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British Mafia - Game Over! Britain Wins!


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Hello everyone, sorry for being away ((alcohol is fun, work is not fun))

So I have some exciting news for you guys.. One of you had an unsuccessful shot last night! To whoever shot me, first of all fuck you, second of all you hit my bulletproof vest!

I'm not really sure if it's customary to claim once you've been shot ((My only real experience with BPV is EpicMafia)) but I think I probably should given that whoever shot me probably knows I'm vulnerable now.

So basically, this phase I kind of want to focus on who would want to shoot me based off interactions on previous phases? I'm leaning towards Makaze, naturally, but I'm gonna have to look through old posts to see who else would want to do that.

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it's pretty obvious who the announcer is lol

eclipse, how do you feel about the j00 case I've presented, wrt her approach to Paper/Psych D1 and effective lack of a D3?

Denial is a river!

Guess I better officially claim then.

I am the British (Town) Announcer. On top of it being obvious, I crumbed it N1.

What fortuitous circumstance be this? Mafia already killed? A zealous effort by all.

Let's keep up the good work for the sake our island.

Be wary of Eury's text walls. Actions speak louder than words.

Have a nice evening.

M a k a z e, B[ritish] A[nnouncer]

Hello everyone, sorry for being away ((alcohol is fun, work is not fun))

So I have some exciting news for you guys.. One of you had an unsuccessful shot last night! To whoever shot me, first of all fuck you, second of all you hit my bulletproof vest!

I'm not really sure if it's customary to claim once you've been shot ((My only real experience with BPV is EpicMafia)) but I think I probably should given that whoever shot me probably knows I'm vulnerable now.

So basically, this phase I kind of want to focus on who would want to shoot me based off interactions on previous phases? I'm leaning towards Makaze, naturally, but I'm gonna have to look through old posts to see who else would want to do that.

Does my make you feel better at all?

I'm feeling especially bad about Shinori's sheeping. My challenge to him in the announcement was swept aside without being addressed; the accusation of sheeping and weak arguments is being left unchallenged. Does not feel good to me at all.

##Vote: Shinori

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Yeah, actually.. With the crumb it's basically backed up... Now I don't even know where to begin. >|

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Actually, it bugs me even more. You made this statement, which made it clear that you saw my post, then completely forget about me in the announcement?

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Actually, it bugs me even more. You made this statement, which made it clear that you saw my post, then completely forget about me in the announcement?

I didn't want to single out everyone who wasn't me and make myself even more obvious so I focused only on those who voted for FFM and Eury.

I don't have a strong read on you but I did find no one pressing you a little strange. Then again, I have been called out multiple times for role fishing in this game so that could be just me who isn't so cautious.

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i'm not really sure why you bothered claiming

Because of people like Darros and my quickly looking like a juicy target for a lynch.

Plus it was obvious to some and if scum thought my role was valuable like that they would kill me with or without claiming.

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I didn't want to single out everyone who wasn't me and make myself even more obvious so I focused only on those who voted for FFM and Eury.

I don't have a strong read on you but I did find no one pressing you a little strange. Then again, I have been called out multiple times for role fishing in this game so that could be just me who isn't so cautious.

You literally put in everyone else. If you wanted to "hide" it, you might as well put yourself and Yours Truly in there - that would be all the living players at the time. I think it's a little weird that you're hesitant about pushing me, as there's ways of getting things out of me without involving my role - you've got far more to gain by pushing cases if you're town.

Now, you mentioned j00 in that announcement, and she's posted quiet a bit since the start of D4. Darros has also outed a hit BP. Your announcement said that you wanted to look at them - what are your thoughts?

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Don't have any real problem with eclipse's content, apart from her being enigmatic. That said, there's little point casting my line into a swimming pool.

Shinori going under the radar is troubling, but I can't answer the question as to why it's not a self-tell.

Darros, why do you think whoever shot you would have hinted at it when talking to/about you?

