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Metroid 2 remake/Federation Force


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Nintendo's odd with it's franchises and it's history; for half of it's history of game development, there was no Super Smash Bros. . And yet it's one of the most universally "hype" games out there now, and has been for 15 years.

Kid Icarus was a game that many forgot, only to get a new game after two decades... and then have nothing on the horizon 5 years later.

F-Zero was very niche, and has all but faded away.

And then we have Metroid- used to be considered one of Nintendo's top franchises right up their with Mario, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda.

While on the other hand we have Fire Emblem's major breakout in the west making it "a main franchise for Nintendo", and Splatoon- an original IP -explode in popularity, and on the company's biggest hardware failure no less.

As a relatively younger gamer, I'm not really into "anniversaries" or such- my attachments to things aren't as personal, as I've only been gaming half my life. If this really is where Metroid exits scene left, it will be just a piece of gaming history that I recollect. To somebody as passionate as you, it would be much harder.

I'm not fully sure what I just typed, but I hope it sounded smart.

Nintendo just doesn't know what to do with more than half its franchises anymore and its sad to me, but at least the history is still there I guess.

Still one of my favorite companies, but still, its kind of weird, also Kid Icarus Uprising was stated to be a One off anyways, Sakurai has no intentions of right now returning to the "series", that game was originally going to be a new starfox game too haha. At least we got Zero, but that got a bit of a mixed reception at best (I think its a pretty decent game).

I've been gaming since I was around 3 years old and my Mother loves the Metroid series, so I have some sentimental attachment to it, I still remember watching her play the original, and the newer ones, and then finally pick up the series myself with Zero Mission and going back to the older ones, the grand exploration and such. The personal treks of Samus Aran, the lone warrior against all odds, with only her training and her wits to guide her, her tragic past, expounded on more so in the Manga, completely thrashed on by Other M getting so many things wrong, (although Team Ninja at least made the game fun to play).

It's just sad, to see it go to a more FF Crystal Chronicles or Monster Hunter like "Metroid" game, I mean we've had spinoffs in the past, Metroid Prime Hunters, Pinball... But this just feels like they wanted to make a new IP, but decided to use the Metroid Prime name to sell copies. Although I've seen that it actually has some to do with the lore, it still feels like a cheap cash in to me. I don't feel any anger at anyone being excited or hyped for this game, but I just wanted to let you know how I felt about this series, no worries on sounding "smart" I know you're quite the intelligent person, more so than I was at your age for sure.

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Nintendo just doesn't know what to do with more than half its franchises anymore and its sad to me, but at least the history is still there I guess.

Still one of my favorite companies, but still, its kind of weird, also Kid Icarus Uprising was stated to be a One off anyways, Sakurai has no intentions of right now returning to the "series", that game was originally going to be a new starfox game too haha. At least we got Zero, but that got a bit of a mixed reception at best (I think its a pretty decent game).

I've been gaming since I was around 3 years old and my Mother loves the Metroid series, so I have some sentimental attachment to it, I still remember watching her play the original, and the newer ones, and then finally pick up the series myself with Zero Mission and going back to the older ones, the grand exploration and such. The personal treks of Samus Aran, the lone warrior against all odds, with only her training and her wits to guide her, her tragic past, expounded on more so in the Manga, completely thrashed on by Other M getting so many things wrong, (although Team Ninja at least made the game fun to play).

It's just sad, to see it go to a more FF Crystal Chronicles or Monster Hunter like "Metroid" game, I mean we've had spinoffs in the past, Metroid Prime Hunters, Pinball... But this just feels like they wanted to make a new IP, but decided to use the Metroid Prime name to sell copies. Although I've seen that it actually has some to do with the lore, it still feels like a cheap cash in to me. I don't feel any anger at anyone being excited or hyped for this game, but I just wanted to let you know how I felt about this series, no worries on sounding "smart" I know you're quite the intelligent person, more so than I was at your age for sure.

