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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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This is probably part of my annoyance honestly.

Makaze is acting weird compared to training but I mean whatever. Eury feels town to me. Fuck Psych. Boron is town 90% sure. Darros is apparently the person who's posts I skim or skip over all game this game so I'll have to read over his stuff later.

This post is lazy. Maybe I'm being counter-productive here but it feels weird when people agree with me after all this time.

Please expand on the intent you read behind all of these people.


yeah but that just seemed like you being resolved to bussing paper

Can you please answer my questions?

How did you profit from soft claiming? How did town profit?

@Hosts: Can we get votals so far? We went through a lot of pages with minimal voting...

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… Actually, looking back at Paper's flip I'm not sure if a full time scum hooker is a thing unless scum have a backup?

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@Darros: your attempts to throw suspicion on me are Bad, seriously. I'm reading your posts and your train of thought seems to be "Prims was wrong about BBM... also he was right about the guy whose lynch he actually pushed, but he must have been bussing" and none of this is actually indicative of me being scum. Also keep in mind that nobody was even looking at Paperblade until I pointed him out, which are entirely different circumstances from the bus in FFTA.

Honestly it's nowhere as big as my reads on Psych/Makaze. From D1 the Paperblade lynch didn't seem to be too huge an event, it just kind of.. happened. The wagon was very slow and I was away for the last almost day of the phase. I didn't seem to recall no one looking at Paperblade until you pointed it out though. Reading back, you're totally right though. The bus stuff is mostly from EpicMafia, where you're kind of infamous for it. With you leading the Paperblade lynch though my feelings on that aren't really what they were. I'll need to regroup. I'm still more than happy with my vote on Makaze though. I'd lynch Psych too.

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Suddenly there's a lot of activity from other players before I go to bed. <_<

Like I said I'll be out tomorrow until Sunday afternoon. I'll try to post, but I won't be able to get anything huge in.

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@Darros: the thing about my EM play is that it's generally in tight quarters where there are 6-8 players and it's easier to pick up town reads because it's in real time. Generally when I bus in EM it's because I'm not a quick thinker and can't BS a case on a townie on short notice. This doesn't apply to forumaf.

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oh god i started writing a post and every time i refresh to make sure i haven't been cut there's another page

only a couple things for now because i'm literally so close to clearing SRW Z3 and there exist three separate romhacks all asking me to do things for them so my attention is spread pretty thin

I left my vote on FFM after stating that i wouldn't be around; i wasn't sold on the paperblade lynch (all I could see was a lot of meta that I didn't know whether to agree with or not due to not really keeping track of everyone's meta) and so i preferred to vote my other lynch preference (basically attitude issues i didn't want to have to deal with ffm's defeatism during lylo and my other reads were either fucked up or not happening etc etc)

@Cam: You went the entire day saying nothing on Paper until you asked us to "sell you on him" then never responded when I gave a case. This conveniently allowed you to never actually give an opinion on him. Basically why the hell were you ignoring him?

responding would require that i be around

I also recall you spending a long stretch of D1 with your vote on Junko while you said nothing about him.

yeah idk

someone mentioned me lurking, i can't prove it or anything but i am able to browse SF with my phone (fuck posting anything substantive though) and i have a tendency to open the thread and then leave my computer open to go do something else

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actually i hate this psych wagon i feel like he's doing stupid things and you guys are piling on him because he's easy. i guess he could still be scum though

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actually i hate this psych wagon i feel like he's doing stupid things and you guys are piling on him because he's easy. i guess he could still be scum though

I mean... I could go with my gut on someone else, but I'm getting bad vibes from what he has done. Especially with the question dodging.

Care to sell me on someone who looks more like scum?

@Cam: Please give reads. You've essentially jumped on and off of individual targets only to revert without voting and that has not been helped at all. Please post something helpful.

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@Cam: Please give reads. You've essentially jumped on and off of individual targets only to revert without voting and that has not been helped at all. Please post something helpful.


i think that elie and bbm are definitely town

##vote psych

was that helpful?


why even ask me "what are your reads", i can just spew those out easily

now, is there anything in particular you would like me to talk about? i'll give my thoughts as i read it

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i think that elie and bbm are definitely town

##vote psych

was that helpful?


why even ask me "what are your reads", i can just spew those out easily

now, is there anything in particular you would like me to talk about? i'll give my thoughts as i read it

thoughts on psychs claims?

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Whoo~ took a break to watch an episode of Sherlock (Season 3 last episode). Good shit.

tbh I don't think that people who didn't vote Paper are scum/people who voted Paper are town it could go either way considering the reasoning to lynch paper wasn't very strong until it all turned into consolidation. If anything Paper votes got kinda sheepy near the end.

