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Eukon plays Golden Sun - also featuring: Proto's draft


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[spoiler=Take Me To the Zoo, Golden Sun edition]6VxxrrX.png
gdkjmfF.png What good am I, what can I do?
gdkjmfF.png Look! Now all the reds are blue!
gdkjmfF.png Tell me. Tell me, now, you two. Do you like the things I do?

gdkjmfF.png Tell me. Tell me, now, you two. Will they put me in the zoo?

TSCuFKq.gif We like all the things you do.

vFbJGQp.gif We like your spots, we like you, too.

TSCuFKq.gif But you should not be in the zoo. No. You should NOT be in the zoo.

vFbJGQp.gif With all the things that you can do, the circus is the place for you!

gdkjmfF.png Yes! This is where I want to be. The circus is the place for me!


EDIT: For the record, I am working on a real update.

update to follow

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[spoiler=in which our heroes have their minds boggled and die]TSCuFKq.gif I will hunt you down and destroy you

TSCuFKq.gif mark my words

vFbJGQp.gifnice plan.

vFbJGQp.gifexcept now we’re stuck

TSCuFKq.gif wait shit now I’m stuck

vFbJGQp.gifyes I literally just said that


vFbJGQp.gifI’m not going to fucking repeat myself AGAIN


TSCuFKq.gif Let’s get out of here!

gdkjmfF.png why are you just standing there

TSCuFKq.gif what the fuck was that oh god


TSCuFKq.gif ok I think it’s gone

TSCuFKq.gif let’s bounce


TSCuFKq.gif wait what


TSCuFKq.gif We’re trying to leave and now you’re distracting us, that’s why!

gdkjmfF.png Well that’s no fun…


gdkjmfF.png What good am I, what can I do?

gdkjmfF.png Look! Now all the reds are blue!

gdkjmfF.png Tell me, tell me now, you two. Do you like the things I do?

gdkjmfF.png really though you ought to leave this is dangerous

gdkjmfF.png it’s not like I have a vested interest in keeping you alive; I’m merely altruistic


gdkjmfF.png Why does everyone assume I’m all-powerful or whatever?!

gdkjmfF.png I mean I am, but it kills the suspense!

gdkjmfF.png That’s not entertaining at all!

TSCuFKq.gif you’re not making any sense


TSCuFKq.gif the what?

gdkjmfF.png don’t worry about it


gdkjmfF.png I’m serious though you ought to leave

gdkjmfF.png you dying here would be extremely boring

gdkjmfF.png I mean, unfortunate. It would be unfortunate.


gdkjmfF.png Look I’ll even stall the eruption for you.

TSCuFKq.gif Okay NOW you’re just fucking with us.

TSCuFKq.gif First Kraden, now a giant floating rock?

TSCuFKq.gif You guys got no respect.

gdkjmfF.png no really I’m serious



TSCuFKq.gif what

TSCuFKq.gif you’re fucking kidding me you were able to stall it

TSCuFKq.gif holy shit

TSCuFKq.gif I am literally speechless.

TSCuFKq.gif Well, I don’t have it as bad as FUKT, I guess.

vFbJGQp.gifI swear to god I really am going to murder you

gdkjmfF.png actually just I had a great idea

gdkjmfF.png take out the Mars Star

TSCuFKq.gif are you kidding me we’re leaving

TSCuFKq.gif and there’s no way you can convince us to stick around for your little games

gdkjmfF.png if you don’t I will squash you like a bug

TSCuFKq.gif …a compelling argument.


TSCuFKq.gif sooooo….what did he just do?

vFbJGQp.gif don’t ask me

TSCuFKq.gif wait what the fuck who said that

vFbJGQp.gif holy shit you can hear me

vFbJGQp.gif I’m CURED

vFbJGQp.gif thank you so much oh almighty rock I am fore-

gdkjmfF.png oh whoops that’s not what I meant to do


vFbJGQp.gif -ever in your debt….


gdkjmfF.png This whole thing is really quite a shame.


TSCuFKq.gif Alchemy, a threat?

gdkjmfF.png Well, you saw those guys, right?

gdkjmfF.png Would you really trust them with the sort of power you see here?

