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FE6 HM LTC V1 - Completed in 133 Turns


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Looks like a 4 Turn of Chapter 13 without the Rescue Death Glitch is 1 tile short of being attainable. Although this isn't the end of the world really given that even if this was possible, I'd have to forfeit buying a Killer Lance. That would mean I'd have to go back to give the Chapter 12 Bosskill to Shanna to get her to 24 Skill so she could pull disp crit on the Chapter 14 boss, since I'd need to pull another 1% disp crit to get the 3 turn.


Blue = Alan

Teal = Lalum

Rouge = Shanna

Yellow = Roy

Black = MIledy

If it's not obvious, the best I could come up with was having Alan carry Shanna on Turn 1, getting Danced by Lalum, then dropping Shanna ahead. On Turn 2, Shanna would be given Roy, who she then drops ahead. Turn 3 Miledy recruits herself, is given Lalum whom she drops ahead (somehow Lalum doesn't die to all those Wyverns on EP), Turn 4 Miledy is given Roy and drops him ahead for Lalum to dance.

I originally thought perhaps that the 4 turn might be doable with a promoted Tate, but since you can't drop Roy or Lalum on cliff tiles and the bridge is going to be clogged with the Cavalier/Paladin/Troubador group, it doesn't seem possible to drop both Roy and Lalum up far enough on Turn 2 to facilitate the necessary movements required for Turn 3.

I thought I may as well share this info, if anyone sees anything I've overlooked that'd be cool too.

EDIT: lol I'm an idiot, I just realised I forgot that Miledy has to promote before she has 8 movement...thats a real nail in the coffin.

and yes, there is also nobody to kill the boss :V

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Can you not drop Lalum forward on turn 2 in the same way you did in Chapter 12? I haven't taken a look at this long enough to figure things out, but I'll try and spend some time on it tonight and get back to you.

EDIT: Lol, ok nvm. I'll still try looking at this though and see if I can't come up with something (probably not). I'm too lazy to go count in your video, so can you let me know how many promoted cavs you have?

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If you have 2 more Paladins (pretty sure you do, Marcus+Zealot or whatever his name is), I think you can maneuver to get Lalum dropped far enough forward on turn 2 that she can just barely reach Miledy on turn 3 (i.e. if you had her trade for a promo item from Roy or something first). Actually, since Miledy doesn't have 8 move, it would be better to play for Shanna (after she moves) dand the use Miledy+Shanna to facilitate a rescue-drop of Lalum on the next turn... but yeah, I still don't see how to kill the boss since you don't have Bolting yet.

EDIT: this also assumes that the enemy cavs+paladins don't cluster up around Lalum on turn 2 EP and screw everything up, though with 1 or 2 more 7 or 8 move units, you might still be fine to clear them out (not sure).

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The best I can seem to do, assuming that you have both Tate and Shanna promoted, is to end turn 3 with one of them 7 spaces away from being adjacent to the boss, and dropping Roy forward. This means that on turn 4, we have someone to kill the boss, but Roy falls 2 squares short of reaching the throne, and it doesn't seem possible to get Lalum far enough forward to help him out.

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  • 1 month later...

5 Turns.

Original 5 turn strategy by dondon151 with some minor adjustments. This is a deceptively finnicky map due to the lack of space on the two tile wide bridge, and my respect for dondon's original clear has greatly increased from messing with the 5 turn myself.

I burnt an obscenely large amount of RNs in order to get Alan a perfect levelup and get a Miledy that rolled high on Strength and Speed. Sue's crit on the boss is uneccessary, it's just that way to make her levelup not require more RN burning.

Astol and Lilina reached their C Support, so things are really looking set for endgame now. Soon the Warpskips will be upon us!

[spoiler=EP Stats]Turn 2
Saul 38 HP
20 Hit 9 Dmg
19 Hit 9 Dmg 23 Crit
16 Hit 16 Dmg

[spoiler=Large RN Burns]
Turn 1
Shanna Arrow R5U3 Cycle (ULRDx90)

Turn 2
Shanna Arrow L5U3 Cycle(URLDx1992)

Turn 4
Shanna Arrow L5U3 Cycle(URLDx140)
Shanna Arrow L5U3 Cycle(URLDx84)

Turn 5
Miledy Arrow R5D3 Cycle (DLRUx308)
Miledy Arrow R5D3 Cycle (DLRUx243)

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3 Turns.