I'll agree with the notion; quite frankly, I see it as sort of the situation in terms of Junko in Training Mafia -> Once a scum member seems that openly scummy and/or inactive, you can't really afford to defend said scumbuddy, because at that point, it'll only get the rest of the scum team caught. I actually wouldn't have been surprised if some of the former/earlier members on the Paperblade wagon = part of the scum team.

What am I dodging?

I soft claimed because I was roleblocked? Admittedly that was from BBM who was town but I think it's better for someone to announce that. Also I can prove my role by you know, ACTUALLY NEIGHBORIZING SOMEONE

I'm not sure whether to facepalm or just headdesk at this notion.

1. You claimed to have been roleblocked by a TOWNIE. That in itself means that his suspicion of you could've been warranted (only you know your PM/alliance).

2. You soft-claim to begin with was terrible, because you're outing yourself to scum as any sort of active role (powerful or not). Why are you spoon-feeding scum?

3. Welp, there's the claim out in the open. If you're town, that's probably one of the worst things you could've done at this point. Outing information unnecessarily and with little reason to do so at this point.

Man I said I did that for consolidation.

There is something in this game that just makes me not like it.

Like okay.

Makaze - Boron is most likely town and her having numbers isn't scummy. Also don't ask people for roles - They should only claim if they feel it is necessary or if they are being lynched.

I really haven't read all that much except bits and pieces of Makaze V Eury. Which I think is funny. Lol.

The bolded is the only section worth reading in this post. Effort, Shinori, effort, please.

Misc shit:
- Kay needs to git gud or git vigged. @Kay post pls
- Shinori where did all your effort go after your first post. come on
- Actually I feel like this isn't something scum would post about a buddy who's about to die lmao
- Eury's comments on Paper look like reporting his actions and it strikes me as entirely possible she put no effort into reading him because he was her buddy and about to sink no matter what she did, making it not worth saying anything potentially telling.
- I don't think Paper's sheepvote on Makaze was a bus; imo it's more likely he was using sheeping to cover for not having any real cases on townies. He was early on the wagon too so good for him. Boron also probs town.
- Junko is town because if he were scum then Paper would have known who he was.

Finding scum through Paper's flip is very frustrating because only the people voting him really talked about him. Right now I want to ##Vote: bladescape. PURGE OF LURKERS continues and his only post was very unimpressive and seems like scum setting up a stance rather than town giving one; defending FFM from Boron just lets FFM get away with not explaining himself. I actually suspect there's at least one scum between bladescape/Kay due to the lack of a true "counterwagon" yesterday.

As for active players, Boron's case on Psych seems worth a sheep. @Psych: why did you jump to the conclusion BBM hooked you and not a potential scum hooker? Down with a Cam lynch too.

We're not lynching Makaze today. Interactions with Paper point heavily to him not being mafia and if he really is the SK then we take care of him once the scumteam is dead. SK is NOT worth hunting over mafia this early on; due to the way tells/wincons work they're a million times harder to catch naturally and hell we have a scumflip to work off of for finding mafia right now.

And yeah stay safe BBM :<

1. Why couldn't Scum!Shinori post that wrt a possible buddy?

2. I went through Paper's comments/posts entirely yesterday (with limited time to post/run through the ISOs) with my own comments/thoughts. He really didn't do anything productive, and everything I felt was bad with his posts = I mentioned. Having literally responded to/looked at every post he made, I fail to see how "I put no effort into reading him" when there was little to nothing to actually get from him. His posts were bad, lazy, and unproductive, which is exactly what I got as a result of the ISO read.

3. Vote on Bladescape is just bad- of all the people to look into (moreso active), why are you prodding/sticking to an inactive? Not the greatest gameplay here, imo.

4. What interactions are you referring to with Paper (wrt Makaze)?

5. If he ends up being SK, as town, what logical reason is there to leave him alive/alone (thus resulting in 2 NKs each night phase until Mafia scum are all removed)? In addition, there's 1 SK and 2 Mafia left. So there's 1/13 chance of hitting the SK, and 2/13 chance of hitting Mafia scum. Either way, the chances are close nonetheless (between finding the two), and as town, they're both scum. I want them both dead. Logically speaking though, if you nail the SK first, then it's the 2 scumbuddies on Mafia side left (and down to 1 NK). Kill a mafia member today, and we still have the SK + Mafia member still floating around, and 2 NKs happening until one or the other dies. Which is in the best interest/preference to town?

@Psyche again

Don't spout BS on me saying I flipped my vote late and iddn't explain why when I was gone for most of the day then specifically said I preferred other people > Paperblade but was fine voting him for consolidation. Seriously.

##Vote: Psych

This vote/post feels weird. Would say borderline OMGUS sort of feel to it, but otherwise not feeling much effort from said post.

I'm playing wildstar. I'm stressed from issues that I would prefer to not talk about publicly and This game has a lot of things that annoy me and every time I read stuff involving it I lose the will to post.

I'm trying to do stuff now if I can.

