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Characters Whose Fanbases Are Too Excessive and Biased


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So are there any video game characters whose fanbases you aren't very fond of because of how biased and excessive they are? I don't mean characters that have a big yet okay fanbase that doesn't go attacking other characters for no reason (I mean you don't see Nathan Drake fans attacking Snake fans very often, or them hating or flaming anyone that doesn't like Nathan Drake), but characters that have big fanbases that are very vocal and attack other characters' fans a lot (like how Kefka fans bash on Sephiroth 24/7 and how they say Kefka will shoot the light of judgement at you for hating him).

Scorpion from Mortal Kombat is my most hated video game character ever (People like this tantrumming, pouty manchild, why? Plenty of other characters out there has suffered similar things and dealt with it so much better. And yes, I hate him even more than Kefka and FE4), and his fanbase really adds to that. His fans always claiming he's the most powerful MK character ever (Raiden and the other gods say hi), them claiming he's the Mortal Kombat champion and protagonist (Liu Kang says hi), Ed Boon himself practically having Scorpion as his waifu and being blatantly biased towards him in the Mortal Kombat series (always featuring him beating on Sub-Zero 24/7 in trailers, shafting Liu Kang the series' protagonist quite often when never doing that for Scorpion since MK3, featuring him in the company's logo).

There's also Kefka. People really need to stop overcrediting him. Pushing the switch to destroy the world and become a god shouldn't even count as an accomplishment, especially when other Final Fantasy villains actually had to put in a lot of work for their power or a lot of work to achieve their goals. Plus, the laugh is hardly as unsettling or epic as people make it out to be.

There's also Sonic, where so many people consider him the "strongest character ever" because of Super Sonic (and those same people ban "Invincible Star Mario", Fierce Deity Link, and the like. That sure isn't biased at all). I also find quite a few Sonic fans to constantly bash Mario like it's still the 90's, even when the Mario vs. Sonic argument isn't in context. You hardly see Mario fans do that to Sonic. And no matter how much you try to argue against it, Sonic was inspired from Mario in a lot of ways (even Yuji Naka, one of the main programmers of the series, admitted Sonic was inspired from him enjoying speed running through the original Super Mario Bros., plus, many Sonic games were inspired from Mario games, like Sonic R and Sonic and Sega All Stars racing from Mario Kart, Sonic Schoolhouse from Mario Paint, and Sonic Shuffle from Mario Party).

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Definitely Sonic. Hey, the guy's awesome (not as awesome as Knuckles, Blaze, or Cream, but he's up there), but I'm...I'm pretty sick of the praise he gets in SSBB because his Final Smash is among the best in the game. It's funny because generally, his combat without the smash ball isn't that great other than being speedy.

Mario fans bash Sonic, but not as much as some of the worse members of the Sonic fandom bash Mario. Sonic fans are mainly more vocal about it, which is why people deem them the worst of the video game fandoms as well as other reasons. *coughrecolorscough*

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Sonic... Sonic... Sonic... Sonic... Sonic

Sonic's fanbase strikes me as incredibly obnoxious and I avoid it like the plague... and then some more.

Also husbando/waifu wars are the worst in any game.

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Mewtwo's fanbase rides/sucks its phallus and runs around saying it's the greatest Pokemon. Nope.

Lucina's fanbase too. Hm, yes.

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I agree on Mewtwo and Lucina.

Also, as much as I hate to say it, I have to add Link to this list. Yes, Link, from the Zelda series. All he really is is an elf-like (but sometimes hot) guy with good sword skills and a talent for using a lot of items. He doesn't have any character, we never get to learn much of his backstory (OoT is the closest we get to any full backstory on Link, as far as I know), he's hardly a deep or well-developed character.

Toon Link is really cute though. But still, overall, Link is hardly one of my favorite characters. He has little going for him, and yet, so many people like this guy for some reason and think he's like the most powerful dude ever. I say Ike and several other FE characters would kick his ass easily in a fight using their standard weapons. Sigurd, Chrom, Frederick, Ephraim, Hector, I think all these guys would crush him.

Edited by Anacybele
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There's also Sonic, where so many people consider him the "strongest character ever" because of Super Sonic

I really hope nobody actually thinks this. Because hell no. Strongest fictional character I know of is in jojo, and while that's niche enough I don't expect people to know it, I can't imagine what would ever lead to this nonsense. How could you not see other things first? How? This character is not the flash.

Gold experience requiem is not fallible by any means, it's a complete joke.

I dislike the kingdom hearts fanbase. Franchise became dead to me shortly after KH2. The fans made me hate it, then the sequels just made it justified.

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Sonic... Sonic... Sonic... Sonic... Sonic

Sonic's fanbase strikes me as incredibly obnoxious and I avoid it like the plague... and then some more.

