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SF Interviews 2.0 - Florete

Julius Nepos

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Oh, Shin is being voted too? I toss my second vote to Shin

Sorry, didn't mean to offend

don't worry, I'm not offended at all. Didn't mean to sound offended. @_@ Edited by Cirnegg
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SF Interview #86: ErrantShepherd
Interview ends on 21/8/2016.

Final nomination count:

5: ErrantShepherd

4: Shin
2: NinjaMonkey
2: Zak Something
1: Mage Knight 404
1: Quintessence
1: Right Wing Nut Job
1: Ghast
1: Arch
1: Aquakat
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1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

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1. Obligatory "Impressions of me?" question

2. What do you think of the name Rachel?

3. Aspirations in life?

4. What is a movie, video game, etc that you love that everyone else hates?

5. What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else loves?

Will you stick to the 5 question limit?

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Well. That happened quicker than expected. XD

Alright *cracks knuckles*


#warning #incomingtextwall

1. Impressions if any

2. Do you like bubble tea?

3. Do you like jellyfish?

4. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

5. What annoys you the most in a person?

1) assuming you mean of you. ;)

First: hey... it's a person that likes Pokemon!

Current: hey! It's a pretty COOL person that like Pokemon!

2) honestly I have tried it maybe once or twice... so, not particularly from what I have tried... but I am always open to changing my mind. Any recommendations on flavors?

3) Jelly fish are the best fish. I am very jelly. /basin

4) Have fun. But I find lots of things fun TBH... so good for me? :D

5) Someone being controlling or manipulative... like I hate when someone is trying to box me in or mislabelling me... as I am typically way outside the box, that I make my own damn box... but if someone tries to force me into their little box, I am gonna break that damn box hard... (usually unintentionally) >.>

1. How are you doing today?

2. What would your anime self look like?

3. Favorite vacation spot?

4. Worst thing you've eaten?

5. Impressions of me?

1) pretty awesome. Feeling like myself, and feeling good.

2) probably like my avatar.

3) An Island with forests.

4) hmmmmmm... uh... idk tbh. I usually eat pretty much anything as long as I am not allergic. :\

5) First: hey! The master of power in chat! Likes snark! Current: hey the master of power on the forums! Nice guy with some stuff to deal with... still loves creativity! Maybe a Lil idealistic.

1.Greatest achievement in life thus far?

2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of?

3.Do you like the sound of your own voice?

4.Furthest you've ever been from home?

5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?

1) My family.

2) Scion of Kings, fangame by OreoStyx.

3) probably too much sometimes. :p

4) Scotland.

5) Mega Raichu?(is there one? IDK)


2. opinions on eimm?

3. impressions on expresso?

4. favorite type of coffee?

5. like canned foods?

1) LO-CHEGG!?(idg the ref sorry ;-;) plzexplain

2) fun, for bits, easy to go off the rails. Especially with... wildcards. >.>

Probably too time consuming regardless for me. Definitely teaches one about oneself. #artalliance #willwinoneday #edgelordZ

3) good for some, bad for me as it makes me too hyper.

4) my wife loves coffee, it throws me off though... so would like hot chocolate/apple cinnamon spice drink count?

5) Canned foods are the best! Great for eating, great for throwing, great for building robots that will one day rule the world... you heard nothing... >.>

1. Impressions?

2. Cats or dogs?

3. How did you discover FE?

4. Games series you like besides FE?

5. If you could have any kind of powers, what would they be?

1) First: hey... it's... a... dude?

Current: hey! It's a pretty cool dude! Who likes SF.

2) dogs. I need that unwavering support thing sometimes... whereas Cats are too similar to myself sometimes, too self focused... I dislike when I do that, why would I want a pet that goes that way almost exclusively? >.>

3) Through Smash Bros melee. I like the interesting sword people... wanted to learn more, so I tried out their games, wanted to learn more so I looked up some forums, wanted to learn more so I made an account... and became part of the FE community back in late '07, early '08.

4) Smash, Metal Slug, Megaman, Dynasty Warriors, Assassins Creed, Mario, Animal Crossing, Kirby, F-Zero, Final Fantasy (there are more but that is enough for now?)

