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Carnival Phantasm Mafia


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Sorry that my reasoning was bad. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

It's the reason I haven't really commented on the other players. I don't have much to contribute anyway, and if I end up saying something stupid I'd just look scummy, and I don't want the Town to waste attention and even a lynch on me.

Also I'm pretty sure Eclipse is third party, and my last post didn't even have her in the consideration.

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Okay, that was sort of expected... Things are not looking good now, we still haven't found a single mafia. I also want to know how to proceed from here...

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During the night, and only once, you may reply "Night X - Project <USER>'s demise". Unleashing Archer's arm, you will create the ultimate projection, and use it to utterly decimate USER, killing them regardless of other abilities at play. However, you are trying to be a Super Hero, and will not kill without due cause, thus you must know that USER is a fan of Shiki.

During the night you may reply "Night X - Send Saber to scout <USER>". You will send Saber to check up on USER, finding out who USER is a fan of. However, this process takes some time, and thus Saber will be unable to perform her normal action for the night.

He suspects you have a similar ability, since you also had a daykill.

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Prims why are you buddying with eclipse and OMGUSing me

Also why are you fucking with my SMSes to make me look bad?

which one in particular, if it was posted in thread?

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Why are you focusing attention towards the third-parties when it's damn clear that we're not interested in the town-mafia battle? Also, who says that they have the same abilities?

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...what are the odds Shirou can be convinced to shoot Strawman tonight?

Reread the role. He needs his minion to scout the person and he needs the person to be a fan of Shiki. Since eclipse killed Blitz he can't use his kill, so he claims.

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I'm a chick, both in this game and in RL. That's also a short list of things that can be tells. Much of it is game-dependent.

gahhhh I hope you know by now that I really don't mean offence when I get your, or anybody else's, gender wrong. :(: I just have a really bad memory with these things, and tend to think of people on the internet as genderless. This causes me to default to he.

Yeah, it's pretty short, but I think Nano is more newbtown than newbscum, so even a short list of them should help him to come up with some better reasoning for his votes.

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Let's take this from the top, then. You see, my time in isolation gave me a lot of time to think.

Dear Paperblade, you are Hisui and Kohaku



You are the twin maids employed at the Tohno mansion. You were brought there at an early age to serve the master as Synchronizers. With Makihisa's death you are now engaged in more mundane services.

As Hisui, you are a diligent cleaner. During the night, you may reply <NOT TELLING YOU THIS PART>

As Kohaku, you are a master planner. In order to better craft your plans, during the night, you may reply "Night X - Asking <Question>". <Question> must be answerable in a single word, and may not directly ask about the alignment of a player, and you will receive a truthful result.

You may only act as either Hisui or Kohaku on any given night.

You are allied with the Town. You win if all all threats to the Town are eliminated.

Now, here's the fun part: I didn't send the SMS to Prims. The person I did send it to sent it to added the last three lines (quoted below as Exhibit A) and sent it to him. You will note they differ from the rest of the message (other than the bits quoting my night action and results) in that they have an attempt at proper grammar. Now, as you may have guessed, this person was either Blitz or Shirou.

Also Elieson is the silencer as he visited P.Blade Night 1.

Also also kohaku if you read this ask how many scum there are.

Post this or be day vigged.

Now, here's a thought: If this guy was the QA or knew the QA, why would he be saying in a public message to ask how many scum there are? It's because he's not the QA, duh. Of course, no one, including Prims, thought this was weird.

So now the next thing that should come to mind is: "How did they know you were Kohaku, Paperblade?"

Now, the first thing you would assume (and what I assumed) is that they had an inspect. However, this isn't quite reality. I told a single person not on the player list about the question asking part of my role. This person is Shirou. Note that you can talk to people not on the player list all you want. Now, hidden players can talk about the game to you, however they cannot initiate conversation and if they post in the game thread they are revealed as playing. But that's not an issue since I talk a lot, especially when I'm angry and silenced.