Got all the items, Lalum didn't have to dodge anything, didn't have to use any Warp and amazingly only had to burn a single RN! Roy got another level surprisingly, and his chance of death is very low thanks to all the training he got earlier. It could be reduced further if he used the Lancereaver instead of the Wyrmslayer, but the difference is between like 2% and sub 1%, so its still worth it. If I had done this, Roy would have failed to ORKO enemies blocking the way, but Alan can finish off the Hero blocking the way with a Javelin.

I used Klein over anyone else to carry Sophia on Turn 2 because he has enough Luck to avoid all disp crit from that Mage, and he's slow and bulky enough to get doubled without dying. This helps burn more RNs so Saul doesn't miss or crit targets on EP, and the only reason he cares about hitting anything right now is purely for WEXP, so doubling and KOing is always ideal.

Sue could have pulled more unpromoted Wyverns and gotten a little more Bow WEXP via killing a Javelin user on EP, but that made rigging Roy's levelup a pain and she gets more EXP this way in total anyway. Roy's levelup was also the reason she doesn't equip an Iron Sword to counter the Wyvern Lord on EP too.

Oh and Cecilia soaked a Sleep so someone else didn't have to dodge it, so that was nice.


[spoiler=EP Stats]
Turn 1
33 Hit Sleep

Turn 2
Both possibilities are listed, I went with the Wyrmslayer.

Roy @Lancereaver 31 Hp
48 Hit 6 Dmg (Hero) 46.56 True
22 Hit 17 Dmg (W.Lord) 9.90 True
35 Hit 8 Dmg (Mage) 24.85 True

Roy @Wyrmslayer 31 Hp
42 Hit 6 Dmg (Hero) 35.70 True
19 Hit 11 Dmg (W.Knight) 7.41 True
36 Hit 19 Dmg (W.Lord) 26.28 True
28 Hit 7 Dmg (Mage) 15.96 True

Double update!

1 Turn.

All that Saul training has led up to this moment...it feels a little anticlimactic, doesn't it? Lilina promoted too, so she'll be back trying to squeeze as many levels as she can before the gaunlet of Bolting bosskills.

In case you can't tell due to the speed of the inputs, Shanna used a Body Ring. This is required for the Chapter 18 Bosskill, as she can't double him with a Killer Lance without it.

The bosskill could be made much more reliable by having Alan just ORKO him without any crits, but MIledy certainly appreciates the EXP more than Alan, Shanna or Sue right now.

[spoiler=Large RN Burns]
Turn 1
Shanna Arrow L3D7 Cycle(LUDRx110)
Shanna Arrow L3D7 Cycle(LUDRx444)

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Nice job with the new clears. Do you think the run is now pretty much in a "cruise control" mode and that you'll be able to wrap up pretty soon (due to easiness of warpskipping chapters, etc.) or do you anticipate having trouble with something later on?

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I like how you soft-reset in-between a mounted Canto in Chapter 14.

Time to watch the feeble endgame get snapped over your knee.

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  • 1 month later...

4 Turns.

Messed up with my audio settings again but who cares, the music for this chapter is annoying anyway.

A leisurely 4 turn thanks to Garret. Not much to say really. This map provides a good opportunity to resume Lilina's training now that she's promoted. I hacked a Thunder Tome and deducted the cost from my funds (assume it was bought in C7 instead) because she was surprisingly having problems with EP accuracy whilst using Elfire. I also passed on a Def proc because EP levelup rigging is a pain in the ass and her cap is 20 anyway so she'll easily reach it next level regardless.

Miledy appreciates some extra EXP as well and is pretty much caught up with the rest of my juggernauts. Saul does next to nothing on the whole map and is mostly deployed for the sake of allowing me to say "I could have Physic'd Lilina or Miledy if they needed it", which improves their survival chances. I would have liked to get him some WEXP but I reckon he can squeeze out the remaining 8 or 9 kills to reach A Tomes in Sacae and 21.

