping him overnight. Why's Elieson a better target? I get a bad feeling about the Elieson wagon overall. Reminds me of Shinori in Golden Sun, weaker player who doesn't know the consequences of outing roles and draws ire for a misled attempt to help. That said, I'm not interested in lynching Subieko today either. Marth needs to be the lynch for today after his late D1 performance.

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Leaving work now, so I plan on reading up on all I missed and posting within....i'll say by the turn of the hour latest.

Also welcome Prims!

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I apologize for my lack of posting today; it's a combination of having family friends over all day and me not feeling so well physically. If possible though I'll post something worthwhile within the next couple hours, and if I don't I'll try and say something tomorrow (in hopes that I feel better at least).

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