As you should. And this is coming from a pretty big Sonic fanboy here. The fanbase outside of the rare sane parts of it. are rabid dogs who tear each other apart when a new game is announced etc.

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Only character I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is Mega Man.

But only for the fact that his fan base thinks he has to be in EVERY Capcom crossover. People bitched and moaned about Mega Man not being included in MvC3 nor the updated version, UMvC3. And there's the fact that fans couldn't take the inclusion of Bad Box Art Mega Man in SFxT as a joke (Sure, they canceled some Mega Man games and such, but this was Keiji's idea before he left Capcom)

Then again, the Capcom fanbase has gotten really bad in recent years.

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Master Chief, boy, if you compare any hero of a shooter franchise to him, fanboys will swarm to his aid. I once simply stated on a Youtube vid that Solid Snake was a more interesting character than the Chief, and a fanboy rushed in and started ranting that Snake couldn't possibly beat Chief in a fight, which, BTW, wasn't the comparison I was making. Not only that, but loads of hate mail and dislikes followed. A good number of CoD fans will bash anything that isn't CoD, will routinely go on every gaming vid that doesn't contain CoD, and troll the comments. And although these guys aren't video game related, Goku vs. Superman is a very bloody debate, most people willing to side with Goku. (Despite the Death Battle vid by Screw Attack stating otherwise, with much math and evidence to support it.)

I don't dislike MC, nor do I dislike Goku or Superman.

Edited by Knight
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FEA characters have quite some fanbases, but all things considered, no matter how much I hate certain popular characters I wouldn't think of listing one of them here.

The most correct answers with regards to gaming are Mewtwo and Charizard (though nearly anything from Gen I will at least get you partial credit.) Of course, my opinion doesn't mean anything, because I clearly am too young to understand this since by the time I'd started getting into Pokemon they had already revealed 153 Pokemon.

Edited by Iridium
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Mentioning that you're not a fan of Organization XIII will already spark some kind of rage, but if you dare mention you don't like Axel... cue the flame war.

[/sigh] Actually, I could sit here and point out certain things that WILL get you some serious hate on the fandom, but that would take a while. Considering the amount of Axel fangirl and how very very vocal they are, this is the biggest example I can think of off the top of my head.

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Both sides of the Sephiroth/Kefka debate. And toss in Aerith.

Personal bias aside (I can't be assed to beat FFVII because I'm of the opinion that the game itself isn't as good as VI), anyone who gets themselves into this debate is fucking retarded. Considering that Kefka can easily be beaten by a 10 year old girl, 70 year old man, stuffed animal and yeti while Sephiroth gets his ass kicked by a guy that hallucinates, tits and a faggot dressed up like a vampire, both suck balls.

Aerith is the one that actually gets on my tits though. No personality, shit combat and a shaky (at best) connection to the plot does not mean that people should cry when she gets offed. Nor is she the first in the series from your party to die (Josef/Ricard/Minwu in II, Tellah in IV but the one that matters and comes out of left field is Galuf in V when the player has a connection to the guy, not to mention that he's vital to the plot). Basically Aerith gets FAR too much love.

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The Sonic fanbase it one big battlefield. There's one side that likes classic Sega genesis Sonic with 2D platforming. Then there's those who like only the 3D Sonic games. Then there's some that like both. Finally there's that weird part that likes furries. Final Fantasy gets a mention for the fanbase hating on ever new game and praising the old one.

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People in glass houses should pick carefully where they throw stones

Every person who has ever enjoyed a video game universe, in this metaphor, lives in a glass manor and is under house arrest

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Now that a lot of people are mentioning the Lucina fanbase. I actually have to agree. They aren't anywhere near as rabid or as savage, but some of their suggestions are quite unreasonable, like having Lucina instead of Chrom in SSB4 (Lucina isn't a lead in FE13 for the whole game) or having Lucina replace Marth in SSB4 (that's as unreasonable as having Pichu replace Pikachu in Smash Bros.) And I also don't see what makes Lucina so awesome in the first place.

Mewtwo's fanbase rides/sucks its phallus and runs around saying it's the greatest Pokemon. Nope.

Gen I of Pokemon, much too overrated.

The most correct answers with regards to gaming are Mewtwo and Charizard (though nearly anything from Gen I will at least get you partial credit.) Of course, my opinion doesn't mean anything, because I clearly am too young to understand this since by the time I'd started getting into Pokemon they had already revealed 153 Pokemon.

