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Masquerade - Info and Signup Thread

Nanami Touko

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Wow I'm makin' a thing.

Gonna host this with Tryhard (everyone's favorite SF member). Its system is base loosely off of FE7 and the maps and stuff are taken from FEF/BC/WW because they're the easiest and maps are cool! Please do try to read everything before making your character, and if you have any questions, feel free to post then and I will do my best to answer them.



There are no records of this man, except for in the books of the faithful. He is described as a being that resembled man, but had the power to move mountains and split oceans. He is said to have created the continent, brought life to it, and then disappeared. Whether he existed or not, and what his goal was, is still argued to the current day.

The Creation of the Continent (as it in known by the more faithful)

The continent began as a sprawling wood. The first to walk among the trees was a single man, of whom the history books can not detail. No matter where this man came from, he brought with him powerful magicks, such that could bend the wood to his whim. From it he built the homes of those who now live in the trees. He raised the mountains from the ground, and tunneled through them. He chilled the south lands, and heated the northern ones. As he worked, other beings began to appear. Dwarves, Elves, Centaurs, Nagas, and others beings like him, though not with such powers. These were the first creatures to walk the world as we know it, though not the last. His work done, or whatever he'd wanted to accomplish finished, he left the land, leaving the creatures to wander and do whatever they would. It would be almost another millennium before anything terrible would occur.

The First and Final War

The farthest back the history books extend. A large scale war waged all over the continent. Many men thought themselves greater than the other creatures, and created an army to subjugate them. Calling themselves His Apostles, they set out against all. Other men opposed the Apostles, as well as the creatures of the land, and war was fought for decades. Eventually, the Apostles were beaten enough to end the war, and they were scattered, eventually petering out to nothing. This war did leave scars on some of the races, even to this day, as the centaurs of the plains still hold contempt for humans. The dwarves were entirely wiped out, or so say the records held in castle Felson. The elves were pushed into the woods, and have never attempted to expand out since. Whatever remained of the nagas all migrated to the desert, living far away from most civilization, despite the animosity between them and humans being the lowest. Since this war, there has never been another. There have been altercations between the races, fights, and otherwise encounters. But everyone learned after the war, that such a thing must never happen again.

[spoiler=General Lore and Religion]The Dwarves, and Their Lost City

The Griberge mountains are named for the city that resides underneath them, though whether or not this city still exists is a mystery. Dwarves did reside on the continent at one point, as skeletons and relics of their lost civilization have been found here and there from time to time by adventurers or archeologists. None have made it through the mountain to the city's old gate, and those who say they have are never believed. As for the dwarves, the records claim their entire race to have been wiped out during the war. A shame, as they were an incredibly industrial race, very strong, very tough, and very resourceful. Despite all this, their population was small, and no amount of technology would save them from the size of man's own population in such a brutal war.


Though they were the cause of the continent's only war, His Apostles are still a part of today's society, though they are a far less radical group. They believe that He created the continent, gave it life, and brought all creatures into the world. It is a simple faith, and requires simply prayers, though it is looked down upon for the war its predecessors began.

Though not as broad, the Worshippers of Solence, mostly naga, worship the sun as the bringer of life in this world. Because it allows so many things to thrive, they believe it must have started all things. They have rituals every month, to give praise to the orb in the sky, and try to convert most to join, though they are not zealous in their attempts.

The last religion on Ostorav is that simply know as the Erdern. They worship the land as the bringer of life, and are mostly elven. The woods are said to be the host of their deity, known as Schdem, and many believe the trees to be so tough and enchanted thanks to his protection. It requires daily prayer, and many burn incense made from the trees of the woods in his honor.

There is a lost, and forgotten religion, though it was not a pleasant one. It was the worship of Tenebrae, a most vile and evil God. Any records of him are lost to the ages, and those who know his name are certainly not the kind of person to be speaking with.


The map will be updated with the smaller areas you visit as the RP proceeds.

[spoiler=The continent, and its various places]

The continent of Ostorav is a rather large island, full of many different landscapes.


Bau berg:

Bau berg is an industrial city, located close to the Griberge mountain range. Because of their proximity, the town has a large mining industry in the closest mountain. They import metals around the eastern half of the continent, and much of the township is built of stone, iron and steel. The main residents of the town are human, though there are a few that claim to be the descendants of dwarves, from ages long gone past. The current mayor sports the height for it, though no one can prove or disprove his claims. The townsfolk are generally nice, proper, though many of them are merchants and will try to swindle you out of your gold for things worth far less than their price tag. Though, not all of them are of this ilk, and sometimes, their claims are true...


A fishing town located on the eastern edge of the continent, Angern is full of hearty folk who work their lives fishing and trading these wares. Populated by humans, elves, and often a few centaur, they all work together to keep the machine of trade flowing. Their most popular customers are their neighbour town's dwellers--the townspeople of Velkehln--and this is most definitely a good thing, due to the nature of that town. Other than fishing, the town isn't known for much. People talk and spread rumors for entertainment, and they know a peace that few, more hectic places can know.


The only port on this side of the continent, Velkehln sees plenty of people, creatures, and monsters come and go. Because of all this traffic, it's an incredibly popular tourist destination, and plenty of shops, cafes, restaurants, and shows have opened up there. The revenue the town generates from sea travel alone was too much of a lure. They also share a great relation with the elves and centaurs of the woods, and do regular trade, as well as have plenty of their folk living in the town. The mayor has been making plans for years to improve the town, hoping to give it an outer wall and build it into a fine city. With how much it sees, and how many people live there, it's already large enough to accomplish this.


A town named after the woods it resides in, Ward is home to the elves and centaurs of Ostorav. Thought to many as a magical place, it is actually a great center of trade among the towns, as centaurs make light work of trafficking goods around the nearby towns and villages. Their homes are built in the trees, and wide bridges span between them. Systems of elavators and pullies allow the centaurs to lift themselves up into such lofty places, and the wood of the forest's trees is sturdy enough to hold their mighty weight. Despite elves not being an extraordinarily magical folk, the woods themselves are as old as the continent, containing many forgotten magicks and powers. This may be why they are so tough, and resistant to most offences. Ward trades with all the towns on the eastern board of Ostorav, and a few clans living on the plains.



Felson City!

Felson is a castled town, made up of four rungs. Each dependant on the residents, the quality of living, and what facilities that are supported there. Most residents of the lower rungs are harpies, or the poor that simply can't afford to move up. In the upper rung are those that can afford such a place, or travelers, making their way through. Above them are the nobles, living in posh, high class manses, and once again above that, are the Council of Five.

The Lower Rung:
As mentioned, most of the residents are either harpies or the poor. Living conditions are sub-par, and most of the sick, whilst allowed to see doctors, can't afford treatment, and live with their illnesses. The harpies of the lower rung are so used to this life that barely any of them attempt to improve their situations.

Despite such a slum, there are a few facilities that are provided. Some residents have made a way to live out of selling cheap weapons, made from bronze, and at rare times, iron. They are not of the best quality, but they are definitely not just scrap weapons. They are quite useable, and able to wound as well as any properly made weapon.

There are also a few herbal doctors that live there, who do what they can to aid those of the slums with what they can find on the plains. Most of them do this out of the goodness of their heart, as it is not a well paying job.

Citizens of the Lower Rung have developed an apathy for those living above them. In the past, changes to the status quo have been attempted, but they either resulted in little change, or nothing happening. As such, the slum dwellers have resigned themselves to such a life.

The Upper Rung:
Middle class citizens find life enjoyable, in Felson. They live in moderately sized houses, and live well paid, healthy lives. Trade is good, and enertainment is readily available. Doctors live on every second street, powered by magic and scientific advancements in medicine. The inns are well stocked, kept clean, and almost always ready to accept a weary group of travelers.

The stores in the Upper Rung vary from weapons, to magic, to trinkets and healing wares. If there's something you want, you can probably find it here, with enough searching. If comedy is your thing, there are theaters and shows ready for viewing, every few hours.

Life in the Upper Rung seems fantastic, and everyone lives as though they are oblivious to the terrible conditions of those living below them.

The Noble Class:
The nobles of Felson lives in a section walled off from even the Upper Rung. There they enjoy fine dining and high class living, only indulging themselves in the most entertaining of shows and activities. Many play sports within large auditoriums, built specifically for such activities. Others simply enjoy their days, eating and living in the most spectacular of manses. The noble population is not very large.

The nobles care little for what happens below them, as long as it stays there.

The Council's Quarters:
Above the Noble Class is one last part of the city. The castle, where the Council of Five sits, living their lives pampered, paid for, and without restrictions, as long as they abide by the rules set by previous councils. These are general rules of living, including keeping the peace as best they can, and not abusing their power to directly harm any citizen. If they breach these rules, especially an abuse of power, they are subject to court, and may lose their standing as a member of the council.

The entire city, even parts of the slums, are incredibly well built. It's a mystery as to where these buildings came from, at times, but no one sits around questioning it.

Most houses or buildings are constructed from stone or rock, smoothed and bricked up. They range from grey to black, with a few red houses in between, being recent additions made from brick, as opposed to the old ones made from stone. The buildings in the higher rungs of society have odd engravings on some of their fronts, old symbols that no one seems to be able to place.

As mentioned, there are vendors in both the Upper and Lower rungs of the city. Most in the Lower Rung provide cheap, effective weaponry, that will keep you alive but will probably not provide you with anything more than the most base protection.

In the Upper Rung, almost anything can be found, of good quality. Magic tomes to steel weaponry, enhancing trinkets, and wardrobes galore. Clothing is especially prevalent in Felson, as fashion trends tend to spring up and disappear quickly. Because of this, clothes aren't the most expensive, and anyone can buy into the current trend. Whether or not they can keep up with it is another story...

The city has an extensive network of guards, set up to protect every rung, even the lower one. If trouble breaks out, that district is notified of what's happening through a small magic network, lighting torches along that section. The direction they're lighting from alerts the guards to where the danger is coming from, so that they can head that way to assist.

These guards are well trained, and are by no means simply there to posture. Even though some may be less powerful than others, all guards of Felson know what they're doing when it comes to combat, and anyone attempting to overpower them will find themselves with a bit of a fight. Even if they could take one, or perhaps two guards, plenty more would already be on their way because of their alert grid.


An ancient city, located deep within the mountain range it resides underneath. Few have seen it, and fewer have returned alive from doing so. The hellish wyverns and minotaurs that live far beyond the bounds of civilized society aren't keen on anyone entering their lands. Those that have returned rave about a giant, golden gate, barred and shut tight. Whatever lies beyond this gate remains a mystery to all who live on Ostorav.


Einad is another mystery, said to be the birth place of the nagas, deep within the desert of the same name. Whether or not it still exists is within question, as it has never been visited by man, and only ever seen by travelers of the wastes. It appears as a mirage, and before anyone can get close, vanishes again. A few nagas still living are said to know the secret of how to enter, but where these nagas live, and who they are, none know.



Legends tell of terrifying magical experiments being done here. Experiments to try and splice creatures together, to create powerful and dreadful chimeras. These tales are centuries old, but no one has braved the plains, the crossing, and then the tundra to confirm or deny them. Perhaps a brave, strong soul will complete such a task one day. Or perhaps they will fall prey to whatever does remain within the castle.