I can see the case on j00. She made a lot of pokes at Paper/psych but didn't vote them until their wagon was already developed, and something's not right about her voting psych and querying Boron on why she was voting psych and not cam.

Makaze's claim itself is null to me, psych could have "proved" his role as well. But what Makaze said about eclipse's free pass last phase bothers me. Were you scumreading her? If so, why didn't you say anything in the announcement? If not, why complain about her not getting lynched?

##vote: Makaze

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Darros, why do you think whoever shot you would have hinted at it when talking to/about you?

Not necessarily hinted, but like, who would have reason to shoot me. I mean if I'm strongreading people as scum and then I get shot, there's a bigger chance that I was right and they shot me. Right?

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You literally put in everyone else. If you wanted to "hide" it, you might as well put yourself and Yours Truly in there - that would be all the living players at the time. I think it's a little weird that you're hesitant about pushing me, as there's ways of getting things out of me without involving my role - you've got far more to gain by pushing cases if you're town.

Now, you mentioned j00 in that announcement, and she's posted quiet a bit since the start of D4. Darros has also outed a hit BP. Your announcement said that you wanted to look at them - what are your thoughts?

I don't have anything to work with for you. My read on you is similar to j00 - some good scum hunting but nothing scum couldn't safely do. There is one thing that sticks out: What did you hope to accomplish by saying that your role action was redirected?

Are you thinking that I am a scum announcer?

Already gave my read on her in the night phase and her D4 content has been the same. I don't think she would have reason to not to wagon what appears to be obvscum (me) if she were scum so it looks like they are coming from a town perspective.

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Makaze's claim itself is null to me, psych could have "proved" his role as well. But what Makaze said about eclipse's free pass last phase bothers me. Were you scumreading her? If so, why didn't you say anything in the announcement? If not, why complain about her not getting lynched?

##vote: Makaze

Makaze's claim itself is null to me, psych could have "proved" his role as well. But what Makaze said about eclipse's free pass last phase bothers me. Were you scumreading her? If so, why didn't you say anything in the announcement? If not, why complain about her not getting lynched?

##vote: Makaze

Are you seriously prodvoting me? Do you think I am scum? What scum intent are you reading here?

No, I am not scum reading her. I did not complain about her not getting lynched, I complained about people not pressing her or showing interest - on that note, this line of questioning from you gives me a bad feeling. If I didn't have a good reason to think you were town I would see this mudslinging and ignoring actual data as scummy.

This is the same weak pressuring you pulled at the end of D2. What's your game?

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Darros are you expecting someone to come forward and say "hey I shot you"???

i don't think that makaze's claim was warranted at all; i had my suspicions but now it's just out in the open for no real reason. Other than Darros, there was nobody really on him and role doesn't indicate alignment. Was leaning town but this just looks either bad or stupid to me

I still don't know what to make of j00 vs Prims; if prims is scum then he's a super ballsy one for hardpushing paper so early (ngl I can see this happening but i also have no reason to believe it). The j00 case itself isn't... wrong, but from reading etc I get a mostly villagery vibe from them (other than d3; d3 kind of sucked for everyone)

IMO lynch shinori for continuing not to say anything useful

##vote shinori

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Darros are you expecting someone to come forward and say "hey I shot you"???

lmao i wish

did YOU do it

Other than Darros, there was nobody really on him and role doesn't indicate alignment.

Eury's been going strong on him too, if you haven't noticed.

IMO lynch shinori for continuing not to say anything useful

##vote shinori

tbh i dont think we're in the part of the game where we can just do this, we gotta actually scumhunt.

I'm thinking maybe eclipse/Eury as scum right now.. but they're really just gut. I'm tired and sick and I don't want to drive myself crazy with mafia right now. Will follow up on tomorrow.