It was actually the Prime Series Director's idea; after Prime 3 and it's more cinematic take on things, he wanted to show off more of the Federation doing it's own thing. It was originally meant for the DS, but the limitations held it back until they tried it on the 3DS. The devs- Next Level Games -are 2 for 2 in making new installments in seemingly abandoned game series (Punch Out! Wii and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon).

The pedigree and stuff is all there- we know the artstyle was a conscious choice (maybe a holdover from the DS days- seeing people claim that it's due to "system limitations" on a system that's run Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, and the best Resident Evil title in recent memory, makes me wonder if they've even thought about things), and I believe it was that coupled with unfortunate timing that brought it down.

I'm still shocked that a certain somebody from Prime Hunters actually seems to have become a major behind-the-scenes character in the series now.

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It was actually the Prime Series Director's idea; after Prime 3 and it's more cinematic take on things, he wanted to show off more of the Federation doing it's own thing. It was originally meant for the DS, but the limitations held it back until they tried it on the 3DS. The devs- Next Level Games -are 2 for 2 in making new installments in seemingly abandoned game series (Punch Out! Wii and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon).

The pedigree and stuff is all there- we know the artstyle was a conscious choice (maybe a holdover from the DS days- seeing people claim that it's due to "system limitations" on a system that's run Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, and the best Resident Evil title in recent memory, makes me wonder if they've even thought about things), and I believe it was that coupled with unfortunate timing that brought it down.

I'm still shocked that a certain somebody from Prime Hunters actually seems to have become a major behind-the-scenes character in the series now.

I see, well I can respect someone for going with their ideas no matter the timing at least, thanks that was actually pretty informative.

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DoctorM64 just released an updated version of AM2R on his message boards (not his blogspot, though it has a link to said boards) that supposedly fixed the Gravity Suit display bug that some people such as I were experiencing in the first full release (among other bugs found in 1.0).

On a side note, those download sites for AM2R were sketchy as hell.

Edited by SJthehero
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So I've played and beaten Federation Force. It was a ton of fun! I haven't beaten some of the bonus objectives (some of them are very difficult!) and I've just unlocked hard mode, so my time with this game isn't at an end yet. I really would recommend this game.

Anyway, the only cons that I can think of are sub-par graphics and the lack of memorable music tracks (the music is decent regardless!). To counter those two cons, the art direction (chibi notwithstanding, although it is cute) is pretty good and the music is consistently engaging (all the main Prime games have multiple annoying "droning" music tracks that just make me want to turn off the music to save my ears from bleeding. A shame, since the main Prime games have absolutely stellar soundtracks for the most part).

The mission variety is absolutely fantastic. Most missions feel unique, even ones that are similar have a little twist to make them different.

Solo play absolutely has that lonely Metroid feel, but with some extra Marines (who are controlled by other players) you feel like some back-to-back bad***** trying to survive against all odds. Different feel, yet both are enjoyable.

The story and cutscenes are delivered in bite-sized chunks, and you'll see another part of it every mission. The story is mostly told through transmissions, and regardless of what form it takes, you can skip it whenever you want. I myself enjoyed the story, and it shows us that the Federation actually can achieve things on their own.

Customization is very nice as well. You unlock and equip MODs, which give you bonuses or alter things about your mech and items. Each mission has you select items available for that mission (the items don't stay with you for the next mission) and are shared with your fellow Marines, limited by weight. Most items serve a purpose and are fun to use and are actually useful. Also distinct paint jobs, for those who like a visual flair.

Gameplay is fine too, not as much exploration involved as in other Metroid games since it's a lot more action based, but you still have some secrets and paths to discover in most maps with some puzzles and platforming sprinkled in as well. The controls are solid, and you can use the gyro controls or the C nub on the N3DS for fine aiming (a la Star Fox Zero, minus the need for two screens). The regular lock on mechanic will get the bulk of the job done though. I personally haven't used the gyro controls, seeing as I don't like them in most games, but I thought the C nub worked very well.

