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Draft Mafia Round 2: AnonyDraft gameOver


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I'd argue that it gives a lot of null reads, since all you're focusing on is me. What happens if your lone read ends up dead for whatever stupid reason? The only thing I have to thank you for is reminding me that I need to get many different interactions in as possible.

Perhaps YOU are part of the problem regarding the lack of reads. I don't see you attempting to engage anyone else seriously, and that only contributes to the lack of reads.

To everyone else: I apologized to the host for such a lazy game. Stop standing around and start talking. As of typing this, there's two more people besides me that exist.

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Repeat what he said when he voted for me. Tell me how that is conducive to scumhunting.

(on a different note, we're out of each other's heads, and I hope it stays that way)

It was a way to get info.

duh, on the dayvig who shot me

this is a shitty question because the only reads coming from town-aligned corpses that matter are (a) people who were attacking the corpse, regardless of method of death and (b) people the corpse was attacking, and only if it was a nightkill. (a) is something the corpse no control over and (b) is made invalid by method of death

one strong scumread is good enough for < 24 hours into d1 when half the players haven't posted so stop acting like i need to write up a huge wall of text on all my null and town reads, because i don't

moonside still needs to answer me

Didn't I do it already? Scumnori just voted you and said 'stop being stupid', then disappeared. FLC justified himself and argued.

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To everyone else: I apologized to the host for such a lazy game. Stop standing around and start talking. As of typing this, there's two more people besides me that exist.

how about you do something pro-town instead smokescreening with pro-town fluff and bad gameplay theory then champ

cut: ok well moonside i think you're Weird for focusing on the people attacking me then turning around and saying i'm bad for "tunneling" when you seem to understand some problems with flc. maybe even Scummy Weird because i can't get a clear picture of what you think is going on behind the scenes in terms of my interactions with scumnori and flc

incidentally if people would read they'd notice that i have clearly stated opinions on all three of the mini-wagons from earlier

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Arguing semantics on whether two words counts as getting info isn't going to find scum. My vote isn't going anywhere until I get a response.

I think the most pro-town thing I can do at this point is to ignore the blathering idiot in teal until he feels like trying to interact with the other people in the game.

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how about you do something pro-town instead smokescreening with pro-town fluff and bad gameplay theory then champ

cut: ok well moonside i think you're Weird for focusing on the people attacking me then turning around and saying i'm bad for "tunneling" when you seem to understand some problems with flc. maybe even Scummy Weird because i can't get a clear picture of what you think is going on behind the scenes in terms of my interactions with scumnori and flc

I'm not on your side, nor on FLC's. Currently I have a feeling that both of you are Town, but I dislike FLC's overreaction and your trolling and focus over him, so I'm not really sure. That is why I'm going to wait until more people appear and give us their thoughts, so I can get more info and reads. I'd start questioning people right now and scumhunting those who are posting and are not FLC and Robin, but I can't think about anything else. You just can't conclude a Detective Book from the beginning or the middle of the story, you know, so I want to give it time.

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I don't think that FLC and Robin are both scum. Either they're both town or only one is scum. I think this mainly because if FLC and Robin were scumbuddies, I think FLC would take the extra step in his posts against Robin and actually vote for him, to solidify the bus, instead of just calling him an idiot but focusing on other people.

Also, Robin, please change your font colour; that teal is giving me a headache.

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Obvious reaction test was obvious. Also why does internet explorer suck at bolding things.

FLC's lack of humor aside, he/she did give off a good reaction to work with. I only have a weak feeling of scum so far though (not due to the lack of humor/overreactions, but moreso from the overall tone of posts, as well as question-dodging and being extremely defensive).

##Vote Rockmysocks

There's inactive scum somewhere

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Could you give an example, perhaps?

Scumnori's vote.

FLC's reactions to some extent.

What is with this prodding of inactives? I don't get it and I don't like it. I see it as a way of scum trying to get around scumhunting.

In the past few games inactives have been getting by with being scum and not being pressed for it.

Don't like Scumnori's vote. I also don't think his vote was RVS.

I'm stlil fine with leaving my vote on Okarin. His FLC vote followed by his statement of "inb4 flc and robin's egg are scumbuddies" seems bad to me.

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Sorry, I was gone allllllllllll day due to puzzle hunting (you've got to be careful about those puzzles. They're dangerous if you're not careful) and then watching David Tennant in drag. It was great. Anyways, I return to find the game has started. Cool. I also find lots of what appears to be stupid arguing and over reactions. Also great. (sarcasm there in case you didn't get that one)

Ugh stupid Internet Explorer always screws up bolding.

Well there's your problem. You're using IE. Sheesh. Switch to Crome. Much better.

Besides that obvious glaring problem, mostly what I see is standard D1 joking around, a fake vig claim (like that's never happened before), over reactions to said joking around, and then people jumping on people for the over reactions. Over reactions are not especially scummy from how I see it. That's natural honestly. You see someone posting what is a potential death sentence for you, it's going to make you nervous even if you're town. And joking around about claiming (even though this was clearly a joke) isn't really a good idea in my mind. It might accidentally start some serious claiming.

