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Elibean Nights


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Well, it's undeniably one of the most ambitious hacking projects ever made, and realistically, it pretty much was completed. I remember this being seemingly one patch from completion for years, but objective creep is real. But, hey, almost everything that was going to be added did get added. I haven't actually played EN for years, but I doubt the standard got any lower for new content.

The community was definitely toxic as hell back when I was a part of it. It's a shame things haven't improved. Helpful reminder that the Report button is everyone's friend...

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Wow, first time hearing it's been canceled. A shame since I really did love Elibean Nights from what I played back in the day and always wanted to go back and play through it properly.

That said, it did basically seem to be done. I think the stuff that was left was mostly polishing and bonus content as I think the core chapters were there, but I haven't kept up with it for years.

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"I just don’t feel that it would be appreciated in the way that I would want people to appreciate it."

That's kind of dumb actually the word dumb is quite rude and too strong it's really just a bit silly. If you want people to appreciate something, you make it appreciable.

To quit working on a basically-complete hack, though? That's not a terrible upset.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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On 10/2/2019 at 10:25 PM, Kruggov said:

And this is why I hate Mangs.

I’m not sure if you’re joking or not here but blaming me for this hack being cancelled is just stupid. I featured this hack on my channel in its entirety and was largely positive about it. I made a 50-minute video where I talked a lot about the hack and offered suggestions on how to make it better.

I did get into an argument with Arch over a few of my criticisms, but we later made up and have been on good footing ever since. Arch even asked me to contribute to this years FEE3, something I don’t think he’d do if he disliked me.

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Hey everyone, Arch here. I am locked out of my account because I can never remember the e-mail address that I used to register on this website over a decade ago. I really don't care enough to figure it out because nothing ever happens here that I feel compelled to pay attention to anyways (FEU OP).

On 10/9/2019 at 7:42 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

That's kind of dumb actually the word dumb is quite rude and too strong it's really just a bit silly. If you want people to appreciate something, you make it appreciable.

I feel like you don't really understand the context of what I'm talking about, you're just cherry-picking one sentences and calling it dumb (which yes, is rude--which since you seem to be aware of that fact, it seems kind of dumb to still post it).

What I'm talking about is that the technological development has made Elibean Nights somewhat obsolete in today's hacking scene. The design principles that I focused the project on are things that do not seem to translate well with the "modern" (read: Awakening/Fates babies) audience that plays hacks these days. And quite frankly, it gets really tiring listening to all of these entitled twats regurgitating "hack bad hack bad" (some without ever even playing it), complaining about graphics, making jokes about how it will never be finished, etc. It feels like the community has somewhat passed me by. That's ok, it's actually something that I'm proud of after all of the years that I've spent helping organize and encourage that progress. But it's difficult to find motivation to continue working on something when the general attitude surrounding the project is so degrading.

If you're insinuating that I just did not try hard enough, then I would kindly ask you to please fuck off. Thank you. I'm not going to rebuild the game from the ground up (again) to incorporate all of the modern features and design principles that hacks these days implement. I've put enough effort, love, dedication, and time into the project as it is.

6 hours ago, Mangs said:

I did get into an argument with Arch over a few of my criticisms, but we later made up and have been on good footing ever since. Arch even asked me to contribute to this years FEE3, something I don’t think he’d do if he disliked me.

As far as the narrative that "Mangs killed EN," I just want to clarify that it was a combination of things and that blaming him is misguided. I will say that while I appreciate the fact that you wanted to LP Elibean Nights and I'm glad that you enjoyed the game, that the experience was a fairly negative one. That isn't really on you or directly attributable to your actions, Mangs; it was moreso the audience that made it an unpleasant experience. The level of criticism that the hack has received in general is unwarranted, in my opinion, but I felt that your commentary was by and large fair. I have no grudge about the situation, it is what it is. Although I will admit that I do enjoy making the occasional "why are there black people in Elibe???" Gaufrid joke at your expense.

Edited by Not Arch
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3 hours ago, Not Arch said:

I feel like you don't really understand the context of what I'm talking about, you're just cherry-picking one sentences and calling it dumb (which yes, is rude--which since you seem to be aware of that fact, it seems kind of dumb to still post it).


I stand by the general idea.

(Also, I didn't get a notification for being quoted here, so I'm going to @Not Arch just in case, though that doesn't mean you have to reply if you do not feel so inclined)

3 hours ago, Not Arch said:

The design principles that I focused the project on are things that do not seem to translate well with the "modern" (read: Awakening/Fates babies) audience that plays hacks these days. And quite frankly, it gets really tiring listening to all of these entitled twats regurgitating "hack bad hack bad" (some without ever even playing it), complaining about graphics, making jokes about how it will never be finished, etc. It feels like the community has somewhat passed me by. That's ok, it's actually something that I'm proud of after all of the years that I've spent helping organize and encourage that progress. But it's difficult to find motivation to continue working on something when the general attitude surrounding the project is so degrading.

If you're insinuating that I just did not try hard enough, then I would kindly ask you to please fuck off. Thank you. I'm not going to rebuild the game from the ground up (again) to incorporate all of the modern features and design principles that hacks these days implement. I've put enough effort, love, dedication, and time into the project as it is.

As far as the narrative that "Mangs killed EN," I just want to clarify that it was a combination of things and that blaming him is misguided. I will say that while I appreciate the fact that you wanted to LP Elibean Nights and I'm glad that you enjoyed the game, that the experience was a fairly negative one. That isn't really on you or directly attributable to your actions, Mangs; it was moreso the audience that made it an unpleasant experience. The level of criticism that the hack has received in general is unwarranted, in my opinion, but I felt that your commentary was by and large fair. I have no grudge about the situation, it is what it is. Although I will admit that I do enjoy making the occasional "why are there black people in Elibe???" Gaufrid joke at your expense.


So, here's my perspective.
If people not liking something discourages you from making it, it wasn't all that important to you that it got made.
Also, by putting the project out there, you inherently offer it up for criticism. Whether or not you agree with that criticism is one thing, but you don't have much ground to be upset if people don't like it or make memes about it.

Also, I do feel it somewhat in poor taste to call me rude for criticizing that mentality, but in your own post calling people "Awakening/Fates babies," "entitled twats," and telling me to "fuck off." This, in addition to reacting in a silly manner to the existence of criticism of your game, is in rather poor taste.

Now look, I'm not really a fan of Awakening and Fates and I don't mean to imply that all criticism of your hack is valid criticism. However, putting effort into something does not elevate above criticism. I'm sure the bad press is discouraging, but blaming it for your decision (which is to say, the decision that you and not your critical audience made) to quit the project is still dumb.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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13 hours ago, Mangs said:

I’m not sure if you’re joking or not here but blaming me for this hack being cancelled is just stupid. I featured this hack on my channel in its entirety and was largely positive about it. I made a 50-minute video where I talked a lot about the hack and offered suggestions on how to make it better.

I did get into an argument with Arch over a few of my criticisms, but we later made up and have been on good footing ever since. Arch even asked me to contribute to this years FEE3, something I don’t think he’d do if he disliked me.

Alright, thanks for clarifying that. Still wish you had less memes on your channel, but it's your channel.


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