The castle came to be a few decades after the first and only war. Originally thought to be a magical anomaly, those who came near it found it to be quite solid, and could even enter. None ventured far in, as reported, a low booming voice would warn of terror, and creatures that no one could properly describe would stand guard at the stairs to the next floor. They would not move, almost like statues, but the sight of them was enough to inspire terror.

Any nearby villages were slowly wiped out from the castle, and no one has or will attempt to rebuild near it. Whatever nefarious magics are going on about the castle, no one has attempted to find out, and it would take a rather powerful man, or a tough group, to make their way into the castle. Although, with magical places like these, there always seems to be a back door hiding somewhere...


Forstan is an ancient tower, near the end of the Einad desert. Unlike Karstell, the tales of this tower are rather recent, as the nagas of the desert have seen strange lights from inside of it, and amazing displays upon the night sky of images and auroras. The brave that have tried to enter the tower have found its doors locked, through some powerful magic or rune.

Castle Felson:

The upper class reside in and around this wonderful castle. It's wonderfully built, and adorned with many tapestries and paintings. Its origins are of slight concern, as history books place the castle as being there before the city surrounding it. Perhaps it was built by some lost race? Perhaps the records are simply wrong. None are sure, but none exactly care, as how it was built stands in no relation to how well it provides shelter; and it provides it exceptionally.

[spoiler=Places of Interest]

Chell Tundra:

A harsh tundra, full of nothing but ice and cold. There remain old former villages; empty, broken villages resembling ghost towns on the empty scape. Though, it is not a land without riches, as many caves leading into frozen tunnels contain the relics of past civilizations. Unfortunately, to get these treasures, one would have to brave the monsters within the tunnels. And of course, there's the ever present looming of Castle Karstell in the distance, the contents of which are known to barely anyone still alive.

Fulchen Plains:

The plains are home to many roaming centaur clans, most of whom aren't in the best relations with the elves living in the woods, or the humans living in Felson. They make their homes on the plains simply because of how vast and full of life they are, providing them with plenty of wildlife to live off of. They are warry of those that travel through their lands, though they do not hold contempt for them. The need for outside materials outweighs their distrust, and so they are willing to trade with passerby.

Ward Woods:

The woods were once said to span the entire continent, though this is obviously not the case anymore, even if it were to be true. Within them reside the elves, centaurs, and plenty of other magical beasts. The trees themselves have been imbued with magicks since before man walked on the forest's floor, and their woods retain these properties to this day. Unless attempted with a similarly enchanted weapon, the wood will not bend or break to any force. Luckily, the elves of the forest know most of the enchantments, though not that which makes them impervious to mundane weaponry. Whatever secrets these trees hold, they have been lost to the passage of time.

Einad desert:

A desolate place, home only to a few nomadic bands of naga, that can maintain themselves in such a climate. With sweltering days and frozen nights, groups attempting travel without the proper magicks will find themselves in need of help within the first few hours. There is little to eat, and even less to drink. Prepare well, or face your end in a place where no one will remember your name.

Griberge Mountain Range:

The Griberge mountains are a welcome place, until once ventures into its farthest reaches. There, they are welcome to none. They contain monsters from wyverns to golems, and their steep peaks offer little cover from the elements higher up. This doesn't stop adventurers from attempting to seek the riches of lost ages, said to reside within and beneath the mountains. Many of them don't return.

Lundverm Crossing:

A stretch of land that spans between Ostorav and a small island that used to be a part of the continent. When the tide goes out, it becomes crossable for the entire day, though who would want to cross is within question.

Turm Rock:
A cave can be seen jutting out from the rock, if one sailed near enough. No one sails any closer, as terrible rumors of curses and death float about the rock.


A veil. A curtain of fog could be seen rolling onto the vast ocean beyond Felson and the mountains, but no one knows what lies within or beyond it. A few brave parties entered the wall, never returning. There it has remained for decades.

[spoiler=Inhabitants] The races of Ostorav are as varied as they come, from man to monster, across the entire isle.
[spoiler=Centaurs]Centaurs are half man, half horse creatures. They walk the woods with the elves, and are mostly merchants, due to being able to traverse great distances in large groups, as well as having a large carrying capacity. They are master archers, have incredibly stamina, and are among the most prideful beings living on Ostorav. They are so prideful that many centaurs will sacrifice themselves in an attempt to save a comrade, they will accept any challenge, and are willing to go to all lengths to win a fight (as long as these lengths are honourable.)

Their culture is a lengthy one, as one of the earliest living races on the continent. They take their pride seriously, and will always repay a debt. Even a centaur, driven to kill a man, will repay any debts to him before committing the act. It is a troublesome trait for most of them, and there are a few that have grown to be able to resist it, but it's almost as though they have some magic about them that causes the behaviour.

They make their livings in the woods and the plains. In the woods, the centaurs are a jolly folk (mostly in Ward) and make trade with any and all passerby. They run Ward well, and as the center of commerce in the forest, it is well respected.

On the plains, they are less kind. Many tribes may attack if stumbled upon, though if trade is opened up as an option, they may be swayed away from attacking. There are certain tribes that refuse this, and will simply steal from those passing by before killing them.

[spoiler=Elves]These folk are hard working merchants, thought of to be good with magic, but in actuality are no better than the average man. They reside in the woods, Velkehln, and a few have moved as far as Felson. They stand, on average, taller than most men, with slightly pointed ears. Because they live with the centaurs, they are exceptional in archery, though they can use any weapon well enough. Many of them are good with magic, though as said before, not any more than other men.

The elves are said to be descendant from humans, though none are sure where they come from down the line. They inhabit the woods and participate in trade with the centaurs. As far as act, they tend to be tricky and conniving, though normally not in any ways that would harm people. Pranks, and the like. They are also far more likely to flirt, or be promiscuous. Part of their culture (in that relations like that are far less taboo and more open) and part of their population being incredibly small in comparison to the other races on the continent.

The misconception that elves are wonderful magic users spawned from a mage by the name of Alef Tranef. He was an elf of exceptional power that helped mend the trees in the woods, those that had been managed to be damaged by certain other magics. He taught much to the world, and discovered many facets of magic, especially those involving enchanting spells and weapons to be more powerful. Unfortunately, he was lost to the desert during an attempt to find the city of Einad.

[spoiler=Ghosts]Ghosts are ethereal beings in so much as they can only be sometimes seen or heard by those walking the mortal plane. They remain there because of some tie to the world; revenge, lost love, accidental death, or simply not wanting to pass on. They remember little of their past life, perhaps shreds of what kept them there, and are genuinely interested in the living, as they no longer are. Most ghosts find it difficult to come to terms with what did happen to them in life, if they find out at some point during their postmortem. They float, can sometimes fly, and can generally not interact with living beings.

Some research has been done into how ghosts remain. All creatures on Ostorav have a bit of magic within them. Some are capable of drawing it out into spells, others not so much. But, this small bit of magic, upon death, sometimes springs forth. In beings that could cast spells, it is a far more common occurrence, causing the spirits of powerful wizards and witches to wander the land, without any knowledge of who they used to be. This powerful reincarnation also happens more easily when, as mentioned before, some sort of tie to the world has happened. As for feeling pain, the pain a ghost feels isn't actually any pain at all, but their remaining magic incorporating a previously felt pain from their memories to match the damage taken. There is no actual pain, only a resemblance of what it used to feel like, as a sort of defense mechanism to alert the ghost that its life force is fading.

When a ghost has faced its past, and regained its memories, it will temporarily shut down, and simply float in place. Such a shock to the source of magic sustaining them causes it to fluctuate, and it must take time to settle back down before the spirit can move about again. When a ghost manages to complete the duty it has been tied to the world for, in most occasions it will then pass on to the next life. Rarer cases have had them remain on the world, but at that point they may as well not even be dead, as a fully tied ghost is human in all but their internal organs.

[spoiler=Half-elves]The result of elves and humans procreating, as they eventually did over the many years of existing together. They stand at a height in between that of their parents, and share traits from both. They are more skilled at weaponry, and share the same desire to adapt to problems that humans have. In recent cases, they seem to have a longer life span, and better health.

The first case of a half elf came from Bau Berg, surprisingly. A couple, a male human and a female elf, had settled there because they were both in the trade of blacksmithing. None are truly sure as to how this biological marvel came to be, but their child was born without any defining traits of either race, and rather, a mix of them. He was as broad as a human but with the ears of an elf. As he grew, he exhibited traits of both parents, being spry and quick, but healthy and strong. It was quite the marvel.

As a race, they are accepted by both humans and elves, but by elves more so, as they share most of the same facial traits and mannerisms of their more woodland ancestors.

[spoiler=Harpies]Harpies are human-like creatures that have no arms. Instead, a pair of wings with clawed hands at the end adorn their torsos. Other than this, their mannerisms are mostly human, though they have a few traits that set them apart as decidedly not human. They're cowards, they're attracted to all things glittery and shiny, and they have innate distrust of other species. Since they are intelligent creatures, enough to speak and live, most folks don't assume they were very far in. As for why they've only come down so recently, it's anyone's guess. As they are new, though, they do not have much trust for the races they've only now come into contact with.

They were driven out of the mountains by the vicious wyverns that lived farther in. For the longest time, the wyverns would never leave their homes deep in the mountains, and were very territorial, meaning they wouldn't extend past their regular borders. There would occasionally be troubles between the harpies and the wyverns, but nothing past regular skirmishes and encounters, as one would face in the wilds. After many a century of living up there, the wyverns suddenly came en mass from their mountains, and overran the harpy encampments.

Physically, harpies are far weaker than humans. Their wings are weaker than a human's, and aren't suited for taking any damage, only for flight. They have the capacity to carry others, but the bigger the harpy, the less their wings can take. Their claws grow to a certain length and end up very sharp, as they were originally meant to be able to fend for themselves in the Felson mountains. Naturally adept at fighting, their cowardly nature has only spawned from how they've been treated after leaving the mountains.

[spoiler=Humans]Humans are adaptive, rash, and tough. They've been around almost the longest of the other races on the continent, and despite having done terrible things, they always attempt to strive and achieve, to overcome their past. They excel at nothing in particular, but are always able to bring themselves to do whatever it is they want to do. As such, they have spread far and wide over the continent, appearing almost anywhere one would go, save for such harsh environments as the tundra, or the desert.

As far as mannerisms are concerned, humans are the most varied. They're jolly, frank, suspicious, kind, angry, mean, and almost any other emotion under the sun. A creature of their environment and their ancestors, most humans are always different in how they act. While elves may be openly flirtatious, and harpies will be mostly cowardly, never will you find two humans entirely alike.

They live everywhere, but the largest concentration of humans is Felson. They make a living there either selling merchandise they've imported from the rest of the continent, or by less savory means. There's a dark underbelly to Felson, one that humans have created.

[spoiler=Nagas]Nagas are half snake, half human looking creatures, with massive tails. They are cold blooded and they hail from the desert, but many of them live normal lives in any of the towns on Ostorav. Those that leave the desert tend to work as mercenaries, as their life in the sands has worked their bodies and minds to be able to fight and survive. Many of them are also Worshipers of Solence, though not all of these worshipers are vocal about this. They are also very jealous creatures, and tend to mate for life.

As creatures, they are as cold as the desert nights. As their world has treated them harshly, they will also treat others harshly. Only those nagas that have experienced the world outside of the desert, and seen the kindness it has to offer (comparatively), will open up to others. Most of them change like this because despite being used to their harsh living conditions, they do yearn for a pleasant way of life.