5) Probably either healing powers, that would work on myself and others, or time travel powers that would mainly ffect myself personally to avoid messing with the time space continuum.

1. Impressions?

2. Favorite Fire Emblem protagonist?

3. Favorite FE antagonist?

4. Favorite video game?

5. Favorite movie?

1)First: A Fire Emblem Fan who likes a pudgy character from some movie?

Current: Likes an OMG awesome character from Zootopia. Likely will try everything.

2) I like Ike. He has depth that some other favorites of mine like Roy just do not have. I get Ike and appreciate him as a character, some people really do not.

3) ...probably Black Knight TBH, as he does the Dragon and the Rival roles so well!

4) ugh Idk? Maybe Red Dead Redemption or Smash Bros 64? So hard to choose one.

5) right now? Actually Zootopia, followed by Star Wars episode IV and Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring.

1. How is family life?

2. Favorite videogame theme?

3. Would you like to have more kids?

4. Will you introduce your son into videogames?

5. If yes, what could be the first videogame?

1)Great! Busy but great!

2) challenging the status quo?

3) yes, one more? Just preferably more spaced out from the last one.

4) I will, but very limited as he is ridiculously like me and needs to limit his gaming/screen time.

5) he has played Mario Kart likely the Wii Sports titles would be good to start with.

1. Obligatory "Impressions of me?" question

2. What do you think of the name Rachel?

3. Aspirations in life?

4. What is a movie, video game, etc that you love that everyone else hates?

5. What is a movie, video game, etc that you hate that everyone else loves?

Will you stick to the 5 question limit?

1) first: Nice seeming person, not Shezzy, needs work on their art. A stranger.

Current: Cool Mom. Fun and insightful person, getting good at their art! A friend.

2) it's a nice name. Goes well with Esther... apparently yours?

3) To be the best version of me I can be.

4) IDK tbh? Ummmm... I can usually find sizable groups who enjoy things I do... I am ridiculously relatable... it's almost creepy. It would be easier to find things I dislike that people tend to like TBH.

5) speak of the devil. TBH I tend to really dislike Seth Rogen and Seth Macfarlane based shows and movies. They are just not very clever, not very funny, and edgy for the sake of being edgy over actually having a legitimate joke or story half of the time imo. I can appreciate clever 'dumb' humor... but not straight up lazy, lowest common denominator, or crude dumbass humor. Does that make me a social pariah now? Eh... who cares? XD

Was wondering when this would come up... sure. People can ask as many or as little as they like, and I will do my best to answer them. #nolimits


Geeez that can take a while XD

#Ilikeachallengetho #bringiton

Edited by ErrantShepherd
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impressions of sukusuku hakutaku

It sounds very kawaii? Or moe? IDK, never heard of it till now. Wanna fill me in?

1. Which part of Scotland did you visit?

2. Any parenting advice willing to share?

3. Worst gameplay mechanic in the FE series?

4. Favourite unit in Blazing Sword?

5. Favourite Pokemon?

1) Gloucestershire, I think.

2) Learn who you are as a person, and your partner as well... as your kid will be some combination of you. But regardless, always try to learn, and understand.

3) honestly, probably the face rubbing mechanic. It was awkward as hell, creepy and made no gameplay sense imo.

If you want people to care about your characters, do not turn then into weird subhuman pets. That was my issue with the mechanic... if people find it enjoyable or harmless, that is fine... but it weird me the hell out as I think, I would never randomly touch, especially intimately touch a human being without their complete consent. :\

/rant ended

4) Lyn. Hands down. I like Guy and Matthew too... everyone is pretty good and interesting in Blazing Sword TBH. Strong cast.

5) literally, Pikachu, or Lapras... my Lapras boltbeamed the final four without a rest in between solo. Triton the Lapras.

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1) first: Nice seeming person, not Shezzy, needs work on their art. A stranger.

Current: Cool Mom. Fun and insightful person, getting good at their art! A friend.

2) it's a nice name. Goes well with Esther... apparently yours?

3) To be the best version of me I can be.