The difficulty ranges from somewhat easy to very challenging. It mostly stays at a challenging level though, so you need to be on your toes.

Online servers are silky smooth, none of that Tri Force Heroes peer-to-peer crap (or whatever the heck it was).

High replay value!

Basically, I love this game! It's not the best Metroid game, but it is a very good game and is certainly is worthy of the Metroid name.

So, moving on to some other things...

First, I was very disappointed with the fan reaction to this game. The sense of entitlement was unbelievably huge. The director wanted to make this game and the quality coming from Next Level Games should speak for itself. This may be a spinoff, but it is not some simple cashgrab. Just because we, and I mean we, wanted a main series Metroid game doesn't mean we should defy all logic and tear the game, devs and Nintendo apart. I want a 2D sidescroller that comes after Fusion, but I'll judge a game based on it's own merit and not my imagination.

Here is a comparison to the fan reaction: some parents have abandoned baby girls because they weren't baby boys. That's essentially what the fans did when Federation Force was announced. And before any of you say it's a stupid comparison that doesn't apply to you, save it. Many comparisons/examples are exaggerated simply to prove a point. We've all made comparisons like that.

Second, directed @ Malakov, this game really doesn't crap on Samus at all. Since you spoiled it already, I'll go ahead and say it: Samus is the last boss you fight, but she is not the final boss at all. She is simply presented as a hurdle before you move on with the rest of the game. She is plenty awesome in other moments in the game anyway. And this is FAR from the only time something bad has happened to her. She had to be saved multiple times by other people, sometimes even enemies! Off the top of my head, we have the baby metroid, SA-X, Rundas, the Fusion scientists when she was infected, etc. Friggin animals taught her moves! If Samus is being crapped on now, then it's been happening since Super.

Edited by Slyfox
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So I've played and beaten Federation Force. It was a ton of fun! I haven't beaten some of the bonus objectives (some of them are very difficult!) and I've just unlocked hard mode, so my time with this game isn't at an end yet. I really would recommend this game.

Anyway, the only cons that I can think of are sub-par graphics and the lack of memorable music tracks (the music is decent regardless!). To counter those two cons, the art direction (chibi notwithstanding, although it is cute) is pretty good and the music is consistently engaging (all the main Prime games have multiple annoying "droning" music tracks that just make me want to turn off the music to save my ears from bleeding. A shame, since the main Prime games have absolutely stellar soundtracks for the most part).

The mission variety is absolutely fantastic. Most missions feel unique, even ones that are similar have a little twist to make them different.

Solo play absolutely has that lonely Metroid feel, but with some extra Marines (who are controlled by other players) you feel like some back-to-back bad***** trying to survive against all odds. Different feel, yet both are enjoyable.

The story and cutscenes are delivered in bite-sized chunks, and you'll see another part of it every mission. The story is mostly told through transmissions, and regardless of what form it takes, you can skip it whenever you want. I myself enjoyed the story, and it shows us that the Federation actually can achieve things on their own.

Customization is very nice as well. You unlock and equip MODs, which give you bonuses or alter things about your mech and items. Each mission has you select items available for that mission (the items don't stay with you for the next mission) and are shared with your fellow Marines, limited by weight. Most items serve a purpose and are fun to use and are actually useful. Also distinct paint jobs, for those who like a visual flair.

Gameplay is fine too, not as much exploration involved as in other Metroid games since it's a lot more action based, but you still have some secrets and paths to discover in most maps with some puzzles and platforming sprinkled in as well. The controls are solid, and you can use the gyro controls or the C nub on the N3DS for fine aiming (a la Star Fox Zero, minus the need for two screens). The regular lock on mechanic will get the bulk of the job done though. I personally haven't used the gyro controls, seeing as I don't like them in most games, but I thought the C nub worked very well.

The difficulty ranges from somewhat easy to very challenging. It mostly stays at a challenging level though, so you need to be on your toes.

Online servers are silky smooth, none of that Tri Force Heroes peer-to-peer crap (or whatever the heck it was).