Naga culture in the desert is very secluded. They will never go out of their way to aid in any race's affairs save for their own, and even then there's a chance they could simply ignore whatever the problem was and move on. They do not share their secrets with the outside world, and of all those have seen their hidden city, only two pairs of eyes haven't been naga.


Nature: Demons are not inherently evil, not all of them. Some are too mindless to have a conscience, but the ones that do choose to do their acts based on how they want to act. The ones that do not have a mind intelligent enough to hold a conscience simply act off of their needs: to eat and live. The stigma of them being evil is tied to how they live and gain power, by feeding off of the energy of living things.

Feeding: Demons feed by eating, like most things, but also by feeding off of the magical energy of living things. A hound, a low ranking demon without much intelligence, can get this by either eating meat as a regular dog or wolf would, or by biting onto a living being, and then draining them of their magical energy. This can be done without biting, but such a creature does not have the capability to do so. More sophisticated demons can do this by touching a living thing, and simply draining the magical energy from it.

They do not require a lot to live, and many things will not feel the effects of such draining, but when a demon intentionally sucks more out than is required, it can prove incredibly debilitating, and many will feel that they've had the air sucked straight out of their lungs; feel they've just run a marathon in the span of a few seconds.

A fault within this is that a demon can not take magic from something that is not living. A tome, an item, or a magically imbued weapon, will provide nothing for them. For some reason, the magic has to be "alive", otherwise it is simply energy that they can not take into their bodies.

There is one other source of energy that demons can feed on. This would be discourse. Hatred. Strife. Negative emotions can supply a demon with energy enough that it can use any powers at its disposal. For something like an Incubus, this would allow them to drain a person without needing to touch them. Simply looking at them would allow them take the energy out of them. If they were to touch them in this state, they could drain far more than magic, they could take life from the source, and have it for themselves.

Hound: The basest form of demon, it takes the shape of a long, lupine creature. Most myths have it wreathed in flame, but in reality, it is simply a larger wolf. They have limited intelligence, and while they could be trained, most simply work off of their instincts, and try to eat and live for themselves. Perhaps if a group large enough had ever existed, as none are recorded as such, they would've formed packs, as real wolves do.

Ogre: A more humanlike demon, an ogre is a hulking construct that would stand at about a half extra of a man. They are simple, with base intelligent, but enough to form a conscience and have thoughts. They tend to only care about themselves, but the records on the limited "sightings" on them have them fighting alongside humans from time to time. Most of these tales are thought to be simply tales.

Gargoyles: Demons of flight, and high intelligence, but lacking in much physical strength. They are small, and tend to attack with lighter weapons, like lances, or crossbows. Despite them being highly intelligent creatures, most all gargoyles tend to be evil and conniving, despite having a conscience and being able to make these choices for themselves. Perhaps it is simply in their nature to act this way.

Incubus/Succubus: These demons are the most sophisticated creatures that dark magic has ever produced. They look, and can act, like humans. They have the same functioning minds and can act on their own whims however they please. Most tales depict them as sexual creatures, but they are simply named as such by the rest of the world. To the rest of their kin, they are known as Ungeist. Creatures created to interact in the human world and report back on what they find. Report to whom? Well...

Tenebrae: Tenebrae is a God. Not one heard of in many parts of the world, but once listed deep within the books of Felson's most upper-class libraries. If Solence is the sun, and light, he is the night, and dark. All demons were created from him, and whenever discourse runs rampant about the world, he arrives to spread his children amongst it and reap the knowledge and rewards that may bring. For knowledge is what he wants. What he does with this knowledge is known only to him.

For no known reasons, demons have not been seen or heard of outside of text for centuries. Whether or not Tenebrae is hiding and gaining power, or he has simply faded from a world lacking in war, is not known.

[spoiler=Classes, Stats, And Other Wonderfully Useful Information!]

This RP will use FE7 as a base for all weapons, calculations, and classes. There will be slight changes made here and there, as well as new weapons being introduced, and EXP being a pool shared between all PCs instead of given out individually. Other than that, it'll be standard GBA FE, so I hope you all can enjoy that.

Classes and base stats/growths + general notes:

There will be 7 standard classes, all provided with base stats and base growths. These will add up to 30 and 300%, after adding in your allocated base points and growths.

Points: You will be given a certain amount of points for the class you choose. Please note that every point of HP counts for 3, and luck counts for 2. Con growth doesn't affect your total growth points.

You may choose your affinity (but please try to vary this, or the GMs will have to vary it for you.)

Depending on your race, you may apply your bonuses before or after you add in your points. It's your choice when to add them in, just don't forget to do so.

As a general note, please try to not min/max. It will not help you very well. That's not to say you should put growth in magic as a physical unit, or even res if you don't want to. I simply mean to not place your entire allotted growth rate (from a package) into one stat.

Dragon riders are weak to thunder magic, Pegasi are weak to bows, for the case of the Flier class.

Extra growth may not be put into your con growth, though you may place your base points into con if you wish. You may not place base points into movement. Also, con does not affect your package's base stats, before points, but Move does. Some classes (Flier, Thief, Knight, Cavalier) have more or less base points to allocate because of their increased or lowered move.

If you do not like the packages, feel free to look at the last option!

Everyone starts with 200 gold!

At level 10 you can have 2 stats to put anywhere outside of your highest stat (not counting HP/Con)
You get 10% growth to put anywhere that isn't your highest growth (not counting HP/CON)
And everyone gets 15 wexp to distribute amongst their weapon levels.

Base stats/growths:
Hp: 21 (70%)
Str: 5 (40%)
Mag: 0 (0%)
Skl: 6 (40%)
Spd: 4 (30%)
Lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 3 (20%)
Res: 0 (10%)
Con: 7 (3%)
Aid: 6
Move: 5

Weapons: Swords or Axes (D)
Skill: Vantage (When at half or less HP, always strike first in a battle.)
Inventory: (Iron) weapon of your choice from the above, vulnerary.

If you choose Fighter, you get 4 points to place into whatever base stats you'd like. For growths, you get 70% to place wherever you'd like.


Base stats/growths:
Hp: 15 (50%)
Str: 1 (10%)
Mag: 5 (45%)
Skl: 4 (35%)
Spd: 3 (40%)
Lck: 4 (20%)
Def: 1 (10%)
Res: 4 (30%)
Con: 5 (2%)
Aid: 4
Move: 5

Weapons: Any magic type (including staff) (D)
Skill: Rend ((Mag%) cut enemy resistance in half when attacking.)
//If staff is chosen as primary weapon type: Skill: Great healing (add level/2 (rounded up) to the amount you heal when healing)
Inventory: (First rank) weapon of your choice from the above, vulnerary.

If you choose Mage, you get 5 points to place into whatever base stats you'd like. For growths, you get 60% to place wherever you'd like.


(Flier is a special class, as its bases are fairly low, and can be geared towards speed, offense, or a balance of both. I have done this so that players may make the typical speed pegs, or defense draco riders.)

Base Stats/growths:
Hp: 18 (50%)
Str: 3 (30%)
Mag: 1 (10%)
Skl: 3 (20%)
Spd: 2 (20%)
Lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 2 (20%)
Res: 2 (10%)
Con: 5 (2%)
Aid: 15
Move: 7
Mount: Dragon/Pegasus

Weapons: Any one physical weapon type, except Bows (D)
Skill: Fly (ignore all terrain for the purposes of moving, and battle (on your end), as well as gain 2 move, taken from your base points.)
Inventory: (Iron) weapon of your choice from the above, vulnerary.

If you choose Flier, you get 8 points to place into whatever base stats you'd like. For growths, you get 120% to place wherever you'd like.


Base stats/growths:
Hp: 21 (60%)
Str: 6 (50%)
Mag: 0 (0%)
Skl: 5 (35%)
Spd: 2 (25%)
Lck: 4 (25%)
Def: 4 (30%)
Res: 0 (5%)
Con: 7 (4%)
Aid: 6
Move: 5

Weapons: Bows (D)
Skill: Pierce ((Skl%) cut enemy defense in half when attacking)
Inventory: Iron Bow, vulnerary

If you choose Archer, you get 4 points to place into whatever base stats you'd like. For growths, you get 70% to place wherever you'd like.


Base stats/growths:
Hp: 15 (40%)
Str: 3 (35%)
Mag: 0 (15%)
Skl: 5 (40%)
Spd: 7 (60%)
Lck: 4 (20%)
Def: 2 (15%)
Res: 1 (15%)
Con: 5 (2%)
Aid: 4
Move: 6

Weapons: Sword (D)
Skill: Thievery (If speed is equal to or greater than target, steal any item they own. If speed is equal to or greater than target, and your con is equal to or greater than the target weapon, steal any unequipped weapon.)
Inventory, Iron Sword, vulnerary

If you choose Thief, you get 4 points to place into whatever base stats you'd like. For growths, you get 60% to place wherever you'd like.


Base stats/growths:
Hp: 24 (80%)
Str: 4 (35%)
Mag: 0 (0%)
Skl: 3 (25%)
Spd: 1 (10%)
Lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 6 (50%)
Res: 2 (30%)
Con: 7 (5%)
Aid: 6
Move: 4

Weapons: Lance or Axe (D)
Skill: Armoured (for the purposes of character creation, gain +2 to base points, and 20% to growth points. Lose 1 movement and become weak to armor slaying weapons.)
Inventory: (Iron) weapon of your choice from the above, vulnerary.

If you choose Knight, you get 8 points to place into whatever base stats you'd like. For growths, you get 70% to place wherever you'd like.


Base stats/growths:
Hp: 18 (60%)
Str: 4 (40%)
Mag: 0 (10%)
Skl: 4 (35%)
Spd: 4 (35%)
lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 3 (30%)
Res: 2 (20%)
Con: 6 (3%)
Aid: 14
Move: 7

Weapons: Swords and Lances (one D one E, choose)
Skill: Canto (may use remaining move after performing an action)
Inventory: Iron sword or lance, vulnerary

If you choose Cavalier, you get 4 points to place into whatever base stats you'd like. For growths, you get 50% to place wherever you'd like.

[spoiler=Create a Class!]
If you do not wish to choose from one of the packages above, you may elect to create your own class under these specifications:

[Class Name]

Base stats/growths:
Hp: 12 (50%)
Str: 0 (0%)
Mag: 0 (0%)
Skl: 0 (0%)
Spd: 0 (0%)
Lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 0 (0%)
Res: 0 (0%)
Con: 5 (1%)
Aid: 4
Move: 5

Weapons: Either one physical weapon rank, or one magical weapon rank (D)
Skills: Pick one skill from the classes listed above. (If you choose Fly, you get 23 points, instead of 25, as two are put into your movement to make it 7)
Inventory: (Iron or first level tome) weapon from what you chose above, vulnerary.

If you choose to make your own class you get 25 base points to place into the profile above. For growths points, you get 230% to place wherever you'd like. This is to allow people more customization if they find there is something they can't do with the class profiles above. Feel free to mess around with this as much as you'd like.

[spoiler=Monster Classes]
If you've read the lore, you'll know that there are more than humans, elves and dwarves living in this world. Instead of choosing one of the classes above, you may choose to play as one of these monster classes. They will have stats equal to the other classes, with their own special abilities, and will be affected somewhat differently.



Base stats/growths:
Hp: 18
Str: 4
Mag: 0
Skl: 6
Spd: 3
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 1
Con: 7 (4%)
Aid: 13
Move: 5

Weapons: Bows (D) Axes (E)
Inventory: Iron Bow, vulnerary

If you choose Centaur, you get 7 points to put into your base stats. You get all 300% for growths, and may spread them as you wish.