TSCuFKq.gif Another excellent point.

gdkjmfF.png If the Elemental Stars ignite the flames of the four lighthouses…

gdkjmfF.png that power will be released.

gdkjmfF.png As long as the Elemental Lighthouses remain unlit…

TSCuFKq.gif So you want us to put a stop to those assholes lighting the lighthouses up.

TSCuFKq.gif For the good of the entire world!

TSCuFKq.gif Got it!

gdkjmfF.png(Well, I didn’t actually say that…)

gdkjmfF.png oh by the way the volcano is erupting and I can’t hold it back any longer

gdkjmfF.png you guys should leave

TSCuFKq.gif But how….

TSCuFKq.gif The stepping stones all melted in the time you spent monologuing…



Huh. Maybe they didn't die.

I have almost reached the end of my screenshots, which means two things:

- You have only one or two updates remaining until I need to actually continue playing (may or may not be broken into chunks)

- I am going to actually continue playing soon

tl;dr - get hype for turncounts

EDIT: formatting is hard

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Relatively short is fine, because your entries so far have been really long anyway. I doubt they'd be lame.

Also, I added a poll about whether Felix or Sheba should be made free until Piers joins. Jenna solo for all the way until Piers joins would be really tough; not just for bosses, but also for Djinn battles and even generics. Running from generics would keep her level low, which would make everything even tougher for her. Not to mention even if Jenna succeeds in soloing bosses, the turncounts would likely be significantly higher than a 2-man party.

In case this is still an issue, I think a choice of which one is free is fine. Because deciding which one is better (or which one is worse, depending on what you're aiming for) is kinda subjective, I think it would be fairer to just let players have either one for free. But just one, no switching. I don't feel like there's any reason to restrict that character otherwise.

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Since my entire run has been crowdsourced, I will vote for what the people demand.

...which seems to be a Jenna solo?
Maybe I'll reconsider I GUESS.
definitely not salty I didn't get Isaac

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In case this is still an issue, I think a choice of which one is free is fine. Because deciding which one is better (or which one is worse, depending on what you're aiming for) is kinda subjective, I think it would be fairer to just let players have either one for free. But just one, no switching. I don't feel like there's any reason to restrict that character otherwise.

it was known that being stuck with a solo for earlygame would be harder at the time we were picking, and I don't think there should be no repercussions for choosing as they did

additionally Proto pointed out that it's essentially an extra partial pick, in that we can't use Jenna even if we wanted to, while they get a choice

and Jenna+Felix seems rather strong

I would rather stick them with Sheba, if we're giving them a temporary crutch character

who I think is weaker than Felix

could be wrong

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Yeah, you're right.
Proto's just gonna win anyways, so it doesn't really matter too much :P:

That being said....
##Vote: Sheba

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Sheba has been lynched. She was ???

Anyways, both Euklyd and Kay have agreed that Sheba can be made free until Piers joins. So that's what we're going to go with.

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[spoiler=in which our heroes heroically run the fuck away]1QPdyyx.png

vFbJGQp.gifwell yes obviously

TSCuFKq.gif I mean, it must’ve. It said it’d help us escape, and now we’re out.

TSCuFKq.gif It’s pretty straightforward.

TSCuFKq.gif y’know it’d be really cool if I could turn back time and not do any of the whole “blow up the volcano” things


TSCuFKq.gif wait shit no time to talk



This is a short update because I was just barely breaking the image limit for the update I actually wanted to post.

Update to follow.

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(this isn't actually the right music but I like it better for this)

[spoiler=in which our heroes make their triumphant return]hxdoaOD.png

JKAXzZJ.gif We seem to be having a lot of freak accidents lately…

JKAXzZJ.gif First the storm and the boulder, now tremors, and an eruption.

JKAXzZJ.gif(Wonder who I can blame……)

z1OaGxJ.gif Hey, has anyone seen Darps?

SduSuqa.gif FUKT is missing as well...


JKAXzZJ.gif Are you suggesting Darps and FUKT caused the eruption?!

