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New Prince of Tennis Mafia: Season 1


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Is anyone else starting to feel weird about Blitz btw? I personally feel like his game content has deteriorated since ED1.

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WOW eclipse that post that made you suspicious of me is like THE WORST EXAMPLE and I'm not even going to treat any future suspicion you have on me seriously anymore I'm sorry, I didn't even realize but jesus did it really come down to that (not trying to be a dick or anything but I just. don't understand because the purpose of that post was to clarify my feelings on scorri instead of being vague and dodgy about it like I have been)

Considering we're pretty late into the phase now I don't think we're going to get a lynch on Paperblade or Blitz, both of whom I might feel more comfortable lynching than any of the current wagons and it's unlikely they'll actually be real lynch candidates for the end of the phase (and I'm not going to be around for endphase because of choir rehearsals)

##Vote: Paperblade because fuck it, his 'easy to agree with others' attitude just bothers me enough and I feel he's a lot more under the radar which is normal for him (but :meta: I guess)

I find Prims/Bal interactions interesting but unfortunately won't be able to look into them either. I don't think Kay looks really that bad, her posts were scarce at first but her content is quickly getting better fmpov

okay this is my last post good night

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nngh fuck


##Vote: Paperblade

I'm sorry

also I realize my tone with Eclipse sounded super passive-aggressive and I apologize for that too

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If you're going to quote me doing something scummy, I'd like solid proof of it. If it's meta, I'd like to be labeled as such. I feel that I shouldn't have to press that out of people.

Apparently, I'm still your top read, if your vote says anything. Then again, you're not saying much, so it's hard to tell who else you don't like.

Okay, I phrased that badly, but anyway. Here you go. It's not meta, either. Meta makes you look better, it's this game alone that makes you look bad.

Because I don't believe in tunneling so hard that I lose sight of everyone else, especially not this early into the game. My reasons are still ongoing, and as such, I can't say much more than that.

This seems too much like a justification for your reads being all over the place and noncommittal, and along with the following posts, reeks of "stop questioning me so what if I don't look like town".

Please point to where I directly said I keep reads to myself.

Blitz, I do as I please. Would you rather I keep all my reads to myself?

I'm willing to chalk some of it up to frustration but you're still my top scumread, yeah.

And as far as who else I don't like, second would be Life at the moment, I guess. That could change easily though, since it's obviously based on not that much content. I mean, I do genuinely think he's scum, I'd just like to hear more from him because my main problem is that he seems to only be doing easy stuff. Bizz's posts are objectively bad but I feel like she may partly just be trying to experiment with playing differently. She's still worse than neutral, but not as much as could be. Paper is just a little scummier than Bizz.

2. While you might not be mafia, I honestly believe that you're a negative for the town. Or that you'll drive us into a hole by lynching whoever you want or that you're actually anti-town but some sort of wolf. It's this gut feeling I have.

But hey, if it really bothers you that I have a vote on you, I'll move it.

Life, are you really just moving your vote because it "bothers" Bizz? Somehow I don't think you care that much about her feelings, and gameplay-wise, getting a reaction from people is, uh, good? And last I checked, excessive reactions were scummier. Have you actually decided I'm more likely to be anti-town? Or do you just not want anything to do with lynching Bizz for some reason? Maybe don't want her lynched for real because she's your scumbuddy? Or don't want to openly contribute to a mislynch?

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Life, are you really just moving your vote because it "bothers" Bizz?

No, I'm didn't. I moved it because (1) I want to focus on you and (2) I don't like being called a hypocrite.

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No, I'm didn't. I moved it because (1) I want to focus on you and (2) I don't like being called a hypocrite.

If you say so. Don't think I called you a hypocrite, though, and I don't see why Bizz calling you names would make you unvote her.

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Balcerzak (2): Paperblade, Blitz, Prims, Levity

eclipse (2): Kay, Prims

scorri (2): Helios, Radiant Dragon, eclipse

Levity (2): scorri, eclipse Life, Prims, eclipse

Prims (1): Balcerzak, eclipse

Kay (1): Life

Paperblade (1): Levity, Balcerzak, Prims, Levity, Blitz

Helios (0): Kay

Blitz (0): Radiant Dragon, eclipse

Radiant Dragon (0): Paperblade, Prims, Balcerzak

Life (0): Levity, eclipse

Should be correct. The cycle ends in 9 hours and 48 minutes. Please remember to send in your actions if you have any.

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I don't see why Bizz calling you names would make you unvote her.