You may pick two of the skills from the following list:

Master Archer: Simply put, centaurs are masters of archery, and are almost unrivaled. Few humans can claim the skill with a bow that most all centaurs have. They always gain +1 mt and +10 hit when using a bow.

Cavalier: Having the body of a horse helps in some ways, impedes in others. Centaurs can move quickly, but can not travel over uneven footing. They have +2 move from the base (5), but lose the ability to traverse hills.

Forest Walker: Having lived for so long in the woods, these creatures have become accustomed to moving around the foliage and roots that cover the floor of the forest. They treat forest tiles as they would open terrain, having no movement penalties.


Base stats/growths:
Hp: 18
Str: 4
Mag: 2
Skl: 2
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 3
Con: 6 (3%)
Aid: 5
Move: 5

Weapons: May choose any physical weapon, or either light or dark magic (D)
Inventory: (Iron) weapon from above, or first rank in magic you choose, vulnerary

If you choose Naga, you get 5 points to put into your base stats. You get all 300% for growths, and may spread them as you wish.

You may pick two skills from the following list:

Tail Smack: The Naga can smack the enemy with their tail, mustering all the muscles in their tail to deliver a harsh blow to their enemy's body. It has the following profile: 12 mt 50 hit 10 crit. As it takes a moment for the naga to gather their strength, the strike doesn't have very good accuracy, but it can provide results if it does connect. This exhausts their tail muscles, and they will be unable to do the same thing for another three turns (Example: Naga uses this skill turn 1, they can use it again on turn 4)

Snake body: Being part snake, nagas most faster than people on foot. They have an innate +1 to their movement from the base (5). They also have an innate +3 to their resistance, with the exception of ice magic. Ice magic ignores this res bonus, and inflict 1.5x damage (rounded up). As well, being in snow maps reduces their move by 1, and takes away their res bonus for the duration of the map.

Slither: Nagas can use their powerful tails to speed themselves across the battlefield. If they do so, they get +2 movement for the turn, but cannot act after moving.



Base stats/growths:
Hp: 18
Str: 4
Mag: 0
Skl: 3
Spd: 5
Lck: 2
Def: 2
Res: 2
Con: 5 (2%)
Aid: 10
Move: 5

Weapons: May choose to wield a sword (D) and/or have claws from the skill below.
Inventory: Iron sword or claws, vulnerary

If you choose Harpy, you get 7 points to put into your base stats. You get all 300% for growths, and may spread them as you wish.

You may pick two skills from the following list:

Flight: As should be obvious, the extended wingspan of a harpy is wide enough to carry the rest of its body weight long enough for short to medium length flights. Harpies count as flying units and ignore all terrain for the purposes of moving (though not combat, as they land to fight).

Steal: Harpies love shiny objects, and have, over generations, trained themselves to use their talons to quickly rip these objects off of their victims. Harpies can use their talons to tear cloth and leather carrying objects on others (they can not steal weapons).

Sharp Claws: Few harpies can cast magic, though some can carry a sword with their clawed hands. Their claws themselves are strong enough to rend some metal and all flesh, so although they can wield swords, most choose not to. Harpy Talons start with the following profile: 5 mt 85 ht crit 5 wt 0, and there will be opportunities to have them upgraded thoughout the story.


Ghost is a special case. If paying a ghost, you will choose one of the physical class packages (or create your own physical class), not including Flier or Cavalier. They also can't use any weapons except for the one down below. Once you have chosen this class and planned out your growth rates, you will subtract 2 from all the base stats, and be given these skills in exchange for the ones you normally would:

Ghost Blade:
The ghost blade is a weapon that was important to the ghost when they died, or simply one that was nearby. It manifests in their hands during combat, and as it is a weapon (something physical), it works in between the realms of the living and the dead. It has the following profile:

0 mt 90 hit 0 crt 0 wt

Though the can interact they are very weak, and are mostly a nuisance to things that are still alive. As a ghost gets more powerful, through their Ethereal skill, their blade becomes more real and will upgrade after the fact.

This unit can not be affected by terrain, physical weapons (unless a specific item is used before hand), or anima magic. However, it takes double damage from light and dark magic. Walking between planes makes one affected more so by the magicks held closest to life and death. All of your base stats are lower than those of living characters, as well.

Ethereal and Supports:
As a ghost character supports with another character (be that character someone they knew in life or someone they have become attached to in death) they start to become more ingrained in the mortal realm. For every one rank they have (C, B, A; doesn't stack) they gain a permanent bonus to their base stats, as they have started to become less etheral and more physical.

At C rank, they gain +1 to all stats, and they can physically interact with the people they are supporting with (pushing, shoving, etc), but not vice versa. This also lifts their immunity to anima magic, as they are entering the realm of man.

At B rank it becomes +2, and they lose their weakness to light and dark, whilst maintaining their immunity to physical weapons (they're not entirely on the plane yet), and the person they are supporting with can interact physically back to them.

At A rank, the bonus becomes +4, and ethereal has lost all of its bonuses. They are now the same as a regular human unit, effected by all weapons and magic normally, as the person they are supporting has become so important to them that their will to remain in the mortal plane has become strong enough to manifest them a temporary body, until whatever duty they had on the planet is fulfilled. They may also use any physical weapons in their weapon type, as well as gain a rank in another type they choose (D).

[spoiler=Racial Bonuses]
Aside from the ones mentioned in the Monster Classes section, there are a few small bonuses for choosing your race.

Elf: +2 skl, +2 spd, -1 Con

Half-Elf: +2 skl, +3 HP

Human: +3 HP, one extra weapon type at E rank

[spoiler=Promotion]Welcome to the wonderful tab on promotion!

If you are a standard class, you will have the choice of two classes to promote into, with set points given to you and a choice of secondary weapon.

If you are a custom class, you will be given a 10 points to spend (with restrictions) and given a secondary weapon.

Each class will gain a skill upon promotion, one chosen of two if you are a standard class, and one chosen out of the list of Tier 2 skills if you are custom.

Instead of taking a secondary weapon, you may choose to raise the level of one of your existing weapon ranks, after the points from promoting have been added to your current weapon levels.

If you are a monster, your level cap will be instead extended to 30. At level 20, two of your skills will be upgraded, and you will recieve a new skill chosen out of two new ones.


Fighters may choose to promote into Heroes or Warriors.

A skilled veteran in many weapons, variable in almost all combat.
+2 hP, +2 str, +2 skl, +2 spd, +1 def, +1 con
Caps: 26 Str, 21 mag, 29 Skl, 25 Spd, 30 Lck, 24 Def, 21 Res.

Hero skills:

Raw Fighter: Critical is changed to raw Skl, not Skl/2. Also, ignore enemy luck when determining crit rate.

Sol: Heal HP equivalent to damage done (skl%x2)

Secondary weapon choices: Lance, Sword, Bow, Axe at (D).

A talented fighter skilled in strong blows, and deadly counters.
+3 hP, +3 str, + 1 spd, +1 def, +2 con
Caps: 29 Str, 21 mag, 24 Skl, 26 Spd, 30 Lck, 23 def, 23 res

Warrior skills:

Counter: Return all damage taken (spd%x2)

Daunt: Every enemy unit in within three spaces (outside of the unit) loses 15 to their hit and avoid.

Secondary weapon choices: Axe, Bow at (D).


Mages may choose to promote into Sages or Mage Fighters.

A master of many magics. As adept at learning them as they are at using them.
+1 hp, +3 mag, +1 skl, +2 spd, +1 def, +2 res
Caps: 28 mag, 21 str, 27 skl, 24 spd, 30 lck, 20 def, 26 res

Sage skills:

Bless: Cast on player phase, can be used before or after moving. Any allies within three spaces (outside of the unit) gain +4 in a stat picked out of the proceeding stats: Magic, Skill, Speed, Resistance. Used in place of an action.

Mana Burn: Decrease the enemy's magic and resistance by Level/4 for two turns (mag%2)(level formula includes levels from tier 1).

Secondary weapon choices: any magic not already learned at (D).

Mage Fighter:
A person skilled in magic and the ways of a weapon, able to incorporate both into fighting.
+2 hP, +1 mag, +3 str, +1 skl, +2 res, +1 con
Caps: 24 Mag, 24 str, 25 skl, 26 spd, 30 lck, 22 def, 25 res

Mage Fighter skills:

Empower: For two turns, can pull all magic and put it into strength. After these two turns are up, strength reverts, and magic remains at zero for two more turns.

Renewal: Gain life equivalent to magic back at the start of a turn.

Secondary weapon choices: gain access to anima (E), and swords or lances at (E)


Fliers may choose to promote into Draco Lords or Winged Nightmares (if they chose a wyvern) and Falcoknights or Seraphs (if they chose a pegasus).

Draco Lord:
They share a bond with their mount that no one else can claim, flying through the skies with ease.
+3 hp, +2 str, +1 skl, +3 def, +1 con
Caps: 25 str, 21 mag, 24 skl, 23 spd, 30 lck, 28 def, 25 res

Draco Lord skills:

Guard: Take half damage through use of a thick shield (def%x2)

Saviour: Lose no skill or speed while rescuing an ally.

Secondary weapon choices: any physical weapon at (D).

Winged Nightmare:
A terrifying combination of man and dragon, striking like lightning.
+1 hp, +3 str, +2 skl, +2 spd, +2 con
Caps: 28 str, 21 mag, 25 skl, 27 spd, 30 lck, 24 def, 21 res

Winged Nightmare skills:

Stun: Knock out an enemy with a quick, well aimed strike, for the next EP (counts as one attack at half attack, enemy can not counter if it connects.)

Swoop: Sacrifice 20 hit to attack an enemy from 3 spaces away, in a swooping strike.

Secondary weapon choices: sword, lance (D).

A glorious horned steed flies above the battle with strong wings, carrying a rider of wonderous skill.
+1 hp, +2 str, +2 mag, +1 skl, +2 spd, +1 res, +1 con
Caps: 24 str, 23 mag, 25 skl, 28 spd, 30 lck, 22 def, 24 res

Falcoknight Skills:

Galeforce: If user's speed is higher than enemy's by 7, gain a second move if enemy is defeated.

Miracle: Lck%. Survive any fatal attack.

Secondary weapon choices: sword/lance, staff (D).

Winged healers of the battlefield, staffs aloft, healing wherever their presence graces.
+2 hp, +3 mag, +1 skl, +2 spd, +1 res, +1 con
Caps: 22 str, 26 mag, 23 skl, 27 spd, 30 lck, 21 def, 27 res

Seraph Skills:

Aura: Heals 20% HP to all adjacent allies at the start of the turn.

Aegis: Remove bow weakness, and take half damage from bows.

Secondary weapon choices: Lance/Sword (D), Staff © (if staff is not already taken).


Archers may choose to promote into Snipers or Rangers.

Peerless with a bow, they can launch an arrow with precision known to almost none.
+2 hp, +2 str, +3 skl, +1 spd, +1 def, +1 con
Caps: 26 str, 21 mag 29 skl, 24 spd, 30 lck, 25 def, 21 res

Sniper skills:

Precision: +15 crit rate while using a bow.

