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Ana Evaluates the Characters!


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Also, you really should play FE6. It is one of my favs.

Sorry, I don't emulate. Plus, the game doesn't interest me much anyway. I'd be going for FE4 instead if I chose to emulate.

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  • 7 months later...
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Okay, I know it probably seems weird to revive this thread after seven months, but I never wanted to discontinue it, I just forgot and put Awakening down for too long. lol

But anyway, Vaike! :)



Vaike has...an interesting design for a Fighter, to say the least. I would've thought he was a Brigand if I didn't know any better though. Fighters have never been shirtless before. lol But I'm not too crazy about the brown arm thing or the chains. The rest of him though, I've got no problem with. That funky hair and black band are actually pretty neat, as is the tanned skin. :) I also like his voice, it makes him sound funny sometimes. I have to admit the design is pretty well within his character though, he loves showing off his muscles and such.

However, I think IS messed up with his battle models. Why does he use the larger model for all of his classes except Berserker? That's just really weird to me. Vaike isn't any skinny dude, he's a hunk of muscle. Berserker shouldn't have been any different, imo. Especially since the design for this class in this game is actually pretty cool.

Yeah, not much to say on his design, other than that it's alright, but not in my favorites list.


Oh my gosh this guy. He's hilarious sometimes! I don't get why people hate him, Vaike is amusing lol. Not one of my favorite characters, but I hardly dislike him. His egotistical attitude is funny, his misplacing his stuff is funny, and the way he talks makes me crack up too. And oh, his support with Sully! The HILARITY. XD I'm glad I put these two together, it's just too perfect. Haha. Anyway, Vaike can be a bit creepy too though, as in his support with the Avatar, he spies on Sully while she's bathing (hinting that he actually had a crush on her regardless of who he's paired with, so another reason why I married them). Yeah, kinda pervy.

But Vaike turns out to not be as dumb and idiotic as he lets on. He showed a perfect understanding and inspiration of Emmeryn's words when she visited his hometown, and he's been putting that to good use. And he knows how to amuse a girl when proposing to her (or trying to, at least), that's for sure, haha. Throwing that ring to Sully like a baseball. lol

But moving on, he seems to have good reason for wanting to be the best warrior ever and joining the Shepherds, so I like him even more than I did originally now. Hooray for the Vaike!

Stats and Playability

Vaike is basically your typical Fighter in terms of his statistics in battle. Awesome strength, decent speed, and crappy defenses. He's got pretty good skill though, which means he's a little more accurate, even with axes, than some Fighters in the past (he lands hits more often than even Boyd did for me, especially on swordsmen).

If you train him though, he can be a pretty damn deadly force. Have him go through Hero to grab Sol and then a pair-up with someone that gives a skill boost and he'll be healing damage like crazy. Add Axefaire from Berserker and he'll be dealing more damage with axes, resulting in more healed damage. His bad defenses might not even matter at this point. He can also benefit from getting Aggressor through Dread Fighter, Counter from Warrior, or Axebreaker from Hero, though they're not necessary if you're playing lower difficulty levels. In fact, they may not even be necessary at all, just a little added bonus. Axefaire is also a good skill to pass to daughters, as it's a male-only skill and will benefit them if they're going to be using axes a lot.

I'd recommend his final class be a Berserker, because while his already bad defenses take a hit, his strength and HP are insane, and with Sol and Axefaire, he'll be destroying everything while healing any damage he might've taken in the process. Overall, if you play your cards right, Vaike can be valuable to your team, especially as an early axe user. The only other character you have at that time that can use axes is Frederick, so yeah.


I know people will disagree with me on this, but I find Vaike to generally be likeable, both character-wise and as a unit. Not a favorite, but not a least favorite either, and he doesn't ruin my general liking of the Fighter line. :)

Up Next: Miriel! The mage I like to call the Sheldon Cooper of the game, only not nearly as funny. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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You gave Virion snd Vaike positive reviews? Their only use imo is in Luna+ Ch23, and that's only to clear the lower level. Heck, I didn't mind Virion getting-close-to-but-not-dying in my Luna+ run. Cherche still joined anyways.

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This is from ana's pov, and from what I gather, she doesn't play Luna/Luna+ modes.

And what do you even mean that their only contribution is in ch23? They are useless prior to that chapter?

Edited by Elieson
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What he said, I don't play Lunatic or Lunatic+. And so far, Vaike's been quite useful. I regret not training him sooner. He's destroying everything, often OHKOing (and I'm talking about the most recent chapters I completed, paralogues included). I did wind up making the mistake of leaving him in range of a couple magic users and letting him get killed (I keep underestimating the Dark Flier's movement range. >_>), but other than that, he's been pretty damn good.

I play Normal mode, just to clarify.

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If their only use is in Chapter 23, then their stats will only be in the single digits since they weren't used prior to that.

I doubt they'd kill anything, if that's the case... :P

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But Vaike doesn't even get an axe in Cht.2 Luna+ until it's too late to help. By then I've got him behind Chrom for pairup boosts. Cht.3 is another story because Hammertime.

If you're using Sol on Vaike, you might want to use him as a Hero instead, Heroes have very good Skl (and better defenses) and Berserkers have subpar Skl. If you're on Normal anyway, he won't miss the extra Str, especially with Axefaire.

This has been an interesting read, but I'd advise skipping/postponing the characters you don't use much so they don't slow you down. Waiting patiently for Manakete reviews.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gregor and Donnel also propose to her and not the other way around.

From what I recall, Virion (sort of), Kellam, Lon'qu, Vaike, and the Avatar also propose to her.

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Vaike has...an interesting design for a Fighter, to say the least. I would've thought he was a Brigand if I didn't know any better though. Fighters have never been shirtless before. lol But I'm not too crazy about the brown arm thing or the chains. The rest of him though, I've got no problem with. That funky hair and black band are actually pretty neat, as is the tanned skin. :) I also like his voice, it makes him sound funny sometimes. I have to admit the design is pretty well within his character though, he loves showing off his muscles and such.

However, I think IS messed up with his battle models. Why does he use the larger model for all of his classes except Berserker? That's just really weird to me. Vaike isn't any skinny dude, he's a hunk of muscle. Berserker shouldn't have been any different, imo. Especially since the design for this class in this game is actually pretty cool.

Yeah, not much to say on his design, other than that it's alright, but not in my favorites list.

vaike needs to put on a shirt.

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It's not being literal, it's just out of character for him. I agree with you, though, that I don't really like the new shirtless fighter redesign, it looks more like a barbarian than a "traditional" fighter.

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Fighters should look like Lumberjacks, not Brigands. I say Vaike needs a shirt. No chains or armor either.

Must agree, this has been the traditional difference for all the FEs before.

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