4hpbUns.gif Actually, no, I wasn-

JKAXzZJ.gif That’s a pretty serious allegation.

JKAXzZJ.gif I will need to investigate it fully…

JKAXzZJ.gif I definitely can’t believe that Our Boys would ever do something so terrible…


RGYKsiB.gif No way! Maybe they really did have something to do with it…

rG4NOuo.gif And they’ve been hanging around with that Kraden guy…everyone knows he’s a bit crazy.

bNqGm3l.gif He must’ve been corrupting them with his influence!

bNqGm3l.gif Leading them down the dark path of Alchemy…

4hpbUns.gif They have strayed from the true path! We must rid ourselves of their taint!

JKAXzZJ.gif (This is amazing… I’m hardly having to egg them on at all…)


4hpbUns.gif Hey look! There they are!

wcOJ5U7.gif Get ‘em!

JKAXzZJ.gif Calm down, everyone…don’t go making hasty assumptions before we’ve ever heard anything.


TSCuFKq.gif dammit they caught us

TSCuFKq.gif I guess we’ll have to explain to them where we were, huh…

TSCuFKq.gif I don’t even know why I talk to you, man.

vFbJGQp.gifI don’t know! I have no idea why you talk to me! Maybe you’re just in love with the sound of your own voice!

TSCuFKq.gif Well, it can’t be too bad.


JKAXzZJ.gif And more importantly, why did you choose to make the volcano erupt?!

JKAXzZJ.gif When were you ensnared by the vile promises of Alchemy?!

TSCuFKq.gif hold on how did you know we’re-

TSCuFKq.gif I mean, what gives you th-

JKAXzZJ.gif So you admit it! You admit that, in your desperate search for power, you assisted that vile Kraden with his mad schemes!

TSCuFKq.gif wait what that’s ridiculous

JKAXzZJ.gif The only thing remaining is Kraden! Where is he hiding, boy?!

TSCuFKq.gif It’s a long story, and you may not like what you hear...

JKAXzZJ.gif Oh I’m sure.

TSCuFKq.gif Ancient secrets, things like that…

JKAXzZJ.gif wait what

JKAXzZJ.gif maybe we should go somewhere away from prying eyes and ears


JKAXzZJ.gif So now, tell me what happened.


vFbJGQp.gifshit he’s here

TSCuFKq.gif oh god it’s that rock again

gdkjmfF.png(When you explain the situation to him, I demand you do it via interpretive dance)

TSCuFKq.gif oh god why

vFbJGQp.gifwait what why interpretive dance

gdkjmfF.png(If you don’t the world will end)

gdkjmfF.png(do you really want to take that chance)

vFbJGQp.gifthat rock is so full of shit I vote we ignore him and do nothing he asks


4hpbUns.gif What’s that?

JKAXzZJ.gif Who’re you talking to, boy?


JKAXzZJ.gif I didn’t understand any of that.

vFbJGQp.gifoh fuck this

TSCuFKq.gif Basically we solved a bunch of puzzles and got to the core of Sol Sanctum, where there were four Elemental Stars that could unlock Alchemy or something.

TSCuFKq.gif Kraden asked us to fetch them for him, idk why

TSCuFKq.gif and then after we had grabbed the third one, a bunch of assholes busted in and stole them from us, and they grabbed HOT and Kraden as hostages.

TSCuFKq.gif Also Eukon was with them

JKAXzZJ.gif wait what

vFbJGQp.gifmaybe they’re necromancers or something idk

TSCuFKq.gif that’s not important though

TSCuFKq.gif They made us grab the fourth one for them as well, and when we did the entire place started shaking and a floating rock appeared

JKAXzZJ.gif …a floating…rock, you say.


TSCuFKq.gif He told us about how the Elemental Stars could light up some lighthouses or something and release Alchemy and he told us we needed to stop them at any cost

actually he didn’t say that outright he just implied it vFbJGQp.gif

goddammit I’ll never be able to tell him that the rock is just fucking with us vFbJGQp.gif

and he’ll drag me along with him oh god why vFbJGQp.gif

TSCuFKq.gif Then he held off the eruption and teleported us out and now we’re here.

