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Famitsu 6/11 preview/leaks


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What are the chances that Lazward's English name will be changed to Westley?

I wonder if we'll have the Capture ability in time for that one chapter where we see all the siblings on the battlefield. If so, then I will guess that we'd probably be able to capture Elise/Sakura at that point, but not the others.

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Part of me finds it amusing that we're getting the awakening kids sort of back, but they really are overdoing it a bit. At this rate half the Nohr units are going to be from awakening.

I'm guessing it will just be these 3 because they, along with Lucina were the most popular 2nd generation units based on a survey done in Japan.

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What are the chances that Lazward's English name will be changed to Westley?

I wonder if we'll have the Capture ability in time for that one chapter where we see all the siblings on the battlefield. If so, then I will guess that we'd probably be able to capture Elise/Sakura at that point, but not the others.

Most likely we wont be able to capture them since some enemies and bosses cant be captured. It would be nice but If we're just bringing the royal family from the next faction, they wont really be exclusives then.

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I love Odin's "Come get some" pose. I guess I was wrong about this just being the usual homage to characters from previous games and being more of a full on character transplant.

I agree with others, though, that I like this because the kids in Awakening were horribly underused so being able to have similar/essentially the same characters as full on team members is welcome in my book.

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What are the chances that Lazward's English name will be changed to Westley?

I wonder if we'll have the Capture ability in time for that one chapter where we see all the siblings on the battlefield. If so, then I will guess that we'd probably be able to capture Elise/Sakura at that point, but not the others.

Can this be a thing? I really, really, really want that to be a thing. I would pay any amount of gold for this to happen.

I think it was said bosses cannot be captured, which, while being a good thing to hammer in the choice mechanic, is also really a heavy blow for me as a player. (As I run under the assumption that we will be forced to see each of our Nohrian/Hoshidan siblings as bosses in the opposing paths...) It's going to be extremely hard to kill my siblings, and I'm hoping beyond all hope that some boss fights are optional depending on their chapter goal... I'd be ecstatic to have to run away from Camilla/Hinoka for ten turns to hit that "Survive" objective rather than kill her.

Edited by Skywolfe
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I'm guessing it will just be these 3 because they, along with Lucina were the most popular 2nd generation units based on a survey done in Japan.

There are the 3 from 1st generation as well (Gaius, Tharja and Cordelia), but as i mentioned, i hope they don't bring more characters from awakening into the game.

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Even if it means "lazy reused character designs", I am really hoping that Luna, Lazuli, and Odin are NOT actually any form of Severa, Inigo, and Owain and just happen to VERY strongly resemble their counterparts. If it means avoiding the whole Outrealm stuff and any connections to Awakening, I'll take "lazy reused character designs".

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If people's predictions about the 3 most popular 1st gen Awakening character (Cordelia, Tharja and Gaius) showing up in Hoshido are true, what classes do you think they will be?

not!Cordelia would obviously be the 3rd pegasus warrior

We don't have a Dark Mage class so maybe not!Tharja would be a Spellcaster? Maybe switch to a melee class?

We don't have Thieves either so maybe not!Gaius would be an Bowman or Samurai?

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If people's predictions about the 3 most popular 1st gen Awakening character (Cordelia, Tharja and Gaius) showing up in Hoshido are true, what classes do you think they will be?

not!Cordelia would obviously be the 3rd pegasus warrior

We don't have a Dark Mage class so maybe not!Tharja would be a Spellcaster? Maybe switch to a melee class?

We don't have Thieves either so maybe not!Gaius would be an Bowman or Samurai?

I don't want this to happen, but if it does, my money's on not!Cordelia's name being something lame like Ai or Aiko

To actually answer your question, not!Tharja could be a spellcaster or maybe even a Bow(wo)man. not!Gaius could be anything really, since his main personality traits aren't really intertwined with being a thief. I'd say ninja but we already have a lot of those.

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not!Cordelia would obviously be the 3rd pegasus warrior

Please no there are too many redheaded pegasus warriors in Hoshido

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I don't want this to happen, but if it does, my money's on not!Cordelia's name being something lame like Ai or Aiko

To actually answer your question, not!Tharja could be a spellcaster or maybe even a Bow(wo)man. not!Gaius could be anything really, since his main personality traits aren't really intertwined with being a thief. I'd say ninja but we already have a lot of those.

Yeah, I could see Cordelia being renamed Ai or maybe Suki.

Tharja getting Bow(wo)man would fit considering her daughter's default class. I'm at a loss for Gaius because the only class that really fits has more than enough characters already.

Please no there are too many redheaded pegasus warriors in Hoshido

Because the requirement of them being women was lifted, Pegasus Warriors are now all required to be red-heads. I'm okay with this.

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Even if it means "lazy reused character designs", I am really hoping that Luna, Lazuli, and Odin are NOT actually any form of Severa, Inigo, and Owain and just happen to VERY strongly resemble their counterparts. If it means avoiding the whole Outrealm stuff and any connections to Awakening, I'll take "lazy reused character designs".

Yeah, after seeing the new 'update' (leak image) I'm leaning more towards reincarnation rather than Awakening related.

I mean, they're not even trying to be subtle about the fact that they are basically the same exact characters; there is no way the developers would pull the 'they're from the same universe as Awakening' or 'They're another version of the same Owain, Servea, and Inigo you know in Awaking, but in another universe' card.