##Vote Rockmysocks

There's inactive scum somewhere

Sheesh. Inactivity on D1 is nothing especially when the game's barely started. And honestly, inactivity isn't a huge scum tell unless it's super late game. What you should be looking for is *active* lurking. Aka someone trying to look like they're contributing while actually just throwing empty calories at you. Like beer! Or like plutonium95. One post is a vote because they "didn't like someone's thoughts on the vote" and one post that's sorta kinda not really explaining the vote more and then pointing a FOS at someone but not actually doing anything about it because they "don't want to jump on anything with the little info we have" That is, at least from my point of view, what I consider active lurking. Trying to give some posts but not actually doing much of anything with them. Scumnori was a safe vote at that point, but backed up with little reasoning, and they then refused to vote someone else because there's too little info.

##Vote: Plutonium95

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I'm stlil fine with leaving my vote on Okarin. His FLC vote followed by his statement of "inb4 flc and robin's egg are scumbuddies" seems bad to me.

The FLC vote, as stated earlier, was nothing more than a reaction test vote. FLC, IMO, overreacted to Robin's Egg's obvious jokeposts, so I felt like another vote might cause another overreaction and possible scumslip. In the end I still don't like FLC, but atm continuing to vote for him/her wouldn't be very productive. The "inb4 flc and robin's egg are scumbuddies" was nothing more than a joke (I failed at strikethroughing it though but I blame internet explorer for sucking) and focusing on that line as something serious is equivalent to thinking Robin's Egg was serious with the dayvig posts.

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(I failed at strikethroughing it though but I blame internet explorer for sucking)

You continue to prove my point. Clearly you are scum because only scum would use IE. (Also sarcasm in case people couldn't tell)

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This is slightly better in terms of activity. I don't care for lulls in momentum, unless the mod says so. Games as of late have gone stagnent D3+, which is extremely bad for the town.

Don't mind Caliban's reads, really dislike his position on not prodding inactives. Too much prodding of the same people tends to result in infighting or a consensus to wait. Neither is desirable.

It's easy to say that something is a joke after it's said. I take what's said seriously, especially when it comes to advertising what you are/aren't. I think I have beaten to death why the "joke post" was stupid.

Still waiting for my response. In the meantime, you poor souls on IE who use Chrome should download Firefox instead.

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Eh. Caliban seems to be fairly town right now. They're defending their votes, giving reads, and generally seem to be useful. (Though using IE... tsk tsk tsk) I don't like Moonside's vote on Scumnori (get back here? Seriously? Dude. Give some reasoning behind your votes beyond "get back here") but besides that, seems to be contributing to the town. If it wasn't for the vote I'd say for sure leaning town, but that empty vote puts me back towards neutral. Though, I have to say. I'm not sure I'd call 3 votes a wagon in a 13 player game. Especially early D1.

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Have a nice day.

This is been a public service announcement by Manix.

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So far liking the responses from RockMySocks.

@FourLeafClover: Just pay attention to the tone of the (joke)posts as well as previous posts would be my suggestion to prevent this in the future. This is like beating on a dead horse though so that's all I'm gonna say on the matter. Agree with your stance on inactives. Also getting slight town vibes from Caliban due to his scumhunting attempts. Also I stopped using Firefox years ago...Chrome is far superior to it (plus I think my Firefox is outdated).

##Vote BearKnight

Cute avatar aside, you promised a content post and haven't delivered yet. Step it up son

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yeah moonside is cool with me after response

well i re-read and based on tone & context of posts i'm thinking that flc is actually Genuine Town who i just find disagreeable so uh sorry?? ლ(╹◡╹ლ) i can explain my thoughts here in detail if anybody cares


other ppl:

okarin's prods are pretty bad since it's not real scumhunting. you have thoughts on flc, what about the people associated with her?

navo's post looks weak since he's still dwelling on the earlygame. if you people to join you on the okarin wagon then you might wanna give us some reasons relevant to the current game state dude

right now though i would like to Octothorpe Octothorpe Vote user plutonium95 since he danced around my earlier question by never actually explaining why scumnori was scummy. if you believe we have "little info" then why withhold your own opinions and give us less to talk about?

##Vote: plutonium95 (L-5)

font color isn't hard to read in my opinion but whatever i'm darkening it so hth

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There will be an icon on the top left hand corner, where you can bring up the separate accounts. Sign into SF with your anon account on a separate user, far less hassle.

Have a nice day.

This is been a public service announcement by Manix.

Rein if you read this post please put it in Top Tier in the Mafia Post Tier List.

Also as Bear said, not posting for the first 24 hours of the game is not really inactivity. People have lives and you can't expect them to be there from the very moment the puck is dropped. That's really why I'm not liking people prodding inactives- it's a day into D1. Yeah, some inactive scum have been skating by in the past few games, but that doesn't mean you votepark inactives in the very beginning of the game and stop scumhunting. I don't think FLC is really doing this but Okarin seems to be leaning onto this side.

On another note, it irks me when people (Bear) say they're going to make a post and then leave without making one. Like, it doesn't actually take an hour to read through only a couple pages of posts and formulate an opinion. However, voting someone for this is just empty noise. Okarin is moving up on my scumdar.

And guys stop saying I'm town I don't want to die.

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