JKAXzZJ.gif uh-huh

JKAXzZJ.gif of course that’s what happened

4hpbUns.gif Elder, the people are demanding that the heretics be tossed into the volcano.

TSCuFKq.gif wait what

JKAXzZJ.gif I have a better idea.

TSCuFKq.gif no seriously what’s going on

JKAXzZJ.gif As, uh, as penance, they must be exiled, and, uh, go on a quest to retrieve the other stars and stop the lighthouses from being lit

JKAXzZJ.gif and thus preserve our position as the dominant wielders of psynergy

4hpbUns.gif I shall inform the people.

4hpbUns.gif They like this plan; you are most wise, Elder.

JKAXzZJ.gif Yes. Yes, of course I am.


FnUuqKX.gif You know, the heretics?

FnUuqKX.gif Is that really such a great idea?

JKAXzZJ.gif of course it is; now shut up


JKAXzZJ.gif Will you accept this task, or shall we throw you into the volcano?



TSCuFKq.gif wait why not what the fuck




Another update to follow, in fact.

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[spoiler=in which our heroes magically get a second chance]AMwPqg3.png

JKAXzZJ.gif Will you accept this task, or shall we throw you into the volcano?



TSCuFKq.gif what the hell

TSCuFKq.gif we’re going to die on this fucking “quest” and it’s all your fault

vFbJGQp.gifwell given that the alternative is dying in the volcano I like this plan better


JKAXzZJ.gif And if you two fail, then I’ll just have to trust that ~Eukon~ does the job properly

JKAXzZJ.gif Tell me, how would you describe Eukon? How was he, for a dead guy?

TSCuFKq.gif He’s a little shit and I’m gonna kill him.

JKAXzZJ.gif Sounds dependable to me!

JKAXzZJ.gif After all, you two are incredibly incompetent.


JKAXzZJ.gif Indeed.


vFbJGQp.gifwell fuck you too

TSCuFKq.gif well fuck you too

TSCuFKq.gif Got any advice, at least?


TSCuFKq.gif thanks ever so much

TSCuFKq.gif what about you guys?




JKAXzZJ.gif(Or at least, I am.)

JKAXzZJ.gif(With you scapegoats gone, the villagers are satisfied, and my position is secure.)

SduSuqa.gif HEY, FUKT

SduSuqa.gif Your mom wanted me to give these to you.

SduSuqa.gif She says she feels so ashamed of you that she doesn’t even want to look at you, but she feels obligated to send something.


4hpbUns.gif Say, Elder, why do you have such confidence in Eukon?

JKAXzZJ.gif I don’t.

JKAXzZJ.gif I just wanted to mess with the brats.


4hpbUns.gif I see I still have much to learn from you.

4U4lVdR.png That Elder was super suspicious. I bet he’s hiding something… maybe some sort of link...

4U4lVdR.pngfun fact some secrets are harder to get to than others; most of them are super easy, and I'm too lazy to do fancy html like was seen in Demon Guest House

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[spoiler=the real reason they had to leave in such a hurry]aHu3OGO.png

(may or may not be the real reason)

For the record, I am caught up to my screencaps.

I am now going to start playing the game, and installments will be shorter and they might be sweeter, but probably not.


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what the fuck Darps can't even take out a ZOMBIE on his own

update maying maybe coming eventually

we'll see

EDIT: what even is spelling

EDIT2: I'm gonna assume I can use FUKT to heal on the world map since HMs can be used even from a state of KO

yes this is Pokemon shut up

darps badly needs it anyways


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[spoiler=in which our heroes have a bit of an argument]K4FLpGo.png

ob1tBKr.gif I’ve been looking for someone dependable I can trust!

ob1tBKr.gif You’re dependable and altruistic, right?


TSCuFKq.gif What are you talking about?

ob1tBKr.gif Reunite me with the other [bDjinn[/b]!

ob1tBKr.gif We seem to have gotten separated in the eruption.