Lalum has very little to contribute too considering she has to hang back to recruit Percival, and the dance on Tate is entirely uneccessary - just extra EXP. I guess in theory that's another empty turn for her to be able to use defensive boosters if something comes up later and I need to revise. Speaking of boosters, I sold lots of junk with Marcus, Zealot and Cecilia, with Cecilia buying 2 Door Keys, a Chest Key and a Torch for later.

[spoiler=EP Stats]
Across Turns 1 to 3
Lilina 34 HP
49 Hit 5 Dmg
42 Hit 7 Dmg
22 Hit 6 Dmg
19 Hit 5 Dmg
33 Hit 4 Dmg
22 Hit 6 Dmg
46 Hit 0 Dmg

45 Hit 5 Dmg
20 Hit 1 Dmg
43 Hit 11 Dmg

46 Hit 4 Dmg
60 Hit 5 Dmg

Miledy 44 HP
47 Hit 15 Dmg
48 Hit 11 Dmg
33 Hit 5 Dmg
50 Hit 3 Dmg

60 Hit 7 Dmg
41 Hit 6 Dmg
39 Hit 5 Dmg
44 Hit 10 Dmg

69 Hit 4 Dmg
38 Hit 10 Dmg

[spoiler=Large RN Burns]Turn 2
Shanna Arrow R6U4 Cycle (ULRDx140)
Tate Arrow R4U3 Cycle (ULRDx38)

Turn 3
Tate Arrow R4U3 Cycle (ULRDx82)

Turn 4
Shanna Arrow R6U4 Cycle (ULRDx175)

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4 Turns.

BONUS COMMENTARY FOR A COOL CLEAR. All recruitables, Berserk and Rescue Staves, Hero and Knight Crests, Brave Lance and Bolting (plus Red Gem) get!

I did the commentary in one take and had to speak fast to cram stuff in, so I'm sorry if I'm not legible. I covered most of the important points in the video, and anything I missed out is in annotations, so I'll just provide stats.

[spoiler=Combat Stats for Units with Chance of Death]
Percival 51 Hp
37 Hit 32 Dmg x2
45 Hit 6 Dmg
46 Hit 17 Dmg

Roy 32 Hp
58 Hit 9 Dmg
45 Hit 11 Dmg
53 Hit 9 Dmg
31 Hit 5 Dmg
43 Hit 7 Dmg
41 Hit 11 Dmg
19 Hit 8 Dmg
39 Hit 11 Dmg

Note that the Purge Bishop may choose to attack targets other than Roy depending on damage taken by other units. If Roy had more HP on EP 3 then the Bishop would have attacked Hugh.

Zealot 36 Hp
65 Hit 21 Dmg 1 Crit x2

Marcus 35 Hp
100 Hit 28 Dmg 5 Crit

Saul 39 Hp
24 Hit 13 Dmg 20 Crit

Igrene 32 Hp
47 Hit 23 Dmg x2 (Purge Bishop will attack her if she takes a hit @ 69 Hit 15 Dmg)

[spoiler=Large RN Burns]Turn 1
Miledy Arrow L5U3 Cycle(URLDx112)
Miledy Arrow L5U3 Cycle(URLDx90)

Turn 4
Cecilia Arrow U6R2 Cycle(RDULx41)
Cecilia Arrow U6R2 Cycle(RDULx419)

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Fixing all parts I had to hack an extra weapon due to lack of foresight/redistributing weapon uses accordingly, optimising the speed of RN burns, removing perfect levels for units I know it won't matter for.

I would like to save on Barrier Staff uses too since it turned out using all of it early on with Saul was not neccessary to reach the 14x benchmarks, but this is a huge amount of work due to it messing with levelup timing for Saul forever, and Chapter 11 Arena rigging can stick it where the sun don't shine. I also don't think it makes a difference anywhere anyway besides marginally improving Roy's survival chances, such as on this map. (goes from 20% or so Chance of Death to 0%)

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2 Turns.

Apparently Bolting is also good for getting Lilina more EXP. The enemy AI won't Berserk targets who have no usable weapons in their inventory, so it's possible to Warp all the way up there without getting statused, using Roy as a trade buffer to get the Bosskiller their weapon on Turn 2. Once again, there are more reliable options for a Bosskill (Sue@Bravebow being the most reliable option, with roughly 35% CoS), but the EXP is better spent on units like Miledy or Percival. Percival however has to Crit AND Hit a dodgy boss (20 Luck is no fun) wheras Miledy can just oneshot with a crit, so she's prefferable.