4) IDK tbh? Ummmm... I can usually find sizable groups who enjoy things I do... I am ridiculously relatable... it's almost creepy. It would be easier to find things I dislike that people tend to like TBH.

5) speak of the devil. TBH I tend to really dislike Seth Rogen and Seth Macfarlane based shows and movies. They are just not very clever, not very funny, and edgy for the sake of being edgy over actually having a legitimate joke or story half of the time imo. I can appreciate clever 'dumb' humor... but not straight up lazy, lowest common denominator, or crude dumbass humor. Does that make me a social pariah now? Eh... who cares? XD

1. Why thank you, friend

2. Cool, glad you like Esther, too

5. I know what you mean, I liked the first few seasons of Family Guy, but then they went of the rails. I don't watch much TV at all, anymore, to be honest.

More questions...

6. Is your avatar pic a self portrait?

7. How did you come up with your user name?

8. How long have you been drawing? Has it been more or less a lifelong thing, or did you start again after a break. (I used to draw a lot as a kid and teenager, but hardly at all in my 20s.)

9. What's you motivation when drawing? Is it therapeutic? Are there stories behind your drawings?

10. Opinion of Ests in FE?

11. Opinion of the name Leo?

12. Opinion of Leo in Fates?

13. Least favorite/most hated character in FE? In all of fiction?

14. If you could pick one trait of yours to pass to your children, what would it be?

15. Opinion on kilts and unbifurcated pelvis and lower extremity garments for men?

16. Does your wife play Fire Emblem, or do you have any games you play together?

17. If money was no issue, what would your ideal job be?

18. If you were a class in FE, what would it be? At what would your stats/growths be like?

19. Opinion on the new weapon triangle in Fates?

20. Opinion on the Shuriken weapon type?

Edited by Rezzy
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6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

9.Should men wear skirts?

10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

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1. Have you played the older FE games? Would you like to play them?

2. What Tolkien books have you read (if any)? Opinions?

3. Do you speak any languages other than English?

4. Are you interested in history?

5. Are you interested in law?

6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

7. Forgiveness or retribution?

8. If you were a ruler, would you be an active ruler (pursuing your own policies first) or a passive ruler (responding to developments first)?

9. Legal positivism (law before justice) or legal naturalism (justice before law)?

10. Do you bike?

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Well here goes round two…

*gets intense*

1: Worst injury you've ever suffered?

2: Impressions of me?

3: If you could represent any sport at the Olympics which one would you choose?

4: Favorite Board Game?

5: Favorite childhood cartoon?

Ankle sprain that took me out over the summer. I have had bad knee sprains and strains too… luckily I never broke anything, but as a teen I played damn hard.

First: Hey… it's… oh, not Glac. Seems OK.

Current: Hey… it's FireFrostMage! I still don't know them well… seem like a cool sort though?

3) Fencing… even fought I have no training, fencing just seems fun! Alternatively, hockey!

4) Settlers of Catan

5) oh geeez… too hard! Ummm… The Tick! Sogud.

6. Is your avatar pic a self portrait?

-Of a sort. The Errant Shepherd character is essentially an OC based very strongly off of myself personality wise, beliefs wise, and appearance wise too. Errant, or Shep is my usual self-insert in Character naming/creating games.

7. How did you come up with your user name?

-I used to go by a different screen name on a forum for a Megaman sprite webcomic called BobandGeorge, I went by Erwand there and at a previous rpgmaker site called GamingGroundZero… my nickname was Er… or ER… eventually figured out a nick to distance self from the character of Erwand, who cameoed in some other people's games and comics. So started going by Errant in an RP… then came up with ErrantShepherd back in 2006? Started using it as my new screen name and have stuck with it… it some variant such as ES13 online doing gaming, or being on forums ever since.

8. How long have you been drawing? Has it been more or less a lifelong thing, or did you start again after a break. (I used to draw a lot as a kid and teenager, but hardly at all in my 20s.)

-Been pretty much ever since I was a little kid. I wish I was better at it… but I am actually pretty decent, just lacking some of the skills and training to do exactly what I want.