How could I have fogotten Gen 1 Pokemon and its two most overrated Pokemon? They could've made Mewtwo look like a pile of turd and people would still be nostalgia-ing over it just because of how powerful it was. Even back in the Gen 1 days, I found Mewtwo overrated and his fanbase annoying because of how everyone used it and how boring battles became. And some of those people think it's a bad thing that they introduced more legendaries and Mewtwo is no longer the most powerful? That sure isn't biased and closed-minded at all. And then there's those Mewtwo fans that raged over Lucario being in Brawl and Mewtwo being excluded, when they were actually both planned to be in Brawl initially. I really hope Mewtwo stays out of Smash Bros. from here on out. I'm beyond sick of Gen 1 Pokemon (most of them) and their fanbase and how some people actually think Smash Bros. should be Gen 1 Pokemon only because "Gen 1 is the best."

Charizard, ugh, why do they always have to hype him up so much? He's not the only fully evolved Gen 1 Starter, you know. I really don't like how Game Freak themselves are quite biased towards Charizard (having Charizard in Pokemon Snap but not Venusaur and Blastoise, having Charizard Pokemon cards always have insanely high damage output, Shiny Charizard being available as a card but not Venusaur and Blastoise). People should stop hyping him up as a standalone Pokemon mascot (as a fully evolved starter, he's pretty much a package that should always include Venusaur and Blastoise) as if he was on Pikachu's level. I've had a similar problem with all fire starters and fire types in general (I'm so glad Stealth Rock and Earthquake prevalence destroyed a lot of fire type usage), because of how people always hype up fire starters and the grass and water starters don't get nearly as much appreciation.

And then there's the general Gen 1 fanbase. "Oh, the Pokemon are getting so much worse and so much more unoriginal!!" Gen 1 had plenty of unoriginal Pokemon, like Voltorb, Electrode, and all multiplying evolutions (Dugtrio, Magneton, Dodrio). There's plenty of ugly Gen 1 Pokemon as well like Weezing, Greveler, Gloom, and Victreebel. Ugh, there's just no pleasing them thanks to their nostalgia...

Also, as much as I hate to say it, I have to add Link to this list.

Ugh, Link. I could never take the guy seriously because of how ridiculous his outfit looked (the loose elf hat and tights really killed my ability to take him seriously). And that OoT, MM, and Toon voice, so annoying (I do like his TP and SS voice though, since it's no longer high pitched).

I also really hate how Link got two versions of himself in Melee and Brawl. So what if it's technically two different characters? It's still the same persona. That's like justifying putting Bi-Han Sub-Zero (not in Noob Saibat form) and Kuai Lang Sub-Zero in the same Mortal Kombat game (I didn't like how they did that in UMK3). They should just change the different incarnations of Link into alternate costumes Wario style if they really insist on including them. No other characters got alternate versions of themself in Brawl as separate character slots (even Zero Suit Samus and Sheik), so I don't see why Link should.

People constantly vote for him in GameFAQs character battles and he's won 6 or so of them already. Give the votes for him a break already, will you? I've also found quite a few people with usernames relating to Link (eg: linkworshipper43 and hero_of_time22) to be really rude, biased, and closedminded, probably on par with the rabid Sonic fans. And then there's those Link fans that think he's the strongest video game character ever. No, just no. There's also Link fans that bash on any Nintendo character that isn't Link just because they can't "compare to his greatness and power." There's quite a lot of that around 2005-ish, not so much now. Still, the rabid Link fanbase at times makes the Sonic fanbase look like wonderful people.

I really hope nobody actually thinks this. Because hell no.

You'd be suprised as to what people argue on GameFAQs. Though I guess it shouldn't come as a suprise that Sonic's attitude attracts a lot of fans with attitudes as well.

Both sides of the Sephiroth/Kefka debate.

Oh yeah, Sephiroth (as well as FFVII as a whole) is really overrated as well. Though I've always found the Kefka fanbase and praise worse, and this is coming from a guy whose a member of Eyes on Final Fantasy Forums whose seen the Kefka worshipping firsthand.

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I suppose I'll have to agree on the Sonic fanbase, and that of Gen 1 Pokémon in general being bad (especially Mewtwo and Charizard). And I'll also say that I think that Ike and Sigurd's fanbases are pretty bad (FE wise, I personally think the Jugdral fanbase is the worst by far).

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There's also Kefka. People really need to stop overcrediting him. Pushing the switch to destroy the world and become a god shouldn't even count as an accomplishment, especially when other Final Fantasy villains actually had to put in a lot of work for their power or a lot of work to achieve their goals. Plus, the laugh is hardly as unsettling or epic as people make it out to be.

Oh man, I feel the same way. People who hate Sephiroth describe Kefka as the perfect villain when he's just an inferior Joker rip-off who does evil things for no reason.

It sucks that these generic evil-doers are so much more popular than the vastly superior Kuja.

Edited by Frosty Fire Mage
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