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Ensemble Mafia - N5


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I'm not voting Ryker or Rainbow today. I'm not going to read the ensuing wall battle between the two either. The only point I would like to see addressed by Ryker is his confusion between blitz and Irony. I think that's a valid point made by Rainbow. I think we should focus our direction towards Refa and Green Tea and probably get a replacement for Yedi.

Oh? I don't think there's going to be any sort of wall battle. He seems to like posting walls, but I hate posting walls. I expect you'll have to read maybe two. I may post one and he will probably post one in response. Don't worry I won't engage him though. No purpose in responding to responses.

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Honestly discussion with you is unproductive, because I don't get the feeling you're capable of looking at things at a deeper level than you are. For this reason, I'm not going to continue defending against your points. I will answer any direct questions that you have though, always.

Hey! He gets it!

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It's a link to questions I asked you about Ryker. So are you saying I'm not looking hard enough at Hollow? I'll tell you that I find him null, nothing townie, nothing suspicious for me. Yet I'm open to hearing what you have to say on him.

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Let us consider your theory. 1) If Ryker were scum, would he not be more cautious and fully read the thread before engaging you via vote, instead of posting as he did which would give him more attention? 2) Who is scum with Ryker in Scum!Ryker world? 3) Thoughts on why he would post #67? Currently, he is neither voting you, nor scum-reading you. He didn't list you in his reads list. 4) Thoughts on that? 5) Finally, read on me, Refa, and Blitz?

1) I don't know.. But again, actions > possible intent. If you act scummy, chances are you're scum.

2) At the moment you posted that, I did not have other people to think of. Now I think Mallow, of course.

3) Again, assumption of intent is not something I like. All I see there is bandwaggoning, hypocresy (blaming you for not pressuring me while still not doing it himself) and lack of iniciative and content.

All of them, scummy things to do.

4) Again, your asking me for assumptions. The simpler reason is that he didn't have anything to hold a scum accusation to me.

5) Soon.

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[spoiler=addressing Elemina and Ryker]


1. Just seemed like you only cared to whiteknight Rainbow instead of actually sort slots that were attacking Rainbow, that you felt was leaning more town than not.
2. That's irrelevant. You were questioning him and only gave a scum-read after I asked. That seems more reactive than proactive in my eyes.
3. Alright.

I also realized that you asked me about my scum list in #32. That seems a bit lazy, I would think you would ask about that in the same post or around the same time as you defended Rainbow. Just seems like you noticed that was something you should comment on so you did later on to seem town.

1. Wrong, I only cared about people not sticking with Proto and no one else and you weren't doing that
2. I don't out reads unless I want to and normally, I want to go for outing them AFTER, they are more than just a lean. When I will have a case, you will see it, until then, I will only out stuff when asked.

nah, I thought you were pulling a joke at first until you said every post was serious, why I bothered asking, Proto's read was too common to ask for



This does not get you off the hook, I am still waiting for your answers.

Also, Ryker, you do not deserve to be lynched, you deserve to be mod subbed out if you keep this up

Anyways, real talk

First of all, votes on me, IMO, every one of them is bad,

#1 but from what I can tell, Ryker is being a troll and he may or may not have a reason to vote for me, regardless, nothing indicative of alignment and in his defense, he claims to have a reason

#2 I do not agree with Elemina's reasoning for thinking I am scum, but at least he has something

#3 This guy on the other hand is full of fluff

The only post that addresses me is

@rykers list

i dont do town reads. if i did refa wouldnt be on it hed be null tho i understand where youre coming from with that. ive played with him as scumbros and nothing hes done thus far is out of his skillset as scum

im looking at the blitz/spinal/green poet pool atm. spinal cuz i feel most of his content is reactionary without looking past who hes engaging (first w/elemina then ryker) and im like "wheres the scum reads bro"

theres some other scum runnin round but thatll come in time


@spinal wheres da scum reads bro

##vote blitz
fos spinal
fos green poet

and not only does it not mention why I am scummy, it doesn't even promise a reason for it.
Seems to me like some guy trying to look through the voting list to see who is getting votes on him and claim him as scum to avoid responsibilities (the exact same thing I said about me can be said about Green Poet from his post). I would say this guy is scum.

@Yoloswag, I want real reasoning for your read, not one liners like you have been posting

I would vote for him too, if it wasn't for this guy

His first post is RVS

His second post calls most posters who posted cool other than me and Green Poet, but provides no reason for it. Seems to me like another Yoloswag, but this guy is worse, because unlike Yoloswag, this guy decides to sit on the fence and leave his vote on RVS.
To top it off, in the same post, he tells Irony that Irony can place his vote and move it around later on, but leaves his vote on Yoloswag, which was in RVS, hypocrisy much?
His third post and Fouth post talks about how Spinal is not looking into motive and dismisses Spinal's case on Ryker
His fifth post talks about how we should look at Refa and Green Poet.

My problem with all of these posts is that he is taking a very passive approach to the game, has done nothing to contribute to catching scum, while making criticizing people who he didn't agree with and making it sound like he is posting content, while not doing so

Why is it that you aren't trying to find scum yourself, Hober Mallow?


##Vote Hober Mallow

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I just got back from work, sorry for the absence.

Mod note: "Don't be a dick" is a rule in this game. Don't be a dick. I don't want to hear any more complaints about behavior. If I receive too many complaints about one player, I do have the right to sub them out.

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*Feels the Gun to my head*

Me: Gulps

Ok, so who do I think is Mafia? There's only 1 person that I'm leaning towards at the moment, and that's Ryker. I stated my reasoning earlier, but I don't trust him at all. I'm sorry if you're Townie, but yeah. I do want to see you defend yourself against the lynching, especially as you have the highest amount of votes. This is something that I am not seeing.

Apart from that, I'm suspicious about:

1) The people who haven't commented much yet. I do think that a couple of them might be members of the Mafia, but the problem is that they haven't posted enough to let me know about them.

2) I also want some more information about YOLOSWAG, Refa, Green Poet and Rainbow.

People that I'm trusting at the moment:

1) Spinal- Has a similar attitude to myself r.e. Lynching, being consistent in their viewpoints.

2) Elemlina- You're pushing the conversation forward and trying to work out who is Mafia and who is Not.

3) Blitz- Has already stated his role (?) and therefore has little to hide?

4) Hober Mallow- Again, is acting reasonably and is trying to push the conversation forward.

So, whilst I think that Ryker is most likely Mafia, my other two picks would probably be in the list of the six that I posted yesterday (I.e. The ones that haven't commented as much as we have). Or Green Poet, who was the one to start the whole lynching process without providing a reason?

(Have I done that right?)

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Mod note: "Don't be a dick" is a rule in this game. Don't be a dick. I don't want to hear any more complaints about behavior. If I receive too many complaints about one player, I do have the right to sub them out.

I'm confused as to who this is in reference to. Can you be more specific, quote?

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3) Blitz- Has already stated his role (?) and therefore has little to hide?

Good, you did good. I don't think Blitz was serious when he claimed that role, since he's posting and that role seems ridiculous. So with that in mind, how does that change your opinion on Blitz?

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I'm confused as to who this is in reference to. Can you be more specific, quote?


If you think the announcement applies to you, then follow it. If you don't think it applies to you, then disregard it since it won't apply to you.

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If you think the announcement applies to you, then follow it. If you don't think it applies to you, then disregard it since it won't apply to you.

That seems very vague. I think that's unfair and I obviously don't think it applies to me.

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