High replay value!

Basically, I love this game! It's not the best Metroid game, but it is a very good game and is certainly is worthy of the Metroid name.

So, moving on to some other things...

First, I was very disappointed with the fan reaction to this game. The sense of entitlement was unbelievably huge. The director wanted to make this game and the quality coming from Next Level Games should speak for itself. This may be a spinoff, but it is not some simple cashgrab. Just because we, and I mean we, wanted a main series Metroid game doesn't mean we should defy all logic and tear the game, devs and Nintendo apart. I want a 2D sidescroller that comes after Fusion, but I'll judge a game based on it's own merit and not my imagination.

Here is a comparison to the fan reaction: some parents have abandoned baby girls because they weren't baby boys. That's essentially what the fans did when Federation Force was announced. And before any of you say it's a stupid comparison that doesn't apply to you, save it. Many comparisons/examples are exaggerated simply to prove a point. We've all made comparisons like that.

Second, directed @ Malakov, this game really doesn't crap on Samus at all. Since you spoiled it already, I'll go ahead and say it: Samus is the last boss you fight, but she is not the final boss at all. She is simply presented as a hurdle before you move on with the rest of the game. She is plenty awesome in other moments in the game anyway. And this is FAR from the only time something bad has happened to her. She had to be saved multiple times by other people, sometimes even enemies! Off the top of my head, we have the baby metroid, SA-X, Rundas, the Fusion scientists when she was infected, etc. Friggin animals taught her moves! If Samus is being crapped on now, then it's been happening since Super.

Nice to see this. The sheer over-reaction and entitlement of some people is really quite staggering- I've seen one claim that it's even worse than Other M in certain regards.

And really, you can't reason with Makalov- somebody posted a video, he called their opinions "bullshit", and refused to extend any modicum of respect because "they're not a forum user". Infer from that what you will... .

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Thanks for the review, Slyfox. You have increased the chances of me purchasing Federation Force by 50%. So now there is a 75% that I will get it at some point. Is is a good idea to play it singleplayer, or is it really more enjoyable with the local/online multiplayer? Also, what is in this Hard mode?

Edited by Zera
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Thanks for the kind replies!

Is is a good idea to play it singleplayer, or is it really more enjoyable with the local/online multiplayer? Also, what is in this Hard mode?

The consensus is that singleplayer is more challenging, sometimes significantly depending on the mission, but it's very doable nonetheless. You have a singleplayer MOD to help even the odds and some small assault drones if you wish to bring them as well, which are also singleplayer only (though for some reason I had one match where my teammate had some equipped. Bug?). Not to mention the other MODs you can discover to give you an edge.

It's like Tri Force Heroes in that it is meant to be played by a group of people, but also unlike Tri Force Heroes in that it is singleplayer friendly. So really, it is up to your tastes. I had a blast playing by random people online, and having a selection of preset phrases to say makes it easy to communicate. I've yet to do a full run in singleplayer, but some people like it more and some like it less.

As for hard mode, I've haven't tried it yet. I believe it's simply enemies having more health and doing more damage, but you have new sets of medals to unlock, I think.

Seems like I forgot to mention medals in my mini review. You get one medal for completing a mission, another medal if your score is high enough, and another if you complete the bonus objectives, for a total of three medals per mission. Medals basically unlock paint jobs, I don't know if something happens when you collect them all.

I basically just wrote my thoughts, which turned into a review, the same day I beat the game for the first time, so I haven't seen everything yet. I say first time because I'm not done with Federation Force yet! :)

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I beat AM2R and got 100%. I have to say, it's probably my favorite 2d metroid game (except maybe the original Metroid II since I haven't played that more than a tiny bit).

I'm still working on getting that 100%, my LP's have kinda been distracting me :P:

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  • 2 weeks later...

AM2R is the best Metroid game in ten years and one of the best in the entire series. I've played and beaten the original Metroid 2 and AM2R does an amazing job of keeping to the spirit of the original while making a name for itself and updating to current times.