TSCuFKq.gif Well, we’re kinda bus-


TSCuFKq.gif In that case we’re totally trustworthy! Dependable, too.


ob1tBKr.gif Thanks, you won’t regret it!

TSCuFKq.gif Hey, FUKT, lemme have the Djinn

vFbJGQp.gifwhat? no way

vFbJGQp.gif this some kind of robbery?

TSCuFKq.gif c’mon, hand it over!

vFbJGQp.gifNext we’re gonna be looting the barrels and pots in people’s houses, huh?



vFbJGQp.gifhey wait what the fuck

TSCuFKq.gif You’re going down! I’ll teach you to be selfish!



4U4lVdR.png except that the enemies around here are weak to fire based attacks, so I may as well stay as a Guard for a bit longer

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[spoiler=in which our heroes meet the HIRO PROTAGONIST, part 1]DrC8WNb.png

TSCuFKq.gif I, uh, must’ve taken a wrong turn…


TSCuFKq.gif what the hell are those?

wue1Axc.gif Out of my way, urchins!

wue1Axc.gif I’m not going to give you any money!

TSCuFKq.gif but we don’t-

wue1Axc.gif If you don’t move I’ll run you down!

TSCuFKq.gif Okay, okay, don’t run us down!

vFbJGQp.gifdarps are you sure you don’t want to get run over

vFbJGQp.gif it would serve you right



wue1Axc.gif Well.

wue1Axc.gif North it is. I hear it’s quite nice this time of year.

kzuBjzZ.gif But there’s a terrible group of thieves that way!

wue1Axc.gif Don’t worry, they wouldn’t dare attack me.

wue1Axc.gif Let’s be off, now.

kzuBjzZ.gif But what about Roofa?

wue1Axc.gif He can come find us when he gets that Rod I told him to steal back for us.


TSCuFKq.gif what the fuck was that all about

vFbJGQp.gifyou keep asking me questions

vFbJGQp.gif I’m not sure you understand how answers work


TSCuFKq.gif Okay, we’re in a new place…now, first things first.

vFbJGQp.gif ?

TSCuFKq.gif We loot anything not nailed down.



vFbJGQp.giflady I’m not sure you understand what “suspicious” means


TSCuFKq.gif wow I am feeling so triggered right now

TSCuFKq.gif screw you guys


TSCuFKq.gif Yeah, it was quite the caravan, huh?


TSCuFKq.gif Well, I think we have our first lead.

vFbJGQp.gifit’s not a lead if we’re not told where they went

vFbJGQp.gif ask where they went

TSCuFKq.gif Well, thanks for the info!

vFbJGQp.gifoh my fucking god



TSCuFKq.gif holy shit will you people shut up about Roofa

TSCuFKq.gif I get the point we should go talk to Roofa

TSCuFKq.gif jeez


TSCuFKq.gif uh, no, I wasn’t

TSCuFKq.gif should I?


TSCuFKq.gif oh, okay

vFbJGQp.gif##vote: suspicious purple stranger


real theme is: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/ww41pgcvhin6wns/057_A_Little_Friendship.mp3


TSCuFKq.gif are you Roofa


TSCuFKq.gif wait what the fuck are you doing



QtYfalG.gif cool, huh?

QtYfalG.gif Your next words will be: “what the hell get out of my head”

TSCuFKq.gif what the hell get out of my head-

TSCuFKq.gif what the fuck man

vFbJGQp.gifholy shit that was amazing

TSCuFKq.gif I am so done goodbye


QtYfalG.gif Are you sure? I could tell that your companion isn’t the most competent of guys…

QtYfalG.gif How about we make a deal?

TSCuFKq.gif what sort of deal

QtYfalG.gif You help me acquire something, and I’ll assist you in your quest long enough for me to return to my employer.

TSCuFKq.gif What is this “something”

QtYfalG.gif Just a staff that my employer wants me to retrieve for him

TSCuFKq.gif It was stolen from him?

QtYfalG.gif yeah sure let’s go with that


TSCuFKq.gif sure sounds like a deal



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[spoiler=in which our heroes meet the HIRO PROTAGONIST, part 2]4AP3tg9.png

vFbJGQp.gifim cryin


QtYfalG.gif yeah funfax I can talk to animals like that

QtYfalG.gif animals can talk to me, even


QtYfalG.gif Like so.