Long shot: Can fire any bow at 2-3 range

Secondary weapon choice: Sword, Lances at (D)

Combining the mobility of a cavalier with the range of an archer, they are fearsome warriors.
+2 hp, +2 str, +1 skl, +3 spd, +2 con
Caps: 26 str, 21 mag, 25 skl, 28 spd, 30 lck, 24 def, 22 res

Ranger skills:

Prepared: Always switch to the proper weapon to counter with at range or up close.

Trailblazer: +2 move on empty terrain (if the unit starts their move on empty terrain).

Secondary weapon choice: Sword (D)


Cavaliers may choose to promote into Paladins or Great Knights.

The just and the righteous. They cover all territories of battle, with skill and fury.
+3 hp, +1 str, +2skl, +2 spd, +2 con
Caps: 25 str, 22 mag, 26 skl, 24 spd, 30 lck, 25 def, 24 res

Paladin skills:

Parry & Riposte: Paladins are masters of combat, and know the ins and outs. Skl%x1.5 (double RNG), avoid enemy attack, and deal half raw damage in return.

Barding: Ignore effective weapons (horse/raceslaying, or otherwise), at the cost of 1 move.

Secondary weapon choice: Axe (D)

Great Knight:
Heavily armored men and women on horseback, charging straight into the breach without a single fear.
+4 hp, +2 str, +2 def, +2 con
Caps: 28 str, 21 mag, 24 skl, 23 spd, 30 lck, 29 def, 21 res

Charge!: If more than 2 spaces away from an enemy, horizontally or vertically, slam into them with a mighty blow. +8 Mt on first attack. Cooldown, 5 turns. (Does not work on enemies in forts, gates, villages, or thrones.)

Weapons Master: Gain ranks in every physical weapon, at D rank. Raise the rank of your first chosen weapon by one letter immediately. If a weapon rank is already had outside of the first one, points will be distributed to it.

Secondary weapon choice: (if Weapons Master is not chosen) Axe or Bow (D)


Thieves may choose to promote into Rogues or Assassins!

A slippery character, skulking in the shadows for the right moment to take whatever it is they want.
+2 hp, +3 skl, +2 spd, +2 lck, +1 res
Caps: 23 str, 23 mag, 27 skl, 29 spd, 30 lck, 22 def, 22 res

Rogue skills:

Bane: Strike the target where they are most vital, leaving them weak and near death. (Spd/4%)

Pass: A slippery characters knows the ins and outs of staying alive. They can dart out of combat without any trouble at all. Pass through any occupied space regardless of what character is there.

Secondary weapon choice: Bows (D)

Masters of death, able to kill with a single touch; their blades know the body well.
+1 hp, +5 skl, +2 spd, +2 lck
Caps: 24 str, 22 mag, 29 skl, 27 spd, 30 lck, 22 def, 22 res

Assassin skills:

Lethality: The blade knows the body well, as does the wielder. Where can they strike best to end this with nothing but a single touch? Immediately kill target. (Crit/4%, must be using sword and be at 1 range)

Deadeye: Notable not only with the blade, but with the bow as well, assassins may not be as powerful as snipers, but they know where to aim for effective results. (Skl/2%, deal 1.5% damage and paralyze target for 2 turns.)

Secondary weapon choice: Bows (D)

Custom Classes!

If you've chosen a custom class, you get to design your own caps, promotion bonuses, and secondary weapons!

Your caps will equal a total of 146, excluding luck (which is 30 for every class) and can not exceed 29. As well, only one stat may be 29, and no stat may go below 21.

Your promotions gains are 10 points, put into whatever stats you want, excluding move.

You can only put a maximum of three points into a stat.

The max amount of points you can put into Con is 2.

If you wish for a mount, you may spend 1 extra point and put it into move, flavoring yourself gaining one. Your max move may only be 7. If you already have a mount in a custom class, you gain one move as per normal.

You may then pick one skill from any of the classes listed above. But, it must fit into your IC. No axe fighters with Galeforce @ ~ @

Happy customizing!


For promotion customization

you can feng shui around FIVE points. Nothing may go below 21. Nothing may go above 29.

This is if you are a monster or are not using a custom class with custom promotion.

[spoiler=Monster "Promotion"]Welcome to the wonderful Monster "Promotion" tab!

Here, monsters will be explains, as they are fairly different from regular classes.

Instead of gaining the promotion and extra levels that regular classes get, Monsters get a huge upgrade to their skills, some interesting base skills, and get to choose one other skill from two.


Of the two skills the monster character already has, they will be upgraded. You will then get to choose either the skill that you did not take at the start of the RP (upgraded), or the new skill added for Tier 2.


Caps: 25 str, 21 mag, 28 skl, 24 spd, 30 lck, 25 def, 23 res

Supreme Archer: Proven time and again to be supreme at range, Centaurs boast the ultimate power with bows. Mt +2and hit +15 when using bows.

Stampeding: Move +3, and are able to cross hills.

One with the Woods: If starting on a forest tile, gain +2 move for the turn. Continue to ignore forest tiles for movement purposes.

Armored (can not be taken with Stampeding): Gain immunity to horse slaying weapons, as thick armor now covers you enough for them to be inneffective.


Caps: 23 str, 23 mag, 24 skl, 26 spd, 30 lck, 23 def, 27 res

Coil: Instead of ramming their full weight into their foe, the naga chooses to instead strangle them with their tail, tying up their foe with blinding speed and squeeing the life out of them. (14 mt, 60 hit, 15 crt)(has the same cool down as tail smack)(doesn't work on bosses).

Magical Scales: They now move +2, and gain +6 to their resistance. They are no longer affected by the cold, or ice magics.

Sidewinder: Nagas subtract 1 from all their terrain costs, and aren't slowed down by weather or deserts.

Deadly Fangs: Some nagas contain incredibly powerful venom in their fangs. Instead of attacking, a naga can choose to cause toxin to an enemy unit within one range of them. Three turn cooldown. (doesn't work on bosses)


Caps: 26 str, 21 mag, 24 skl, 27 spd, 30 lck, 25 def, 23 res

Strong Wings: Harpies now move 7 over all terrain.

Mug: Harpies now deal a flat 10 damage when they steal any item as their claws tear through armor and flesh whilst snatching the items they want. Damage does not apply to bosses, may still steal.

Enchanted Claws: Through learned magic, harpy claws can become incredibly sharp and solid. They now have the following profile: 8 mt 90 hit 10 crt 0 wt.

Sword Masters: Harpies that fight without their claws and choose to only use swords, or fight with both claws and swords, are deadly, as they have learned how to wield their weapons well, despite their weird grip. Harpies with this skill gain +15 crit and +10 hit while using swords.


Caps: 21 str, 20 mag, 21 skl, 28 spd, 30 lck, 28 def, 27 res

As ungeist skills are already incredibly powerful, and they have three, they will simply gain an extra skill upon their existing ones.

Control: Using their body and magic as a potent weapon, the Ungeist charms the enemy into fighting for them for three enemy phases (does not work on bosses)(only one enemy can be charmed at a time, as it takes concentration from the succubus to keep this control). This ability also drains the mental fortitude of the succubi, meaning they can not use it in quick succession. After using it, once it ends, they must wait three turns before it can be used again, and it can only be used twice per map, lest they faint from the drain on their psyche.


Caps: 26 str, 21 mag, 25 skl, 23 spd, 30 lck, 26 def, 25 res

As ghosts are a special case and gain bonuses to their stats through supports, they do not gain much in skills. They do, however, gain a very potent one.

Possess: A ghost can inhabit anyone they have a support with to offer their power. At C rank, they give their stats /8 to the person they are possessing. At B rank, /6. At A rank, /4. This lasts for three turns.

Spectral Shielder: A ghost that has mastered its ethereal abilities of appearing and disappearing can be a terrifying aid on the battlefield. Up to 3 times during the enemy phase, the ghost may choose to intervene on any combat involving characters the ghost has supported, taking the hit, but disappearing to allow them to counter. The ghost does not suffer weapon triangle losses during this, as they are only using their weapon to defend, not fight.

On top of these skills, once a monster reaches level 20 (sans ghosts), they also gain the Feral skill. Reaching deep, they can gain power from the animal half of their bodies.

Feral: For three turns, once a map, any monster can choose to go Feral, gaining +2 to all stats until the effects wear off.

They also gain a special move that they can use during this:

Headshot: Centaurs can aim their bow with spectacular precision, shooting past most helmets and armor. They can make one shot that ignores defense. Does not work on bosses.

Glare: Nagas while feral gain some of the old magic their God used to wield. Their eyes turned a piercing yellow, and if they catch the sight of anyone, they can temporarily turn them to stone. Skl+Spd as a % to hit, turns target to stone for 3 turns. Targets gains 10 defense/resistance, but loses all luck, and any attacks made at them are made at +30 crit. Does not work on bosses.

Wings: Most Ungeist do not have wings, or the ability to fly, but when they unleash their innate powers, they can choose to grow or expand any wings they have, allowing them to fly. Ungeist gain flight whilst Feral, allowing them to traverse all terrain. They can not land on impassable terrain, as when this power wears off, they are no longer flying.

Hit & Away: Harpies, while feral, can utilize their fully fleshed out wings to perform great feats of attacking and jumping away. Harpies may perform an attack, and then move their full move away. Upon ending this move, they may make any other action: using an item, rescuing someone, or even attacking again if in range of an enemy. Must be in base contact to begin a Hit & Away attack. May be performed once while feral. Harpy MUST move at least 3 tiles if used, can not attack, use, sit in place, and perform action.

For their "promotion" all monsters will gain 8 stats (at level 20) that they can place into any stats with the same restrictions as custom classes.

No more than 3 stats in a single spot, no more than 2 stats in Con, no points may be spent on move.

[spoiler=Where Do You Come In?]

Everyone seems to be enjoying an age of peace. Despite altercations here and there between the races and other groups, nothing has ever sprawled out of control. Yet none can ignore the looming fog over the ocean, not knowing what it means for anyone alive. You couldn't be concerned with that, though, as you are but a traveling mercenary, looking for work. And work you have found.

Makin Tiarn is a naga, and one that has seen plenty of fighting in her life. She was a part of a mercenary band when she was younger, and leads her own small band now. She's looking to recruit more members to it, and get to see how good they are at fighting. And she has the perfect place in mind. A small cemetary has been accosted by a necromancer, the dead being brought back to life. She, and her troupe, could handle such a thing easily, but it'll provide a good enough test for any green horn.

Having succeeded in their task they've now moved on and are taking on new requests. Who will you be in the story? Who knows! Make a sign up and I'll help you work your character into the plot at an appropriate time.

[spoiler=General Item Notes]Gonna take a note from WW here and make Axes and Dark Magic all weigh 2 less than what is listed on the FE7 page. With con being lower for most people, these weapons will make things far too unbalanced. With their new weight, at least they'll see use without being ridiculous.

Lances and Bows will also receive a drop of 1 from their weights.

Goddess Icons will give 4 luck when consumed.

Steel Axe is D rank!

And that's all I'll steal from there.

As for my own little edits:

Steel Sword weighs 9 now

As well as the minus 2 from before, the Hand Axe will receive a further -1 to its weight, making it 9 as well

Javelin also weighs 9

the Steel Lance will weigh 11

Divine weighs 10

And Fimbulvetr weighs 11

[spoiler=Signup Sheet]Name:















Weapon Ranks:



So there's all that!

I'm going to be looking for at least 6 people to signup before we get started, though I'm not going to close it at just 6.