It's so damn good.

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AM2R is the best Metroid game in ten years and one of the best in the entire series. I've played and beaten the original Metroid 2 and AM2R does an amazing job of keeping to the spirit of the original while making a name for itself and updating to current times.

It's so damn good.

Yeah, my Mother agrees too, she loves the metroid series and when I showed her Am2R was a thing she got all excited to see a revamp of one of the oldschool Metroids she used to play before I was born haha. (Barely it only came out a year before I was born).

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It's a shame that AM2R is officially dead.

Nintendo filed another DMCA takedown notice...this time, they contacted its creator, DoctorM64, via his personal email. There will be no more updates, releases, or downloads for it.


Edited by BLS
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It's a shame that AM2R is officially dead.

Nintendo filed another DMCA takedown notice...this time, they contacted its creator, DoctorM64, via his personal email. There will be no more updates, releases, or downloads for it.


Highly unfortunate, but at least it got partly distributed before this happened.

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With v1.1 the game is basically perfect anyway, so it doesn't really need any updates. It's unfortunate that he can't host it anymore, but luckily, it's out there, and I'm sure fans will keep it in circulation for a long time to come.

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It's a shame that AMR2 is officially dead (And I have the 1.0 version XD). But at least the creator left a mark in the story of Metroid, I hope he try to do his own Fangames, he did a great job.

And talking about Federation Force... How hard the game bombed?

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In Japan, hard copies of Federation Force sold less than 4110 copies, as it didn't even chart in its first week of release. It came in under Splatoon and that game is over a year old! Apparently there was zero advertising and the game just isn't visually appealing considering how gorgeous Monster Hunter looks as a co-op game instead. Metroid as a franchise is also not popular in Japan but this was staggeringly bad even compared to Metroid Prime. Even Hunters was far more successful.

Unlike Japan's fairly well documented physical retail numbers, we don't know how good/bad FF did in North America or Europe. Surely better than in Japan but this just wasn't the game Metroid fans wanted after a 6 year drought. Nintendo won't even acknowledge Metroid's 30th anniversary outside of a Miitomo drop game. Fans probably would have bought into a spin-off during the golden age with the Prime series, Super and Fusion, but post Other M Nintendo seems to be utterly confused about what to do.

Also officially shutting down AM2R... Not unexpected but I am sad. That game was truly monumental.

Edited by Samias
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In Japan, hard copies of Federation Force sold less than 4110 copies, as it didn't even chart in its first week of release. It came in under Splatoon and that game is over a year old! Apparently there was zero advertising and the game just isn't visually appealing considering how gorgeous Monster Hunter looks as a co-op game instead. Metroid as a franchise is also not popular in Japan but this was staggeringly bad even compared to Metroid Prime. Even Hunters was far more successful.

Unlike Japan's fairly well documented physical retail numbers, we don't know how good/bad DF did in North America or Europe. Surely better than in Japan but this just wasn't the game Metroid fans wanted after a 6 year drought. Nintendo won't even acknowledge Metroid's 30th anniversary outside of a Miitomo drop game. Fans probably would have bought into a spin-off during the golden age with the Prime series, Super and Fusion, but post Other M Nintendo seems to be utterly confused about what to do.

Also officially shutting down AM2R... Not unexpected but I am sad. That game was truly monumental.

What's so big about 30th anniversaries?

I mean, 25th is big, but 30th just doesn't have the impact. I mean, if it's something huge that prints money, then of course they'll talk about it. But in general, I don't see much for 30th anniversaries (yeah, some Mario and Zelda stuff, but those print money- Metroid isn't or ever really was at the "big three" calibur).

I feel like it's also worth noting that the 3DS has only slightly more than 1/3 of the DS's install base. Couple that with Japan's distaste for shooters and generally neutrality towards Metroid as a whole, and its failure over there makes sense.

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What's so big about 30th anniversaries?