QtYfalG.gif pretty cool, huh?

TSCuFKq.gif I am at a loss for words

QtYfalG.gif oh that’s okay I can just-

TSCuFKq.gif NO

QtYfalG.gif are you sure

QtYfalG.gif it’d be really quick and-

TSCuFKq.gif I’m positive


vFbJGQp.gifwhat the fuck man you could just TELL us that



QtYfalG.gif wait what’s a-



TSCuFKq.gif wait fuck

QtYfalG.gif um

QtYfalG.gif oookay

http://www.mediafire.com/listen/bjtw388g55wddxe/000_Having_Fun.mp3 (yes this actually plays)


TSCuFKq.gif Hey, you!

QtYfalG.gif We want to ask you a couple questions!


QtYfalG.gif wow rood

QtYfalG.gif I came out to have a good time and honestly I’m feeling so attacked right now



QtYfalG.gif okay this clearly isn’t working

QtYfalG.gif time for plan B

TSCuFKq.gif Plan B?

QtYfalG.gif gang up on one of them and surround him



TSCuFKq.gif Not another word!


QtYfalG.gif actually nevermind you guys can go now


QtYfalG.gif They’re keeping the goods in the attic of the inn, and there’s a hole you can drop down to get to it

TSCuFKq.gif Sounds like a plan to me!


TSCuFKq.gif that’s

TSCuFKq.gif actually incredibly obvious

vFbJGQp.gifbet you feel pretty stupid, huh?

TSCuFKq.gif Man, FUKT must be feeling really stupid right now.


QtYfalG.gif Wow, you guys can actually do things.

QtYfalG.gif And here I was, thinking you were just muscle.


TSCuFKq.gif Looks like the right place.

QtYfalG.gif Are we ready?

TSCuFKq.gif actually….

TSCuFKq.gif I need to do a bit of training

QtYfalG.gif what

QtYfalG.gif we don’t actually have unlimited time

QtYfalG.gif they’ll like, leave

QtYfalG.gif and this guy will starve

TSCuFKq.gif just stall them for a while!

TSCuFKq.gif I won’t take THAT long


[minutes turn into hours, which turn into days….]

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[spoiler=in which our heroes meet the HIRO PROTAGONIST, part 3]qD0VlRU.png


TSCuFKq.gif I can just feel the power coursing through me!




4hpbUns.gif fucking finally

4hpbUns.gif I come up on the roof to fix a hole, and then I get knocked unconscious and left here to rot

TSCuFKq.gif Hey, you weren’t here that long before I came back

4hpbUns.gif and don’t even get me STARTED on you assholes

QtYfalG.gif wow that’s a mean thing to say about Darps


TSCuFKq.gif huh?


TSCuFKq.gif Hah, so it WAS you guys

TSCuFKq.gif I am a fucking genius


QtYfalG.gif The pay is good, and the benefits are great



QtYfalG.gif sucks to be him

QtYfalG.gif was he really stupid enough to go north to Lunpa?

QtYfalG.gif that’s hilarious

TSCuFKq.gif wait what?

TSCuFKq.gif Lunpa?

vFbJGQp.gifaren’t we forgetting about something?

QtYfalG.gif the town north of here

QtYfalG.gif run by a gang of bandits

QtYfalG.gif no way they’d let a guy as rich as Hammet go through there without, like, kidnapping him

TSCuFKq.gif …is that an issue?

QtYfalG.gif nah, I’ll just bust him out sometime and charge him extra


QtYfalG.gif yeah sure I see no reason why not


QtYfalG.gif yeah sure

QtYfalG.gif haha no way

TSCuFKq.gif We’ll just beat you up, grab the things you stole, and rob you of the things you didn’t steal, too!






TSCuFKq.gif This power is incredible!


QtYfalG.gif OW

QtYfalG.gif you JERK


QtYfalG.gif Haha, serves you right!