I made some edits to the playthrough. In Chapter 14, Alan kills a Hero instead of a Bishop for more EXP. This means he levels up in Chapter 15 after killing an Archer on Turn 3. In Chapter 16, he chips the Dragon with an Iron Sword (doubling) for Lilina to kill with Aircalibur instead of Forblaze, and Marcus is rescuedropped forward to open the Chest instead of Alan. This results in an Alan at level 6.23 instead of 5.92 (and Marcus is back at 4.71). The way the RNs work out this affects precisely nothing in any of the Chapters up till now (Alan's levelup in 15 is conveniently before Lilina's EP levelup RN string), but there is a slight disrepancy now in terms of WEXP. However this shouldn't matter given how fast the rest of the game is going to go. I did hack the weapon uses to what they should be now however.

Additionally I hacked the Body Ring bonus off Shanna and placed it back in the convoy, as upon some further examination it turns out I don't need her to double Monke in Chapter 18 at all - Instead I can just Brave Lance chip him down for Lilina to take the kill with Bolting;extremely helpful for her EXP gain.

[spoiler=EP Stats]
These are somewhat difficult to express because the way the enemies can choose to attack depends on who gets hit. The chance of death is not particulary bad though since Roy is roughly 3HKO'd by most combinations @40~disp hit and Miledy is 2HKO'd by any combination involving the Aircalibur Sage @50~60 disp hit.

32 105
27 102
25 94
25 96
28(44) 116

46/6 53
32/14 61

[spoiler=Large RN Burns]
Turn 2
Alan Arrow L5D3 Cycle (DRLUx790) L1U1

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It's probably too late to warrant looking into this, but... I wonder if a 4 turn clear of Chapter 2 is possible (with extreme RNG abuse, probably significantly more than what you incorporate in your playthrough)?

The idea being roughly as follows:

Turn 1: Use the usual cav+Bors rescue drop to get Javelin!Marcus onto the fort, and have someone (Wolt) rescue Roy.

Turn 2: Have one of your cavs take the Javelin from Marcus and clear the path forward. Wolt should give Roy to Marcus, who charges forward and gives him to Wade, who then gives Roy to Shanna. Shanna then charges up north-ish and drops Roy 10 spaces away from the gate. There are three spots available and you probably don't want the one with the forest since you'll get cramped by the ranged enemies (it might be impossible not to get cramped by them, you'll have to figure this out). Lot rescues Marcus and Dieck moves onto the fort like normal (and kills the guy if you want). RNG abuse going to be necessary on the EP to keep Roy/Shanna alive, and perhaps some crits necessary to make the path not blocked.

Turn 3: Lot gives Marcus to Dieck, who gives him to Florina and maybe kills something. If you position things correctly, I think Lot can trade his Hand Axe to Wade while doing this so he can help clear a path if necessary. Roy would then move forward 5 spaces, and Shanna would drop Marcus near the boss or something.

Turn 4: I think Marcus can handle the boss with a Silver Lance crit+hit? Definitely a double crit would work. Wade/Dieck/Shanna help clean up and Roy gets to the gate... hopefully?

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Unless your plan somehow gets Shanna 2 levels worth of EXP then a turn is subsequently lost on Chapter 3 because the Archer won't attack Merlinus instead of her.

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I have no idea how much EXP she would get (it would depend on how many crit-kills you are able to feed her), but even if she did, I doubt you would be able to rig the +2 def (10% growth each time) on top of everything else unless you get lucky and manage to get the levels on PP.

Why does this matter though? Can you not just rig a dodge? If you're worried about the archer blocking the way, it looks like you can still have Lance kill the soldier and Marcus kill the archer (rig a crit if necessary) before Allen rescues him from above. I feel like I'm missing something but not sure what it is.