Like I said, I'm undecided on Bizz. She doesn't feel like mafia but still some sort of detriment to us. I'd rather feed her rope to hang herself than do it myself.

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>4 2-man wagons with 4 and a half hours left in phase

I hate you guys sometimes.

Wagon priority for me is Bal>scorri>Levity>eclipse

Bal should be self explanatory if you've actually read my posts

scorri because I can't remember her opinions beyond "Paperblade is townie" and "Levity is scummy"

eclipse is below Bizz because D1 eclipse is EASIEST META IN THE WORLD (thanks Kaoz for telling me the secret during SSBU)

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ftr whenever eclipse goes "I am fine with my lynch because information" or something like that she's always town 100% of the time every time, and she'll unvote to break a tie even if she thinks the other wagon is super town for information. Note that she didn't do this in SSBU.[/bestmeta]

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Yeah okay I'm super pissed off now, go ahead and make claims without explaining them, Kay, everyone thinks I'm suspicious for that but you and Scorri get off scot-free and I'm FUCKING sick of it

if you want me on a current wagon here's what I think


##Vote: Scorri

I think she's worse than Eclipse. Eclipse is at least more adept at giving more well-rounded reads of people and just feels a little more protown. You want me to fucking explain myself? Let me go through Scorri's posts:

Put in a spoiler because this fucker is long.

Not including the RVS vote.

I've posted once. I voted Bizz as an RVS vote, but am not currently inclined to move it. I've been busy writing a paper, which is why I hadn't posted again as of yet. But, I think for now I'm going to leave my vote where it is. I'm not seeing anything especially odd about RD, but I'm also not really seeing anything much off of anyone yet.

Explains herself. Is obviously suspicious of me in some way but doesn't explain why. If this were anyone else I would be suspicious because warning bell #1 is pulling this bullshit and getting off with it. Brief mention of RD.

Prims: I'm not really seeing it. I've seen Paper advocate for the death of a third before so that's not especially surprising to me. I don't really get any sorta of scum vibe from him yet, but I'm not making any assumptions on anyone yet.

"I'm not getting a scum vibe off of it but I don't want to make any assumptions." Uh-huh.

Bizz: Reasons for keeping my vote on you is because you find me scummy after one post which only really includes a vote on you. Excuse me if I'm seeing a slight OMGUS in there. I already mentioned that RD is a null case for me right now, though if he keeps asking other people to do the work, that might change. Blitz is neutralish for me right now.

Explains her reason being suspicious of me, finally. And uhhh, I after thinking about it feel that one reason to be suspicious of me is kind of bullshit and feels a little contrived, probably only because it took her a while to actually explain though and it's only that little reason and like


also "RD is null except it might change, Blitz is neutral"

that doesn't help anything at all. She still doesn't have any other scum reads at this point.

Bizz: Seeing as how all my post had was a vote on you and me saying "Let's get this started"... seems odd for you to be able to call me scummy off of that alone. And I wasn't aware I was being overly defensive. I'm just currently keeping my vote on you because it's what I feel best about. And my meta on Paper was after you called me scummy. So.

Addresses me again. More explanation.

Bizz: Oh sorry, misunderstood part of your post. I read it as saying my meta of Paper was part of the original reason for you being wary of me. That was a mistake on my part.


addressed to me again.

Blitz: I've given some of my reads. I talked about Paper. And if I haven't mentioned someone, it typically means I have a null read on them.

Hey, look, but all of her reads up to this point have been either 'null' or 'neutral.' Now she claims she has no other scum reads when she didn't even list any in the first place. See the contradiction here?

I talked about RD briefly.

Like... he's been being acting differently than other people, but he also hasn't played recently and I honestly don't see anything scummy from his posts so far.

Wishy-washy opinion on RD again.

Okay, I return from two days filled with more work than expected, but *shrug* what can you do. Thoughts on what's happened since I left. Well... Helios's one post has made me feel better about him than pretty much everyone else in the thread, dunno exactly why, but it did. So there's that.

Besides that, I agree with the general consensus that Bal needs to post things that are actual game content as opposed to flavor stuff that isn't actually useful, I still don't like Bizz's reactions to things and feel like she's pushing on weird things like Helios's post that was actually a pretty good post, gave good scum reads, and wasn't a useless list post. I'd be ok with either of these lynches. Still prefer Bizz's right now though. I feel like Life's idea of waiting a cycle to lynch someone is... odd, but not especially scummy. I remember in older games that was a thing that would happen sometimes and *shrug* I'm willing to give that a pass for right now.

Reminder that if I'm not giving reads on someone it means I have either a town read or a null read on them and don't feel like explaining which.