[slight bias here of knowing said situation, but despite that, I would prefer if you spend a portion of the time you choose to devote to Wildstar to Mafia instead, kthx.]

btw Eury's insistence on voting potential SK over mafia is baffling. I can very easily see it as a scum attempt to get a townie who SHOULD not be lynched due to connections mislynched.

Even as my intentions/logic works along the mindset of town-priority/interest, thanks. You know the whole, "Let's let the Anti-town ITP live" concept bothers me a lot, when it just means/implies that double the amount of people die each night phase.

This is probably part of my annoyance honestly.

Makaze is acting weird compared to training but I mean whatever. Eury feels town to me. Fuck Psych. Boron is town 90% sure. Darros is apparently the person who's posts I skim or skip over all game this game so I'll have to read over his stuff later.

Elaborate on Makaze- shallow read/comment at best, and you somehow seem to wave it off with "but I mean whatever".

Nice comment on Psyche, and lots of effort into Darros.

actually i hate this psych wagon i feel like he's doing stupid things and you guys are piling on him because he's easy. i guess he could still be scum though

Uh huh. I don't like this post either- good way of wall-sitting with Psyche. You complain about the wagon, say it's easy, but then blurb about how he could still be scum?

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Eury, I think Prims' issue with you wanting to vote a suspected ITP over suspected scum is that ITPs are just so much harder to find. How are you so confident that this guy will flip ITP to the point that you'd rather rid the suspected ITP over suspected scum?

Like, even though I have reason to suspect Makaze as ITP, there's really no real way you can "catch" him off interactions with other players, and if there's someone I actually suspect as scum it's worth trying to scum (which you can catch with interactions) than ITP (who you usually can't).

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Consider the feeling I've gotten from Makaze = similar to that of BB (Shining force 3) and Refa (SFMM4). Would also vaguely equate it to Scorri in ITTD, but I neglected looking into her for a long while that game. I have a good hunch that he's scum in some fashion, but gut feeling's making me lean more towards ITP than Mafia scum.

So from my PoV: I'm gunning after someone who's tripping off my scumdar (just as Psyche is, and a few others now), and also someone who's potentially dropping ITP/SK vibes to me. As town, scum is scum is scum- the only good scum is dead scum. If I had a choice between Mafia or SK lynch today though, my answer/choice should be obvious by this point.

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fuck this shit i've literally deleted the same post four times

BROAD STROKES because i want to get this out before i delete it again trying to get more specific

- ITP spec is dumb; SK and mafia are indistinguishable to town and it is antitown to devote a large amount of discussion to weeding out who could or could not be ITP (as opposed to who is or isn't scum, which is a better question). I would definitely peg one of Boron/Darros/Makaze, as well as whoever else spent more than one or two posts discussing it (those three in particular spent a huge amount of time arguing over pointless things like "who brought up the ITP anyway") as scum trying to throw suspicion off of themselves or someone else (or just trying to add confusion and clutter in general)

- I don't know what to make of Boron, her posts aren't actually bad but then there are things like this which smells like OMGUS, as well as most of her posts leading up to that consisting of "rehashes of things other people have said" and "things that aren't game related"

- Psych claiming was stupid but I don't think it's an alignment tell; I would be ~~~~~~~accepting~~~~~~~~ of his lynch because if this keeps up I can see him being a liability in the later stages of the game. there is also definitely scum on his wagon (esp me because followed by empty unvote omg omg omg)

> Makaze, Boron, Darros - I want your opinions on the other two, as well as on Prims vs BBM from D1.

> Junko - whoisscum? You've been asking a lot of questions without doing anything with the answers (if you have been, then please do tell)

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Well the comment about makaze acting weird compared to Training was waved off with "But whatever" because it's the only game I've ever seen by him and as far as I know it was his first forum mafia game.

I can't know a meta or judge how a person will act in certain situations based off of one game. Thus him acting differently is null and void. Sure you can use it for some base reads but it really can't be used as concrete evidence for someone being scum, ITP or town.

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Cam, if you're not going to read shit I'm not going to respond to you anymore.

Makaze started the ITP spec. I only brought up that I'd already outed the presence of a hostile ITP to stop the third speccing. A lot of good THAT did, but it's not anyone's fault but Makaze's that he's good at missing important things said in D1 and wanted to rolespec.

If you think I'm the only person that the statement "consists of rehashes of things other people have said and aren't game related" you need to read the thread again. You also need to explain why it's so much worse coming from me than when it's coming from anyone else, otherwise this just sounds super selective like you're just piling on reasons to find me scummy but looking at the reasons in a void.

Already gave my thoughts on Makaze, and he's also a distraction to town regardless of alignment at this point. Darros is null at this point, but I have a slight negative feeling on him because it doesn't feel like he's doing a lot of scum hunting. I gave my opinion on Prims and BBM already. On D1. BBM flipped the alignment I was reading him as and my thoughts on Prims are still "don't think he's scum". Please learn to read.

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