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The problem is to do with the fact that the Archer attacks from Up Right, not above. However upon some further examination I can solve that by buying another Javelin for Lance, since that lets him kill the Soldier in the way to make sure Marcus can kill the Archer from a tile Alan can rescue him on whilst still fullmoving towards the throne. (Or Shanna can Slim Lance crit the Soldier I guess)

I'm looking more at the Chapter 2 strat instead now. So basically Roy and Shanna have to somehow survive the entire mob of enemies at base level and kill most of them in order to actually allow him to move forward 5 tiles? I really don't see how the area can be cleared out. Shanna doesn't even ORKO fighters with a double Slim Lance crit. I think the Boss Area Archer will get in the way as well.

EDIT: lol Roy is so bad he can't oneshot the Fighters with a Rapier crit either. I don't think this is possible on HM.

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On NM you don't have to go through this spiel to 4 turn it since a level 3 Roy can Rapier hit+crit the boss. From some RNG hacking (a la beamcrash), I think I have some evidence that it still might be possible on HM, though it is unclear to me. I'll post a screenshot and edit an explanation into this post in the next 15 minutes or so.

From preliminary testing via hacking, the following position should be reachable at the start of turn 3:


Here Shanna has the Javelin equipped so she can crit+kill soldiers (except for the one with 3 luck, who survives). Lot should be carrying Marcus, and ignore Wolt in this screenshot; he shouldn't be there. At first it looks like there is no good way to clear the path to Roy and get Marcus forward. However, I think there actually might be:

Turn 3: Lot gives Marcus to Dieck, trades some axes to Wade maybe. Wade kills the guy on Shanna's left (if she crit him, this should be doable with the Steel Axe). Then Shanna flies around and clears the path for Roy (with the Javelin again most likely, but maybe not). Roy advances forward, and Dieck charges up and drops Marcus forward, which puts him just in range of reaching the boss on turn 4 as long as no one is in his way ( a big if).

Based on the given screenshot, this is wrong since Shanna can't move around to clear Roy's path if only the guy on the left dies, but by having Lot attack with the Hand Axe after giving Marcus to Dieck and then having Wade take the Hand Axe from above to kill the soldier you should be OK.

Turn 3 EP: Assuming Shanna is injured and Roy is not, everyone should after her, and that means that everyone who also attacked her on turn 1 can potentially die here if critted at least once on either turn. I just realized this screenshot doesn't show everything, but there are 3 more enemies up above (archer, merc, and fighter). If they can get cleared on the next turn, things should be good?

Turn 4: Marcus has to crit kill the boss and Roy has to seize. Maybe there are still a couple of enemies in Marcus' path. Shanna+Dieck+Wade should be able to clear them out (with crits if necessary)

So maybe doable? I don't know. This is even worse RNG wise than the the proposed 3-turn clear of Chapter 1. Here is the other half of the map on the screenshot, btw


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Lol, you're right. I dropped him off in the wrong spot and forgot to change that (should be north instead of east). I'll try this again and see how it goes.

Never mind, this is impossible. You can't get the merc to move from his spot since the fighters will always survive, so Roy won't be able to make it to the throne. Well, that's a relief I guess!

EDIT: The counter to this, however, is that if you rig the enemy stats in Chapter 1, you can get the fighters to spawn with 2 Def and <=27 HP, which means Roy can OHKO them with Rapier crits... so at the expense of EXP to Alan/Lance, you can probably get Roy close to level 3 here... maybe that will let him kill fighters in Chapter 2? Idk

EDIT 2: In fact, assuming you rig the stats for the nearest ones, you can actually get Roy's EXP significantly higher my having Alan+Marcus rescue drop-him all over the map. You should be able to get him to at least level 3, if not level 4 by the end of Chapter 1 via this process, and I believe level 4 gives him enough Str to one-shot the Chapter 2 fighters with crits. This does mean Alan will get like 0 EXP though (Lance might still be able to get some), so I don't know if you would want to do this. Seems like more trouble than it's worth tbh.

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Alan not getting EXP is definitely not worth it. He has to proc some skill to pull crit for the 5 turn in Chapter 3.

EDIT: Okay I guess you might be able to rig one of the fighters to 1 or 0 luck so he has displayed crit at base, but you also need to rig their HP/Def to be low enough for a crit to oneshot, and have the boss ORKOable by Marcus.