QtYfalG.gif no shit we got you


QtYfalG.gif Well, unless hiro protagonists like me are the ones doing the stealing

QtYfalG.gif then it’s CLEARLY warranted


TSCuFKq.gif wait what we can’t take ALL the things if they mayor is here!

TSCuFKq.gif dammit





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Name   Lv  Class      Weapon        Head        Shield          Chest  
Darps  06  Brute                      <default>
Roofa  04  Wind Seer                  <default>
Darps spams Blast every turn; he has enough PP for three of them.

Roofa spams Ray every turn; he has enough PP for me not to worry.

Bandit/Thieves chuck smoke bombs and glower at me and attack Roofa and shit; I didn't pay much attention.

Thief 2 goes down turn 2

Thief 1 goes down halfway through turn 3

Bandit goes down turn three, dying by Blast

total turns: 3


x5RnGGT.png + lqjHv2x.png = 3 Turns

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[spoiler=in which our heroes traverse the first of many caves]oqfLQPn.png

TSCuFKq.gif Looks suspicious, but it’s no problem to move it out of the way.


TSCuFKq.gif what the fuck

TSCuFKq.gif ivy is cheating

TSCuFKq.gif I am so done


TSCuFKq.gifYou’re going to move the rock?

QtYfalG.gif Actually I’ll let you do that.

QtYfalG.gif I’ll just help.


TSCuFKq.gif Well.

TSCuFKq.gif That’s, uh, also cheating. Just for the record.


TSCuFKq.gif wow this place looks confusing

TSCuFKq.gif luckily I am GREAT at navigating


vFbJGQp.gifThat was fast

QtYfalG.gif It’s this way, c’mon!



TSCuFKq.gif Are we there yet?

QtYfalG.gif hold on I see something BETTER than getting out of the cave

TSCuFKq.gif better than not getting lost and dying?

QtYfalG.gif YEAH


kzuBjzZ.gif I want to catch it, but I can’t get to it anymore now that it jumped up there…

kzuBjzZ.gif Can you help me capture it?

TSCuFKq.gif sure thing

TSCuFKq.gif we’ll be sure to, uh, “help”

vFbJGQp.gifDarps I can practically see the quotation marks you’re not being subtle at all



TSCuFKq.gif Now we’re even further from the Djinn.

TSCuFKq.gif And the exit as well, I’m sure.


TSCuFKq.gif And now we’re HERE? And people say I’m the one with a bad sense of direction?

TSCuFKq.gif Not, of course, that people say that.

QtYfalG.gif Yeah it doesn’t really need much saying

QtYfalG.gif hey can you push that boulder into the chasm?

vFbJGQp.gifWell if it’s anything like the pillar that we just passed there’ll be arbitrary restriction keeping us from doing so


vFbJGQp.gifor not

TSCuFKq.gif Can you please tell me what that was for?

QtYfalG.gif I wanted to see what would happen, that’s all

QtYfalG.gif Why, what did you think?


vFbJGQp.gifthis is really shitty treasure


TSCuFKq.gif …what is this for, anyways?


TSCuFKq.gif wait this didn’t used to be here

TSCuFKq.gif Did you plan that?

QtYfalG.gif sure why not


kzuBjzZ.gif YEAH, catch ‘im!

kzuBjzZ.gifI believe in you!


QtYfalG.gif so what do we do now?

TSCuFKq.gif I dunno

TSCuFKq.gif try killing it or something

QtYfalG.gif okay sure



QtYfalG.gif Well that was easy

TSCuFKq.gif Seems a bit anti-climactic, really.

TSCuFKq.gif Hey, old man!

QtYfalG.gif Thanks for the support!

TSCuFKq.gif Seeya



kzuBjzZ.gif goddammit I wanted that thing


vFbJGQp.gifwow it’s almost like we’re MEANT to have an easy route after going through the first time


TSCuFKq.gif Well, compared to the last time we were under a mountain, I’d say that went quite well.


more to follow etc

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[spoiler=in which our heroes have no idea what to do]egEOce5.png

TSCuFKq.gif what the fuck is that tree


”Obi-wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope…” vFbJGQp.gif

I mean what vFbJGQp.gif

TSCuFKq.gif Wow, I had no idea trees could think?

