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Toonami Mafia: Game Over


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your vote is currently on: Bardiche

I still don't like his reaction to voting a claimed alignment cop, shitty fakeclaim or not. Nobody answered my question to what kind of cop he was anyway.

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Then in the future, please do not answer for people other than yourself, unless you're Masons or Scum together. The former because you know a Mason is aligned with Town alongside you, the latter because it makes it easier for the rest of us to lynch you by associative linking.

Hindering other people's attempts at scumhunting─whether it be by a method you believe works or not is irrelevant─directly supports scum, especially when done at a stage where no direction is being taken and you yourself show no interest in advancing the gamestate. Saying, "Call me when RVS ends" is testament to this unwillingness to bring about the end of RVS yourself.

Ironically, you managed to actually end it! Be happy! My vote is not random.

Meh. I'll do what I want to do and what I think is ok to do. I'm going to play like I play and you can play how you play. I'm completely aware that your vote was serious, no need to emphasis it. And like I've said. The reason I was leaving was because I was quite aware that if I kept arguing, it was going to turn into the slapfight that it has. Also because I saw no way of ending RVS when I have no good reads on anyone.

Don't see town explicitly going out of their way to deny the game interactions even if they didn't like reaction tests, then trying this hard to justify it when called out instead of going "whoops my b".

Really? You've never seen me argue this much against reaction tests? Not even as, say, Javert? Where I explicitly called out a reaction test before it even was acknowledged as one and multiple times stated why I thought reaction tests were dumb?

I'd sheep scorri though if someone would kindly answer though.


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I still don't like his reaction to voting a claimed alignment cop, shitty fakeclaim or not. Nobody answered my question to what kind of cop he was anyway.

Because rolefishing is bad! Your vote isn't really worth a dignified response because uuuh, "Bard claims non-Town result BUT HIS REACTION IS SHITTY SO MUST BE SCUM". You realise you're voting an apparent rolecop who claims an anti-Town result on someone, right? Alongside cheerleading a wagon on scorri, right?

NekoRex, trying his hardest to appear derpy when all he does is appear scummy. Would lynch if scorri wasn't busy being scummier.

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Because rolefishing is bad!
Also saying you'll swap votes if I fullclaim is the textbook definition of "rolefishing". Huh Whatty do you really have a dayvig? :3

lol. gj there.

>Don't rolefish

>Oh hey, do you have a dayvig?

Not calling you scummy, just loling at the hypocrisy.

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Nobody answered my question to what kind of cop he was anyway.

Read The Fucking Thread

Really? You've never seen me argue this much against reaction tests? Not even as, say, Javert? Where I explicitly called out a reaction test before it even was acknowledged as one and multiple times stated why I thought reaction tests were dumb?

As Javert you were arguing why a guy you thought was scum was scummy. Here you are arguing that since you don't like reaction tests, it was OK for you to fuck one up even though that only slows down the game.
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@Scorri: You should read that as, "Hey Huh Whatty you should dayvig NekoRex if you are a dayvig."

@NekoRex: Killing me isn't beneficial to Scum. It'd just confirm I'm speaking the truth as far as I know. Scum don't need to know whether my role power has multiple shots or not. Scum doesn't need to know whether I target players or Toonami shows. Scum doesn't need to know whether I get roles, alignment, or whatever. Scum doesn't need to know anything about my role because telling them would only help them make an educated choice as to whether or not I should die tonight. Meanwhile, Town can make an educated lynch decision when they know I'm Town, and they can read what I claim my results to be. (Townies have no reason to lie about their night results.)

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Bard: Still sounds like a rolefish to me. Like I said. Not calling you scummy, just pointing it out.

Anyways, heading out for now. Be back later. Lets see the sheep gather in that time.

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Paraphrasing RolePM results is alright by me. No quoting anything except your RolePM.

Read the rules

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Bard: Still sounds like a rolefish to me. Like I said. Not calling you scummy, just pointing it out.

Still makes me want to lynch you. Calling attention to an action and then letting everyone draw their own conclusions is scummy. It's called reporting.

I'm happy with where my vote is and I invite everyone else to weigh in on their feelings and thoughts.