Alan losing EXP probably means he can't ORKO Soldiers in Chapter 6 though, which means he can't get to the Strength required to ORKO the Chapter 7 boss (although Marcus can critkill Devias but that means I can't get Barrier which hurts Saul's EXP a lot). Maybe he can be fed the Chapter 4 Bosskill to try to alleviate that, but then Shanna may have problems reaching benchmarks for the Henning bosskill or her general "able to kill things" status in the next few chapters which helps her get there.

I think also there are problems to note for getting Alan enough Sword Rank to use the Armorslayer in Chapter 7 on the Armorknight on the left too. He was already just barely on the dot for achieving it and there aren't many more opportunities to increase Sword Rank.

Basically if it is possible, Chapters 1 to 8x probably need to be redone entirely, and frankly I'm not terribly interested in a "Roy critkills everything" Chapter 1 that also has to have all the Enemy Fighters rigged to be low on HP/Def. And even if it is possible, it seems like it would hurt TCs later.

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Yeah I agree, definitely not worth incorporating as it's too sketchy (I don't like scumming for enemy stats). No chance of getting Alan/Lance to that benchmark (especially as they'll be missing out on a ton of the Chapter 2 EXP as well, though I suppose you could have one of them swing their sword around the remnant enemies that Marcus leaves behind)

Just fyi, note that not all of the fighters need to have rigged low HP/Def; only the closest three, since Roy will get 90 EXP from crit-killing the 3 of them, and then he can level up by attacking the archer before he gets rescue-dropped further up the map. After that he'll be able to handle even the 3 Def ones.

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Just another thought before throwing out the idea of a 4-turn clear of Chapter 2 entirely:

What if, instead of having Shanna drop Roy forward on turn 2, you have her drop Alan forward? He's strong enough to crit-kill all the fighters with one Str proc, so he should be able to clear a path to the boss on the EP. You could use a rescue chain to ferry Roy forward on turn 3 via Wolt --> Lance --> Wade --> Shanna/Allen, while you have Lot --> Dieck --> Allen/Shanna bringing Marcus forward as well in order to get the boss kill.

Haven't put too much thought into this, but perhaps it is worth looking into?


Turn 2 screenshot: Wolt carrying Roy, Lot carrying Marcus, and Shanna carrying Alan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I discussed the aforementioned 4 turn with ruadath in PM; suffice to say it does look like it can actually happen if Alan is dropped instead of Roy. I'll leave the finer details for him to explain if he ever wishes to, but I've decided not to implement the strategy into the eventual v2 of this run, as it requires a pretty ridiculous amount of rigging (sub 1% enemy phase stuff on two turns) to get units to all survive and crits to occur. Whilst it's true that the kinds of levelups I've rigged are certainly comparablely unlikely, and there have been a few 1% crits here and there when required, I'm personally uncomfortable with rigging survival chances that are that bad - in fact I'm pretty sure there have been no instances of such extremely high chances of death across the run so far; Even the Chapter 7 case with Merlinus didn't require him to survive, as he just had to distract a few enemies and die for things to work out. Effectively, player phase manipulation is sort of unlimited in potential due to the actions not neccessarily happening in sequence, wheras enemy phase manipulation is extremely hazardous due to the random amount of RNs that can be burnt depending on how they decide to move.

It's no surprise either that such a change would result in practically every levelup timing across the entire game to be changed, which is a tremendous amount of work. I am also slightly skeptical about whether or not particular benchmarks for Alan and Shanna could still be met with due to the shortfall in EXP, at least without having to resort to rigging even more 1% crits, but I could very well be wrong about that.

Anyway here's Chapter 17.

2 Turns.

Credit to beamcrash for the excellent 2 turn strategy.

The only reason this upload took a while was because of the stupid arena. Rigging enemies that actually gives a decent amount of money and EXP that is still beatable is pretty annoying. Alan doesn't get to have a round in the arena because Tate's got better things to do than rescue Percival off the arena; getting the Tiena Staff results in more money than Alan can generate whilst fighting. Too bad!

Roy is strong enough to ORKO these Cavaliers so he didn't need to crit, although any perceptive viewers would have noticed he took the Cav to half HP.

Large RN Burns
Turn 1
Shanna Arrow L6U4 Cycle(URLDx73)

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