I mean, 25th is big, but 30th just doesn't have the impact. I mean, if it's something huge that prints money, then of course they'll talk about it. But in general, I don't see much for 30th anniversaries (yeah, some Mario and Zelda stuff, but those print money- Metroid isn't or ever really was at the "big three" calibur).

But here's the thing, Metroid used to have that kind of staying power in the West until they actively tried to appeal to Japan via Other M and such, the Prime series was a HUGE deal to people in the states (I mean i've always liked the 2D Metroids more than Prime but even so). Metroid was made to appeal to the West originally anyways, and well it worked, I mean certain other series appeal more to other audiences, such as Sonic being more of a thing in the west (most notably Europe and Australia. Which allowed Sega to focus more on Sakura Wars, Phantasy Star Online etc in Japan), or Dragon Quest being almost Japan only, but their milestones still get acknowledged. Worldwide.

A series lasting for 30 entire years is kind of a big deal, its another milestone showing that something has existed for such and such amount of time in both the minds of an audience and such, but its funny you mention that 25th anniversary...


Because this is how it went.

Media is an ever changing beast, be it live action tv, anime, book series, video games, cartoons. You name it, legacies lasting in a generational vortex like this. Should at least be respected in my opinion, the staying power is something not to be scoffed at but at least acknowledged...

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But here's the thing, Metroid used to have that kind of staying power in the West until they actively tried to appeal to Japan via Other M and such, the Prime series was a HUGE deal to people in the states (I mean i've always liked the 2D Metroids more than Prime but even so). Metroid was made to appeal to the West originally anyways, and well it worked, I mean certain other series appeal more to other audiences, such as Sonic being more of a thing in the west (most notably Europe and Australia. Which allowed Sega to focus more on Sakura Wars, Phantasy Star Online etc in Japan), or Dragon Quest being almost Japan only, but their milestones still get acknowledged. Worldwide.

A series lasting for 30 entire years is kind of a big deal, its another milestone showing that something has existed for such and such amount of time in both the minds of an audience and such, but its funny you mention that 25th anniversary...


Because this is how it went.

Media is an ever changing beast, be it live action tv, anime, book series, video games, cartoons. You name it, legacies lasting in a generational vortex like this. Should at least be respected in my opinion, the staying power is something not to be scoffed at but at least acknowledged...

Oh yeah... At least in the 30th anniversary Metroid get a game instead of be an completely sad year for the franchise (the first year after the Other M's fiasco) and the start of his fallen... to nowadays... it's actually hard to say if Metroid is still in a better position that Fire Emblem (a game in a different position that after the last success with FE6 the franchise enter in a weird era of bombs and "decents" sales... At least Fire Emblem has the advantage of IS loving their franchise and always having a place for it) or isn't

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Oh yeah... At least in the 30th anniversary Metroid get a game instead of be an completely sad year for the franchise (the first year after the Other M's fiasco) and the start of his fallen... to nowadays... it's actually hard to say if Metroid is still in a better position that Fire Emblem (a game in a different position that after the last success with FE6 the franchise enter in a weird era of bombs and "decents" sales... At least Fire Emblem has the advantage of IS loving their franchise and always having a place for it) or isn't

At least Fire Emblem has always been pretty high quality even for the "bombs", Nintendo seems to like to ignore Metroid has been a part of their history right now (Sakurai at least acknowledged it, and hey he actually made Other M stuff like ZSS's heels cool with jets). Despite it having some strong games & numbers.

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At least Fire Emblem has always been pretty high quality even for the "bombs", Nintendo seems to like to ignore Metroid has been a part of their history right now (Sakurai at least acknowledged it, and hey he actually made Other M stuff like ZSS's heels cool with jets). Despite it having some strong games & numbers.

But this has happened in the past- there was an 8-year hiatus between Super Metroid (which many declare to be the best game in the series) and Fusion/Prime. It had a sizable drought after a successful game.