Please note that for monsters there will be a (0/2) max on then, and a (0/1) max on the ghost (which someone has already said they will take and I have agreed to that's already full)

Here's an example of what a signup should look like. Have fun making your characters!

[spoiler=Example Signup]Name: Makin Tiarn

Race: Naga
Age: 29

Appearance: Makin has long black hair, and a pale complexion. Her face is narrow and her eyes are thin, her irises hazel. She had a thin build, but not a lack of muscles, as she has been fighting her entire life. Her scales shine with a dull burgundy color. She wears a suit of leather armor that has been tailored to fit halfway down her tail.

Personality: Makin is the kind of woman to not take things from anyone. She's down to the point and likes to get things done. That isn't to say she can't joke, and likes to do so often, but when she's serious it's very apparent.

Backstory: At 15, Makin left the desert. It was an early age to set out, but the desert was a harsh host, and she felt that she could handle anything in the world if she'd survived that long. It wasn't too long before she'd found herself in Bau Berg, making plans with a mercenary group she'd run into the fight with them. Their leader's name was Gerrod. He was a tall, strong man, with a blond beard and blond hair. He'd filled the tavern with a hearty laugh at hearing her request to join his group. "Someone so young? And a snake, no less! Surely you must be joking?" She offered to prove herself, and sparred with the man. Though she lost, Gerrod recognized that she wasn't some dreamer, and had actual talent with fighting. He allowed her in, and they all had many an adventure for a time.

Several years later, at the age of 22, disaster struck their group. One of their members had been stolen away during the night by a robed man, and taken deep into the Griberge Mountains. Despite the dangers of the area, Gerrod couldn't leave them, and gave chase without waiting for the rest of his mercenaries. Makin followed, though it was far too late when she'd gotten there. Gerrod lay dead in his own blood, the member that had been kidnapped crying over him. It seemed they had just been bait to lure him away from his friends, to be slain with a knife through his back.

The group dispersed shortly after, with two members following Makin: Charlie and Ingverd. They spent their time doing small jobs here and there, but eventually, Makin felt it was time to do something with their lives. She signed her band up at a local village tavern, near Velkehln, and waited for applicants. She would have her own mercenary troupe, and just maybe, find out who had killed the man who led her last.

Class: Naga


Level 1

Hp: 24 (60%)
Str: 5 (50%)
Mag: 2 (10%)
Skl: 3 (30%)
Spd: 5 (45%)
Lck: 2 (25%)
Def: 2 (40%)
Res: 3(6) (40%)
Con: 7 (3%)
Aid: 5
Move: 5(6)

Affinity: Wind
Weapon ranks: Sword ( D )

Inventory: Iron Sword, vulnerary

Skills: Tail smack, Snake Body

Of course, Makin will be a much higher level when the RP starts, but this is for the purposes of example. Once again, if you've any questions, feel free to ask me, and I'll do my best to answer.

Another big ol' general note here: Tryhard and I will be giving out individual EXP based on actions during the RP, things you do in battle, how close to stick to your race's lore (I.E. centaurs being prideful and honorable, harpies being cowards, etc.), and will give BEXP to those who fall behind. Also MVP bonuses and stuff.

BIGGEST NOTE: Death is permanent after 3 falls. WATCH OUT.

Stats can he found here (and will be updated as we go along.)

Current RPers:











RPers in reserve:



Wow so quick. Already got enough people over Skype. Feel free to post characters still, you'll just show up after the first chapter.

[spoiler=NPCs]Name: Makin Tiarn
Race: Naga
Age: 29
Appearance: Makin has long black hair, and a pale complexion. Her face is narrow and her eyes are thin, her irises hazel. She had a thin build, but not a lack of muscles, as she has been fighting her entire life. Her scales shine with a dull burgundy color. She wears a suit of leather armor that has been tailored to fit halfway down her tail.

Personality: Makin is the kind of woman to not take things from anyone. She's down to the point and likes to get things done. That isn't to say she can't joke, and likes to do so often, but when she's serious it's very apparent.

Backstory: At 15, Makin left the desert. It was an early age to set out, but the desert was a harsh host, and she felt that she could handle anything in the world if she'd survived that long. It wasn't too long before she'd found herself in Bau Berg, making plans with a mercenary group she'd run into the fight with them. Their leader's name was Gerrod. He was a tall, strong man, with a blond beard and blond hair. He'd filled the tavern with a hearty laugh at hearing her request to join his group. "Someone so young? And a snake, no less! Surely you must be joking?" She offered to prove herself, and sparred with the man. Though she lost, Gerrod recognized that she wasn't some dreamer, and had actual talent with fighting. He allowed her in, and they all had many an adventure for a time.

Several years later, at the age of 22, disaster struck their group. One of their members had been stolen away during the night by a robed man, and taken deep into the Griberge Mountains. Despite the dangers of the area, Gerrod couldn't leave them, and gave chase without waiting for the rest of his mercenaries. Makin followed, though it was far too late when she'd gotten there. Gerrod lay dead in his own blood, the member that had been kidnapped crying over him. It seemed they had just been bait to lure him away from his friends, to be slain with a knife through his back.

The group dispersed shortly after, with two members following Makin: Charlie and Ingverd. They spent their time doing small jobs here and there, but eventually, Makin felt it was time to do something with their lives. She signed her band up at a local village tavern, near Velkehln, and waited for applicants. She would have her own mercenary troupe, and just maybe, find out who had killed the man who led her last.

Class: Naga


Level 7

Hp: 28 (60%)
Str: 8 (50%)
Mag: 3 (10%)
Skl: 5 (30%)
Spd: 8 (45%)
Lck: 4 (25%)
Def: 5 (40%)
Res: 6(9) (40%)
Con: 7 (3%)
Aid: 6
Move: 5(6)

Affinity: Wind
Weapon ranks: Sword ( C )

Inventory: Steel Sword, Iron Sword, vulnerary

Skills: Tail smack, Snake Body

Name: Charlie Ford
Race: Human
Age: 28
Appearance: Charlie is a thin, almost underweight man, covered on robes, with a shaved head and a bright smile. His cheek bones are visible on his thin face, though his smile is a pretty one, and he tends to calm those he speaks to because of it.

Personality: A timid man of the cloth, Charlie heals those in trouble, no matter who they are, because he belives all beings deserve life. It's a bit troubling for him, sometimes, in the mercenary group, but he swallows his reservations for his friends.

Backstory: Charlie was that one boy at the school who never fought anyone, who always wanted people to make up, who always wanted people to get along. This extended into his teenage and adult life, as he took up the mantle as a worshipper of Solence. He found the sun to be impartial to all things in life, only ever helping, and he felt he was the same way. Gerrod seemed to agree with his outlook, though it took him some time to get over the mercenaries killing as they did.

Unfortunately, he did not help one person, and it has scarred him since. He was the member kidnapped to lure Gerrod out to his death, and the memory has always haunted him. "IF I'd been stronger, if I'd been smarter, he'd still be..." are the things he told himself. Despite getting better about it, whenever he sees an ally fall in battle, he breaks into the terrible memory of crying over Gerrod's corpse. Nevertheless, he is still a talented healer.

Class: Mage
Level: 4
Hp: 20 (60%)
Str: 1 (10%)
Mag: 9 (75%)
Skl: 5 (35%)
Spd: 4 (40%)
Lck: 5 (20%)
Def: 3 (10%)
Res: 6 (50%)
Con: 5 (2%)
Aid: 4
Move: 5

Affinity: Light
Weapon Ranks: Staves ( C )
Inventory: Mend Staff, Vulnerary
Skill(s): Great Healer

Name: Ingverd Klarn.
Race: Elf
Age: 25

Ingverd's skin is black, set against his messy white hair. His face is angular and his nose is pointed, his eyes a deep blue. He's fairly tall (6'5") and incredibly thin, befitting of an elf. He keeps his mess of hair just down to his ears, and constantly spends time running his hand through it to keep it in a certain "style" of messed up. His only real muscles are in his arms, from swinging swords around, and they would only be toned, not built up.

He prefers simple clothing, as expensive things get ruined rather easily, by cuts, blood, or other things getting on them in a fight. Nevertheless, he knows how to accessorize, and has a set of crescent moon shaped earrings, a silver necklace with a small dragon on it, and a bangle on his right arm, set in copper, with a tiny orange stone atop it. For his simple clothes, baggy, tan pants, and a dull red t-shirt. He wears sandals-- with no socks!

Personality: Ingverd is a lady's man, and is never shy to act as such around anyone he considers attractive. Besides that, he's polite, a gentleman, and has a sense of honor almost comparable to that of a centaur.

Backstory: Ingverd was aware of his good looks since he was a teenager, and would constantly use them to get things he wanted in life. It wasn't until he met Gerrod and joined his troupe that he realized how terrible he'd been being. Gerrod showed him the error of his ways, and taught him to use his charms properly.

Still being a teenager when Gerrod was murdered, Ingverd didn't handle it very well, and chose to stick with Makin as she was the closest thing he had to a role model after the man's death. Seven years later, he'd done his best to move on, and is raring to go with another mercenary band.

Class: Fighter
Level: 5
Hp: 24 (75%)
Str: 6 (45%)
Mag: 0 (0%)
Skl: 8 (60%)
Spd: 11 (60%)
Lck: 3 (30%)
Def: 4 (20%)
Res: 1 (10%)
Con: 6 (3%)
Aid: 5
Move: 5

Affinity: Dark
Weapon Ranks: Swords ( C )
Inventory: Iron Sword, Shamshir, Vulnerary
Skill(s): Vantage

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Nope! HP and Lck Growth count the same as any other growth. (You also only get 1 HP or Luck if you proc it during a level, because I know someone will ask that)

And again, don't let the skype kids be a damper on your signup. You'll just show up in a later chapter, so no worries.

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Yes, it changes to being out of 20. So 5 con would be 15 aid, 6 con 14, etc.

Just wanted to add that if you choose Fly for your custom class, you get 23 points instead of 25, as 2 must be put into movement to make it 7.

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Name: Joel Padkinson

Race: Human

Age: 41

Appearance: Short and stout, short black hair and green eyes, clean-shaven. Wears a tattered cloak, long pants and tough, old boots.

Personality: Ruthlessly practical. Polite but not particularly friendly. Doesn't hold much interest or belief in the supernatural, or history, or anything else that isn't much use.

Backstory: A former miner tutored blacksmith who has lived in Bau Berg all his life, Joel was taught by his father from a young age the value of a strong work ethic. While other kids were outside playing, Joel would be chopping wood or running errands. It didn't particularly bother him but made him very diligent; even as an adult, when given a task, he will work at it slowly and methodically until it is complete. With his wife, a daughter of merchants, he started a small but lucrative business and spent much time hammering out armor, weapons and tools.

When his son, an amateur historian and geologist, went missing on an expedition to the Giberge mountains, Joel was determined to find him - or as the case may be, his corpse. Leaving the business in the hands of his wife and apprentIce, he bought an old, retired war dragon and headed south, with the intention of hiring a group of mercenaries to handle any monsters they might encounter in his search. Figuring his son to be a resourceful sort who would be able to look after himself, he is in no great hurry to get back; his plan is to find a band and observe them at work, both to gauge their reliability and to learn how to best lead a mercenary group.