OKAY, SO, FINALLY a bit more material. Feels good about Helios. That's legitimate. Then she 'agrees with everyone else" that Bal should post more material BUT SAYS LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE ABOUT IT and the rest of the post is about me, again, except for the brief mention of Life and "I'm willing to give that a pass for now." She's been giving like everything a handwave except for my scumread on her. It's super frustrating. Don't you see it?

Bizz: If you've done nothing to change my view of you, then yes, I'm going to continue voting you. I'm not saying you're the only scummy person in the game, but as of right now, you are the person I find the scummiest.


Bizz: I don't get why you're so hung up over the fact that I'm "hounding" you unless it's literally just because it's you that I'm doing this to. Would you prefer that I decide to stop trying to get someone I think is scummy lynched just because they say I'm tunneling or that I'm wrong? Like... nothing has made me change my scum read on you, so I'm going to continue calling for your lynch. I really don't see the problem here.


No, I did read it, and I'll agree that I could probably stand to post more, I've just been busy which sucks but hopefully won't be true starting soonish. But you keep tossing out words like tunnel and hound that are painting me in a bad light when it's only been half a cycle. Those are really strong words for how short of a time it has been. It just seems off.

Agrees with the part of my post that she should 'post more' ... except no, it's not that I want her to 'post more,' I want her to post more CONCRETE READS. Explains she's busy.

Why is it that people have been getting on me for my rhetoric/vocabulary usage of all things? Life, Scorri?

Paper: I don't find anything weird about it. It's a valid point that leaving an RVS vote with no reasoning behind it isn't a great idea. But, since Blitz is about to post, that may change things.

Another wishy-washy opinion.

He has a point. But, I think it's less of a point than he's making it out to be. Just because you haven't started a wagon doesn't mean anything. I also think that the voting pattern, while interesting, isn't indicative of scum. It'd be silly for scum to vote in a block like that this early in the game. I'm not saying it's impossible, but eh.

Moving on to my own stuff, I find it odd that Bizz went from saying she had a scum feel on me and was wary of me to all of a sudden saying that she hadn't thought I was scum. It's like all of a sudden she backpedals and is trying to make it seem like she wasn't as on my case as she really was. I think that RD is... odd, but I'm not sure why. There's something about his posts that are striking a warning signal in my mind, but I can't explain why. I'll try and figure that out.

Uh... that's all I remember right now, will try and reread in my next break from studying.

Addresses Bal, then look, she mentions me AGAIN and then leaves it at that. Mentions no one else. Says she's leaving to go study.

Bizz: You said you had a scum read on me in one of your very first posts and then when I asked you why, you said that you had ED1 scum vibes on me and that my additional content continued to make you wary. So don't try and say you never called me scum.

'ed1 scumvibes' usually last like 5 seconds but man you're really overreacting to it and i really don't like that at all.

So, I have basically no thoughts on mafia right now. My brain is fried and I'm feeling out of my depth. Like... I've been staring at this screen and rereading for the past hour and can't think of anything to say. So, I'm going to sleep I think and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to give a little more input on things. Sorry.

this was her last thing posted.


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oh yeah and those are ALL of her posts besides the RVS vote. That's not a lot of material to work with at all.

I have boatloads of rehearsals today and I won't be back for deadline so yeah sorry for that but I hope that finally kinda explains things because FUCK I'm fucking mad

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paperblade why is it that like you silently agree with everything i say most of the time because i don't know what to think about it, i think the only time you've addressed something i've said in a negative manner was when i called helios's post 'listy'

idk i'm just curious because it's one of the things that makes me feel weird about you

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Welp. I guess I'll claim?

I'm a sort of JoAT plus announcer. Basically, I have three one shot abilities that allow me to gain knowledge and/or influence the stamina of other players or I can choose to make an announcement instead.



since a Bizz lynch doesn't look like it's happening and I'd be ok with this lynch as well.

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scorri because I can't remember her opinions beyond "Paperblade is townie" and "Levity is scummy"

don't say i'm scummy

scorri who I have non-scum read on atm

not scummy

The only other time you mention me you call me unforgettable, not scummy.



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uhh I posted that scorri was scummy way earlier

but what about like

all the other times you've kinda sat back and agreed with opinions

This bothers me too. This isn't even a direct answer to my question, doesn't even address what Helios and I just said about him, just kind of a sidestep answer


##Vote: Paperblade

scorri's claim was kinda vague but it's satisfactory, the announcer part bugs me though and I'm sure scum might have ways to negatively affect player stamina so idk

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