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Nostalgia Mafia Game Over



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You think 5 scum? Isn't that a little high?

scumri village is 19 people. Pretty sure that's a good number, if not low, for a game this scale.

I'd like to ask marth to explain how the hell he got the impression that scorri was from Shining Force, btw.

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scumri village is 19 people. Pretty sure that's a good number, if not low, for a game this scale.

I'd like to ask marth to explain how the hell he got the impression that scorri was from Shining Force, btw.

I was on my mobile earlier and I thought Scorri killed BBM or something(small screen wth?) I thought you thanking SF's vig plus everyone saying Scorri vig someone made her come from SF mafia.

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Sage: Please read any of the things that have happened.

a) we're stopping game claiming.

Oh, already?

b) aere's not a good lynch target cause if he's scum he's probably the one they lynch doc'd.

oh, ok I think I get it.

c) Give some reads please.

Rapier's pretty obviously scum. #734 alone makes me suspicious and that's not even getting into his roleclaim.

Bluedoom is also pretty suspicious and he seems like he's jumping to conclusions as a whole. His N1 is also awful.

Kirsche has not voiced anything and I've barely seen him all game. This could be due to real life issues but meh, he rubs me the wrong way.


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Cam: Why'd you drop your Marth case during ED1?

I'm town cuz of BBM's #152 and Manix is leaning town cuz of BBM's #323, get the impression BBM went out of his way to defend votes on townies that he didn't see based on his reaction to people finding me suspicious. Kay's town due to Rein's jail and her interactions with BBM from D1. Would not lynch any of these people today despite previous suspicions. Feel like I should look into Manix more when I have the time due to him being on SB wagon / general D1 feelings but his tone is town at least.

I was thinking about it being a slip, BBM might've panicked from the rising pressure on his teammate and defended him without thinking about it, in typical BBM fashion (no offence).

Really don't like this in hindsight because Kevin's only previous game with BBM was the one where BBM was super obvtown pro scumhunter 5000. also it was anon. Even Kevin's original comment on BBM looks like the sort of waffles you expect from scum not wanting to vote their buddy. I'm reading informed minority seeing what isn't there. He also never read Aere before leaving without a vote.

##Vote: Kevin (L-7)

Marth lynch is alright since he never gave Aere a thorough lookover and just voted the counterwagon. Doesn't mean as much as it could since Aere is lynchproof and unflipped, but still worth thinking about.

Anouleth lacking suspects beyond the obvious is questionable at this point. Elie claim thoughts if you didn't go over this already? What about Marth / Rapier / Kevin?

Siiiigh I have stuff to go do so this post isn't complete. Might change my vote later when I finish my read. Tempted to weak-PoE the final three scum as Aere / Psych / Marth. Rapier is lookin' town for the early game outing when the good scum roles from EO are noticable flavor-wise. The fact that Marth needs to go out of his way to excuse Rapier pushing BBMvigdeath before anybody mentions that in Rapier's defense is hilarious and by hilarious I mean stubborn-scummy. Psych read is gut.

Have not yet re-read N1 onwards.

4-5 scum is typically for 19p @scorri.

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Not feeling it on Sage, but Anou needs to do something.

Also, FOS: Bluedoom

Hi misreading and logic is out the window, and needs to do something accurate soon.

Indecisive on voting for Anou or Marth

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Marth, I hate to break this to you, but SFM did not have a vig


Poor Proto, being ignored despite his shot on aere early game.

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Please explain the Kay case where she is.proven town again for me.

Also. Iris and Shinori are in this game, and are remarkably underwhelming.

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She's not confirmed town, just likely town IMO from her interactions with BBM and his push on her + subsequent unvote reading opportunistic.

Shinori looks good for the Aere push if we're gonna believe Aere is scum. Meta-wise he's badass scumhunter Townnori and not touchy buttangry crybaby Scumnori. Iris is underwhelming, yeah, but she has good interactions with BBM that I'll read indepth when I don't have Algebra 2.

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Please explain the Kay case where she is.proven town again for me.

Also. Iris and Shinori are in this game, and are remarkably underwhelming.

Not going to gun for Kay when there are more obvious targets to go roll. Of course, that is subject to change.

Going to say I'ma agree with you on Shinori, but iris previously mentioned illness so that's not really fair, I guess.

I still want a rapier lynch, and if not, a marth lynch. I guess the day vig, assuming they're the role I think they are, could shoot aere if people want that flip sooner rather than later?

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Prims, just because he gameclaimed doesn't really mean much in my eyes

like, it was in response to the Visil speculation, but he just said "I picked EO, so no"

to me that feels like a brush off to shut up that discussion

but might just be me

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...gg me

i completely forgot about marth with elie's scumdar-blinding ridiculousness D1 (what does ED stand for anyway)

my suspicion of marth brewed from these two posts, which gave me the impression that he knew more than he was letting on

i'm also kind of miffed about this where he completely misreps me by saying that i didn't read my post when he clearly paid me the same courtesy

also on reread he seemed to push really hard at elie and then backed off really really quickly which gives me bad feelings about both people

also i have a niggling in the back of my mind regarding scorri that's probably super dumb

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