Class: Dragoon


Level: 1

Hp: 24+3 (60%)

Str: 6 (60%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 5 (45%)

Spd: 3 (40%)

Lck: 4 (30%)

Def: 4 (40%)

Res: 1 (25%)

Con: 6 (1%)

Aid: 14

Move: 5

Weapon Ranks: Axe D, Sword E

Inventory: Iron Axe, Vulnerary

Skill(s): Fly

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Your stats and growths check out, but you're gonna have to feng shui two base points into move. It was my bad for not specifying before you went off to do stats, but when you take Fly you only get 23 to work with, instead of 25, as two of them must go into movement. And gimme an affinity please~

Once that's sorted though, it all checks out! Aaaaaaaccepted.

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Name: Valha Nix

Race: Harpy

Age: 22

Appearance: Of modest height, Valha possesses a small but athletic build. Black hair drops down a bit past her shoulders and is kept in a green ribbon. She has beige wings of a somewhat large wingspan for her height and bright green eyes. She wears lightweight brown leather armor in combat and a plain white shirt with grey pants beneath. She also wears a few gold necklaces and a ring. Multiple small scars, cuts, and bruises are scattered all around her skin, but few are of any real concern.


Personality: Notably outgoing among harpies, Valha is competitive and proud of herself. She'll do whatever she can to gain an edge on life, regardless of the consequences and moral issues, often acting what could be considered as unsportsmanlike in various activities, including battle. She disdains claws because she thinks of them as inferior to swords in battle and looks down on those who use them as foolish. Her own actions are of questionable intelligence at times and she largely acts on impulse with little forethought. She is extremely vain and constantly keeps her appearance nice and is easily swayed through flattery.

Backstory: Valha was only a small child when the first harpies left the mountains, and was very eager to see the area beyond what she had known. She grew up in the slums of Felson, where she met Lanos at a young age and got along rather well with him, though she was often disappointed when he didn't share her eagerness to gain an advantage in their rough conditions. She constantly tried to find effective situations to her problems and badgered him into doing the same, not really realizing he put up with her as a way of dealing with her impulsiveness. She resorted to thievery when Lanos considered it unwise, but he ended up relying on her a bit anyway. She also practiced with swords and got into an occasional scuffle, also encouraging him to do the same due to her own irrational dislike of claws.

At nineteen Valha decided to leave in order to find better luck elsewhere, growing increasingly dissatisfied with her quality of life in the slums, and wasn't too surprised when Lanos left with her. She pursued mercenary work and was hired by Makin Tiarn, convincing Lanos to attempt the same after some time. She waited anxiously to see how he managed to do during his debut mission.

Class: Harpy


Hp: 18 (50%)

Str: 6+2 (55%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 3 (40%)

Spd: 9+4 (60%)

Lck: 4+1 (25%)

Def: 2 (35%)

Res: 2 (35%)

Con: 5 (2%)

Aid: 10

Move: 5

Level: 1

Weapon Ranks: Sword D

Inventory: Iron Sword, Vulnerary

Skill(s): Flight, Steal

backstory is largely coordinated with Oersted

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Name: Lanos Azix
Race: Harpy
Age: 19
Appearance: Of above average height Lanos possesses a tall and fit build. Rather uncontrolled, his brown hair reaches just to his neck before curling ever so slightly. His wings are of a dark shade of brown and are what could be considered average for his height. Ever the cautious one Lanos wears brown leather armor whenever he suspects there to be danger, such as traveling with another Harpy to unknown places. Underneath he wears a sky blue t-shirt and brown pants.
Personality: A typical Harpy in that he, if in mortal danger, would sooner take flight than fight, though in certain conditions this is reversed. On the other hand, when not in mortal danger, he is quite a curious and cautious fellow.
Backstory: Born just after the Harpies came down from Griberge he lived a few years in sweet ignorance. He grew up in the slums of Felson living quite the unordinary life thanks to an older, rather uncharacteristically, headstrong and reckless Harpy by name of Valha, who badgered him into her schemes on many an occasion. It's thanks to her though that he can wield a sword properly though he prefers his talons; not that he has ever had the guts to say that to her face.
Eventually Valha grew bored of the slums, Lanos figured it would happen sooner or later though he wished by that time he'd have been able to grow a backbone. Though to give the young Harpy credit he held his ground for a few days, though not long enough for Valha to leave him behind, not to mention he relied more than he was willing to admit despite his gained knowledge and as such was more or less forced to accompany her. When Valha found work as a mercenary he refused to join her for some time, insisting there were better, less dangerous ways to make a living though eventually she convinced him to at least apply.
Class: Harpy
Hp: 24 (60%)
Str: 5 (60%)
Mag: 0 (0%)
Skl: 4 (45%)
Spd: 6 (50%)
Lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 4 (50%)
Res: 2 (15%)
Con: 5 (2%)
Aid: 10
Move: 5
Affinity: Light
Weapon: Claws. Swords (D)
Inventory: Claws, Vulnerary
Skills: Flight, Sharp Claws
Backstory mostly coordinated with Rein.
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Sorry bladderick
Being a skype RP zombie does that to me

[spoiler=mary sue!]
Name: Maja Henning (that is a soft j)
Race: Human
Age: 19
Appearance: 5'07"/170cm in height. In weight, Maja looks healthy and of hearty diet, one could assume between 135-145lbs/61-65kg at a glance. For lack of a better term, Maja's outfit leaves quite an impact. She wears a reinforced red leather shirt fit for travel, with an yellow floral pattern sewed in. It is accompanied by beige pants, if slightly tainted pink at places, of mostly wool in fabric. A green silky sash hangs around her hips, loosely hugging her pants, if only for vanity more than anything. Maja also wears a hooded mantle, pale pink in color, that reaches just above her knees, for protection against the weather. Her boots are a faded blue, discoloration easily attributed to excess sunlight, they were probably bluer at one point. She keeps her celtic orange hair in a ponytail, held by a green hair tie. Her green eyes and pale skin would look rather pretty and regal for a human, were she in perhaps a less clashing outfit.
...Her sense of fashion is definitely questionable, perhaps it was never brought up to her?

A new gear and cold wear, as of Act 2, chapter 4, consists of: A moderately heavy, long-and-bell-sleeved, blue leather shirt with a starry sky pattern; Maroon, leather pants; Red socks "to go with" dark green boots (fortunately well-covered by the pants and boots); And finally, pink finger-less gloves to add her outfit some detail, of course.

Personality: When it comes to Him, Maja is very zealous, and leaves no illusion that she was not raised in that faith. She is a bit fond of giving her god eloquent names like 'O Primeval One' and 'Firstest of all', and much of her perception of the world centers around her faith. She's quite oblivious about other faiths, though more as a lack of reference rather than any animosity. Despite her piousness, she believes all sorts of supernatural things with ease, including --and especially so,-- folklore surrounding ghosts, demons, and the undead.
She is rather curious about other races, educated enough to know of the Nagas, despite not seeing many in her hometown. Harpies, however, are a species she only vaguely has an idea about.
Maja does not show to be street smart. Her mentality seems to err more on the side of "If they've done nothing wrong, they must be fine", and so she won't be inclined to think ill or be wary of a person unless they've done something foul before.
Maja is unafraid of speaking up or socializing, though she is notably less proactive when tired. As she much prefers to keep herself busy with some sort of work or practice, it is not uncommon for her to be chipper and bubbly by the morning whilst restrained and introverted during the evening. As far as work ethic goes, she takes anything she can call work or training seriously, to the extent her diligence could be considered spartan. She pays little attention and is lax about her peers' ethics, however.
Maja gives a lot of signs of being spoiled and sheltered in her social cues. Her knowledge about the world's history is lacking, as well as her understanding of economy and other "adult topics", as she would put in her mid teenage years. Romance is definitely another topic that eludes her, being easily embarrassing or just frustrating.

Backstory: Born and raised by a faithful and rather prosperous family in Angern, Maja learned of her faith since early. Her parents gave her incentive to learn about magic equally early, under the teachings of the local church. Maja became acquainted with light magic and magic for healing, and was deemed to have proper talent for a magic-user. By her tenth birthday, she had gained a training staff for her family, and learned how to tap their specific magic over time.

Maja was pampered, and, during her early years, usually stayed home as her parents wished, except for when they visited the local church of Him. She grew increasingly interested in the world outside her home's windows, however, and eventually got her way with much insistence. As she grew to her early teens, she was able to leave the home for a few hours in the afternoon, every few days! Her nosy, fish-out-of-the-water nature gave her some friends and... not fans, in the town. That said, no one would actually be rude towards the girl, and many adults seemed more apprehensive about her, though she wasn't savvy enough to understand why. She did understand that her parents were respected people in Angern, even if her father was no hero of legend like those in her nighttime stories. Her piousness was much clearer when younger, and she'd usually bring it in many of her conversation. For Maja, spirituality always brought joy, but that wouldn't apply to all people she spoke to, easily leaving travelers who thought to entertain the curious little girl pinned against a topic they'd be uncomfortable with. Nevertheless, she eventually made friends with a group of elfin travelers who were fairly acquainted with the supernatural, or so they claimed. The topic of ghosts, corrupted entities and the ilk made fascinated her in a new way. Maja wanted to know more about the undead, understand why souls would get stuck in the world of the living instead of searching to Him, and much more... Maja eventually cared about as much towards her superstitions as she did to her faith, and as she tried socializing with those willing to talk of the subject, she needed ways to stay outside for longer than her parents allowed. It became a common practice for Maja to sneak around their vast home, climbing the windows of her room and other walls to go outside discreetly.

Maja grew up with a desire to leave her home and learn of the world on her own. As she made plans, Maja decided she needed to know how to wield a weapon to protect herself. During her 15th year, she picked up the spear as a weapon to fight with, with help from the local guard after enough bothering. She would sneak and train in the militia headquarters during the evenings, to the chagrin of the Captain of the Guard. In due time, she was able to hold her own, though she showed no notable talent for physical combat.

As she grew, it became more clear her parents were discontent at her wishes to leave. It was discouraging, though that did not stop Maja from trying. Caught time and time again by the guard and the church members in her attempts, however, Maja's chances seemed slim. Her older brother, Nikolaj, however, sympathized with her desire to leave home, a soul-searcher of his own right. He agreed to help Maja when the time was right, but warned her to give it serious thought. It was a dire step in her life, and their parents would hold bitter to the action: Should she come back, she might not be able to leave home again, or might not even be allowed back home if her father became furious. Perhaps she did not fully understood the consequences, but at her 18th year, Maja had decided it was time to leave nonetheless.

With help from her brother, she joined a small group of mercenaries that were heading to Velkehln at night. With a hooded cloak, she hid inside their weapons wagon, being able to fool the guards this way. Back home, she had only left a letter wishing her parents' understanding, and that His call could only be an experience for the better. Her pious words could somewhat be taken as if she had gone the deep end... but there was no chance to know what her parents felt now. What was done, was done.

Parting ways with the group in Velkehln proper, Maja still understood she had to lay low for a while, but was glad she could be so free to explore the town. With a rather large financial help she and her brother prepared, she was able to live the rest of the year well enough, and even had some luxuries such as restaurant visits, clothes she could decide on, and the general entertainment Velkehln had as a tourist spot. Those pleasant days would not last forever, though.

With her financial reserves dwindling, the girl found herself in a pinch -- a thief sneaked up at the inn she was staying the night and left with many customers' funds, hers included--. She'd need to find a way to sustain herself. Looking for job prospects, her understanding of staves came in handy for a very basic healer's service, but it wasn't well-paying enough with the established competition at that town. Eventually, she left the town in search of a mercenary's guild. She understood those would probably deal a more lasting job (with some luck, of course), with a better chance of higher pay and traveling --it was many birds in one stone!--.