9. What's you motivation when drawing? Is it therapeutic? Are there stories behind your drawings?

-Drawing is a coping/relaxation tool for me. I sometimes have a story in mind, but it usually comes later as I integrate the character into a previous story I had, or come up with a new one.

10. Opinion of Ests in FE?

-hard to use… but rewarding characters. Probably my favorite type, as I am a sicker booed character development and raising.

11. Opinion of the name Leo?

-Lionhearted! Great name. (Is that not your first kid's name?)

12. Opinion of Leo in Fates?

-Could have been another Takumi, but has more depth and sympathetic traits that keep him from being as one dimensional.

13. Least favorite/most hated character in FE? In all of fiction?

-Marth. (Idk) I kinda hate Superman too… even though I sometimes try to be him. Generally pure, perfect, spotless, godlike individuals bug the hell out of me. Because no one is perfect… I think Marty is more interesting than that TBH… but his writing sometimes sucks.

14. If you could pick one trait of yours to pass to your children, what would it be?

-My fair-minded nature… as life is not fair, but that is really more in my opinion, because we do not try to make if that way. So people who are fair in general are… good to have. Even though it's subjective, general fairness makes things better for all, imo.

15. Opinion on kilts and unbifurcated pelvis and lower extremity garments for men?

-Slightly awkward if not used in conjunction with something to keep their modesty? You may have to give me some more examples of unbifurcated pelvis and lower extremity garments. But full stop, nobody needs to see some one else's junk imo. So the traditional Scottish way of wearing a kilt commando is obnoxious in this day and age. But a kilt is just another form of clothing, wearing one is a non-issue for me. (Although, I think I have only done so in plays?)

16. Does your wife play Fire Emblem, or do you have any games you play together?

-Trying to get her to. We sometimes design Sims together, and we recently took up Pokemon Go together… I love playing Mario Kart with my wife actually. Although I am ridiculously good at it… so it's hard for most people to beat me if I use a GC style controller.

17. If money was no issue, what would your ideal job be?

-Actor and Game Designer. Those are the two things I wanted to be as a kid.

18. If you were a class in FE, what would it be? At what would your stats/growths be like?

-I would likely be in a class of my own. ;)

Shepherd, would be something akin to a bard mixed with swordmaster. So it would be a high crit, high power, support unit… I am essentially a glass cannon at times. XD

But capable of a lot… so maybe something roguish too would be cool.

19. Opinion on the new weapon triangle in Fates?

-At least they are trying something new? But bring back stealing, honestly!

20. Opinion on the Shuriken weapon type?

-Works for Fates. Does not work as well outside that setting. But could with design/name tweaks.

6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with?

-Socrates, Shakespeare, and Stalin.(cause I have a ton of hard questions for that dude)

Socrates would be the “Philosopher,” Shakespeare would be the “Bard,”

Stalin would be the “Realist/Idealist.”

IDK, just came up with that. But would be an interesting trip no doubt.

7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with?

-Aragorn, Macbeth, and Arthas.

Similar King dynamic… but very different choices… all a bit of the tragic/fallen hero in some ways. But Aragorn gets a happy ending compared to the other two due to not remaining in that place and redeeming himself. As for the other two: Macbeth gets what he deserves. Arthas gets what he wanted… but at a terrible terrible cost.

8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with?

-Voldemort, Sauron, Lyon(from Sacred Stones)

...the fallen. Those with promise and potential for greatness unfulfilled and corrupted. All in their own way.

9.Should men wear skirts?

-idk. If they want? We talking kilts or skirts? Honestly, it's up to them.

10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.

-I only will do so if you find those for me. As I do not have a lot of time.

I will answer all questions so... yeah I will catch up if need be. Feel free to ask away.

Hattu will be answered later. ;)

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Yeah, Leo's my son!

By unbifurcated garment, I basically meant anything that might be classified as a skirt or dress.

21. What song would you use to describe your life?

22. Do you like the way magic in FE is now, or do you wish they brought back Light and Dark magic as their own unique weapon types?

23. Favorite Tick character?

24. Favorite Tick episode?

25. If you could have one Fire Emblem character's outfit, who's would you take?

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