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Biweekly Battle Sprite Showdown II: Creature Features *VOTING over*


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...so participation ribbons still a no go? >.>

We never give up... Damnit, runner up is still viable! DX

...now to go brainstorm potential awesome ideas. ;)

I swear to god if somebody beats me to making something sheep related... >.< :p

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Man, this contest as a sad turnout compared to that of the first one. :(

But I've finally gotten around to putting my entry here.


This is Princess Nyarla, heir to the throne of a dragon laguz nation (that isn't Goldoa, just to point out). She is a Blue Dragon, a rare color of dragon only seen in her family amongst the females.

I actually made that dragon a long time ago, I just recolored it to make it my new Blue Dragon class and fixed the shading. Nyarla's human form is completely new though, as well as full custom. The dragon is full custom except for the wings (which came off of the Wyvern Lord sprite), so I guess this is still considered a splice.

This obviously won't win though, Thor's entry is just too good. xP

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Ana, for Odin's sake, cut it out. You are ruining the contest for all the others who actually put effort into their work. Just admit the bullshit and walk away.

I havent figured out how sprite properly on Winderz 8 Paint yet and the deadline is like, tomorrow. But man, theres some good work in here. Essa's Dragon vs T-Rex and Crazy Cat Lady. Unnnnf

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Ana, for Odin's sake, cut it out. You are ruining the contest for all the others who actually put effort into their work. Just admit the bullshit and walk away.

I havent figured out how sprite properly on Winderz 8 Paint yet and the deadline is like, tomorrow. But man, theres some good work in here. Essa's Dragon vs T-Rex and Crazy Cat Lady. Unnnnf

You can download Paint XP and put it on Winderz 8~ Thank god too, I can't stand the newer Paint DX

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You can download Paint XP and put it on Winderz 8~ Thank god too, I can't stand the newer Paint DX

Awww shit yeah. Thanks for the tip. The newer Paint with ribbons is just bullshit. Im all "how do i transparent." Its embarrassing.

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Awww shit yeah. Thanks for the tip. The newer Paint with ribbons is just bullshit. Im all "how do i transparent." Its embarrassing.

The layout really is atrocious. It took me several hours just to find the normal pencil 'cause I don't want none of that anti-aliasing bullshit :x

I feel like I am the only one who actually uses win8 paint ><

I tried using it several times, it's just too cumbersome for me. I just want my simple paint menus ;-;

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...I just got home from the Hospital. Thankfully my wife is OK... I feel even more exhausted than I am already from this day just reading all this...

My reply will be up once my son finally goes down to sleep. :\

Just wanna make sure I address everything.

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Ok...I'm not gonna bother copy pasting the whole back and forth... just the bits I found relevant. (My replies are in bold)

4) No posting previous/old works.

-Klok's quoting of rule 4 of the contest in reply to your entry post seems pretty straight forward...

Well yeah, old edited sprites by themselves wouldn't be allowed, you're right. The difference here is that I entered it with a brand new work.


I actually made that dragon a long time ago, I just recolored it to make it my new Blue Dragon class and fixed the shading

-This statement you made in your entry post would seem to contradict that.

And no where does it say that you can't post new work that has some old stuff with it.

4) No posting previous/old works.

-I thought this was pretty clear/easy to understand, I will make sure to tweak the wording for this to clear up any such confusion in the future.

It's his competition, not mine, so I can't force him to let my entry in. I don't think it would be fair if he didn't, but it would be wrong and rude to try to stop him.

-It would not be fair for me to allow this entry in.

4) No posting previous/old works.

-There are two reasons behind this rule that I stand behind.

1) allowing previous/old works would give an unfair advantage to certain entries, two weeks is a good amount of time to work on an entry... how fair would it be to have to go up against something someone spent months or even a year on?

2) creating brand new works, encourages creativity and artistic growth and development, kinda what the whole art forums are about... isn't it?

Its pretty clear. The Biweekly Battle Sprite Showdown and pretty much all the competitions on here do not allow previously made works to be submitted as entries. As I said, it keeps things fair and also promotes growth and creativity in the community.

But if for example, Thor or Merc's entry was something they had made months ago and decided to recolor and submit it into this contest, that would be tremendously unfair. You could rightfully call it not cool and be extremely upset they did that. :\


But there is no need to get defensive, or upset here.

Ana, as you have stated, its simple, your entry is using a previous work that you have recolored and reshaded.

This goes against the spirit of the competition, and is against the rules outlined in all iterations of this contest. If it was somehow edited beyond just straight up recoloring, you might have a case here.(that could have been taken to PM with me instead of arguing here) But as you yourself stated:

I actually made that dragon a long time ago, I just recolored it to make it my new Blue Dragon class and fixed the shading

Therefore it is not a "new work" and is an invalid entry. If you resubmit with a new monster or a new Dragon not made from this invalid entry, or something old/previously created, your entry will be fine. :)

You still do have a full 24 hours to create something new, whether an edit of a base GBA sprite or full scratch... I am sure you can create something really good if you put your mind to it, as your Frederick entry last comp was great. That's how much time everyone has left unless we get a decent amount of people asking for more time. :D

Why has this taken up three pages?

...if anyone seriously has some confusion about a rule or entry in the future, please send me a PM, or discuss it in the ideas and feedback thread in the Spriting forum... instead of filling three pages worth of the entries thread with repetitive arguments. ;)


Anyways... in other news, I am really looking forward to the voting this time round. I hope I can get my entry in on time this time around too. XD

(Finally came up with an idea I really really like. :D)

The OC requirement just means BTW that it can't be something like... Jacob from Twilight, or Sonic the Hedgehog, or that wolf guy from Dark Stalkers... But one could make their own Werewolf, have fun with it. Your OC can be something you make up right on the spot. ;)

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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Thank you for clearing the issue, Errant

And sorry for causing trouble in your thread, I had no idea that so much trouble would come from telling someone the rules .-.

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...its cool. I consider it less my thread as much as the community thread. :) (God that sounds cheesy XD)

Hopefully we get some more entries in by tomorrow before deadline... if not, well we've got some awesome entries to vote on already! :D

But yeah, if anyone needs a bit more time, or a slight extension... just lemme know, the deadline is there more to keep things snappy and give a bit of a kick in the ass to myself and the other entrants to try and get something done. ;P


EDIT: If its cool with all those involved, I may see if I can get the argument posts moved into the ideas and feedback thread instead, as I feel as though they aren't really contributing to the discussion of the entries... but feel it'd be not ok to just ask for their deletion. That cool? Helpful, unnecessary? DAMNABLE politically correct censorship!?!? ...lemme know what ya think. ;)

Edited by TheErrantShepherd
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I've been working on mine since day 1 and still haven't finished lol (damn you, civ!) I'll (hopefully) get it finished up by tomorrow (today?)

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