Anyway, since I've been talking to Shirou, I found out what he sent.

Send message to Blitz
post this:
Night 1 - Asking "Is
You are peerless in combat, with the limitless Noble Phantasms afforded you through Gate of Babylon. However your fatal flaw is hubris, so despite this you are still easily killed. However, when it is apparant that you are about to die you will fight back with everything you have. If killed at night, you will kill the person who attacked you. If lynched during the day, you will kill one random USER who voted for your lynch.

BigBangMeteor's role?"


can't ask about alignment

1 word answers

give me questions to ask

better info roles target unclaimed users

can't ask:

name of scum

role of scum

who killed scorri

# of scum voting

not giving name or would post myself

This is a message from Lord Nergal:

post this:


I said:

Night 1 - Asking "Is


You are peerless in combat, with the limitless Noble Phantasms afforded you through Gate of Babylon. However your fatal flaw is hubris, so despite this you are still easily killed. However, when it is apparant that you are about to die you will fight back with everything you have. If killed at night, you will kill the person who attacked you. If lynched during the day, you will kill one random USER who voted for your lynch.

BigBangMeteor's role?"

Ether said:


can't ask about alignment

1 word answers

give me questions to ask

better info roles target unclaimed users

can't ask:

name of scum

role of scum

who killed scorri

# of scum voting

not giving name or would post myself

Also Elieson is the silencer as he visited P.Blade Night 1.

Also also kohaku if you read this ask how many scum there are.

Post this or be day vigged.


So remind me again, who is misrepping who?

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The quote tags looked broken so I tried to reconstruct them with no idea what the fuck was going on.

How did this change the meaning of the SMS? Also, how is this scummy outside of bullshit conspiracy theories?

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Snike has been revealed to be playing the game!

Kaoz has been revealed to be playing the game!

Snike has been modkilled for breaking outside contact! He was:

Dear Snike, you are Emiya Shirou


You are the main character of Fate/Stay Night, an amateur magus thrust into the Holy Grail War.

You know the fate that shall befall you if you continue on your path, having met the anti-hero EMIYA. You are determined to continue on your path without going astray, and have decided to amass a fanbase to help you. After all, if everyone loves you, they are less likely to pull a tragic betrayal, right? There is only one thing standing in your way, and it is fellow protagonist Tohno Shiki! He is trying to amass a fanbase as well, and if his was bigger than yours, you might end up simply repeating Archer's cycle!

During the night, you may reply "Night X - Show <USER> that I'm a superhero!". You will perform feats of incredible courage in front of USER, and they will be so amazed that they will decide to become your fan. This isn't set in stone however, they could still be coerced into becoming a fan of Shiki.

During the night, and only once, you may reply "Night X - Project <USER>'s demise". Unleashing Archer's arm, you will create the ultimate projection, and use it to utterly decimate USER, killing them regardless of other abilities at play. However, you are trying to be a Super Hero, and will not kill without due cause, thus you must know that USER is a fan of Shiki.

During the night you may reply "Night X - Send Saber to scout <USER>". You will send Saber to check up on USER, finding out who USER is a fan of. However, this process takes some time, and thus Saber will be unable to perform her normal action for the night.

You are a hidden player. You are immune to the actions of revealed players so long as you are hidden, and cannot place a vote while hidden. You do not contribute to the win conditions of any revealed faction so long as you are hidden. If you post in the main thread, you will be revealed as playing this game, and thus will become susceptible to revealed players. As you are playing this game, you may not participate in OC. If a revealed player were to contact you, not knowing you are in the game, you may speak with them, however, this must be reported to the hosts immediately with logs. You must not share any knowledge you have of the game, nor allude to the fact that you are playing. You may not initiate a conversation with another player, aside from your partner.

You know that Saber is in the game, and is Cap'N Flint. Saber was your very first fan, and is completely loyal to you, thus any attempts to convert her will fail. You may speak with Cap'N Flint in the PM provided. You may speak over IM, however, logs must be posted in the provided PM.