So different universe, different comparative times in the universes, all that is the same is the soul (to explain how they are so god-awfully similar in personality), and it being that type of reincarnation where they look pretty much the same every time it is reborn (the soul is encrypted with a master physical blueprint or something)

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If people's predictions about the 3 most popular 1st gen Awakening character (Cordelia, Tharja and Gaius) showing up in Hoshido are true, what classes do you think they will be?

not!Cordelia would obviously be the 3rd pegasus warrior

We don't have a Dark Mage class so maybe not!Tharja would be a Spellcaster? Maybe switch to a melee class?

We don't have Thieves either so maybe not!Gaius would be an Bowman or Samurai?

I'm not convinced we will get them, but if we did:

Thieves do their own thing in general, so just being on Hoshido's path doesn't mean not!Gaius can't be a Thief unaffiliated with either nation. Otherwise Shinobi would be most appropriate, but 4 Shinobi would feel excessive; I'd guess mid- to late-game as one of Shinobi's promotions in that case.

Not!Cordelia would of course be a Pegasus Warrior. I agree with Sunwoo that a third redheaded Pegasus Warrior would be slightly annoying if only when it comes to the map sprites, but I see no sufficient reason to change it.

Not!Tharja is a little tricky. Being a dark magic user was pretty central to her character, second only to her Avatar obsession, so I'm not sure how well she'd work as a vanilla Spellcaster. Although...do we actually know that Dark magic even exists in this game? Even the Dark Mages we've seen have been using Anima tomes unless I missed something. In that case there may be no real difference and she could be a creepy Spellcaster with no issue. Though for that matter, if she's really a Tharja Expy she arguably needn't be limited to a Hoshido class to begin with; she's a defector in Awakening, why not here?

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There are the 3 from 1st generation as well (Gaius,

If people's predictions about the 3 most popular 1st gen Awakening character (Gaius

We don't have Thieves either so maybe not!Gaius would be an Bowman or Samurai?

Soo... anyone else think we've already gotten Gauis in the form of Nishiki? Compare his face to Gauis's face. Or at least the smirking one.

Edited by DualMix
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So these three new characters are only obtainable from the Nohr side...

So for us to get them, we'd need to recruit them from Spotpass matches, correct?

Which leaves me to wonder: would they become generic units, or rather will their "My Castle" the new barracks lines be in-tact?

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They'd keep their generic lines and probably most of the generic Castle activities. Just look at the guest avatars in Awakening. The question is whether they'd also lose any ability to get supports and some of more specific castle content.

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I'm not convinced we will get them, but if we did:

Thieves do their own thing in general, so just being on Hoshido's path doesn't mean not!Gaius can't be a Thief unaffiliated with either nation. Otherwise Shinobi would be most appropriate, but 4 Shinobi would feel excessive; I'd guess mid- to late-game as one of Shinobi's promotions in that case.

Not!Cordelia would of course be a Pegasus Warrior. I agree with Sunwoo that a third redheaded Pegasus Warrior would be slightly annoying if only when it comes to the map sprites, but I see no sufficient reason to change it.

Not!Tharja is a little tricky. Being a dark magic user was pretty central to her character, second only to her Avatar obsession, so I'm not sure how well she'd work as a vanilla Spellcaster. Although...do we actually know that Dark magic even exists in this game? Even the Dark Mages we've seen have been using Anima tomes unless I missed something. In that case there may be no real difference and she could be a creepy Spellcaster with no issue. Though for that matter, if she's really a Tharja Expy she arguably needn't be limited to a Hoshido class to begin with; she's a defector in Awakening, why not here?

I don't think they'd make the children characters Nohr exclusive but then make the 1st gen characters shared.

They could always make not!Tharja a spellcaster and give her Shadowgift as a personal skill. Then again, considering Hoshido doesn't have Dark Mages, they don't have a reason to own Dark magic. Unless she came pre-equiped with one, the only practical source of more Dark Magic would be from Nohr My Castle purchases.

Soo... anyone else think we've already gotten Gauis in the form of Nishiki? Compare his face to Gauis's face. Or at least the smirking one.

Eh, I'm not seeing it. We do have a Ricken lookalike with Tsukuyomi tho.

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Hopefully we get a better look at the Hoshidan Magic when the part on Orochi releases, it's pretty much a blank slate and we know next to nothing about the cards/talismans/fans.

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They'd keep their generic lines and probably most of the generic Castle activities. Just look at the guest avatars in Awakening. The question is whether they'd also lose any ability to get supports and some of more specific castle content.

They almost certainly would, as to not have the story thrown out of the window. I mean c'mon, supporting with Marx after(potentially)killing him? That's just... in my opinion, stupid. So yeah, if you recruit Nohr characters while on Hoshido and vice versa, they'll most likely be blank slates that can't be filled.

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I don't think they'd make the children characters Nohr exclusive but then make the 1st gen characters shared.

Oh I didn't mean the characters would be shared, they'd still be Hoshido version only. Just not necessarily Hoshidan classes. E.g. not!Tharja could be "A former mage of Nohr, she defected to Hoshido when [reasons]."

E. WTF autocorrect

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Eh, I'm not seeing it. We do have a Ricken lookalike with Tsukuyomi tho.

The two pretty much share the same role apparently, but they really don't look that similar.

Edit: I also have to add, if Hoshido was getting the first gen people, I get the feeling we'd have seen at least one of them by now. Lazward was visible back in April, after all. And I believe Odin's sprite came up quite some time ago, but I can't remember when I've seen him first.

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Captured enemies can then be recruited to your army by successfully scouting them with resources or by persuading them.

"Scouting them with resources" meaning:

Okay, do you want to be bribed with this fish, 6 berries, or 2 of these glittery rocks I found on the floor?

...Oh my god, it's like harvest moon ( 。_ 。).

Also, please tell me I'm not the only one who keeps thinking of Pokemon Ranger every time the capture feature is mentioned.

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