TSCuFKq.gif Do all trees think like this?

TSCuFKq.gif Are they all so…self-hating?

QtYfalG.gif Sounds more like a human to me

TSCuFKq.gif oh

TSCuFKq.gif I knew that by the way

QtYfalG.gif clearly


QtYfalG.gif See Darps, what’d I tell you?

TSCuFKq.gif I never doubted it for a second.


TSCuFKq.gif A moving statue…

TSCuFKq.gif I bet there’s treasure down there!

QtYfalG.gif YEAH

QtYfalG.gif After all, what’s a secret passage without treasure?

vFbJGQp.gifa secret passage after we’ve been through it

QtYfalG.gif A shitty secret passage, that’s what!


TSCuFKq.gif Guess that means it’s a shitty secret passage, huh?

QtYfalG.gif Well, I mean

QtYfalG.gif There is a Djinn to our right

QtYfalG.gif but yeah other than that it’s pretty damn lame

QtYfalG.gif Looks like we’ll have to find another way…


QtYfalG.gif Hey, check this out! You can walk all over this wall!

TSCuFKq.gif Can you please stop clowning around?

TSCuFKq.gif We have places to be.

TSCuFKq.gif …although I can’t seem to name any of them…


QtYfalG.gif oh look.

QtYfalG.gif that’s not suspicious at aaaaalll




TSCuFKq.gif Well, what do you know?




TSCuFKq.gif At least we didn’t have to fight it this time….

QtYfalG.gif Yeah, how BORING.


TSCuFKq.gif I can’t imagine this ever being relevant in the future.


TSCuFKq.gif It couldn’t possibly be useful, or even, dare I say it, necessary

QtYfalG.gif of course not


QtYfalG.gif I legit cannot tell, were you being sarcastic?

vFbJGQp.gifI think he was, but you can never be sure with him….

TSCuFKq.gif Can we please be on our way now?

QtYfalG.gif To where?

TSCuFKq.gif ….

QtYfalG.gif Sounds like we need to get more info.


QtYfalG.gif wow

TSCuFKq.gif that’s…

TSCuFKq.gif a lot of money

TSCuFKq.gif I’m impressed

QtYfalG.gif ...I am also impressed but for different reasons.


TSCuFKq.gif Well, yes, actually.

TSCuFKq.gif You did, y’know, have a magical forest chopped down


QtYfalG.gif Darps did you hear that

TSCuFKq.gif that was amazing

QtYfalG.gif Can you tell us another joke that was incredible

more to follow etc

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[spoiler=in which our heroes find a thing to do]sjd1BiF.png

TSCuFKq.gif is there a reward involved?

7XqDTgg.png yes but I don’t see-

TSCuFKq.gif in that case you are looking at the bravest and most valiant heroes you will ever set eyes upon!


TSCuFKq.gif I thought I already heavily implied that we were

TSCuFKq.gif I am PRETTY SURE I did so

7XqDTgg.png Lord McCoy!


7XqDTgg.png I recruited some more warriors, m’lord.

IRK4TPh.gif Excellent! We could always use more fodder to throw at it, wouldn’t yeh say?

IRK4TPh.gif Eventually something has got to stick.

IRK4TPh.gif Even if not a one has returned so far…

IRK4TPh.gif Well, let’s have us a look at them.


IRK4TPh.gif Yer but a bunch of wee children!



vFbJGQp.gifactually it’s hilarious


IRK4TPh.gif Oh no, laddie, what gave you that impression?

IRK4TPh.gif Go ahead and try!

IRK4TPh.gif I could use a good laugh, after all that’s bin happening here lately


TSCuFKq.gif I’ll show you!


TSCuFKq.gif As much as I hate helping out that ass, that treasure makes a compelling argument.


TSCuFKq.gif I’ll show you as well!

TSCuFKq.gif I’ll show you all!

RGYKsiB.gif …what are you talking about?

TSCuFKq.gif Wait, one last thing before we leave town…


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