As far as my night result goes: Sailor Moon has Sailor Scouts who she can call upon to make everyone's active abilities fail during that night, unless they are aligned with the Fandom Series Brigade. Then they are unaffected. Note that it affects "ALL" users, there's no word of exclusion of the user. Fandom Series Brigade isn't the Absolution, which Town is, and there's no point to a Townie being able to block the entire Town and permit Scum's actions unhindered. At best they are ITP, at worst they are Scum.

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Still makes me want to lynch you. Calling attention to an action and then letting everyone draw their own conclusions is scummy. It's called reporting.

... How is letting other people draw their own conclusions scummy? I don't find you scummy, I just find what you did to be hypocritical, which I already stated. I'm seriously confused here. Not letting other people draw their own conclusions is called forcing your opinion on someone and is about as scummy as it can get. People need to be able to draw their own conclusions, otherwise this game would be dumb.

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Bard: Yes. There are about 20 other things that I want to say here, but I'm not going to because a) I'm probably misreading your tone because ~internet~ and b) I know I'm in a bad mood and as such am probably overreacting.

Prims: Few town ones, lots of null ones, nothing I'd call a solid scum read otherwise I'd be voting.

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... I didn't think that paraphrasing might be a bad idea. Sorry about the trouble.

One more thing before I shut up and wait:

Bard could you please answer NNR's question about you here? Just to put it on the record.

Pedit: Your refusal to divulge that role but automatically out the result in a confusing manner is sketching me out. I'm not going to vote until the whole ability thing is sorted out, though.

Pedit Pedit: That makes me feel a bit more comfortable (was wondering htf you got fandom in your first post).

@Prims: I'm uneasy with how fast the consensus went to 'Manix is scum', notably by you and scorri almost immediately supporting Bard's claim as legit by assuming smart/safe scum. Scorri looks somewhat worse due to the relatively apathetic tone. I also want to string Shinori up because he literally walked in dropped a vote and walked out in the middle of the result discussion, but I have little to go on other than that. Same goes for Xin, if not more because she did the same and managed to cause a minor shitstorm in the process.

NNR isn't so much scummy as he is stubborn, given his belief in Xin cop.

Having said that, if there is a day vig, they should maybe call a shot on Manix. The derp might've been due to too specific wording.

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Not as fond of this vote anymore; argument is going nowhere fast and as scorri has posted more reactions this just seems like playstyle issues (although screwing over other peoples' reaction tests is Bad Play).

##Vote: NNR

Don't like the lack of reading comprehension that lead to his Bard vote and think "I don't know what kind of Cop Bard is!" was a terrible justification for keeping it down. The way he switched to scorri basically looks like he realized how bad the vote was and had to make shit up to stop pushing it.

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I wasn't being condescending if that's what you're suspecting.

... How is letting other people draw their own conclusions scummy?

"Scorri is posting but he hasn't got any reads". This is an observation of the current gamestate. If I leave it at that, I am calling you out on something and marking it as significant, but not lending a value to it as to whether it is scummy or not. Suppose CAPTAIN AMERICA, in all his AMERICA, finds that the observation is rubbish. A scum-aligned Bard never said it was scummy and can thus drop the point. Meanwhile, if Essbee comes in and says that it's very scummy, a scum-aligned Bard can piggyback, having safely tested the waters and seeing that others agree. Moreover, I can't be blamed for starting the wagon and I don't need to dig for arguments to say why you're scummy, since the others do it.

It's conducting people down a road without actually attaching yourself to it, which is what we call reporting and consider scummy because it isn't conducive to scumhunting other than having people make opinions about things you don't opine on. It's scummy because the point of the game is to convince others of your point of view, not to report the happenings of the game and hope your team manages to discover scum through your narration.

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@Prims: I'm uneasy with how fast the consensus went to 'Manix is scum', notably by you and scorri almost immediately supporting Bard's claim as legit by assuming smart/safe scum.

Bard is a solid player and I don't see him randomly saccing to get rid of a miller on Day 1. Even if he coasts off the cop claim it's going to make him look bad when he lives too long. Scum would've at least chosen a less competent member of the team to make the claim if they wanted to pull this gambit for some reason, and even then there's no real reason for them to do so.
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