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i don't think that makaze's claim was warranted at all; i had my suspicions but now it's just out in the open for no real reason. Other than Darros, there was nobody really on him and role doesn't indicate alignment. Was leaning town but this just looks either bad or stupid to me

My primary reasoning for this pre-emptive move is that my commitment to the game has been low the whole time and it seems I am only going to wasting more of town's time if I continue as I have been. If scum kill me tonight, so be it. At least you can hunt someone worth hunting and I can be less of a bother to your work.

I thought announcer is a pretty decent indicator of alignment because the ITP and the mafia don't have a whole lot of reason to target each other at night. As j00 pointed out, the people who profit the most from the Announcer role are those who will be the target of night kills, AKA town. In light of that and it practically being outed by others for all to see, I figured it was about time for me to use my crumb. It may not be a sure-fire alignment specific role but it's worth it in my opinion.

Your role by comparison can profit anyone but especially a mafia or ITP. If we are going by balance of probability you look more far more like an ITP than me from data alone.

Also, it was far from just one or two people thinking I was the ITP and being fine with a lynch on me. Most of the people who commented agreed I was probably the ITP; I believe I had good reason to believe I was A) wasting time by drawing suspicion and B) about to become a lynch for lack of better scum reads.

As for an update on my current reads, as my previous posts show, I am still getting bad feelings from Shinori and Baldrick is shooting up in the red flags department. If this continues I will have to drop my free pass for the Paper and Junko situation from earlier and consider him a primary scum read.

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What challenge Makaze?

Shinori has barely contributed anything the entire game and weakly sheeped on both the Paperblade and Psych votes. Also getting a bad feeling from the question, "Should I just hammer?". Asking this doesn't make sense unless trying to win favor with town by doing what they want; it's implicit sheeping whether he hammers or not.

You replied but ignored the entire point of my challenge. Instead of addressing the problem, you brought up something I didn't in defense: your vote on FFM.

Funny how I'm giving flak by our announcer when I said I would have much preffered to lynch Makaze and thus didn't really want to lynch FFM.

What do you have to say to the original read and why you ignored it in your reply?

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Not necessarily hinted, but like, who would have reason to shoot me. I mean if I'm strongreading people as scum and then I get shot, there's a bigger chance that I was right and they shot me. Right?

That's WIFOM material. ;/

(in other words, an assumption that may or may not be true)

I don't have anything to work with for you. My read on you is similar to j00 - some good scum hunting but nothing scum couldn't safely do. There is one thing that sticks out: What did you hope to accomplish by saying that your role action was redirected?

Are you thinking that I am a scum announcer?

Already gave my read on her in the night phase and her D4 content has been the same. I don't think she would have reason to not to wagon what appears to be obvscum (me) if she were scum so it looks like they are coming from a town perspective.

Had the redirect been what I thought it was, it would've been enough to drive a lynch. However, it was a host error - thus, the motive behind the lynch disappeared. As for whether or not you're a scum announcer, I don't think it's impossible - for all I know, you didn't include me because you knew I'd be dead the next day. I doubt any protective role in their right mind would target me after my D3 performance, which is why I'm not using your N3 announcement to drive your lynch.

Darros: Case against me. NOW.

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Well WRT your supposed 'challenge' that isn't really even a challenge. Considering I didn't want to lynch Paper and even stated that as so I don't quite see where you get 'sheep' from that. So what if he did flip scum. I still thought it was a dumb lynch choice personally but I'm known for making really bad reads so whatever. I don't even care. And my Psych vote was just me being lazy and biased towards his play and words against me that day phase mainly.

So I don't quite know what you were after. Your challenge is WRT my votes on Paper and Psych which people have brought up about me multiple day phases and for which I continue to answer. I ignored it I guess because I didn't think it was really necessary to answer it again.

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@Makaze I think you're not mafia, and a reasonably good candidate for ITP. Trying to push lynches without making a case and using your vote has scum intent.

