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Why don't you go back to China, then?

i think you will find luminescent 'lumi' blade is an American citizen

i also think you will find english is kind of objectively a mongrel language with very little consistency

i also think you will find love in a body pillow and precious little elsewhere

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Ladies and gentlemen, NinjaMonkey

no seriously go fuck yourself

No dude seriously we should all just go back to Ethiopia

wow this post just reeks of irony

Seconding this.

Uh, Ninjamonkey, how old are you?

sing with me...circlejerk circlejerk circle jerk-jerk-jerk!~

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Boney, did you actually read the context of NinjaMonkey's post? Did you at all? He fucking told Lumi to "go back to China" because she doesn't like the English language. I don't think it's okay. All the people you quoted don't think it's okay. Are we a circlejerk because all of us don't think NinjaMonkey's comment was called for or even remotely okay?

Second of all, your "Last to Post Wins" thread is an even bigger circlejerk. Fuck you.

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someone said something you didn't like? GO TEAM!!

Someone said something racist, ignorant, and immature. Gasp, people actually find that offensive and not okay! And I'm not going to sit down and be fucking quiet about it. I guess other people are thinking along the same lines.

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Boney, did you actually read the context of NinjaMonkey's post? Did you at all? He fucking told Lumi to "go back to China" because she doesn't like the English language. I don't think it's okay. All the people you quoted don't think it's okay. Are we a circlejerk because all of us don't think NinjaMonkey's comment was called for or even remotely okay?

Second of all, your "Last to Post Wins" thread is an even bigger circlejerk. Fuck you.

someone said something you didn't like? GO TEAM!!

please, we NEVER do anything like this. sangyul if you're gonna try and make a point against me, don't make things up.

Someone said something racist, ignorant, and immature. Gasp, people actually find that offensive and not okay! And I'm not going to sit down and be fucking quiet about it. I guess other people are thinking along the same lines.

did you ever stop and think that he felt offended first? but no, he's not on your team is he? *pat pat*

either way, lumi can speak for herself. you don't need to round up a crew on his ass.

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i don't know NM that well but this is fftf so its very probable it was a joke, especially considering the irony within the post

i mean if i said "i fucking hate jews" you guys would know i was joking if the comment preceding it was "don't be xenophobic," right?

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Go back to x country is never the appropriate response to anything ever

It's not the first time he's been...anglocentric either, been on the receiving end of that a few years past too

Also fyi NM also has no sense of humor he would not be making jokes

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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knowing NM i'm pretty sure that he's perfectly serious

i'm also of the opinion that if he's legitimately offended by what lumi said then he deserves it even more

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did you ever stop and think that he felt offended first? but no, he's not on your team is he? *pat pat*

either way, lumi can speak for herself. you don't need to round up a crew on his ass.

Offended or not what he said was extremely inappropriate and immature, and what the hell are you talking about when it comes to teams? It's not like a bunch of were like "hey let's gang up on NM". He was a douche canoe. People expressed how they felt about that. And here you are pointing your fingers at us calling us bad guys while ignoring blatant racism like what the actual fuck Boney

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why would he feel offended

why would he even feel offended. that makes no sense.

it's nm, it's not like this guy being basically crash 2.0 reloaded is anything new, minus the furry and very open homophobia/racism/etc.


Edited by Stahlypin
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Go back to x country is never the appropriate response to anything ever

i can honestly think of many situations where'd it'd be funny. i've said it before and they laughed with me.

oh wait you said appropriate. yeah it's probably never appropriate. but it can be funny.

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please, we NEVER do anything like this. sangyul if you're gonna try and make a point against me, don't make things up.

did you ever stop and think that he felt offended first? but no, he's not on your team is he? *pat pat*

either way, lumi can speak for herself. you don't need to round up a crew on his ass.

Please yourself, Boney. I can see everything that goes on in the LTPW thread. You call us a "circlejerk" and a "Jedi club", and everyone there complains about other people being "mean" to them. I saw ZM complaining about me and Jedi "ganging up on him" and you said, "what did those circlejerks do to you". I saw Shirley complaining about me "being rude to Ein" and how I'm stupid for wanting to believe the best in people. You guys are a circlejerk in your own way. Doesn't make it any less of a circlejerk.

Also, newsflash, English isn't the fucking universal language. People are free to dislike the English language. Now, tell me why that should offend NinjaMonkey. Did he invent English? Does he believe English is so much better than everything else that even one comment about not liking it because of valid reasons is a horrible insult? Either way, it DOES NOT JUSTIFY telling Lumi to "go back to China" UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. He personally attacked her. She did not personally attack him.

Second of all, you're missing a pretty big point. We're not necessarily jumping in on Lumi's behalf. Have you ever considered the fact that, oh I don't know, a lot of us take offense to the "go back to China" comment because it hits home to us? That we are disgusted that this kind of arrogant behavior still abounds in today's time? It's not about Lumi. It's about NinjaMonkey's racist comment that he seemed to think was okay.

Boney, you yourself are missing the point. Some things will get a LOT of people riled up, and not only the person it was directed to, and it will cause a flood of responses. That does not make people a "circlejerk". It also sounds as if you are actually defending NinjaMonkey's "go back to China" comment, in which case, an extra fuck you.

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did you ever stop and think that he felt offended first?

do i give a fuck if a racist sheds a tear whenever someone says something bad about the glorious english language

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