Even in it's prime (pun unintended) Metroid was still several steps behind the "holy trinity" of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon in the sales department. It makes sense for Nintendo to invest and go all-out with those three- Metroid, a series that's had ups and downs, just doesn't seem like something to splurge on.

I'm not necessarily defending it as much as I am explaining it from their perspective.

Oh yeah... At least in the 30th anniversary Metroid get a game instead of be an completely sad year for the franchise (the first year after the Other M's fiasco) and the start of his fallen... to nowadays... it's actually hard to say if Metroid is still in a better position that Fire Emblem (a game in a different position that after the last success with FE6 the franchise enter in a weird era of bombs and "decents" sales... At least Fire Emblem has the advantage of IS loving their franchise and always having a place for it) or isn't

I'm of the opinion that Metroid and FE have basically reversed positions- which is quite ironic.

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But this has happened in the past- there was an 8-year hiatus between Super Metroid (which many declare to be the best game in the series) and Fusion/Prime. It had a sizable drought after a successful game.

Even in it's prime (pun unintended) Metroid was still several steps behind the "holy trinity" of Mario/Zelda/Pokemon in the sales department. It makes sense for Nintendo to invest and go all-out with those three- Metroid, a series that's had ups and downs, just doesn't seem like something to splurge on.

Well in the Prime/Fusion era we also has Zero Mission, Prime 2 & 3, Prime Hunters, (Prime Pinball I guess too), but yeah we skipped a console and then suddenly Metroid was all over the place, but has been silenced thanks to the poor reception of Other M, Ninty's been afraid ever since then, and yes I get that Mario, Zelda & Pokemon are their big money makers, and Animal Crossing and somewhat FE these days, now. But they really need to get their heads out of their asses about the fact that other franchises exist too, or at least know the proper timing for bringing certain ones back (or making spinoffs), looking at you Starfox Zero (which I personally liked well enough, but putting it on a console with a small userbase doomed it right away). They effectively kill their own franchises now, because of their poor choices, I doubt we'll ever see a new Starfox game ever again.

I guess Xenoblade & Splatoon are good signs that they still know how to pull something original every now and again, (Although Xenoblade was 2nd party so yeah), but i'm not optimistic about the future. Despite the fact I've grown up with this company since I was little.

Edited by Jedi
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Well in the Prime/Fusion era we also has Zero Mission, Prime 2 & 3, Prime Hunters, (Prime Pinball I guess too), but yeah we skipped a console and then suddenly Metroid was all over the place, but has been silenced thanks to the poor reception of Other M, Ninty's been afraid ever since then, and yes I get that Mario, Zelda & Pokemon are their big money makers, and Animal Crossing and somewhat FE these days, now. But they really need to get their heads out of their asses about the fact that other franchises exist too, or at least know the proper timing for bringing certain ones back (or making spinoffs), looking at you Starfox Zero (which I personally liked well enough, but putting it on a console with a small userbase doomed it right away). They effectively kill their own franchises now, because of their poor choices, I doubt we'll ever see a new Starfox game ever again.

I guess Xenoblade & Splatoon are good signs that they still know how to pull something original every now and again, (Although Xenoblade was 2nd party so yeah), but i'm not optimistic about the future. Despite the fact I've grown up with this company since I was little.

It seems to me that you just are upset that your favorite franchises aren't what's getting attention.

Yes, F-Zero and Metroid are not important to Nintendo anymore. But that doesn't mean the company literally has nothing. Mario, Pokémon, Zelda, Kirby, Yoshi, Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Chibi-Robo, and probably a lot more stuff. And Star Fox and Metroid both have gotten games in the past six months. The simple fact is that the series you grew up with aren't relevant anymore. While it used to be the era of Metroid/Star Fox/F-Zero, it's now the era of Animal Crossing/Splatoon/Pikmin. A lot of people just can't wrap their heads around this for some reason. Is what I listed not diversity? Or does it fail because it doesn't include failed series from over a decade ago?

(Also Xenoblade is 100% first party. Nintendo owns Monolith Soft.)

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