From my memory, people were scumreading eclipse because of Kay's behaviour. Further attention on eclipse was contingent on what they thought of her post. If you thought it was worthwhile to put pressure on her, why weren't you doing it?

fyi Announcer isn't really that great of a role. The benefit it provides to town is minimal. there is exactly one situation where it is (slightly) better than VT, and it's not guaranteed to occur.

What you say about Annnouncer more or less applies to Neighbouriser. Did you use that logic when assessing your vote on Psych?

Go ahead and OMGUS someone you think is town. What "actual data" am I ignoring, incidentally?

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As for whether or not you're a scum announcer, I don't think it's impossible - for all I know, you didn't include me because you knew I'd be dead the next day.

Wait, how does that make sense? Aren't you not dead today?

@Makaze I think you're not mafia, and a reasonably good candidate for ITP. Trying to push lynches without making a case and using your vote has scum intent.

From my memory, people were scumreading eclipse because of Kay's behaviour. Further attention on eclipse was contingent on what they thought of her post. If you thought it was worthwhile to put pressure on her, why weren't you doing it?

fyi Announcer isn't really that great of a role. The benefit it provides to town is minimal. there is exactly one situation where it is (slightly) better than VT, and it's not guaranteed to occur.

What you say about Annnouncer more or less applies to Neighbouriser. Did you use that logic when assessing your vote on Psych?

Go ahead and OMGUS someone you think is town. What "actual data" am I ignoring, incidentally?

I have made a case against Shinori and I'm still building one. What are you talking about?

No. My reasons for voting Psych had nothing to do with the role they had, though I found it possible scum role this is a role madness game. Neighbourizer is slightly more portable to other alignments because profits scum in an identical way to town. Unlike Announcer, it lets someone gain a buddy in private who cannot out the Neighbourizer on the fly without looking strange. It's also not anonymous. Neighbourizer is a both scum hunting tool and personal confidence building tool in this way. Announcer's primary use is anonymous public scumhunting which is almost entire pro-town by comparison. Either way, it doesn't make sense to me for someone to use the Neighbourizer role purely to prove that you have it.

The data is my voting record, the proven claim, and not having done anything that is has actually hurt town other than being a distraction. I have not asked for role information on from anyone who did not flip scum, so even that should be forgivable as a risky but effective move for a newbie.

You have all but confirmed that I am not mafia but still want to believe I am the ITP. At best, it has clouded your judgment and tainted your reads of my posts. At worst, it shows that you want to mudsling at me. You need to address these mistakes or at least take a step back and realize just how biased you are being: I did not complain about not lynching eclipse. I did not say or heavily imply that I was reading her as scum.

Why are you asking me to OMGUS? I don't see how the 'Try me' bid is pro-town. Please explain.

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Well WRT your supposed 'challenge' that isn't really even a challenge. Considering I didn't want to lynch Paper and even stated that as so I don't quite see where you get 'sheep' from that. So what if he did flip scum. I still thought it was a dumb lynch choice personally but I'm known for making really bad reads so whatever. I don't even care. And my Psych vote was just me being lazy and biased towards his play and words against me that day phase mainly.

So I don't quite know what you were after. Your challenge is WRT my votes on Paper and Psych which people have brought up about me multiple day phases and for which I continue to answer. I ignored it I guess because I didn't think it was really necessary to answer it again.

You are dodging again. The main challenge is about your sheepiness and the main evidence cited is your question. It is a hard tell of a sheepy attitude. If you did not want to lynch FFM, you did not need to ask. You have enough experience to know that we did not need a hammer and if you wanted one you could have done it either way. It seems to me that the only reason to ask is to absolve yourself so that no matter what you did you could say you asked and therefore it isn't a tell of your behavior. This kind of self-defensive sheeping is scummy. If not that, what was the point in asking?

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Your role by comparison can profit anyone but especially a mafia or ITP. If we are going by balance of probability you look more far more like an ITP than me from data alone.

am i scum?
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