You know that Tohno Shiki is in the game as a hidden player.

You are allied with Emiya Shirou. You win if Emiya Shirou has more fans than Tohno Shiki at the conclusion of the game.You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive.

Due to Snike becoming unable to win, Kaoz and eclipse have won, and no longer feeling the need to stay, have left the game! They were:

Dear eclipse, you are Arcueid Brunestud


You are the White Princess of the True Ancestors, the most powerful of the True Ancestors.

Under the light of the moon, your status as a True Ancestor makes you nigh-on invincible. As such, you cannot be killed at Night.

In addition, you possess the Mystic Eyes of Enchantment, ranked Gold under the Noble colours system. During the night, you may reply "Night X - Hypnotize <USER>". You will use your Mystic Eyes to see what USER sees, and thus will find out who visited USER during the night.

Once during the game, during the day, you may reply to the thread "You cannot stand up to the world's chosen, <USER>, Marble Phantasm!". USER will be killed as soon as a host sees it.

You know that Tohno Shiki is in the game as a hidden player, and is Kaoz. You may speak with Kaoz in the PM provided. You may speak over IM, however, logs must be posted in the provided PM.

You are allied with Tohno Shiki. You win if Tohno Shiki has more fans than Emiya Shirou at the conclusion of the game.

Dear Kaoz, you are Tohno Shiki


You are the main character of Tsukihime, who possesses the legendary Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

After the merging of Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night, you became good friends with Emiya Shirou. However, that boy is optimistic at his best and downright delusional at his worst, and this could very well be his worst yet. He is trying to amass a fanbase to somehow change the future, how silly is that? Since you want to do well be your friend, you've decided to snap him out of it, by amassing an even bigger fanbase than him! That'll teach him that just having fans won't change anything.

During the night, you may reply "Night X - Show <USER> my anemia". You will go out to attempt to prove to USER that you are more worthy than Shirou, but in the process, you end up having an anemic attack! How embarrassing... this has no lasting effects, however, and it seems that you managed to charm them enough while they were helping you out to make them a fan. This isn't set in stone, however, they could still be coerced into becoming a fan of Shirou.

During the night, and only once, you may reply "Night X - Use Mystic Eyes of Death Perception on <USER>". You will remove your glasses and unveil your Mystic Eyes, in order to bring USER down. Using your abilities, you will strike USER's point of death, killing them instantly, regardless of other abilities in play. Using these eyes is taxing on you, however, so you can only use them on someone who you know is a fan of Shirou.

During the night you may reply "Night X - Send Arcueid to scout <USER>". You will send Arcueid to check up on USER, finding out who USER is a fan of. However, this process takes some time, and thus Arcueid will be unable to perform her normal action for the night.

You are a hidden player. You are immune to the actions of revealed players so long as you are hidden, and cannot place a vote while hidden. You do not contribute to the win conditions of any revealed faction so long as you are hidden. If you post in the main thread, you will be revealed as playing this game, and thus will become susceptible to revealed players. As you are playing this game, you may not participate in OC. If a revealed player were to contact you, not knowing you are in the game, you may speak with them, however, this must be reported to the hosts immediately with logs. You must not share any knowledge you have of the game, nor allude to the fact that you are playing. You may not initiate a conversation with another player, aside from your partner.

You know that Arcueid Brunestud is in the game, and is eclipse. Arcueid was your very first fan, and is completely loyal to you, thus any attempts to convert her will fail. You may speak with eclipse in the PM provided. You may speak over IM, however, logs must be posted in the provided PM.

You know that Emiya Shirou is in the game as a hidden player.

You are allied with Tohno Shiki. You win if Tohno Shiki has more fans than Emiya Shirou at the conclusion of the game.

In addition, Psych has been subbed in for Paperblade.

Night 2 ends June 13th, at 6:30 AM EST.

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