Winds brought her the tale of a mercenary group hiring near Velkehln, and the details she heard piqued her interest. Supposedly, they would investigate a cemetery nearby for foul things that might be there! Seeing that this guild cared about such fond topic quickly raised the girl's hopes, and she thanked His blessings with a skip on her step as she made her way to Danf.

Class: Mage
Level: 1
Hp: 18 (55%) (+ 3 sheer hp from race! + 5% growths)
Str: 3 (35%) (2 spent + 25% growths)
Mag: 5 (45%)
Skl: 4 (35%)
Spd: 3 (40%)
Lck: 4 (30%) (+ 10% growths)
Def: 2 (25%) (1 spent + 15% growths)
Res: 4 (35%) (+ 5% growths)
Con: 7 (2%) (2 spent)
Aid: 6
Move: 5

Affinity: Wind.
Weapon Ranks: Staves (D), Lances (E).
Inventory: Heal staff, vulnerary, 200 *currency of flavor*.
Skill(s): Great healing.

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Name: Kadin

Race: Human
Age: was 32 at death
Appearance: Dude's a ghost. In life, he had short, neat black hair, was a little over 6', sturdy but not fat
Personality: Set on finding vengance through a living soul, angry, scattered
Backstory: Killed for something he can't remember, Kadin only recalls that he must find revenge and that his best hope is through a fellow devout follower of Him. Searching for someone who can help him finally be at peace, he finds himself following a small mercenary group hoping that this is the one.

Class: Guardian
Level: 1
Hp: 22 (60%)
Str: 2 (50%)
Mag: 0 (0%)
Skl: 3 (40%)
Spd: 1 (30%)
Lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 3 (50%)
Res: 1 (50%)
Con: 3 (1%)
Aid: 2
Move: 5

Affinity: Fire
Weapon Ranks: Lance (D)
Inventory: Ghost Lance
Skill(s): Ethereal

Edited by scorri
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Name: Meredith Farswain

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 24

Appearance: She got her father's stockier build (which in human terms means "a little more muscle than average"), her mother's dirt-brown fine, straight hair, and a pale complexion that will burn before it tans. Her hair, when down, reaches just past her chest. Usually, it's kept up in a ponytail. She has hazel eyes, thin lips, and wears whatever's cheap and functional (which almost never matches).

Personality: Straightforward, with her sense of humor being inversely proportional to her extraordinary sense of honor. She's also fairly resistant to change and distrustful, much to the chagrin of her parents.

Backstory: It did not take long for her merchant parents to see that Meredith had none of the qualities necessary to take over the family business in Velkehln. Another customer suggested that Meredith would be better off being a soldier. As her family sold weapons, it didn't take long before one of her father's customers offered his services as a martial arts teacher in lieu of payment. Thus, Meredith learned the ways of the lance and centaur (he was an oddball who didn't quite have the eyesight to be an archer), while neglecting more important things like managing money and fashion. She worked as a guard in several of the local taverns, and overheard a rumor of a mercenary band that was looking for new recruits. Her parents kicked her out of the house when she told them of the news - to them, it was an opportunity for her to grow! Unable to return home for a full year, Meredith hopes that her parents will be pleased by the stories she brings back. . .

Class: Guard


Level: 1

Hp: 18 (80%)

Str: 6 (50%)

Mag: 0 (0%)

Skl: 6 (50%)

Spd: 5 (40%)

Lck: 2 (20%)

Def: 4 (35%)

Res: 3 (25%)

Con: 6 (1%)

Aid: 5

Move: 5

Affinity: Thunder

Weapon Ranks: Lance D

Inventory: Iron Lance, Vulnerary

Skill(s): Pierce

Edited by eclipse
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Name: Ferdinand Coulpere

Race: Centaur/ Monster
Age: 27
Appearance: Being half-human and half horse, Ferdinand's horse body is black in colour, while his human half is very fair in terms of skin complexion. He sports a full, black beard and medium-long hair. His favourite type of shirts seem to bestriped full-sleeves, especially one with red and black stripes. He also has a sharp nose and his iris color is blue. He's more on the slim side.

Personality: Ferdinand is prideful like most of his race, although he is logical enough not to throw his life to protect a comrade, for he'll do it only if he thinks it will benefit a greater cause.He takes pride in his archery skills and knowledge of the trading business in Ostorav. While he has a sound temperament, if he snaps, he becomes very violent and will not have good self-control. Also he's quite the strategist.

Backstory: Ferdinand was born in Ward to your average merchant family, and his life was pretty normal. He spent much time practicing archery for he was taught to take pride in that being a defining trait of a Centaur.He took up the family business at the age of fourteen and went on a trading route along the eastern coast of Ostorav. He learned under his father's guidance and soon brought profits to the business, but at one point, when the caravan was attacked by brigands(and he was 20 at this time of his life), the others noted his exceptional skill with the bow. The group decided to let Ferdinand reside in Bau Berg and learn from the better equipped centaur archers in the industrialized city. He'd also get to know more about weaponry and such.

And so Ferdinand ended up living in Bau Berg, setting up a shop, learning more about the trade of metals and the mining business, while also trying to perfect his skills under the tutelage of another Centaur named Megor, who also put him through much physical excercise so he could wield an axe. This gave Ferdinand great endurance, so he's able to run longer distances than others. However, since he did not spend much of his developing years roaming about the Ward Woods, he's not as fast when it comes to moving through the woods.

Ferdinand now is in search of a mercnary company to hire him, for he wants to try out something new that will utilize his archery skills.

Level: Level 1?

Hp:21 (50%)
Str:6 (50%)
Mag: 0 (0%)
Skl:6 (50%)
Spd:7 (50%)
Lck:2 (20%)
Def: 2 (40%)
Res:1 (40%)
Con:7 (4%)
Move: 7

Affinity: Thunder
Weapon Ranks:Bows (D) Axes (E)
Inventory:Iron Bow, vulnerary
Skill(s): Master Archer, Cavalier

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Name: Raith Ereld

Race: Human

Age: 24

Appearance: He stands at a decent height of six feet, and has a slightly above average build. Athletic, but not overly built. He dons a thin suit of plated black armor, trimmed with white edges for battle. Sturdy enough to be functional for battle, but light enough as to not burden his mount.

He has medium length shaggy black hair and crystal blue eyes. He also has a tanned complexion. His general apparel usually consists of anything that’s deemed appropriate enough to be worn. Though he tends to prefer clothes that are slightly thicker than normal to combat the colder temperature higher altitudes can sometimes provide.

Personality: Raith has a certain ‘spark’ for adventure, and he longs to travel the world. If there’s adventure to be had and riches to be found, he wants to be there. He doesn't usually get too serious about things, and is generally optimistic and carefree. But if he needs to get serious, he will.

Backstory: Raith was born and raised in the city of Bau Berg. There, his father worked as a miner in the nearby mines, and would oftentimes bring back stories of the dwarves that he had heard from his co-workers. He enjoyed listening to them, but saw them as nothing more than simple entertainment. He was quick to dismiss any and all notion of validity behind these stories.

However, where his father saw false promise, Raith saw grand opportunity. As soon as he was able, he took off in search of the “Golden Gate of Griberge”, the entrance to the lost city of Griberge. He wasn't the first to go off in pursuit of the the lost city, and he probably wouldn't be the last. But he was surely one of the luckiest.

He had spent a little over a month in the Griberge Mountain Pass on his solo ‘expedition’ with nary a gold gate in sight. But what he had managed to lay eyes on was the unfortunate sight of one of the hellish wyverns thought to primarily reside in the deeper parts of the mountains. The creature let out a hellish shriek, ready to rip Raith to pieces. Yet, to his awe and surprise came a distinct bellowing from the other side of the mountain pass. A sight he would never forget; the image of a dragon swooping in from overhead ready to defend it's territory and by extension, Raith.

The aftermath of the battle was something he would never forget.

And imagine the surprise of his parents when he returned home, alive, with a dragon in tow.

Class: Draco Rider

Level 1
Hp: 27 (55%) 
Str: 5 (55%) 
Mag: 1 (10%)
Skl: 3 (40%)
Spd: 4 (50%)
Lck: 2 (20%)
Def: 2 (50%) 
Res: 2 (20%)
Con: 7 (2%)
Aid: 13
Move: 7
Mount: Dragon

Affinity: Dark
Weapon Ranks: Lance (D), Staves (E)
Inventory: Iron Lance, Vulnerary
Skills: Fly

Name: Ophelia

Age: 8

Appearance: Ophelia has ebony colored scales, lining her body from head to tail. Her underbelly is colored with slightly lighter tones of ashen gray. She has two horns protruding from the side of her skull, both of which curl around--almost like that of a ram. Her body is slightly more slender than the average dragon, and her size is a little smaller as well. She has a large scar on her left flank--a remnant of her battle at Griberge Mountain.

Personality: Despite her less than average size, Ophelia is a proud dragon and backs down from no challenge. In battle, if an enemy so much as bares his or her fangs, she decidedly takes it upon herself to show that she is not one to be trifled with. Outside of battle however, she has learned to take on a much calmer demeanor--a reflection of Raith's own personality. Though, she regards Raith as more of a plaything. A tiny creature with which she can sate her boredom with.

Backstory: Ophelia was born alongside three other siblings, she being the youngest, and the last to hatch. Her first sibling, the second youngest of the group was very frail and sickly, and fell prey to disease. The second oldest fell prey to another dragon. The last and oldest seemed to have withstood the test of nature, and presumably still resides at Griberge Mountain.

The only notable life events in Ophelia’s life thus far have been her battle with the wyvern and her meeting with Raith.

Edited by Vestige
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@Blue, small problem with archer master living in Berg, even if the guy was great, the best archers would still live in the woods. If you can word that differently that'd be super neat. Otherwise accepted.

@Ves Dat dragon. Yer in.

@Baldrick Alright, added you. Need you to accept before I can throw you into the skype group tho'.

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Name: Dima bin Faruq

Race: Naga

Age: 21



Personality: A shy quiet naga, Dima prefers sitting down reading his tomes and brewing excellent tea.

Backstory: Being old enough to venture out on his own, Dima decided the time was ripe to travel the world and visit places steep in magic, particularly dark magic in hopes of perfecting the less savory side effects his craft visits upon its victims.

Class: Naga

Base stats/growths:

Hp: 24 (60%)

Str: 4 (0%)

Mag: 2 (45%)

Skl: 2 (55%)

Spd: 6 (45%)

Lck: 2 (25%)

Def: 2 (40%)

Res: 3 (30%)

Con: 8 (3%)

Aid: 7

Move: 5+1(Snake Body)+2(Slither)

Affinity: Ice

Weapons Ranks: Dark magic (D)

Inventory: Flux, vulnerary


Snake body: Being part snake, nagas most faster than people on foot. They have an innate +1 to their movement from the base (5). They also have an innate +3 to their resistance, with the exception of ice magic. Ice magic ignores this res bonus, and inflict 1.5x damage (rounded up). As well, being in snow maps reduces their move by 1, and takes away their res bonus for the duration of the map.

Slither: Nagas can use their powerful tails to speed themselves across the battlefield. If they do so, they get +2 movement for the turn, but cannot attack after moving.

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